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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    So we are going for a fighter-carrying battlecruiser. I think we can work with that


      Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
      So we are going for a fighter-carrying battlecruiser. I think we can work with that
      Isn't that like putting all your eggs in one basket? Seems like a bad idea to me.


        Boberth, I was wondering, is you Atlantia design available for a possible race?

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          Originally posted by locutes View Post
          Boberth, I was wondering, is you Atlantia design available for a possible race?
          It could be, but we would be mixing scifi shows.


            not nessicerally, it is just a model, the specs and all can be modified to be Gate, but I was considering making the Flashdrive part of the ship.

            I was thinking of a race of wanderers, a race that escaped the Goa'uld and now survives as a nomad group of humans, yet advanced nomads. I was not even thinking of humans but a humanoid species, but humans can be too.

            A culture of people completely not using Ancient/Goa'uld/Asgard and such tech, but actually having got tech comepletely different. Energy weapon resistant armour but no shields, no energy weapon tech ether. Indead it would be heavily BSG inspired but not BSG per se


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              Originally posted by locutes View Post
              not nessicerally, it is just a model, the specs and all can be modified to be Gate, but I was considering making the Flashdrive part of the ship.

              I was thinking of a race of wanderers, a race that escaped the Goa'uld and now survives as a nomad group of humans, yet advanced nomads. I was not even thinking of humans but a humanoid species, but humans can be too.

              A culture of people completely not using Ancient/Goa'uld/Asgard and such tech, but actually having got tech comepletely different. Energy weapon resistant armour but no shields, no energy weapon tech ether. Indead it would be heavily BSG inspired but not BSG per se
              If you go with that I would think they would have evolved in the Pegasus galaxy. The heavy amour and kinetic weapons as a response to the Wraith's heavy amour and energy weapons.


                perhaps a natural wormhole or a subspace anomaly made their jump drives malfunction and send them into the milkyway galaxy

                And they would need anti fightercraft to defend against the wraith, thus they'd have fighters like in BSG too.

                And as to what they would have I would even think of jump capable infrastructure. Like mining vessels, hospital ships, drydocks that can jump, perhaps a small station like the hub in bsg. So no fixed stuff, but really having it all being mobile.


                I persoanlly also like the lowtech idea, so having them be early Coldwar like in terms of their computer tech, yet they have got flashdrive and use a form of fission aided by some super conductive, but less potent stuff then Naquadah in their fission reactors.
                Last edited by locutes; 19 July 2010, 09:55 AM.


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                  I disagree on the fighter point. Because the Wraith can swarm thousands of fighters, anyone fighting them would shy away from their own fighters (which would simply be owned) and more towards BSG-style flak-screens.

                  The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                    true, but they would still need some sort of fighters to aid them in detecting their enemy, protecting their inter fleet transports, protect transports filled with important people, besides if the fighters have got missiles like 302s they could do allot of damage to a hive if they get close. Besides in BSG one sees the vipers going up against overwhelming amounts of enemy fighters. Even we launch our 302s against the wraith when we would be even more out numbered.


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                      In theory each pod, the Atlantia's got 4 I believe could possibly mount up to a hundred fighters.


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                        2 pods, 4 flight decks


                          the flight decks are loose enough for me to believe that 400 fighters would be launchable per ship, having a fleet comprised of half a million or something they'd have a few warships like them and their jumpable bases would I think have a few fighters of their own, perhaps 1400 fighters in that fleet total? That would allow for a rather useful amount.


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            hey guys I have tried to start from the begening but that was to long so I have been trying to read a few pages back, a lot of good ideas in here and would it be alright if I voted for the cruiser because reading the specs you guys have some great ideas for ships I can't wait for the next round


                              Originally posted by the-alguroan View Post
                              I like that part of ship, though it seems like it be annoying to put on a ship, especially if it gets damaged i can only imagine what the engineers are gonna be like when it docks in and the commanding officer tells them to repair it.
                              Why is that? The armor would be fitted as square "scales" that can be lifted out and replaced if damaged. And they would cost next to nothing because their production is in the UNEF's hands and involves nothing more than programing one of our remaining Asgard beaming systems to teleport square chunks out of a black dwarf.

                              Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                              That hull was one of the major reasons I voted for 'killman's instead of yours, PJOZ. It seems enormously impractical.
                              Impractical in what way?

                              Originally posted by Weedle View Post
                              Titanium/Incalloy/Trinium alloy matrix warhull

                              With that you don't need the Diamond skin. Nothing would get through that.
                              (“Demon Skin” Diamond Battle Plating )
                              Unless I'm mistaken, the warhull is the ship's exoskeleton, it handles the bulk of the structural stress and makes up the bulk of the ship's radiation shielding due to the naqudah content. The problem is that naqudah has a tendency to explode when subjected to the energies encased in a plasma bolt, while diamond will "only" ablate.

                              Originally posted by locutes View Post
                              I do not mean it against PJ at all, I just think it would be the fairest. Also if one would ask if it'd be to get my way, my way is to get the best ship into the fleet.
                              Well why don't we hold a round two of voting, with the two or three closest contestants being the only ones eligible? That way, people pick the best one out of the top two or three.

                              Originally posted by locutes View Post
                              yea lol
                              20/20 Hindsight. We'll know for next time.

                              PS. Can anyone give me a link to the fighters that were voted one? I want to be ready for the gunship vote.


                                I was thinking of a race of wanderers, a race that escaped the Goa'uld and now survives as a nomad group of humans, yet advanced nomads. I was not even thinking of humans but a humanoid species, but humans can be too.

                                A culture of people completely not using Ancient/Goa'uld/Asgard and such tech, but actually having got tech comepletely different. Energy weapon resistant armour but no shields, no energy weapon tech ether. Indead it would be heavily BSG inspired but not BSG per se
                                MIND READER!

                                i had a similar idea. but i never posted it. i guess great minds think alike.

                                If you go with that I would think they would have evolved in the Pegasus galaxy. The heavy amour and kinetic weapons as a response to the Wraith's heavy amour and energy weapons.
                                nah no need for. the MW is sufficiently big to be advanced yet without ever hearing anything of the goauld.

                                I persoanlly also like the lowtech idea, so having them be early Coldwar like in terms of their computer tech, yet they have got flashdrive and use a form of fission aided by some super conductive, but less potent stuff then Naquadah in their fission reactors.
                                BSG's ships (the Galactica) was low tech because high-tech was easily jammed and defeated by cylons. galactica is what happens when a high-tech race builds low-tech. imagine it like making a bow, but then from modern materials.

                                i think this race would think the same. given the constant breakdown of advanced stuff, they'd build inferior stuff but with highly superior materials and knowledge,

                                true, but they would still need some sort of fighters to aid them in detecting their enemy, protecting their inter fleet transports, protect transports filled with important people, besides if the fighters have got missiles like 302s they could do allot of damage to a hive if they get close. Besides in BSG one sees the vipers going up against overwhelming amounts of enemy fighters. Even we launch our 302s against the wraith when we would be even more out numbered.
                                different battle dynamics. fighters keep the flak shield buisy so missiles can leak through.
                                the flight decks are loose enough for me to believe that 400 fighters would be launchable per ship, having a fleet comprised of half a million or something they'd have a few warships like them and their jumpable bases would I think have a few fighters of their own, perhaps 1400 fighters in that fleet total? That would allow for a rather useful amount.
                                i'd go for somewhat bigger ships, say the 30m range. each is jam packed with missiles and PD guns, and a single high-energy nuke. goal: reach the hive. the CIWS systems are constantly buisy to blow closeby darts to hell. Fighters further occupy the darts.

                                i'd go for big ships (between 1 and 2 Km) and big "space stations" (like BSG, where such things are actually MOBILE), of 2-4 Km.

                                designed as a contingency plan should their planet fall/become uninhabitable/etc.

