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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    But warheads must be on missiles, which can be rather easily (show-wise) intercepted.

    I believe MT is the highest, but consider how much power you'll have to devote to that one weapon. The Ha'taks have reactors that occupy multiple stories in order to power themselves. Naquadriah might help, but I would advise a variable-strength weapon that can reach MT levels, but normally goes for several hundred kT.

    Either that or have 300 m of your 600 m length devoted to power generation.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Got that down, a volume of 1320m cubed?
      Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


        Sorry, where'd that come from? I'm lost.

        Is that the actual area you'd get by devoting half your ship to power generation? I was actually just joking about that.

        Although, given crew requirements, it might not be a half bad idea . . . but there will be a big boom if somebody hits that thing.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          The plasma cannon I've got in mind is 260mL and 60m in diametre. But there's a dedicated generator for each/it. I'm thinking Excaliber with this ship btw. (I'm working on a peice of paper with what I'd like the ship to basically look like :L) The thing is a weird shape so its kind of like 2(5mL x 1mW X 3mH) then 6mL x 2mW x 3mH. That comes up like this to me: 300+300+720=1320m cubed.

          EDIT: I'm working with squared paper. Each square is 20m.
          Last edited by Experiment 442; 25 June 2010, 01:27 PM.
          Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


            I'm confused.

            But it's your design, so luckily I don't have to understand all the details. Just one thing; a big plasma cannon pointing in one direction has the same weakness as the Ori ships: crappy area control. A one-system multi-emitter weapon like Anubis's superweapon is more effective.

            One point: right now we're submitting generic specs. Details will come with the model, which we'll give the guys in the Modeling Challenge thread a chance to work on. I'm not sure if you're planning for a model or for specs, but I figured I'd go ahead and explain anyway.

            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


              But its a big gun, whats not to like? :L

              Thanks for clearing it up.
              Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                when are we voteing


                  I say submissions are open until Monday, and we vote Tuesday.

                  (To clarify again; this is for generic specs for the Battleship.)

                  The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                    the ori mothership is an incredibly weak ship because it's main gun is incredibly limited and it's turning speed is incredibly low. a ship staying at it's back and firing will survive easily. in fact, hovering above or under the "powercore" thingy gives you the least amount of weapons to cope with.

                    a supermassive main gun brings many problems including but not limited to:

                    -cooling. even though in SG there seem to be some kind of magicoolers, more energy means more magicoolers meaning more systems meaning more power needed for the magicoolers.

                    -power. naquahdah is expensive, naquahdriah even more so. even at a cost of like 5 cents per 10 MWH, we're talking about something so big it would require 95% of the ship's power. if that thing fails, you are left with an incredible amount of unused power.

                    -failure. a system that big can be easily disabled, and considering the way of warfare in Stargate, your supergun will be the first to fail

                    -repair. that's not gonna be easy no matter what.

                    -building that thing will be a pain in the ass

                    -structural integrity when it fires will require many extra systems.

                    -coverage. a weapon that big is fixed (has to be) and thus has an incredibly small coverage. additionally the engines required to turn that thing would be incredible.

                    so all in all, it's not worth it.

                    i think it's better to use capital plasma guns only for the BB, alongside a broad armament of other weapons.

                    Plasma cannon it is then. Are we measuring in mt or kt for weapons?
                    depends on the size.
                    That can't be intercepted? A plasma cannon hooked up to as many naquadah generators as you can get your hands on. If you think about it, the only limiter is how much power you have (and whether or not the emitter can handle it all).
                    aschen can intercept plasma and ion weapons.

                    the only uninterceptable weapon is a particle beam. oh wait, the Aschen have those

                    Ship: BB500

                    Name : Relentless Class

                    Costs: 200 billion (about)
                    It's the BB-310. that's already decided

                    second, 200 billion is cheap.
                    the superstructure is a titanium ceramic composite
                    i'm not sure but a ceramic makes a VERY poor material for a superstructure. i'd go with a metal-polymer composite.

                    Shield: one tri layer shield unlike normal shield were it forms a solid wall this ships shields has 3 layers that take turns being on top and allows the ship it stay in battle a lot longer than anyone using normal shields the shield are made from the combinations of human and Goauld shield technology meaning something stronger that a sanded ha’tak
                    not sure this is possible...
                    Last edited by thekillman; 26 June 2010, 01:18 AM.


                      OK final Entry for me:

                      BB-310 (no idea for a good naming system)


                      costs: (estimate)
                      250 Billion. (150 Billion accounted for, 100 billion of additional costs like computer systems etc)

                      Production Capacity:
                      (1 per 4 years)

                      approx. 600 meters in lenght (nearly twice a deadalus *350 meters*), some 80 high and some 200 meters wide.

                      Crew: 400

                      1x naquahdriah powerplant (Rush' proof allows safe extraction of energy)
                      6x Mark I naquahdah generator for basic power should the Powerplant fail.

                      Shields: (800MT/s, total buffer size =3GT of energy)
                      shields are human design (no matter what we shouldn't be able to reproduce asgard technology), the BB's shield strenght is that of a deadalus class (around launch time, not after upgrades) (including Mckay's shield improvements and years of research)
                      there are 2 generators present to ensure maximum integrity: "forward" and "aft" shield generators.

                      the ship's hull is made of a titanium-steel alloy plating (70% of the alloy), with an additional 30% consisting of other elements added in the mix. exact composition varies depending on the location. hull plating near critical systems has an additional 10% naquahdah, 15% trinium mixed in.
                      this hull can withstand a maximum of 150KT per square meter before critical systems are damaged.

                      the ship's skeleton is made of trinium-titanium-aluminium alloys. (approx. 20-40-40), creating a lightweight-highstrenght skeleton.

                      because of the size and layout, along with the most recent technological advancements, the BB-310 is MUCH more resistant to leak-through damage. though it still occurs, most of the damage is stopped by the armor and protective systems.

                      the BB's engines are a magnetoplasma drive, similar to the VASIMR. additonally a low-end Inertialess drive system, similar to the one on the BC-304, allows the ship to hover and allows precise maneuvering.
                      orbit is achieved in 41 seconds.

                      the BB's weaponry is extensive, because it is a dedicated warship.

                      -1 Bomb Bay. similar to the Apollo's Bomb Bay, this room can house Horizons and it can deploy custom weapons, sattelites, and if necessary it can carry Jumpers, Tel'tak etc.

                      -16 ELS (electromagnetic Launch System) Missile Tubes. 4 forward aimed. (can launch various missiles with various warheads.)

                      -8x Mk VIII(50GT) (for forward missile tubes)

                      -84x Mk VI(1GT) (regular missile barrage)

                      -18x Tau'ri Plasma Pulse Turret (2 cannons per turret, includes sensor array and targeting computer).(240KT per shot, 1 shot per 3 seconds = 80KT/s)

                      -12x Goalkeeper CIWS (modified for space). each has it's own sensor pod, so they stay operable all the time. additionally, 1 Mark I generator powers 4 CIWS turrets.

                      -22x 111MJ Railgun. sufficient ammo to allow all guns to fire 10 minutes.

                      the BB-310 comes with earth's newest generation of Hyperdrives, based upon all hyperdrive technology and knowledge gathered over the years. at 60LY/min, it's the fastest human hyperdrive available (compare: the Deadalus had (intergalactic) hyperdrive speeds of 2 LY/s, or 120 LY/min).

                      the BB uses not one but two hyperdrives: one situated in the back and one in the front. although only one is necessary to achieve hyperspace travel, both are required to achieve maximum speed.

                      these are intergalactic speeds, evidence suggests the speeds within the galaxy will be slower (for the Deadalus, galactic speeds appear to be 7 Ly/min *Midway: the trip to the MW via gate chain is 1/5th approx. of the diameter, or 20 000 LY's. the deadalus at the edge of the galaxy takes 2 days to reach the SGC, thus it needs to travel 10 000 Ly's per day, or 7 Ly's per minute*

                      additonally, the BB-310 uses the newest generation of crystal-optic computers. a wired network combines sensor data with data from the ship's databases for optimum handling of opponents. ships are recognised and prioritized. the ships' commander receives this data on-screen. the entire ship can be set to auto-fire, causing the computer network to target opponents according to priority. the optimum weapon for the job is chosen and fired. because of the broad array of weapons available, the BB-310 can always make the best decision: from completely destroying an enemy ship using plasma cannons and nukes, to gently depleting the shields with it's plasma cannons and disabling the ship with pinpoint-precision via it's railguns.

                      the ship carries no fighters: the Bomb Bay/multipurpose bay can retrieve and launch up to 8 F-302's (although it requires precise maneuvering), or 3 gunships, or 6 F-100's.

                      there are 6 Ring Transports for internal use. these operate similar to the atlantean transporter booths. a touchscreen displays a general outline of the ship, the user touches the right ring transport, steps in the ring, and once the sensors determine nobody's in the dangerous area, the rings activate. manual imput allows transportation to the ground. costs: (estimate)
                      additionally, the ship is equipped with 3 Asgard Beam Nodes, allowing 3 targets to be beamed simultaniously.

                      further notes:

                      -the ship is equipped with 2 shield generators to provide maximum protection.
                      -power conduits are Superconductive Naquahdah alloys. these are placed deep inside the ship behind seperate ceramic panels. the conduits are placed in perfect vacuum.

                      -the naquahdriah generator produces 1.2 GT of energy per second. it'll burn up several kilo's of naquahdriah in this state, but it will be able to power the shields continuously. the powerplant has a variable output for every situation. under normal power, the ship can operate for decades. hyperspace travel requires 60% of the full power output, the weapons only 12% and the shield requires 66%. Several tonnes of naquahdriah are present on the ship to produce sufficient power during battle, while only a few kilo's of naquahdah are present at any time. the fuel is placed within thick lead-alloy boxes. this prevents a fuel chain reaction.

                      costs and firepower:


                      Shield: approx. 76 billion $
                      Hull: 4.8 million
                      ammo: 1430 million
                      Engines: 1 billion
                      Hyperdrive: 1 billion
                      reactor: 25 billion
                      Mark I generators: 30 million
                      Rings: 6 billion
                      targeting systems: 4 billion
                      sensors; 10 billion
                      asgard transporter nodes: 18 billion
                      Mark VIII nuke: 8 billion
                      Mark VI nuke: 4 billion

                      total : 148 Billion


                      Railguns: 60 T/s (60 Tonnes of TNT per second)
                      plasma weapons: 1440 Kt/s
                      Nukes: 484 GT


                        my final entry

                        my nameing syesten is the moons of the sol syestem meaning lots of names to chose from

                        Ship: BB 310

                        Name : Luna Class

                        Costs: 200 billion

                        Time to make: 1 per 2 year

                        Power plant: naquahdriah reactor, 2 mrk 1 generators for backup

                        Size: 640L 95H 220W

                        Shield: one tri layer shield unlike normal shield were it forms a solid wall this ships shields has 3 layers that take turns being on top and allows the ship it stay in battle a lot longer than anyone using normal shields the shield are made from the combinations of human and Goauld shield technology meaning something stronger that a sanded ha’tak. The way it works is that the shield is working at the same time and when the layers change the top layer turns off momentarily and switches to the bottom

                        Hull: the hull is a Trinium ceramic composite this gives it the strength and also gives it some protection from energy weapons and allows it to fight for a short while without shield the superstructure is 90 %titanium and 10% Trinium

                        Proportion: the ship uses a modified ion drive that we got in a trade agreement with the haberdan that gives good speed for little energy waste.

                        They use a knock off Asgard hyperdrive not as fast but it is still very good and is inter galactic

                        It uses a combination of chemical and anti gravity thrusters to move of position monomers


                        A large bomb bay able to deploy horizon and a number of other payloads and systems
                        7 VLT and 7 LLT able to fire any type and size of missile

                        22 earth plasma cannons using based on a Goauld design but due to the power increases from the increased power naquahdriah reactor they are a lot stronger than their counterpart

                        16 CIWS set up for space use and on shields use

                        25 120mm Rail guns

                        Electronic warfare systems:
                        Shield is the new defenses system that instantly identifies and ranks targets on their threat level this system is under direct control of CIWS to destroy fighter it also give readouts one battle effectiveness and also give readouts of the opponent’s damage and any week spots known it will also tell you how many ships they are and what they are aiming at

                        Probe launchers the probes are programmed to fake ship signatures and to do stealth recon and to fool enemy scanners.

                        They also have a targeting system independent from shield that makes good firing solutions to allow maximum damage.

                        Other systems

                        It uses beam transporters that we have the plans form the Goauld barl left behind and from that we have been able to reproduce them they also have 4 ring transporters

                        We also used modified Goauld scanners and have subspace communications on every ship for face to face communicator there is a Goauld Long range visual communicator that is on a secure network and is entirely earth built the ship also uses a new navigational array that uses a combination of the gate address and stars and other phenomenon to work out the position even without knowing where you are by locking onto the sub space signal of a gate

                        It has 1 rear hanger that fits 1 gunship in and no fighter because its primary function is to take on any capital ships and not provide fighter support


                          Ship: BB-310

                          Name : Luna Class

                          Costs: 200 billion

                          Time to make: 1 per 2 years

                          Power plant:
                          -Naquahdriah reactor
                          -2 mark I Naquahdah generators (backup)

                          -640m Long
                          -95m High
                          -220m Wide

                          -Triple Layer Shield: Unlike normal shields, which form a solid wall, this shield has 3 layers which take turns at being on top. This allows the ship to stay in battle for a much longer duration than comparable ships using normal shields. The shield generators are made from the combination of human and Goa'uld shield technology. This makes the shield stronger than a standard-class Ha'tak.

                          -Trinium Ceramic Composite. It gives some protection against energy weapons without sacrificing strength. this allows the ship to fight without shields for a short while. The superstructure is 90% titanium and 10% Trinium.

                          -The BB-310 uses a modified ion drive that we got in a trade agreement with the Hebridans. this type of engine is energy-efficient.

                          -Chemical and Antigravity Thrusters are used for maneuvering

                          -Knock-off Asgard Intergalactic hyperdrive, not as fast but still high-quality and high-speed.


                          -A large bomb bay, which is able to deploy horizon and a number of other payloads and systems

                          -7 VLT and 7 LLT able to fire any type and size of missile

                          -22 Earth Plasma Cannons based on a Goauld design. Because of the higher energy output due to the Naquahdriah Reactor, they are considerably stronger than regular ones.

                          -16 CIWS set up for space use and on shields use

                          -25 120mm Rail guns

                          Electronic warfare systems:
                          SHIELD is the new defenses system Which instantly identifies and ranks targets based on their threat level. This system is under direct control of CIWS to destroy fighters. It also give readouts on battle effectiveness and readouts of the opponent’s damage and potential weak spots.

                          Probe launchers:
                          - the probes are programmed to fake ship signatures in order to fool enemy scanners. their purpose is Stealth Recon. They also have a targeting system independent from the SHIELD which makes good firing solutions to allow maximum damage.

                          Other systems

                          - It uses beam transporters based upon blueprints taken from the Goauld.

                          -there are 4 Ring Stations

                          -The ship also uses Modified Goauld Scanners and Subspace Communications.
                          -there is a Goauld Long Range Visual Communicator on a secure network, entire earth-built.
                          -the ship uses a new navigational array which combines gate adresses and stars and other phenomena to work out the ship's position. it can also lock on to the subspace signal of a Stargate.

                          It has 1 rear hanger for 1 Gunship and no fighters as the ship's primary function is to take on any capital ships and not provide fighter support
                          this is better


                            Killman you say you don't have a naming convention, how about we name them after famous battles (Midway, El Alimein, Normandy ect.) Or considiring they are our biggest ships, we name them after Mountains ( Everest, Olympus Mons, Kilimanjaro ect.)

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              i'd like to stick to mythology of some kind.

                              how about Heroes?

                              Odysseus, Heracles, Circe, etc etc etc.


                                I'm going with the name I had for a battleship that would of been in the later parts of 3.0 if it had finished: The Valiant.

                                Valiant class battleship – BB-310
                                -Designation: BB-310
                                -Type: Large hyperspace capable starship
                                -Role: Battleship
                                -Users: Earth and its colonies
                                -Builders: Tauri

                                -Length: 650 meters
                                -Width: 375 meters
                                -Height: 125 meters
                                -Volume: 30.5 million m3
                                -Cost: $152 billion
                                -Mass: 4.27 million tonnes

                                ~Crew: 750
                                ~Maximum Capacity: 3,000

                                -Powerplant: 3x Mk III capital Naquadah generator - $7.5 billion

                                ~ 12x Large Ion Engines - $600 million
                                ~1x Asgard hyperspace window generator - $5 billion

                                ~8x Mk I beam cannons - $320 million
                                ~24x Mk. I gatling guns - $736.5 million
                                ~8x Mk I pulse cannons - $280 million
                                ~ 18x Mk II rail guns - $837 million
                                ~ 8x Mk III rail guns - $518 million
                                ~ 36x Mk III naquadah nuclear missiles (18 silos) - $522 million
                                ~ 20x Mk IV naquadah nuclear missiles (10 silos) - $320 million
                                ~ 16x Mk VI naquadah nuclear missiles (8 silos) - $360 million
                                ~ 8x Mk VIII naquadah nuclear missiles (4 silos) - $1.36 billion

                                ~1x Mk III Asgard shield (using 2 generators for 1.2TT shield (over 15 minute battle), 1.3Gt/s) - $10 billion

                                -Additional Technology:
                                ~Asgard beaming technology - $1.5billion
                                ~ Rings - $500 million
                                ~Asgard sensors - $3 billion
                                ~ Targeting systems - $100 million

                                -Support Craft:
                                ~12x F-302 (or Equivalent) - $5.1 billion
                                Total cost: $193.55 billion
                                ~Technical and Historical Notes~

                                The Valiant class battleship is one of the most powerful ships currently in the Milky Way. It is designed to just sit in a battle and wipe out its enemies. The ship uses the most advanced technology available to the Tauri in 2025 including the knowledge we learnt from the Asgard. The total cost of the most expensive parts is $190 billion, but this doesn’t include the ship’s internal facilities such us crew quarters, infirmary, bridge, etc. So these probably add a further $10 -20 billion on top. The Valiant has two hangars that can be converted into bomb bays if required. The Valiant uses an Asgard hyperdrive with a top hyperspace speed (intergalactic) of 122 ly/min or 6 ly/min (galactic) and it has a top sublight speed of 0.45c. This means it would take 20 days to reach Atlantis from Earth, two days longer than the Daedalus. The Mk VIIIs on board are used as a last resort as they are in short supply and the ship has upto 80 missiles available to it. The shield is the same shield generator used on the Daedalus, but is overloaded by using the power of two generators to give a total power output of 1.3 Gt/s and 1.2Tts of energy over a 15 minute battle. This is 1.5 times stronger than the Daedalus shield which ran at peak efficiency for that particular shield. It can be seen that past 900Mt/s, the power efficiency of the shield drops off dramatically (an extra generator for only 50% extra shield power). At the moment there are two colonies that have the resources to build the Valiant (including Earth) and they take 3.5 years to build each one. Construction started in 2020 and so two have already been built: The Valiant and the Victory, with two others halfway through their construction. With this ship, the Tauri should be able to become the most dominant race in the Milky Way galaxy once again.
                                Last edited by Davidtourniquet; 26 June 2010, 07:35 AM.

