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Who plays RA?

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    Who plays RA?

    I have heard that RA returns for a two part episode in season 8, i am wondering who they have cast for the role. As Jay Davidson has to my knowledge retired from acting and i'm guessing his fee would be too much for teh show.

    We don't know who, but we'll never see his face. Ra will be under his mask for all of his appearances.


      Originally posted by Teal'c
      We don't know who, but we'll never see his face. Ra will be under his mask for all of his appearances.
      Maybe they'll get David Palffy back on board for another masked role.
      Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
      - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


        as far as we know, it could be PDL or JM with a mask on his head


          The original actor who play the character of Ra was Jaye Davideson but he stopped acting now.

          "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

          “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

          “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

          “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

          “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

          “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


            Is this true, season 8, I had no idea


              I think that the actor who played Ra in the movies should return.

              [Don't forget your spoiler tags guys.]

              I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
              [Revelations 22:13]


                Maybe they drew a name out of a hat. Maybe it's just some stunt guy or the pizza delivery guy lol.

                Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                  I'll tell ya in March.


                    Originally posted by rocket4477
                    I'll tell ya in March.

                    Actually we will all find out Jan 6th

                    Mobius Part One showing 6th January 2005

                    A spokeswoman at Channel Seven Brisbane told Stargate News Australia that Mobius Part One is scheduled for transmission on 6th January 2005, when I said offhandedly that Mobius Pt 1 is episode 8.19 she said "it will be episode 13 for us"

                    So we get to see the spectacular Mobius before the rest of the world - amazing, time shifting, geeky Sam and Daniel, Apophis, possibly Kawalsky, whew, too much, far out, oh nearly forgot about old Ra.

                    Last edited by OsirisDICK; 18 December 2004, 09:56 PM. Reason: more details


                      Originally posted by the_son_of_suns
                      I have heard that RA returns for a two part episode in season 8, i am wondering who they have cast for the role. As Jay Davidson has to my knowledge retired from acting and i'm guessing his fee would be too much for teh show.
                      Prolly just some unknown dude cuz Jaye Davidson won't be doing it, so since Ra is behind a mask, it won't matter. Maybe David Palffy will play him (the dude who did Anubis and Sokar).


                        Hmmm... a robot with a mask on... that'd be cool.
                        Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                        RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                        And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                          Originally posted by OsirisDICK
                          Actually we will all find out Jan 6th

                          Mobius Part One showing 6th January 2005

                          A spokeswoman at Channel Seven Brisbane told Stargate News Australia that Mobius Part One is scheduled for transmission on 6th January 2005, when I said offhandedly that Mobius Pt 1 is episode 8.19 she said "it will be episode 13 for us"

                          So we get to see the spectacular Mobius before the rest of the world - amazing, time shifting, geeky Sam and Daniel, Apophis, possibly Kawalsky, whew, too much, far out, oh nearly forgot about old Ra.

                          That makes very little sense. Why would they show the episodes out of order like that? It would be very, very confusing if the later epsiodes are all going to be interconnected like they said... Right?

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            It makes little sence, but its true. They think that Gemini has too mutch of a conection with atlantis (though i can't think of anything from what i've read). And because Oz haven't aires SGA yet, it wouldn't make sence there. But i can't understand how Moebius doesn't have a connection SGA though.
                            Andy "Chores!?! What are we, Amish?"
                            Charlene Spencer "He's gotten so precocious."
                            Citizen Joe


                              Originally posted by Butterfly-Dreamer
                              It makes little sence, but its true. They think that Gemini has too mutch of a conection with atlantis (though i can't think of anything from what i've read). And because Oz haven't aires SGA yet, it wouldn't make sence there. But i can't understand how Moebius doesn't have a connection SGA though.
                              I'm not gonna say any specific spoilers for Atlantis (okay, maybe I am), but Moebius has alot to do with Stargate Atlantis. You'll understand some more if you see the Atlantis episode Before I Sleep. It explains the
                              time travelling puddle jumper
                              that appears in Moebius, and how it gets to be on Earth... Yup.

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)

