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Stargate, revisited

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    Stargate, revisited

    So....gods above, below, and anywhere between (real or imagined) help me, I've decided to go through SG-1 again for the umpteenth time.

    I've just got done with rewatching the original movie, my DVD of it is in better shape than my SG-1 DVDs by sure A few scattered thoughts:
    • holy crap, General West is the country singer guy from TNG's 'The Neutral Zone'
    • French Stewart could not act his way out of a paper bag with holes punched in it, I'm so glad he never appeared in SG-1
    • I just love the continuity of Kusuf and Skaara appearing in this and the show

    The technology in this is pretty neat, even looking at it through today's eyes. The Stargate's first activation is really awesome looking and I just love how it looks all silvery, reflective, and casts a bright glow.

    Ra's ship still manages to look neat, it would be (have been) a nice touch of continuity if we'd seen one or two of them appear on the series too. And the staffs and blasters on the Gliders, something about them just seems so much more dangerous than they do on the show. Really, the bad guys on the whole are just presented tremendously well, with such great style.

    Kurt Russell is so....hopeless. I understand they were trying for tortured and angry, but his performance just comes off as so ridiculous and contrived it's almost laughable. James Spader, after all these years, somehow still manages to come off as charming in the original Daniel Jackson spot. Great to see him in it again. And the original Sha're (Sha'uri)...mmmmm

    On the whole, the movie seems a lot longer than I remembered it being. And not necessarily for the better, I found myself getting a little bored 3/4 of the way through. Still, it's the beginning of a long and wonderful story

    SGC deaths: 3 + the first of many Daniel Jackson deaths
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

    I think I'll try and date these episodes too....not just airdate, but I mean, things go off from the real-world timeline when you figure two-parters and season finales/premieres happen at the same time. So I'll assume each ep starts a week after the previous one ended, except in obvious exception circumstances like them saying so, or Jack breaking his leg in Solitudes and then being fine in the next ep (a 6 week healing process at least). Curiosity more than anything else

    1.01-02 "Children of the Gods" (the real, non-George Lucas'd version)
    Original Airdate: July 27, 1997

    Ahh....RDA. That's more like it He's so much better an actor than Kurt Russell, and just so much more charming on screen too.

    Samuels is hilariously ridiculous, and the military pomp and circumstance at the beginning of the episode is....shall we say a little over the top. It's a little strange to see Gen. Hammond looking so stuffy; wearing the hat and jacket. Back at the very beginning, I suppose. Great room for growth later (pay attention, SGU detractors )

    Plotwise I think this still stacks up with the best of them. It was a really fantastic reintroduction to the story, and really a pretty brilliant way of throwing new concepts into the mix as well. Even if certain things don't quite jive with the movie.

    Something I only just caught this time around: the men in the gate room at the beginning didn't die right away. Hammond tells O'Neill that he has four bodies lying in the infirmary. Not the morgue. And only when they arrive on Abydos does Jack say that 4 are dead. I'd always (apparent mis)read it as them having died immediately, who knew? Makes the attack a lot more unpleasant, doesn't it....

    The drama is tense and tight without being contrived or ever really getting boring. The buildup to the mission is nicely paced, and seeing first Abydos again is nice. As is the cartouche room, it's such a great looking set to only have been used once. And then Chulak is just really damn cool period. I love all the early Goa'uld'ey goodness

    SGC Deaths: 7
    Date: July 27-30, 1997

    1.03 "The Enemy Within"
    Original Airdate: Aug 01, 1997

    I love that they put on the bloody autodestruct system every time the SGC gets an incoming wormhole *facepalms* That and how the Goa'uld removal from Kawalski didn't end the blending....bother me

    That minor annoyance aside, there's some nice early characterization in this ep. Hammond continues his hardass ways, Kawalski is great, RDA is his usual brilliant (along with the rest of the main cast. Col. Kennedy makes an interesting and appropriately aggravating guest

    Neat stuff in this episode....the first use of "embarkation room" As well as the earliest explanation of the Goa'uld domination of the galaxy....seemingly insurmountable odds to fight off so early in the game. There's also the early revelation that humans across the galaxy originated on Earth. That was nice and awe-inspiring for such an early episode.

    It seems pretty clear right away, that Jay Acovone and RDA had great chemistry....I don't know why they didn't catch on to this right away and make Kawalski a recurring character. Or rather, a more recurring character than he ended up becoming. Seeing Kawalski go in that way was....well, quite sad. And quite well done for such an early episode.

    SGC Deaths: 2
    Date: Aug 01-02, 1997 (exception, essentially part 3)

    1.04 "Emancipation"
    Original Airdate: Aug 08, 1997

    A little more amusing than I remember, nice to see a lot of on-location shooting, and a bit of historical goodness. Plus some early Carter cleavage doesn't hurt either

    But still....quite, quite terrible And I really can't work out how, in two tribes of Asian women, how the one chieftain's daughter is a white girl

    SGC Deaths: 0
    Date: Aug 09-11, 1997

    1.05 "The Broca Divide"
    Original Airdate: Aug 15, 1997

    Great stuff right at the beginning, O'Neill making jokes that immediately dispell the rather significant plot hole of why the MALP doesn't have thermals.

    This is exactly the sort of stuff I love about early SG-1 though. You've got all kinds of creative new locals in wacky costumes (lampshade on the dude's head lol), cool sci-fi concepts, tons of on-location all adds up to something so wonderfully charming. I also love how hard they're trying to include some kind of historical reference early on.

    And this ep marks the introduction of Dr. Frasier, fantastic in every way. And I found it rather charming that she commented on "Mr. Teal'c"

    SGC Deaths: 1
    Date: Aug 18-19, 1997
    Last edited by DigiFluid; 19 October 2009, 03:19 AM.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      1.06 "The First Commandment"
      Original Airdate: Aug 22, 1997

      Another cool sci-fi concept, a world with a high enough UV rate to quickly cause sunburn, etc. I really love the amount of military protocol we get to see in this episode. The amount of courtesy and rank finagling is neat to see being shown in depth.

      The story itself is very dark and compelling too though. The idea of an SG team going rogue and establishing themselves in a position of power among local primitives is both a realistic and terrifying possibility. Connor's retelling of the story is....well, unpleasant. Not badly told, the story itself is what's unsettling. And the rogue SG unit commander is very appropriately off his rocker. Quite well played.

      A lot of humour in this episode, despite its dark subject matter. The famous "Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?" comes up here, as does Daniel and Teal'c's acknowledgement that they couldn't have stopped Carter from running down to rescue the guy from being beaten.

      SGC Deaths: 3
      Date: Aug 26-27, 1997

      1.07 "Cold Lazarus"
      Original Airdate: Aug 29, 1997

      Starting off with a neat offworld jaunt....yellow sand, bright sun, blue crystals. I wonder where it was filmed?

      Most of the episode has a rather creepy feel and undertone to it, but it ends up being a very nice and personal story. Added a lot of depth and great fleshing out of backstory only just barely told by the movie originally.

      Interesting little curiosity I never noticed before: one of the posters in Charlie's bedroom is a chart of different kinds of crystals. And I'm a little puzzled why this is out of order on the season 1 DVD set....

      SGC Deaths: 0
      Date: Sep 03, 1997

      1.08 "The Nox"
      Original Airdate: Sep 12, 1997

      Even though it's always the Vancouver area, these guys do a terrific job of making it look like a new world every week. I love that they were just fine with filming in overcast, rainy conditions. Adds a great atmosphere to the ep.

      Pretty....goofy that all of Apophis' Jaffa have the first prime forehead thingies

      I really like the overall message of the episode, that there are other people out there sympathetic to our cause; but that maybe we're not quite ready to deal with them on an equal footing. The Nox make great space hippies.

      SGC Deaths: 0 (2 + the second of many Daniel deaths)
      Date: Sep 10, 1997

      1.09 "Brief Candle"
      Original Airdate: Sep 19, 1997

      Gabrielle Miller! I forgot she was in this!

      This is (yet another) episode that is fantastic at really feeling like they've gone to a new world. The gate room set was probably made of painted plywood, but it manages to be convincing enough to do the job, and the 'town square' (so to speak) looks great.

      The history in this ep is neat too. I find it just absolutely fascinating (not to mention very funny) that this ep places Linear A as an old and obscure dialect of Goa'uld. As someone who studied history, this just tickles my fancy

      Amusing enough that Jack partakes of the local....uh...well, one of the locals. And I find it hilarious that he contracts what's basically the equivalent of a cosmic STD I know, they say it's form the food, but that's obviously not the implication of the episode.

      And what a terrific episode for RDA, he's such a fantastic actor, isn't he? He's fantastic in the humour at the beginning, and amazingly even better when he starts playing an old man.

      This was also the first case of a Goa'uld manipulating DNA as an experiment in human evolution....I wonder if this Pelops character was involved in any way with Nirrti, who will be coming up in a few episodes.

      SGC Deaths: 0
      Date: Sep 17-26, 1997 (estimate 10 days to put O'Neill at around 80 years old)

      1.10 "Thor's Hammer"
      Original Airdate: Sep 26, 1997

      And now the first mention of the Asgard, things are going well for them....more or less.

      This is a surprisingly quiet little offworld adventure, with Jack and Teal'c skulking around in caves while Sam and Daniel roam the hills looking for the cave. James Earl Jones adds a certain authority to the Unas, though I still can't help but think of Darth Vader whenever it speaks.

      The Unas was actually pretty interesting in this. They did a great job of making a monster that bears a pretty strong resemblance to the ancient dying alien Ra in the original movie. I don't know that that was their intent at all, but it lines things up rather nicely.

      SGC Deaths: 0
      Date: Oct 03, 1997

      1.11 "The Torment of Tantalus"
      Original Airdate: Oct 03, 1997

      Brilliant. Bloody. Episode.

      SGC Deaths: 0
      Date: Oct 10, 1997

      1.12 "Bloodlines"
      Original Airdate: Oct 10, 1997

      I just....don' this episode. It has so much going for it: Salli Richardson (Ally, Eureka!) as Teal'c's wife, the first appearance of Bra'tac, family stuff, some awesome Bra'tac ass kicking; but for some reason I can't quite place my finger on this episode is so much less than the sum of its parts for me. I find it rather boring.

      SGC Bodycount: 0
      Date: Oct 17, 1997
      Last edited by DigiFluid; 19 October 2009, 08:12 PM.
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        As they'd say on GameFAQs, 'tag'. I'm highly interested in keeping up with this. Like I said a few days ago, your opinions often seem similar to mine. My girlfriend just got into the 'Gate with SGU's premiere and she's been watching Seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 (don't ask). When she's done with AoT and Continuum, it will be high time she goes to the very beginning and follows in your footsteps, which is a great excuse for me to do what you're doing.

        In the meantime, this is awesome. A couple of things, though:

        A.) The whole 'for fun, one week in between' thing. It's fun and I'm a sucker for obsessing like that, too, but really? I don't know, the idea that unless we have reason to think otherwise, it's circa a literal week... that seems kind of silly IMO. I like to think it's more randomized than that. Wouldn't these characters eventually just sort of set their alarms for every Thursday under the pretense, 'expect a major life-or-death situation today'?

        B.) Do you think you could be bothered to rate the episodes, too, or are you against that? Either the one-to-four-star system (with halves, a la GateWorld and general movie critics) or the 1-to-1o, with-decimals-too system. I'd just love to see your summarized opinions of them in that manner as well.
        If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


          Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
          Like I said a few days ago, your opinions often seem similar to mine.
          That's a nice change of pace. I can't remember if I replied to that thread that I tend to have a rather polarizing personality....people seem to strongly agree with me on one thing and despise my opinions on others

          Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
          A.) The whole 'for fun, one week in between' thing. It's fun and I'm a sucker for obsessing like that, too, but really? I don't know, the idea that unless we have reason to think otherwise, it's circa a literal week... that seems kind of silly IMO. I like to think it's more randomized than that. Wouldn't these characters eventually just sort of set their alarms for every Thursday under the pretense, 'expect a major life-or-death situation today'?
          Well I had initially intended to go with a week from the start of each episode, but then it occurred to me that a) that would make eps fall on say every Thursday (); and b) it doesn't work at all in cases of episodes where they go on for longer than a week (like in 'Lockdown' where it's been something like 4 months between the tease and the scene after the intro credits).

          I'm more than happy to admit it's a little arbitrary, and like I's just for fun Just like the bodycount lol....but it works more or less. If I peg it to a week from the end of an ep, that makes it considerably more irregular than "every Thursday" so I figure why not.

          Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
          B.) Do you think you could be bothered to rate the episodes, too, or are you against that? Either the one-to-four-star system (with halves, a la GateWorld and general movie critics) or the 1-to-1o, with-decimals-too system. I'd just love to see your summarized opinions of them in that manner as well.
          Honestly I would kind of like to shy away from ratings. Not that I'd be unhappy to do them you see, but more for comparison's sake. I have a lot of fun rewatching episodes so for starters I'd probably rate a lot of them higher than I should, but the bigger problem enters in when I start hitting eps later on and thinking 'damn that was terrific' and then pegging it with a rating that may be less than the one I gave an ep from elsewhere in the series that might've been better or worse. If you understand what my convoluted sentences mean

          I probably shouldn't have undertaken rewatching the show at all, since I'm in the midst of a couple of other rewatches already; plus I have a number of other series that I've not gotten started on for the first time. But I'm a total sap for SG-1 and here we are, more than halfway through season 1 in a day

          Oh and for when you get have my pity for having to suffer through French Stewart in the movie
          Last edited by DigiFluid; 19 October 2009, 08:13 PM.
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            1.13 "Fire and Water"
            Original Airdate: Oct 17, 1997

            Hey! Hammond gets rid of the jacket and goes down to the longsleeve shirt! Odd bit of trivia too, this is tied for the longest episode so far this season in terms of the time period it takes place across--despite a bit of discontinuity with regards to the first day. They first day they left on the mission at 0700 and came back at night (night ext shot of Cheyenne Mtn even though later in the ep, Hammond said they were gone 4 hours), then were given 7 days of downtime, presumably at the end of which was the funeral/wake. At the end of the episode Carter said that they went to his apartment the day after the wake, which in itself imples that the end of the episode is at least a day later. 10 days, assuming it was a week till the funeral (which seems reasonable enough to me). This is the timeline I'm going to go with, because it doesn't work any way you look at it. Even if the wake was on Oct 17 (the ep airdate), that's still a time of year which is more than a little chilly to be outside in a t-shirt in Colorado.

            This episode never really blew me away, despite it being (already) the 3rd time Daniel's either died or been assumed dead. It was kind of nice to see the wake for him, a good casual thing. I'm a little curious why Jack as a booze bottle holder/dispenser thing like you see behind a bar. It's nice, I just thing it's a little strange. And it was a laugh seeing Jack use a hockey stick to smash General Hammond's car window

            The fish monster guy....I don't know, just always seemed a little over the top to me. It's nice to see the historical reference, and I sympathize with the guy wanting find his missing girlfriend. But seriously dude, you're only getting around to this now? When she's been AWOL for like 4000 years? You'd think by now he would've just assumed she'd shacked up with his buddy or something.

            The hypnosis angle in this episode also really makes me laugh. First of all that the base psychologist would be trained in it (unlikely), but more to what Sam says in it.... She asks for a shot at it because she took an undergrad course in it. *snort* and? I took an undergrad course in German, does that mean that 7 years later I can speak a word of it? Undergrad courses, by and large, are nothing to do with anything even resembling reality. And the fact that so many people on this forum think that she has an undergrad course behind her, makes her an expert is almost as ludicrous as that part of the episode itself.

            SGC Deaths: 0
            Date: Oct 24-Nov 02, 1997

            1.14 "Hathor"
            Original Airdate: Oct 24, 1997

            Dating estimate....I'm going to put the Hathor discovery at the start date, and the Sarcophagus arrival at the SGC a week later. I know it's a short estimate, but I may have been a little liberal with the previous ep's estimate so I'm using this to balance that off

            It was pretty neat to learn something new about Goa'uld physiology here, the whole idea of the sort of Queen Bee that spawns new symbiotes. It's also cool to see an entirely new means by which a Goa'uld can compel people, even if it's more meant as a silly male-seducing plot device.

            This isn't one of the stronger entries in the season, but it certainly has its entertaining moments. The "crown of marble" comment was a laugh, Danny boy got some for the second time already and his wife is still MIA (Hathor taking "the juices of the species ). The computer screen moment (Sam researching Hathor) was pretty hilarious too if you're paying attention.... For starters, they're still using Windows 3.1, they're using Netscape (oh the nostalgia!), and most amusing of all: the "web page" is actually shown in the address bar as being on the hard drive and not the internet. LOL

            Oh well, at least it was nice to see the SGC ladies kicking some ass at the end

            SGC Deaths: 0
            Date: Nov 09-15, 1997

            1.15 "Singularity"
            Original Airdate: Oct 31, 1997

            There's a little goof right near the beginning of the episode, when they discover the first body on the planet. Sam turns so Daniel can get the gas mask from her pack, and you can see that her Earth patch is upside down. Nicely done guys And I always find it a bit puzzling why, when Gliders attack, people dive into tree or ditch cover. Shouldn't a fighter have, you know, thermals?

            Oh well. Jack and Teal'c running from the Gliders was still exciting, and it followed on a nice amusing bit of boredom between the two of them while waiting for the eclipse. I guess this is the first look we got at a new Goa'uld mothership too. I'm not sure how Teal'c was able to identify it as Nirrti's, but c'est la vie.

            Speaking of Nirrti, hey, it's the first time we hear about her too! Like I said earlier, I wonder if she had any tie to Pelops. It's pretty great knowing she'll be around for some time to come, though I kind of wish they'd done more with her.

            The camera inserted into Cassandra....god those things gross me out. I've seen them in real life too and it just turns my stomach. I don't know why, I've seen some pretty disgusting/bloody things, but the inside-body cam just makes my insides churn.

            This also has the benefit of being a very human story, great material for both Dr Frasier and Sam. They both did a terrific job with it, and you can definitely feel for both of the ladies in it. A pretty solid entry, IMO.

            And the child actor didn't make me want to throw her out a window. That's a huge plus

            SGC Deaths: 3
            Date: Nov 22-23, 1997
            Last edited by DigiFluid; 20 October 2009, 01:50 PM. Reason: mis-calculated dates
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Well I'll tell ya what, I really need to force myself to bed shortly, so I'm not going to give myself the chance to reply in full 'til after work tomorrow. I will say this, though -- good points all-around, and your explanation for not using an actual rating system at all is certainly justifiable. I think I'd wind up falling for the same kind of deal upon a re-watch, and I hadn't even realized that until now.

              I'm hoping between French Stewart and Kurt Russell, the girlfriend doesn't give up on Stargate by the end of that two-hour initial entry. (By the by, we just got done with 'Unending'. Only four more hours to go before I reset the clock and we party like it's 1994 pretending to be 1996.)
              If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                Well I'll tell ya what, I really need to force myself to bed shortly, so I'm not going to give myself the chance to reply in full 'til after work tomorrow. I will say this, though -- good points all-around, and your explanation for not using an actual rating system at all is certainly justifiable. I think I'd wind up falling for the same kind of deal upon a re-watch, and I hadn't even realized that until now.
                Glad I

                Looking forward to what you've got to say though.

                Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                I'm hoping between French Stewart and Kurt Russell, the girlfriend doesn't give up on Stargate by the end of that two-hour initial entry. (By the by, we just got done with 'Unending'. Only four more hours to go before I reset the clock and we party like it's 1994 pretending to be 1996.)

                Don't worry....French Stewart isn't really in it that much, it's just hard to ignore the guy. He sticks out like a sore thumb both because he's so completely ridiculous and because he's so recognizable having spent all those years on 3rd Rock.

                Oh and a little aside here, for once you get watching. I've been watching it according to the order in the Gateworld episode list, which is the airdate order. For some reason on the Season 1 (R1) set, a few of them are mixed up. I don't have any idea why.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  1.16 "Cor-ai"
                  Original Airdate: Jan 23, 1998

                  This was an episode that was just demanding to be done. And I think they did a terrific job of it; they needed to deal with what Teal'c did while he was Apophis' First Prime.

                  It's an interesting moral conundrum to be sure. On one hand, we it's Teal'c! He's our guy, part of our crew, one of the good guys. We want him around to help us fight the bad guys. On the other hand, he was pretty the galactic equivalent of head of the SS. There's no question that he's responsible for having committed countless war crimes as ordered by Apophis.

                  SGC Deaths: 0
                  Date: Nov 30-Dec 02, 1997

                  1.17 "Enigma"
                  Original Airdate: Jan 30, 1998

                  Right when this starts, how staggeringly beautiful the open Stargate looks juxtaposed against the storm, volcanic activity, and raining ash is....well, stunning. It's actually really damn cool, one of my favourites in the entire franchise.

                  Cool beans, another advanced race that doesn't want to help us Anyway....I know that our guys have to try, but I don't know why they're so indignant every time a more advanced civilization doesn't want to give us new toys. I'm sure at least someone has a passing familiarity with Star Trek's Prime Directive. Or, at least, the idea that a more primitive society coming into possession of stuff past its time may not be the best idea.

                  I like the Tollan though. They've got some pretty snazzy technology, and aside from their leader seem to be friendly enough people. And I can't help but feel bad for them having lost their homeworld. I also really love that little dismissive line from Omak about the Goa'uld, "we're aware of their existence, we don't interact with them." That's such a neat thing to hear from someone this early in the game.

                  This is also the first appearance of the perennial favourite Maybourne

                  SGC Deaths: 0
                  Date: Dec 09-10, 1997

                  1.18 "Solitudes"
                  Original Airdate: Feb 06, 1998

                  I love this episode, it's one of my favourite in the season, series, and entire franchise. Story, direction, acting, dialogue, sets, pacing, I love it all. I'd even love to see a musical score release just from this episode.

                  This is one of the only times I'll break that 'no ratings' rule of mine: 10/10

                  SGC Deaths: 0
                  Date: Dec 17-21, 1997

                  1.19 "Tin Man"
                  Original Airdate: Feb 13, 1998

                  A quick note on dating: in the previous ep, Jack had a broken leg, at least one broken rib, internal bleeding, and most probably frostbite and hypothermia. I've estimated his recovery time at 8 weeks. This has the added benefit of re-aligning with the airdate. Anyway, onward:


                  I'm not sure what it is about this episode, but I've always found it vaguely unsettling somehow. Harlan is amusing enough, but maybe it's because of his lonely isolation that I find him very depressing.

                  I can't help but wonder where they filmed this, it all looks so....industrial, like it has something to do with either chemical processing or HVAC or both. And they chose to light it all so bizarrely too, in yellows and purples and greens and blues. It's so strange feeling.

                  And I also find it incredibly depressing that the four of them end up, essentially, condemned to that existence for the rest of their lives.

                  SGC Deaths: 0
                  Date: Feb 13, 1998

                  1.20 "There But for the Grace of God"
                  Original Airdate: Feb 20, 1998

                  I'm really not big on AU episodes....they make an alright excursion every once in a while, but ultimately I find they end up feeling pretty forced unless they really jazz things up the way they did in 2010.

                  That said, it's not a bad episode, it's just not totally my cup of tea.

                  SGC Deaths: 0
                  Date: Feb 20, 1998
                  Last edited by DigiFluid; 20 October 2009, 01:57 PM. Reason: mis-calculated dates
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    This is great! I have just ordered seasons 1 and 2(2 being a personal fav of mine) from amazon to replace my worn out *cough* VHS *cough* copies.
                    Had them since the beginning but time for an "Upgrade". So I am hopefully going to be reliving the joy of old school sg1 by the end of the week depending on post strikes. Haven't watched season 1 and 2 in such a long time...this thread really got me excited about watching them again.

                    Also i was suprised that since you watched CotG you never mentioned the Apophis two way travel through wormhole i said its been a while, i may be mistaken but im sure its there.

                    Anyway keep up the fun review posts

                    "... because of Doctor Fumbles McStupid over here!"

                    "Enjoy the ride Colonel their making me walk."
                    "You've got a splinter Rodney!"


                      There's a few of these threads popping up, although most are from first-time viewers who are just going through the series. Its nice to see it from the perspective of someone who's already seen the series multiple times. I will follow this thread, keep it up!


                        I'm rewatching the 10 seasons again myself. Just started season 2. and am enjoying it the fourth time around.
                        no means no, and so does pepper spray
                        Sig by The Carpenter


                          Well, I broke my rule -- I don't go into work for another half an hour, and got a chance to usurp the computer from my girlfriend long enough to read more of your splendid new topic.

                          Once again, not enough time to start breaking down the episodes bit by bit, and truth be told, since I haven't seen them in so long, that might not even be all that all-encompassing later. But I did want to say a couple of things... again.

                          Firstly, thanks for reminding me about the season one mix-up in episode numbers. Truly appreciated; I completely forgot. Being as OCD as I am, I could see some severe repercussions on my mental state if I found out during a massive re-watch, I'd been doin' it wrong

                          Maybourne appeared as early as Enigma? Whoa! I did not remember that. My first chronological memory of Maybourne has something to do with Area 51 and the earliest onset of the Trust storyline, but I can't for the life of me place what episode it was. A Stargate under wraps in a wide, open factory-esque scenario, and that Stargate is probably the one recovered from Solitudes. Argh, I can't remember what episode I'm going on about!

                          Last but not least, I wanted to make special mention to There But For The Grace Of God. I get what you mean about them often seeming forced, but this is actually one of my absolute favorite season episodes. I'll readily admit two factors contribute heavily to this, to the potential point of bias: for one thing, it's Daniel-centric, and Daniel's far and away my favorite character in the series. The other issue is that... wasn't it written by David Kemper? I know Kemper had something to do with it, I can't remember quite what. Directed, perhaps? Either way, I think when I found that out, I got a little bit carried away with my enjoyment of it.
                          If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                            Originally posted by SG-ME View Post
                            This is great! I have just ordered seasons 1 and 2(2 being a personal fav of mine) from amazon to replace my worn out *cough* VHS *cough* copies.
                            Had them since the beginning but time for an "Upgrade". So I am hopefully going to be reliving the joy of old school sg1 by the end of the week depending on post strikes. Haven't watched season 1 and 2 in such a long time...this thread really got me excited about watching them again.

                            Also i was suprised that since you watched CotG you never mentioned the Apophis two way travel through wormhole i said its been a while, i may be mistaken but im sure its there.

                            Anyway keep up the fun review posts
                            Yes...."upgrade" from "VHS". I understand

                            I kinda skipped the Apophis's been done a lot. Really, I'm happy enough just to assume he had his Jaffa manually dial it off-screen.

                            Enjoy your rewatch! I know I am

                            Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                            There's a few of these threads popping up, although most are from first-time viewers who are just going through the series. Its nice to see it from the perspective of someone who's already seen the series multiple times. I will follow this thread, keep it up!

                            Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                            I'm rewatching the 10 seasons again myself. Just started season 2. and am enjoying it the fourth time around.
                            Good stuff. I'm not far behind!

                            Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                            Firstly, thanks for reminding me about the season one mix-up in episode numbers. Truly appreciated; I completely forgot. Being as OCD as I am, I could see some severe repercussions on my mental state if I found out during a massive re-watch, I'd been doin' it wrong
                   OC might've flipped out too Glad I could help.

                            I believe this is the only season it happens in thank goodness.

                            Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                            Maybourne appeared as early as Enigma? Whoa! I did not remember that. My first chronological memory of Maybourne has something to do with Area 51 and the earliest onset of the Trust storyline, but I can't for the life of me place what episode it was. A Stargate under wraps in a wide, open factory-esque scenario, and that Stargate is probably the one recovered from Solitudes. Argh, I can't remember what episode I'm going on about!
                            I remember the one, it was one of the early rogue NID/Trust episodes. 'Touchstone', I think? I'm not sure.

                            Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                            Last but not least, I wanted to make special mention to There But For The Grace Of God. I get what you mean about them often seeming forced, but this is actually one of my absolute favorite season episodes. I'll readily admit two factors contribute heavily to this, to the potential point of bias: for one thing, it's Daniel-centric, and Daniel's far and away my favorite character in the series. The other issue is that... wasn't it written by David Kemper? I know Kemper had something to do with it, I can't remember quite what. Directed, perhaps? Either way, I think when I found that out, I got a little bit carried away with my enjoyment of it.
                            Oh I'll certainly agree....TBftGoG has great style to it. It looks great visually, the pacing was tight and didn't waste time; it's just that I never really get into AU eps (except, like I said, '2010'). They're just--personally--not my cup of tea.
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              1.21 "Politics"
                              Original Airdate: Feb 27, 1998

                              Bleh. I really, really don't like clipshows. In fact, the only one in the entire run of SG-1 I can stand is "Disclosure", and even that because it advanced the main story of the series somewhat. This, this was just a waste of time.

                              It's got a few redeemable factors....the first time Kinsey's on the series, and man does Ronny Cox ever play an awesome pain in the ass. O'Neill's "there really are barbarians at the gate, THAT one" and Daniel's little stab at Independence Day were a chuckle.

                              I'm also really floored that they ended the episode on a To Be Continued. A clipshow, ending on a TBC? Come on.

                              An annoying sidenote at this point--Sen. Kinsey says in "Politics" that the mission to Chulak in the pilot took place on Feb. 1, which neither fits in with the airing order nor the 'assumed' timeline of the show. For curiosity's sake I've included a reworked list in the spoiler tag at the end of this post, but I doubt I'll bother continuing with it after this season.

                              SGC Deaths: 0
                              Date: Feb 27, 1998

                              1.22 "Within the Serpent's Grasp"
                              Original Airdate: Mar 06, 1998

                              And done season 1....already This is a really terrific season finale, just a great way to end the show's first year. Though, as I've said, I'm not too hot on the previous couple episodes, this one more than makes up for it.

                              There's so many firsts in this episode that it was a little difficult to keep track of them was one of the first times (if not the first time) Hammond calls O'Neill "Jack", the first time Hammond wears the shortsleeve uniform shirt, the first good exterior shot of Ha'taks, the first appearance of the Zats (and their 3 shot functionality! ). Oh and something I found kind of amusing: they actually take the time to send the MALP back. That has to be the first and probably only time that happens in the entire series. I also noticed that the MALP now has IR, something that was sorely missed back in "The Broca Divide".

                              Anyway, there's just so many reasons to love this episode that I hardly even know where to start. It's pretty neat to have the team go rogue, taking on this mission despite the program having been suspended. They're the damn heroes, they're going to save the world no matter what the bureaucrats say!

                              There's also tons of Goa'uld-ey goodness to get worked up in this ep. I always get excited when there's tons of fully armoured Jaffa tromping around and our guys are nearby. There's just something so thrilling and exciting about it all no matter how many times I watch it. And the fact that virtually the entire episode takes place aboard the Ha'tak means this is probably the first time we get a good long look at Goa'uld architecture--and we get it in spades.

                              The idea of the slow hyperdrive, taking at least a year to get to Earth, presents an interesting thought. Teal'c telling Sam how fast the hyperdrive moves means one of two things (or perhaps even both). 1) That the Jaffa are completely in the dark as to how fast hyperdrive really is--not unlikely. We know they're kept minimally educated to "Goa'uld magic". 2) That hyperdrive at this speed is a new development, which completely changes how we should interpret the later seasons. By this I mean that the galaxy was more or less static in terms of territories until now, but the appearance of faster hyperdrive accelerated System Lords' ability to wage war on one another. A secret gift (by which I mean, from an unknown source) from Anubis to Apophis and the other System Lords, perhaps? Would certainly fit into his scheming of wiping out the various System Lords and taking his place as lord of all.

                              On a related aside, the whole idea of it taking a year to get to Earth might've made for an interesting alternative for season 2. I don't have a clue what they would've done for a year, but it would've been an interesting change of pace from season 1 if they spent a year aboard a Ha'tak. But I digress....

                              I'm also a huge fan of the Skaara/Klorel angle. The rest of the story of this episode is so grand and sci-fi, and by putting Skaara/Klorel into the middle of it the writers have really grounded things and put a human face on it. In the midst of all this end of the world stuff, there's a good, solid, touching story about a dear friend of O'Neill's who's been lost to the enemy--and it hurts.

                              Great stuff.

                              SGC Deaths: 0
                              Date: Mar 06, 1998

                              SGC Deaths to-Date: 18


                              1.01-02 Jan 30-Feb 02, 1997
                              1.03 Feb 04-05, 1997
                              1.04 Feb 12-14, 1997
                              1.05 Feb 21-22, 1997
                              1.06 Mar 01-02, 1997
                              1.07 Mar 09, 1997
                              1.08 Mar 16, 1997
                              1.09 Mar 23-Apr 02, 1997
                              1.10 Apr 09, 1997
                              1.11 Apr 16, 1997
                              1.12 Apr 23, 1997
                              1.13 Apr 30-May 09, 1997
                              1.14 May 16-22, 1997
                              1.15 May 29-30, 1997
                              1.16 June 06-08, 1997
                              1.17 June 15-16, 1997
                              1.18 June 23-27, 1997
                              1.19 Aug 21, 1997
                              1.20 Aug 28, 1997
                              1.21 Aug 04, 1997
                              1.22 Aug 11, 1997
                              Last edited by DigiFluid; 20 October 2009, 03:51 PM.
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

