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Question about Ori and Ancient Ascention

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    Question about Ori and Ancient Ascention

    Ascention is supposed to transcend all space and time correct?

    So how come the Ori need to come to our galaxy to attack the ancients, granted they need the followers in our galaxy to become more powerful, but wouldn't using Merlin's weapon in either galaxy put an end to all ascended beings as the weapon supposedly transcends all space and time to affect those "ori" that are ascended and using their powers to harvest worshipers? Wouldn't this also wipe out the Ancients who are also ascended?

    they dont transcend space and time, they just become nearly omniscient energy creatures that inhabit a dimension which is placed on top of a galaxy.


      Merlin's weapon has a limited range so it would only kill ascended beings within that range. The Ori must have to stay close to the Doci in order to receive the energy from their worshippers, so that would mean staying in Celestis or at least on that planet.

      The Ancients don't really stay in one galaxy, there are ascended beings in Pegasus as well. And since the Ancients aren't sapping energy from their followers they can go to any galaxy they want. When the Ori said they are coming to our galaxy to fight the Ancients, I think it meant they are coming here to gain more followers and power. And then once they have all this extra power they would engage them in the ascended dimension.
      Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?


        I recall a character saying the weapon only affected a galaxy, not the entire higher plane.


          The thing about ascended beings is that they are supposed to exist in a place and in a way that we can't comprehend, or thats what it originally was, but in Atlantis and the Ori arc they tried to explain it further but it just resulted in making less and less sense... But I just think of ascending as like the science in Doctor Who, humans just aren't supposed to understand and we can't so don't try.......
          I dunno what to put in here now..


            From what I understand ascended beings occupy a specific dimension. From this dimension they are able to interact with our own dimension. They are able to manifest themselves in different appearances, use their powers to effect the physical world or even create virtual worlds. This dimension would probably exist parallel to our own.

            When Merlin created the Arthurs Mantle device he probably designed it to transport its users to a dimension that ascended beings were unable to interact with. This allowed him to hide his research from ascended beings. Other than using Arthurs Mantle to access the other dimension the only way to view people in the other dimension was with a Sodan cloaking device which put the user slightly out of phase of our own dimension. There are a lot of dimensions that were shown to exist parallel to our own. There was the dimension occupied by the Aliens in Crystal Skull, the dimension that the bugs occupied from Sight Unseen (these bugs seemed to be able to somewhat interact with our dimension, some bugs were able to crawl on tables yet pass through objects at will), then there is the dimension accessed by Arthurs Mantle. The Sodan cloaking device allowed bugs from a different dimension to cross into our dimension. The anti-Ori weapon channeled energy into the dimension occupied by ascended beings (the effect was compared to two standing waves cancelling each other out). This weapons range was limited to one galaxy and since the dimension occupied by ascended beings is parallel to our own would not affect any ascended beings in our own galaxy or any other galaxy for that matter.

