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Anti-S9 thread. For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    Then I bet you REALY loved his Jonas answer.... considering they are considering making CB a full timer wouldnt that mean they would HAVE to cut someone else or does CN just make a lot more money then her?
    Well, Corin does a passable hooker, but he's got NOTHING on CB's Vala. Hence, CB gets the oodles it will cost to make her full time and Corin gets the shaft. Again. Or still, I suppose.


      Originally posted by AGateFan
      Then I bet you REALY loved his Jonas answer.... considering they are considering making CB a full timer wouldnt that mean they would HAVE to cut someone else or does CN just make a lot more money then her?
      we get/might get/ are suck with vala because CB fills out a bustier better than corin. and since boobs are what skiffy wants to sell, boobs is what they're gonna hire

      doesn't matter if the character has some serious flaws. doesn't matter if she's cliche and trite. doesn't matter if she's about as deep as a dixie cup.

      all that matters is that she's fun to write and she appeals to the fanboys
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        we get/might get/ are suck with vala because CB fills out a bustier better than corin. and since boobs are what skiffy wants to sell, boobs is what they're gonna hire

        doesn't matter if the character has some serious flaws. doesn't matter if she's cliche and trite. doesn't matter if she's about as deep as a dixie cup.

        all that matters is that she's fun to write and she appeals to the fanboys
        Yes, but if their big excuse for not bringing Jonas back is $$$ then how can they bring CB in unless they cut someone?

        Are they going to cut Landry? Heck no they are happy with that big fish. Are they going to cut Mitchell? Over Skiffys rotting corps.... Daniel? Nope Teal'c? Perhaps but he’s your token Klingon and as we see with Ronan the shows appear to need a Klingon. Lou Gossett Jr? Yea, I’m pretty sure he’s gone but I’m sure they would love to keep him if they could. Carter? Well she is a female and you would be bringing a female in, you wouldn’t want to throw off the "balance" of the show would you?

        I hope I’m wrong, I hope they are just not telling the truth about the Jonas thing. I would hate, HATE to see a character like Vala brought in at the expense of any of the regular characters. Bringing her in as a guest star I can deal with, I could even deal with her as a regular if there was an actual ON SCREEN logical, rational reason for it. Problem is TPTB have recently had a problem doing stuff ON SCREEN and giving logical, rational reasons for what they have done. I blame skiffy more then TPTB BTW, Joe pretty much said that Skiffy has "input". Too bad for Stargate, the show was a lot better when the B-Kings didn’t have any say in it.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          I can deal with vala as a guest (like i have a choice) but only if we get more of 'the powers that be' and less of 'the ties that bind' other words I personally like the 'ex-host' aspect adn find that a TON more interesting than 'smart mouthed sexpot'

          however, going by the past couple of years, skiffy don't seem to care about fans sharing my preferences

          they do waht they do and my only recourse, other than wasting some postage, is to turn off the set. and that's something that does get easier with each eps.

          i used to watch xena, used to watch earth final conflict, used to watch enterprise, used to watch voyager...notice the one word, USED. All the shows changed and i lost interest. and stargate is close to joining that list...and if vala becomes a regular, especially if she becomes a regular at the cost of one of the existing regulars, it's time to cut bait. because the second that happens my show ceases to exist and becomes farscape redux
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by golfbooy
            So this is the Anti thread, eh? Welcome to the darkside, golfbooy.

            I agree with pretty much everything you're saying here. I also think that TPTB are well aware of how the command issue looks to most Stargate fans. They know it's an insult to Amanda Tapping, and they know it's a slap in the face to Sam Carter. But they need Scifi to make the show, and Scifi needed Browder as lead. I don't know that I'm convinced it's because he's a man (though it doesn't hurt), but more because he's their poster child. No one "in the business" thinks Browder is a leading man, except the folks at Scifi that is. Throw in the fact that the network got lambasted for cancelling Farscape, and I AM convinced that Scifi would do anything to earn any small measure of retribution. I'm more disappointed that none of TPTB has the courage to simply say so, rather than tapdancing around their actions with platitudes. Still, as I suppose they all like their jobs, this line of BS is understandable.

            My greatest fear is that there's more BS brewing on the back burner at Bridge. Alex Levine's blog entry certainly seemed like an attempt to put forth some excuses and reasons for what's going on up there in Vancouver. I have my suspicions as to whether or not his little faux-pas wasn't actually TPTB's attempt to justify future problems, especially with the impending space baby looming on the horizon.
            That's why I think many (not all) of us come here to voice our concerns, feeling they should have honored what the original show was all about by letting it go, especially while it was on top. (Remember the old adage - loving something and setting it free... letting it go....) Not running that something special into the ground.

            Skiffy could have then created another Stargate-based show (besides Atlantis) that could have focused on a completely different cast for the SG team and totally different premise (they could have done lowest common denominator, T&A, dumbed down, full-out retreads of early SG episodes to their heart's content), and maybe it wouldn't have done too bad considering the rest of Skiffy's *cough* programming and general viewer demographics...
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              Hmmmmm... Wasn't that what essentially happened with the Moebius eps... when we got two more loops through time after our original timeline team died and we've ended up with an alternate timeline reality & a team that was "close enough?"

              'Tis another reason that can be used to explain away what's been happening to SG this season....
              The scary thing is that you might actually be onto something there....
              Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
              "We're not going to Guam are we?"


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                I can deal with vala as a guest (like i have a choice) but only if we get more of 'the powers that be' and less of 'the ties that bind' other words I personally like the 'ex-host' aspect adn find that a TON more interesting than 'smart mouthed sexpot'

                however, going by the past couple of years, skiffy don't seem to care about fans sharing my preferences

                they do waht they do and my only recourse, other than wasting some postage, is to turn off the set. and that's something that does get easier with each eps.

                i used to watch xena, used to watch earth final conflict, used to watch enterprise, used to watch voyager...notice the one word, USED. All the shows changed and i lost interest. and stargate is close to joining that list...and if vala becomes a regular, especially if she becomes a regular at the cost of one of the existing regulars, it's time to cut bait. because the second that happens my show ceases to exist and becomes farscape redux
                I'm sorry...I'm getting the sick feeling I'm missing something somewhere. I figured Vala might be back for a couple eps in season 10 which would be just fine...(if there is one)...but are you in some way implying that there's a chance that she'd actually be a regular as in a regular-who-appears-in-the-opening-credits-once-they- have-them REGULAR?

                As in A REGULAR????

       in NOT RECURRING??? But a REGULAR??????

                Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something here...

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  I'm sorry...I'm getting the sick feeling I'm missing something somewhere. I figured Vala might be back for a couple eps in season 10 which would be just fine...(if there is one)...but are you in some way implying that there's a chance that she'd actually be a regular as in a regular-who-appears-in-the-opening-credits-once-they- have-them REGULAR?

                  As in A REGULAR????

         in NOT RECURRING??? But a REGULAR??????

                  Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something here...

                  i think that we are wavering between fear and speculation. Vala could be a good asset (note-i am a terrible speller so i am not trying to call vala an
                  ass et
                  )-but only if they do show more of a grounded personality than a flibberty gibbet (i love that word)-i get the hooker with a heart of gold that they are are trying to portray- a little naughty but basically a nice person-but that isn't what we are getting. They are making poor use of CB and her talents and insulting the fans-the big boobed and big-haired female is annoying and really has no place in the shows today. The scifi fans are many and varied-between age, sex and preferences-and scifi really needs to know and understand that. If i want sick adolescent sex jokes-I can watch tripping the rift-it at least has a time and a place for it-but i sure would like some intelligence from the shows. too much to ask for? probably-but that is, as they say, my position and i am sticking to it.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                    i think that we are wavering between fear and speculation. Vala could be a good asset (note-i am a terrible speller so i am not trying to call vala an
                    ass et
                    )-but only if they do show more of a grounded personality than a flibberty gibbet (i love that word)-i get the hooker with a heart of gold that they are are trying to portray- a little naughty but basically a nice person-but that isn't what we are getting. They are making poor use of CB and her talents and insulting the fans-the big boobed and big-haired female is annoying and really has no place in the shows today. The scifi fans are many and varied-between age, sex and preferences-and scifi really needs to know and understand that. If i want sick adolescent sex jokes-I can watch tripping the rift-it at least has a time and a place for it-but i sure would like some intelligence from the shows. too much to ask for? probably-but that is, as they say, my position and i am sticking to it.
                    So...just to confirm...just panicked rumors, right?

                    Because I'd love her as a recurring...the Vala from TPTB had depth and was interesting and compelling...but as a REGULAR?

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      So...just to confirm...just panicked rumors, right?

                      Because I'd love her as a recurring...the Vala from TPTB had depth and was interesting and compelling...but as a REGULAR?

                      IMHO-rumors. but then I just don't know
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                        IMHO-rumors. but then I just don't know
                        LOL. I'd prefer a different answer.

                        Does anyone want to give a different answer to me??? You know, one that doesn't make me weep for the future of my favorite show????

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          LOL. I'd prefer a different answer.

                          Does anyone want to give a different answer to me??? You know, one that doesn't make me weep for the future of my favorite show????

                          Vala returns as a regular after undergoing a brain transplant with Sam, thus giving us the best of both worlds (in skiffy's opinion).

                          Sigh re. the Jonas reponse. I'm beginning to wonder if CN costs more than the two BBs combined. It's not really an answer that makes much sense.
                          Nor does it answer why the character has been essentially forgotten. But, hey, I'd start wanting them to fix the rest of the plot holes next.


                            personally, i think the main reason corin/jonas won't be back is because skiffy/mgm were convinced that untold thousands of people absolutely HATED the character.

                            i personally think money is just a convenient excuse.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              personally, i think the main reason corin/jonas won't be back is because skiffy/mgm were convinced that untold thousands of people absolutely HATED the character.

                              i personally think money is just a convenient excuse.

                              Did I miss something?
                              Was CN asking for a large amout of money from MGM?


                                I don't know why people keep asking about CN. It's obvious that we won't learn the behind-the-scenes reasons as to why CN/Jonas won't be back on the show. Joe is not going to tell us any dirt that might make CN look bad or the writers/producers look bad. He's given some answers, but he's never going to give the dirt on what's going on. It would be bad manners and bad business, imo. I wish he would say that he's said all he's going to on the topic, though. That might stop some of the questions.

