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The Ultimate Nox Discussion Thread.

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    Originally posted by jrd231 View Post
    LAWL. There are plenty of Nox threads. Anyway, the Nox are clearly one of the most advanced races in the Stargate universe. An individual or group of Nox together have god-like powers. When Lya comes through the Stargate by herself to rescue the Tolan, she disables the base computer, opens the Iris, takes away the weapons, renders the Tolan invisible along with herself, and of course she "dials" the Stargate with nothing but her hand. She actually just forms a wormhole between Earth and the Nox world by herself, not dialing at all. As few as three Nox together can bring back the dead! I'd hate to see any race attempting to conquer their world if the Nox ever felt like engaging another race in a battle. When you take all of this into account, they appear far more powerful than the Ancients ever were, despite the fact that it's been stated a number of times the Ancients were the most advanced race ever. They are also the only other race aside from the Ancients/Ori to be shown capable of building a stargate. I think the Nox are probably the most responsible race that the Stargate universe has ever seen.

    It's hard to bring them back. One of the coolest things about the Nox is that they are such a mystery.
    The tollans could also build gates

    Mabye we'll anger a far more powerful race(we seem to be good at that) in SGU who make it back to the MW galaxy(plot for another movie perhaps) and there sensors can see through the Nox illusions, so they begin to attack Nox worlds because they look similar to us, Lya OR another Nox comes through the gate and asks us for help, because although they are advanced they have no offensive weapons, still dont like to fight and there illusions arent working against this new race.

    Anyway i would like to see them again. And i agree with you the Nox do seem almost godlike, if it were possible i would like to see what there like when there angry.


      Originally posted by Ukko View Post
      The tollans could also build gates
      Well, they needed help from the Nox, so I don't include them. When asked, the Tollan said the Nox helped them, implying that that Nox knew how to create them and the Tollan didn't. So, I really only consider the Nox the only other race capable, or better phrased, with the knowledge of how to build a Stargate.

      The Tollan may have been close, but Stargates aren't horseshoes.

      It could have also meant that neither the Nox or the Tollan could build a gate, but collectively they figured it out.


        I think that they are very wise, and yet very stupid. The just seem to be the type of people that can help people, but wont.


          The Nox are a very arrogant and selfish race of beings. The ancients left us clues, knowlogde and even tech to defend our selves, the Asgard did one better they actually helped us several times and advanced our world by over a thousand foald, the Furlings bless there little hearts are either long gone or dead but at least they tried to help humanity reach inlitenment, but the Nox the have done nothing to help the galaxy, The Nox could have destroyed the Gou'ald. It would have cost them a few losses but there tech is so much more advanced that the snakes would have been wiped out in a couple of months, but instead they selfeshly hide while the rest of the glaxy suffers
          I say we find them and place them on trial for Crimes against the galaxy and the once they are found giulty we destroy those little jerks once and for all!!!!!!!
          Okay there destruction may be a tad bit exsesive but i to think that they should be placed on trial.
          Alt Reality Stargate Fanfic Click and coment


            I think that one other pattern of the more evolved but potentially good races is that they sit by and let the bad guys evolve until the point where the bad guys are powerful enough to take them over, then they do!

            The question becomes, at what point do they step in? The Ancients got very close, at least in The Arc of Truth, they really stepped in at the last minute to save their own lives.

            A difficult issue becomes, would it have been better for them to stop the Ori in that 'millions of years ago' point just because they disagreed with their beliefs, and save millions of lives, or to not kill the Ori until it was absolutely necessary and life threatening? This is a tough ethical point.

            As far as the Nox go, the same could happen to them, it just hasn't yet, and they can hide all they want. I do think they are example of a race forgotten by the writers. If they were really that powerful, powerful enough to be in the alliance with the Asguard, they would have played a much bigger part in the 10 seasons. But I think from the writers perspective they were a cool interesting race that was originally a one-off but they got extended for a couple episodes. The Nox and the Ancients are very similar in their basic beliefs.


              Cowardly is a better word for them.


                we didn't know the nox's well enough to make a solid opinion


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                  we didn't know the nox's well enough to make a solid opinion
                  I think you've got a point there. They really were strangely underused for one of the 'advanced' races in Stargate.

                  And the 'sky city' seemed to suggest that while they stayed peaceful and in touch with nature, they did have advanced technology in addition to their 'personal' abilities. A real pity we didn't learn more.


                    The Nox in their lives are similar to the Ancients in Ascension.


                      I'm not a big fan of the Nox - but that's cuz I've never really liked the whole back to nature' types That said, I quite liked the way that one woman handled herself during the trial on Tollan (can remember the name of the episode, sorry!)


                        I hate the Nox!!!!!!!! I have said it before now I'll say it again we should put them on trial for crimes against the galaxy and then if found giullty they should be EXTERMINATED!!!!EXTERMINATE!!!EXTERMINATE!!
                        Alt Reality Stargate Fanfic Click and coment
                        STARGATE RESURRECTION


                          I like 'em. Wayyy more than the ascended beings.

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            I must admit, I never cared much for the Nox. I don't have anything against them, but I am also not saddened by the fact that we haven't encountered them in many years.
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                              I like the Nox. It's not just the fact that they're technologically advanced, it also the fact that they've found ways to deal with their opponents other than slaughtering them.
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                                Nox good

                                Pax Vobiscum

