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The Ultimate Nox Discussion Thread.

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    Originally posted by Shpinxinator View Post
    I was watching The Nox a few minutes ago...and I got the sense they weren't always the pacifists they are now...but it's a result of something...horrible...that happened to them....any thoughts?
    cause they brutally murdered the furlings... this was explained in episode 215

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    If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


      Originally posted by Metonic View Post
      cause they brutally murdered the furlings... this was explained in episode 215
      I assume you're joking.
      If you're being serious and referring to The Fifth Race then that was never said.

      As far as this whole topic goes I don't think the Nox have ever been a fighting race.
      If they have weapons of any kind (which BTW I don't think they do) then I'd bet they were developed out of curiosity and scientific research not through the need to survive.
      In the episode The Nox I think it was said by the guy who plays Quark in DS9 that to not fight is their way and it has always been that way, which too me that implies that there is no record of it in their history or in any research into their ancestors living habits, so they've probably never been fighters and if they have developed defenses like being able to make their predators unable to see them in a telepathic sense then they wouldn't need to take the lives of other animals on their home world.

      They appear to be vegetarians so they probably don't need meat in their diet and it wouldn't be all that strange to have an intelligent, humanoid species in this galaxy that doesn't eat meat at all and has never needed to.

      The Nox may be a major minority as far as evolution goes but they've probably never taken life and if evolution blessed them with the tools to make themselves invisible to predators early on then they wouldn't need to develop a survival instinct as many other species do.
      Before their mind powers they probably just hid from those that wanted to feed on them.

      I highly doubt they have 'Old Scars' and any life they took in their past probably happened when they were a much younger race.


        Well they are my favorite race...i mean you dont even know if they have a city there could be millions of things on that planet that are cloaked and even under ground could be a huge base (maybe nothing like a tech base or maybe the Nox's nature model of a base) could be pretty cool if they put them in any of the movies or even in the SGU series.


          Originally posted by TheHomegaMan View Post
          We haven't seen much of the Nox being the Nox. What do we have? We have the episode where we meet them. Then we have Pretense, which wasn't really about them at all. We also have Enigma, but again, that was them more less making a cameo. Otherwise, I'd say we don't know enough about the Nox to judge yet.

          People (me too!) idolize the Furlings, yet we've seen a few skeletons and the remains of a city. Don't judge on solely an episode and a few cameos.
          the skeletons were confirmed to be from human guests and not furlings.

          I liked the nox, but i hate the way they "disappeared" after season 3. their background would have allowed them to fight the replicators(or just help) since those are not alive, and closing down the supergate.

          i loved the way their tech was way more natural then that of the asgard, ancients and goaúld(let alone us and the wraith)

          Also, it was stated in season 3 that they still had contact with them back then, and even had access to some technology(well, enough to steal it)

          i would love the nox to return one day, though not if they are treated like hippies.


            The Nox can chose not to fight, that makes them great too me and one of the main reasons why I like them.
            It's good to have a bit of variety in the races we see and not all of the races from the great alliance have to fight other peoples battles, but the Nox do protect in their own way and they gladly heal the sick or dead when they come into contact with them.


              I don't dislike them what i do dislike is how little we saw of them we saw nothing of them in the later seasons hardly even mention
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                i just rewatched the nox, and i realized something; the nox we saw and the ones they referred to as the others have a different way of life, and thus maybe also different behavior

                the encountered ones lived with nature, while the others lived in a flying technofortress
                the encountered ones protected strangers and gave them a place to stay for a while, the others wanted nothing to do with strangers

                sounds to me like a divided people


                  well i suppose some ancients chose to lead more natural existence while others lived in high-tech cities. problem with the nox is that as they only featured early on in sg-1 the writers hadnt commited much mythology to the race apart from what you bare slight glimpses at. Its up to the viewer to fill in the gaps as clearly the writers hadnt explored that much of a back story to the nox.
                  The 11th Doctor. Indeeeeeeeeeeeeed


                    i know, and filling in the gaps i am:

                    the nox had a cultural conflict, one side lived with technology in big cities, others lived spread out through the woods, these two sides werent too fond of each other, and thus Sg-1 wasnt shown to them.
                    They even went so far as to think that the other nox would at first refuse to help the wood nox, because even with instantanious(sp?) travel they said it would take too long


                      i dont htink its a difference in my opinion the ones that live inthe forest are probably there an they must live int he woods to protect the giant flying bugs.most live in the giant cities while some live on the actual planet must stay and keep stuff invisible.


                        i wonder if they take turns then


                          It was my understanding, based on the show as opposed conjecture, that the "flying city" was revealed only when they trusted SG-1. I think it's one unified society (given all that was said) and the "forest dwellers" are a diversionary tactic.
                          Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                            a diversionary tactic?

                            who do they need to divert from, their city is friggin invisible

                            so maybe the two factions still work together, i am just saying that living in a different surrounding makes you act different


                              the nox we met are just hippy nox.... interesting. i wonder what the rest are like
                              Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                                Hippies living in a f***k off big floating city

