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My Journey through Stargate SG1 - episode by episode.

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    i agree, the samuri goa'uld were cool .


      6.04: Frozen

      I'm beginning to see why this season divided the fandom so much, I don't necessarily agree that it should, but i'm starting to understand it. This episode really sees Jonas Quinn placed front row and centre in the operations of SG1. He was just as involved in this episode as Daniel was. At no point did he feel out of place or awkward because he is a different to Daniel, so for me it's a mistake to compare the two.

      He's coming into his own quite well, i'm enjoying his presence. The episode itself was well told and paced but the ending was something of a concern. Do they intend on continuing this episode in the new story? I'm unsure because we didn't get the obligatory To be Continued... It just feels odd to leave the episode the way they did if this doesn't lead into another episode.

      3 out of 5


        Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
        6.04: Frozen

        He's coming into his own quite well, i'm enjoying his presence. The episode itself was well told and paced but the ending was something of a concern. Do they intend on continuing this episode in the new story? I'm unsure because we didn't get the obligatory To be Continued... It just feels odd to leave the episode the way they did if this doesn't lead into another episode.

        3 out of 5
        Yes, the story will continue in episode 6.


          the storyline will come up again and be a major part of that episode.


            6.05: Nightwalkers

            The more this season goes on the more I understand why it divided so much of the fanbase. This episode takes us into even more unfamiliar territory by having an episode without Jack or Daniel. There wasn't even an appearance by the gate! It tackles a whole new tone that's very close to the X-Files. I personally couldn't fault it, the change was welcome rather than just revisiting the same old Goa'uld action shlock that some of the lesser episodes in the series have resorted to.

            But for those who didn't like it, I understand. It felt like a real treat to see Carter truly in charge which gave Jonas an opportunity to step up. The resolution in the end was a little miraculous but still enjoyable.

            5 out of 5


              You are probably in the small minority who would give this episode 5 out 5. But just goes to show how different people's interpretations of certain episodes are


                I'm really glad to see you enjoyed Nightwalkers because I'm in this minority magictrick mentioned, who dig this episode.

                It makes me very curious though what will you have to say about Resurrection in season 7. That's another very X-Files-ish episode and in my experience people who enjoy Nightwalkers tent to dislike Resurrection, and vice versa. Otoh, usually it's also a divide between Sam fans and Daniel fans, and since you never let fandom's divisions influence your viewing, I'll be interested in your take on Resurrection and comparing both episodes.

                Also, the next episode to watch is Abyss! Yay! I hope you'll enjoy it, as it's my fave ep in the whole series.
                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  I'm a bit of an oddity then, in that I'm a very big Daniel fan but enjoy both Nightwalkers and Resurrection very much....I think both episodes are quite thought-provoking and the storyline works well with some very good acting from the main and supporting fact Nightwalkers is probably my favourite "non-Daniel-appearing" episode in also helps that it was filmed on location in Steveston, Vancouver which I've visited a half dozen times and love....I'd too be interested in hearing your views on Resurrection, as I know that quite a few fans dislike it intensely......I found it quite creepy (the subject matter) but very interesting...

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    i like nightwalkers, of course though i'm a daniel fan, i like jonas as well.

                    the whole x files feel was a nice change, and the episode had some great scenes. like teal'c and jonas trying to fit in at a bar lol.

                    and yes abyss is next . one of my favorites of the series.


                      Only just found this thread! It's been great looking through your thoughts through a non obsessed fans point of view . The next episode is a big fan favorite so i'm interested on what your thoughts will be.
                      Leeds Rhinos - 1961, 1969, 1972, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 champions!
                      Metal gear fan


                        6.06: Abyss

                        Sorry for the gap between reviews lately, just been busy with my schedule but i'm back on track. Reviews should continue as normal from here

                        I enjoyed Abyss, I haven't much to say about it. I was delighted to see the return of Daniel and even happier to see him working with O'Neill again. I was genuinely surprised that Daniel was the genuine least in his higher form. I was emphatic from the beginning that it was some kind of projection used to coerce a confession out of Jack, but it wasn't. I liked the fact that they limited his appearance to Jack rather than doing the whole team reunion, the chemistry felt rounded enough without the group hugs.

                        I felt the episode was a little slow in places, the torture scenes got boring really fast and some of the scenes back at SG1 pretty much just ended up clarifying something we'd already learned in a previous scene. Frankly, the highlights of the episode were just O'Neill and Jackson. But they're worthy highlights which kept the episode moving in the right direction.

                        4 out of 5


                          thats one thing i really liked about the episode is that you weren't sure if it really was daniel until the end. and there scenes definetly make the episode. and i also agree about the torture scenes, they got kind of repetive.


                            Abyss is my favourite Jack and Daniel episode....RDA and Michael Shanks brought their A Game to the fore and were simply brilliant together....I never tire of watching their scenes together, even if I know the words off by heart hovers up and down in my ever-changing "Top 3 best episodes of Stargate ever"'s usually at No. 1 though... ...I also think this Ba'al is the best portrayal ever....he's pure evil and not the "comedy wide boy corporate" Ba'al of the latter seasons...imho of course...

                            Deeds xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              6.07 - The Other Guys

                              This started out with a good premise and had some genuinely interesting dialogue. The trouble is a lot of the discussion began to repeat itself a fair bit and there was some character filler there too. It's no wonder since the story was a simple case of either party wanting something from one another. There's only so far that can be taken, but it was good to see SG1 not resort to action just to keep the story going. I have to say that I was very disappointed with the ending, it felt like a real cop out. The ending also reminded me of the early Christopher Nolan film, Momento. In fact, I think it was released around the same time this episode was.

                              3 out of 5


                                6.09: Allegiance

                                By far the least interesting episode of the season. Very rarely did I find myself caring for the characters or the pacing. Even the performances of the SG1 team seemed to lack an energy or chemistry that i've come to know. For me the episode lacked involvement because it just went through all the cliched motions of a stock standard murder mystery; stranded in the middle of nowhere, a tense camp of people, accusations relentlessly thrown about and a slowly building mass grave of victims.

                                Even the final "showdown" in the end felt uninspired. The slow motion reveal of the enemy, O'Neill's Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare style blind firing and of course the death of the enemy. It just felt like SG1 in autopilot. It's completely forgettable for me.

                                1 out of 5

