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My Journey through Stargate SG1 - episode by episode.

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    Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
    Had a good read through the thread, it is interesting to see these eps with which I'm so familiar with through fresh eyes.

    While SG1 had a reputation for family friendly viewing, it is slightly underserved in my opinion
    I totally agree. I never understood where this perception of the show being one for families came from. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I saw the film at the cinemas when it first launched, while I loved it, it very much felt like an action/adventure for "grown ups". Then there was the pilot. In no way did that set it up for family viewing; full frontal nudity, close ups of the symbiote exiting and entering the body, themes of slavery and allusions to rape, it certainly didn't come across as one you could watch with children. Strangely enough, as the show has gone on, the tone of it seems to be getting closer to the likes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who, two shows which I do consider as family entertainment.

    And I hate to be a bearer of bad news but that was the last you see of Anise.


      Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
      I totally agree. I never understood where this perception of the show being one for families came from. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I saw the film at the cinemas when it first launched, while I loved it, it very much felt like an action/adventure for "grown ups". Then there was the pilot. In no way did that set it up for family viewing; full frontal nudity, close ups of the symbiote exiting and entering the body, themes of slavery and allusions to rape, it certainly didn't come across as one you could watch with children. Strangely enough, as the show has gone on, the tone of it seems to be getting closer to the likes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who, two shows which I do consider as family entertainment.

      I think this is because there is a dip in the level of violence in seasons 4 and 5. It starts to go back up in season 6, and the last 4 seasons of sg1 have some pretty heavy violence at points, as do SGA , SGU and the movies. In the course of the shows we have people graphically shot, stabbed, set on fire, snacked on by various alien nasties, tortured and blown up.

      The themes as well stay a little more mature than Doctor Who and Star Trek, though admittedly Star Trek and Doctor Who, at least New Who, can be pretty dark at times. I think it just depends on the episode. You've seen how SG1 can change from ep to ep. I mean you recently watched Crossroads and Divide and Conquer, both of which are very dark episodes, and then you have Window of Opportunity which is quite light. Though even then there is a darker undertone, with the discussion of the death of loved ones.


        Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
        I totally agree. I never understood where this perception of the show being one for families came from. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I saw the film at the cinemas when it first launched, while I loved it, it very much felt like an action/adventure for "grown ups". Then there was the pilot. In no way did that set it up for family viewing; full frontal nudity, close ups of the symbiote exiting and entering the body, themes of slavery and allusions to rape, it certainly didn't come across as one you could watch with children. Strangely enough, as the show has gone on, the tone of it seems to be getting closer to the likes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who, two shows which I do consider as family entertainment.
        Except that was all in one episode. There was never any nudity after that or anything even remotely close. The Showtime execs at the time requested it, even though the original producers didn't really want to do the scene.

        But I think you're right. After that, and with a few exceptions, SG-1 is definitely family entertainment. If you consider what you see on SG-1 violence, I don't think you've watched a lot of other TV shows out there


          Originally posted by magictrick View Post
          Except that was all in one episode. There was never any nudity after that or anything even remotely close. The Showtime execs at the time requested it, even though the original producers didn't really want to do the scene.

          But I think you're right. After that, and with a few exceptions, SG-1 is definitely family entertainment. If you consider what you see on SG-1 violence, I don't think you've watched a lot of other TV shows out there
          Eh? I mean firstly no matter how mild it is it is still violence. Secondly maybe this is values dissonance, but for me in the UK, family friendly entertainment means stuff like Doctor Who, in which any violence is bloodless and doesn't focus on pain and injury.

          Here are some images of bloody violence in stargate focusing rather a lot on pain and injury. (In Spoilers for TryWhistlingThis's benefit as some are from eps you haven't watched yet, although the images themselves aren't that spoilery if you want to take a look.


          While I think teenagers would be fine with this stuff, indeed I was a teen when I started watching stargate, I wouldn't want to show stuff like that to younger kids.
          Last edited by The Mighty 6 platoon; 26 June 2010, 04:21 AM.


            Sure there are some episodes with violence. Talion being one of the most violent, which I think that first pic is from. Overall though, its not a consistent or recurring theme in the show in my opinion.


              Originally posted by magictrick View Post
              Sure there are some episodes with violence. Talion being one of the most violent, which I think that first pic is from. Overall though, its not a consistent or recurring theme in the show in my opinion.

              I disagree, but I don't want to derail this thread into some major argument about SG1's themes. I'd direct you towards this thread though,*spoilter* which is a discussion of SGU's darkness compared to SG1's and SGA's and there are plenty of ep of SG1 which violence and mature themes that are thrown around as examples.


                Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                I disagree, but I don't want to derail this thread into some major argument about SG1's themes. I'd direct you towards this thread though,*spoilter* which is a discussion of SGU's darkness compared to SG1's and SGA's and there are plenty of ep of SG1 which violence and mature themes that are thrown around as examples.
                I've been reading it, I believe I also posted in it already


                  Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                  I've been reading it, I believe I also posted in it already
                  Whoops, sorry . Well keep reading to the end, there are some posts in the last couple of pages that cover ground similar to our debate here.


                    4.07: Watergate

                    That's now two cast members of the Star Trek alumni this season! For that, I couldn't be happier. It's also to my understanding that Voyager's Robert Picardo is a series regular somewhere down the track also, i'm looking forward to that a lot. Marina Sirtis played her character really well. The cold, business like manner of her character was a refreshing contrast to the emotional and empathetic Betazoid she played during the TNG era.

                    It was also surprising to see Maybourne make an appearance here too. While the episode was good, it could have been made better but explaining his relationship with the Russians a little more and also seeing what the outcome was when they got back home. Did he need to face a court martial? Was he kept on so he could work as a mole?

                    What i liked best about this episode was the lifeform. For a change, it didn't have a rubber face or a deep, computer modified voice or a weapon. The resolution was also satisfying.

                    4 out of 5


                      Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
                      4.07: Watergate

                      That's now two cast members of the Star Trek alumni this season! For that, I couldn't be happier. It's also to my understanding that Voyager's Robert Picardo is a series regular somewhere down the track also, i'm looking forward to that a lot. Marina Sirtis played her character really well. The cold, business like manner of her character was a refreshing contrast to the emotional and empathetic Betazoid she played during the TNG era.

                      It was also surprising to see Maybourne make an appearance here too. While the episode was good, it could have been made better but explaining his relationship with the Russians a little more and also seeing what the outcome was when they got back home. Did he need to face a court martial? Was he kept on so he could work as a mole?

                      What i liked best about this episode was the lifeform. For a change, it didn't have a rubber face or a deep, computer modified voice or a weapon. The resolution was also satisfying.

                      4 out of 5
                      Interesting, I've always found this episode a little boring. I think possibly what irritated me about the ep was that we saw the aftermath of what appeared to be an exciting firefight at the Russian base, but none of the actual event, and I think it's a better story telling technique to show not tell.

                      However in future eps when we have mysterious goings on, we get to see said mysterious goings on, before the mystery is revealed as to why it relates to SG1.

                      As for Maybourne, his involvement in the series is far from over. Indeed his character from this point takes off and really develops. Trust me when I say he will reappear in season 4 and the next few seasons. You will find out what happened to him.

                      Though if you want I could reveal what's happening to him in the meanwhile. Trust me it's nothing dramatic.
                      He's sitting in a jail cell.


                        4.08: The First Ones

                        Sorry about the late review, I just had a busy week. This episode reminded me a little of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Darmok" where Jean Luc Picard is stranded on a planet with an adversarial alien where the linguistic barriers make diplomacy difficult. The interplay between Daniel and the Unas was played out well but the ending was disappointing. While the episode obviously needed an ending to reflect the fact that for once Daniel was challenged in his perception of the events before him, I couldn't help it finish this episode with a "...but why..." response. I certainly had some guesses as to what the true meaning of everything was, but the final few minutes did feel a little bit lazy, especially with the sudden discovery of the two sleeper Goa'ulds.

                        An episode with some great ideas but not given the treatment they should have had.

                        4 out of 5


                          There will be some follow-up episodes with more Unas.


                            4.09: Scorched Earth

                            For me the best part of this episode was the production. The inside of the ship looked amazing in terms of the lighting and the way in which it was filmed plus the CGI was great. Not that I didn't enjoy the episode, but the sequence of events and resolution didn't surprise me or even have me guessing. However, it was well-performed and generally well written but just gave away to much in the first twenty minutes of the episode.

                            3 out of 5


                              Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
                              4.09: Scorched Earth

                              For me the best part of this episode was the production. The inside of the ship looked amazing in terms of the lighting and the way in which it was filmed plus the CGI was great. Not that I didn't enjoy the episode, but the sequence of events and resolution didn't surprise me or even have me guessing. However, it was well-performed and generally well written but just gave away to much in the first twenty minutes of the episode.

                              3 out of 5
                              I think what's the most interesting about this episode is the interaction between Jack and Daniel. Their opposing views on certain things really get explored in this episode and I think that's the best part about it.


                                Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                                I think what's the most interesting about this episode is the interaction between Jack and Daniel. Their opposing views on certain things really get explored in this episode and I think that's the best part about it.
                                Agreed. Actually it's one of my favourite episodes of the series.

                                And hey, Beneath the Surface is next! One of my Top 3 Episodes Ever. Can't wait to hear your thoughts about it TWT
                                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                                awesome sig by Josiane

