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The other Gateworld Virtual Fleet

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    Here's a submission for the Russian Battleship if you want it fugiman:

    ~Technical Specifications~

    -Class: ?????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??????????????? ?????? (Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)

    -Designation: BB-09

    -Type: Large Hyperspace-Capable Warship

    -Role: Battleship

    -Builder(s): VKFR (??????-?????? ???? ?*?????: the Military-Space Fleet of Russia)

    -User(s): Russia

    -Length: 750 meters

    -Beam: 277 meters

    -Height: 123 meters

    ~Crew: 175
    ~Maximum: 500

    ~2x Mark IV-A Advanced Naquadah Reactors
    ~4x Mk. I-J Backup Generators

    ~4x VASIMIR Drives
    ~1x IMG (Inertialess Maneuvaring Grid)
    ~1x IDS (Inertialess Drive System) for silent running
    ~1x Reverse-engineered Goa'uld Hyperdrive

    ~10x VLS Tubes; each has:
    >6x SA-9 missiles with Mk. IV warheads
    >2x SA-9 missiles with Mk. V warheads
    >1x SA-9 missiles with a Mk. VIII warhead

    ~6x GSM Systems; each has:
    >same ordinance as the VLS Tubes
    >1x additional SA-9 with a Mk. IX strategic warhead

    ~4x Mk. II Plasma Cannon
    ~4x Mk. III Plasma Cannon
    ~8x 153mm Rail Guns

    ~Class 3 Goa'uld-based Shield Generator
    ~Sensor Jamming Capabilities - Active and Passive
    ~Electric Reactive Hull Plating

    -Additional Technology:
    ~4x Ring Transport Platforms
    ~Communications Array - Long (subspace) and Short (radio/LASER) Range
    ~Sensor Array - Long (subspace) and Short (radar) Range
    ~Subspace Locater Beacon
    ~Life Support System
    ~Inertial Dampening System
    ~'Black Box'

    ~History And Tehcnical Notes~

    ~History And Tehcnical Notes~

    After the disasterous IOA campaign against the Wraith in 2010, the Russian Military began to seriously look into developing their own independant fleet. Three months later, they enacted 'Project Zhel'éznyj Kulák', that is, 'Iron Fist'. They began in the next years to create designs for possible new starships, and had their scientists at Area 52 working overtime to develop new technologies from the Goa'uld items they were able to study.

    The program soon bore fruit, and in 2014 the Russian Federation became the first Earth nation with an independant space force; the VFKR. The very next year, Russia again secretly celebrated another first; the launching of the first non-US designed ship from a former gulag camp in Siberia; the X-09 RFS 'Zhukov'.

    The ?????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??????????????? ?????? class battleship, often shortened to merely '??????'; that is, 'Zhukov', was the brainchild of Russian scientist Vasily Fyodorovsky Padorin. Much larger than the American Daedalus class vessels, he was designed to be a heavy hitter, and incorporated the most advanced weaponry Russia had at the time. His Railguns and new Plasma Cannon were able to inflict extremely large amounts of damage, and the Russian military commanders were very pleased with his performance. The only drawback was that it would take eleven to thirteen months to build another.

    In early 2016, the Zhukov saw it's first action against two older style Ha'tak under the command of Ra'ca's Jaffa. Ra'ca's ships had been raiding a Hebridian convoy, and the Russain Federation had decided that it would be advantageous to help the Hebridians, as they might be convinced to share some of their advanced technology as a thanks. The Zhukov had been tasked to shadow the convoy, and when the Ha'tak appeared, he was ready for them. He quickly proved himself superior in every way to the Jaffa vessels, and forced them to retreat in short order. The Hebridians were thankful for the aid provided, and Russia gained a new off-world trade source for trinium and other materials useful for starship construction.

    In 2017, the Zhukov participated in pacification efforts along with US and British ships during the Disclosure Incident. Rebel Shi'a working for Hezbullah had infiltrated a secret Iranian missile launch site which had Nuclear ICBMs. They managed to launch three, but the Zhukov, Apollo, and Winston Churchill were able to shoot them down in the upper atmosphere. The US ships then beamed several Ranger and Marine squads into the area, and they quickly pacified the Radicals.

    The Zhukov's sister ship takes its name from a Russian submarine in a famous American novel; a playful jab at the USA.

    ~Ships of the Line~

    - BB-09-01; the RFS ?????? (Zhukov) - *active duty*

    - BB-09-02: the RFS ??????? ??????? (Krasniy Oktyabr; Red October) - *active duty*



    (yes, the basic shape is based on RJB's Ares, and is an altered form of the model I submitted for the AUF Battlecruiser; but it looks Russian to me )

    Edit: Crap! The Cyrillic doesn't work on Gateworld!
    Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 31 May 2008, 08:36 AM.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Well, here's a submission for the Chinese frigate, as well.

      ~Technical Specifications~

      -Class: ?? (Xiaoping)

      -Designation: Type 059A

      -Type: Medium Hyperspace-Capable Warship

      -Role: Frigate

      -Builder(s): PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy)

      -User(s): China

      -Length: 250 meters

      -Beam: 75 meters

      -Height: 30 meters

      ~Crew: 95
      ~Maximum: 155

      ~1x Mark III-B Medium Naquadah Reactor
      ~2x Mk. I-F Backup Generators

      ~2x VASIMIR Drives
      ~1x IMG (Inertialess Maneuvering Grid)
      ~1x IDS (Inertialess Drive System) for silent running
      ~1x Reverse-engineered Goa'uld Hyperdrive

      ~6x VLS Tubes; each has:
      >5x SA-9 missiles with Mk. IV warheads
      >2x SA-9 missiles with Mk. V warheads

      ~2x GSM Systems; each has:
      >3x SA-9 missiles with Mk. IV warheads
      >1x SA-9 missiles with a Mk. V warhead

      ~4x Mk. III Plasma Cannon
      ~6x 153mm Rail Guns

      ~Class 1 Goa'uld-based Shield Generator
      ~Electric Reactive Hull Plating

      -Additional Technology:
      ~2x Ring Transport Platforms
      ~Communications Array - Long (subspace) and Short (radio/LASER) Range
      ~Sensor Array - Long (subspace) and Short (radar) Range
      ~Subspace Locater Beacon
      ~Life Support System
      ~Inertial Dampening System
      ~'Black Box'

      ~History And Technical Notes~

      The Xiaoping class frigate was the first class of starship produced by the People's Republic of China after the disclosure of the Stargate Program.

      Constructed by the People's Liberation Army Navy, it is a smaller, faster ship than the American Daedalus class, and is designed to hunt in packs rather than alone. it takes the Chinese around three months to churn out two of these ships. (working both at the same time)

      Currently, the 567 Xiaoping and its sister ship, the 568 Xi An, are the only ships of this class in active service, but the #569, #570, #571, and #572 are under construction.

      ~Ships of the Line~

      - 567 ?? (Xiaoping) - *active duty*

      - 569 ?? (Xi An) - *active duty*


      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


        after this week i am in summer vaction so then i can make specs , model and battle for this fleet and AU fleet


          i,ll join


            Alright looks like this thread is up and running again
            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
            A Face you Can Trust
            So whats the worst that could happen?
            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


              Originally posted by titan_hq View Post
              Looks like I have some competition...

              Anyways, here are my sketches of the Athena:

              The Grey-colored part of the above ships is the main body of the ship, and the white area are the 'turtle-shells'.
              Ships from top to bottom:

              I think these specs qualify as 'They want strong powerful ships that can take a beating and give one'

              And the Akula, a gunship/corvette for the Russian Fleet.

              P.S, please ignore the 'USAF' bits, it's force of habit to put that on the side of all my ships.
              Also ignore any numbers or lengths or specs on the sketches, im just too lazy to get rid of them when i scanned them in.
              Nice ships


                who r we fighting in this


                  a rouge tau´ri group i dont remember the name

                  they left earth have bein gaining power be stelling from minor goa´uld and other race

                  they have for now
                  3-4 ha´tak

                  10-20 alkhase

                  40-50 tel´tak (cargo ship)

                  but are gaining power

                  and are going to start building ther own ship class




                      Her is a UK battleship

                      Role- BattleShip

                      Crew: 50-100


                      Height: 200m
                      Width: 250m

                      10x 130 mm rail gun
                      6x 30mm ADEN cannon
                      6x DLS missile tube system(fittet whit MS-2)
                      4x MK III Plasma cannon

                      Class 3 sheild generator
                      Trinium Double Hull and Inert naquada armor

                      Power Plant/Propulsion
                      3x Mk III series Naquadah Reactor
                      3x subligth engeins
                      1x goa´uld hyperdrive

                      10x f-302
                      2x puddle jumper

                      Asgard Beaming Technology
                      Subspace Receiver
                      Sensor Array
                      Subspace Communicator
                      Subspace Locater Beacon
                      Black Box


                      he fugiman we need to add subligth in the theclist, if you want i can make one
                      Last edited by ha'tak_; 02 June 2008, 04:25 AM.


                        Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
                        a rouge tau´ri group i dont remember the name

                        they left earth have bein gaining power be stelling from minor goa´uld and other race

                        they have for now
                        3-4 ha´tak

                        10-20 alkhase

                        40-50 tel´tak (cargo ship)
                        but are gaining power

                        and are going to start building ther own ship class

                        so there like the lucian alliance


                          jeeee a bid

                          but they only at war whit earth and ther ally

                          and in the future they will be more power full then the Lucian Alliance

                          but for now jee they are like them

                          i dont know if Earth knows about them jet but as i said they are gaining power


                            Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
                            jeeee a bid

                            but they only at war whit earth and ther ally

                            and in the future they will be more power full then the Lucian Alliance

                            but for now jee they are like them

                            i dont know if Earth knows about them jet but as i said they are gaining power
                            ya so dont we need a another enemy until earth knows about them


                              sorry i should have out it in anither words earthe knows that ther is an enemy out ther the rouge have bein doing hit and run atteck on them but earth dont know wher they are coming from


                                Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
                                sorry i should have out it in anither words earthe knows that ther is an enemy out ther the rouge have bein doing hit and run atteck on them but earth dont know wher they are coming from
                                that makes it clear

