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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 2.0

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    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
    And thats meant to encourage us, the GA are probley the most advanced race that have ever challenged this galaxy, apart from maybe the Ori, but these gave the Great allience a war that makes the war with the wraith or goauld or replicators look like fighting a cuddly toy in a foam pool...the GA are millions of years more advanced than any race in the milky way, they are older than the Nox and Asgard, they could even be older than the ancients...they are not a race to be treated lightly.

    Remember the saying "Its not the size that matters its the way you use it"

    The Karn were around at the time of the Four Great Races, they tasted their technology and then they were exiled, the Karn have a score to settle, and the GA aren't going to take away their revenge.
    Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


      I've made some changes to New Sparta
      I've made the Super Soldiers less powerful
      I've tried to downgrade there technolgy as much as possilbe and still make them powerful.



      New Sparta (417-2004)

      Roman General Thatus had 10 parties made up to send through the stargate. These parties included Scholars, soldiers, and other roman citizens. One of the groups that went through the gate also brought several hundred slaves with them on this expedition. One of these groups were slaves from Greece including Spartans and Athenians. The Greece slaves were treated worst then African-Slaves in Americas history. They were beaten, raped, given little to no food, little shelter and other vital supplies. Over time the slave population rebelled against there Roman oppressors. They slaughtered the Romans on there planet with out mercy. After a 10 year of conflict with the Romans, the Greeks had there own space colony. The Athenians and Spartans disagreed on lots of different things but did agree to live in a peaceful understanding. The understanding being that Spartans would control the military and the Athenians would control the civic and science aspects pf civilization. The political government that was set up was a simple one based on compromise. The Spartans wanted a king to rule while the Athenians wanted a republic to be built. So like the aspects of civilization a compromise was made. The government had a King and a Senate. The King would control the Military and enforce laws and be able to veto one law that he disagreed with each year. The law would have no chance of ever being passed until a new king was to the rule New Sparta. The King was also able to use any scientific advance he wanted for the purpsose of a the military. The senate would control making laws and scientific development outside of war. The planet name was New Sparta after a compromise was made between the Senate and the King. The compromise was that the planets name would be New Sparta and the Senate would get an increase of 5% each year to put into civic and scientific development. Over the next 100 years New Sparta's civilization spread across the planet. In a hundred years New Sparta controlled half the planet.

      New Sparta introduced the Greek Gods to the planet. The two main Gods that they worshiped were Athena and Ares. They erected huge monuments to the two these gods. The planet was rich in both Trinium and Naquadah so around 600 A.D. A Goa'uld came to the planet. He called himself Deimus, which is the Greek God of Fear. The people of New Sparta thought this Goa'uld to be a true god. However the ruling class of New Sparta knew this God to be a fake. They had to keep this secret for 100 years. The Senate and the King had lost lots of influence with the people. However they did keep a minority of people under the influence. As time went on the people slowly started to realize that Deimus was not truly a God after he tore down the the monuments to Athena and Ares. Finally after 200 years of planning the people of New Sparta overthrew Deimus. In the rush to leave the planet Deimus left several caches of staff weapons and Zats. Also he left three Al'keshs and five teltaks. The grand prize was an unfinished ha'tak that had to be left behind in Deimus's rush. The King and Senate were returned to there former glory. Also the people of New Sparta buried there stargate in a hope that no more Goa'uld would come to the planet. After Deimus left New Sparta planet had a new prosperity never seen before on the planet.

      Over the next century's the planet was completely controlled by New Sparta. The Gods Ares and Athena were once again praised. Trinium and Naquadah were both being mined. Technology was getting more and more sophicated. Then one day (Earth Year 1834) a Beliskner class warship of the Asgard crashed landed on the surface of the planet. New Sparta was used to technology of the Goa'uld level. None of the Asgard lived after the crash. New Sparta salvaged what was left of the craft. They were able to obtain shield technology to certain degree (never able to fully reproduce it), sensors, and subspace communications off of the Asgard vessels. With the technology of the Asgard and Goa'uld along with there own technology the Spartans were able to create new and grand technology. They reopened there stargate and traveled to many new planets. They met the Nox, Tollan, Aschen, Tok'ra, Jaffa, Goa'uld, and numerous other civilizations. The Spartans got to know the universe. They settled there own solar system being one other planet and three moons that they were able to colonize. They didn't expand beyond there own solar system. They weren't afraid to expand they just didn't have the forces to defend there borders. As time went on they began to build a fleet of there ships but thought that ships were not as equal to the power of the army controlling the ships. So with this belief Sparta put more effort into making there soldiers strong and faster. The Aschen came one day (Earth 1978) to New Sparta in hopes of conquering a new planet. However the Spartans have a long memory and remembered the Ashcen as there former slave masters and killed the Aschen that stepped forth on there planet. The Aschen tried to use Bio-weapons against the Spartans and sucseeded. They killed several thousand people. Afterwards the Spartans Scinetist found a way make the citizens immune. The Spartans tried to attack the Aschen but the Aschen launched the bio-weapon from a desserted planet. The Ashcen didn't bother the Spartans again for a time. Then years later a trader came from the outside universe and he told of the Tauri a new people who fought the Goa'uld. The Spartans soon respected the Tauri for being a warrior race as they themselves were. The Spartans were thinking of a way to approach the Tauri but Anubis attacked there solar system. Two of there moons and there there colony planet were wiped out by the kull warriors and Anubis advanced ships. Finally Anubis sent his Kull warriors to Sparta the Capitol City of there empire. The kull warriors were defeated by the Super Soldiers of Sparta. The super soldiers used Trinium tipped spears to kill the kull warriors. Then when Omla had fought Anubis and the Kulls were worthless the Spartans finally defeated there fleet and retook there planets and moons. Sparta's population had been 3.7 billion before the fight with Anubis, but after they were only 1.8 billion. Losing more then half there population, Sparta's Senate agreed that the time to meet the Tauri was not now. Now was the time for rebuilding. They buried there stargate again and rebuilt.

      New Sparta (2004 - 2043)

      After Anubis armies were defeated New Sparta realized that a fleet would be necessary to defend there homes as well as powerful soldiers. They put effort into building orbital defenses and ships to protect there little section of the galaxy. They had met many species when they had traveled across the galaxy. They had come to a a degree of respect towards other races and species in the universe. They had met the Nox and found them to be to pacif and could not respect there beliefs. They met the Tollan and the fact that they had no military to protect made the Spartans laugh at them. The met the Tok'ra but hated how they tried to defeat the Goa'uld by using espionage and not a direct attack. They hated the Goa'uld because one had previously ruled them. They respected the Jaffa for being true warriors but also pittyed them for believing in false gods. New Sparta didn't hate the Asgard but disliked them for the fact that they had the power to stop the Goa'uld but did not. The Spartans respected the Tauri with the up most respect, even though they had never met them but only heard of there exploits. They hated the Aschen for no other reason then they were Aschen. During the Time of the Ori the Spartans were attacked by one battalion of ori soldiers but defeated them easily. They were luckily that no other Ori soldiers or priors entered there solar system. The Spartans did learn that the Universe might need them to help defend it. The king wanted to send there troops into the universe and push back the Ori threat that they thought they could beat so easily. The Senate however was smarter and refused the King and told him they needed to build ships and numbers. The King listened to the reason of the Sneate. Sparta then built for the next three decades. They did not fight the Ori or the Wraith. Many of the citizen wanted to fight but the smart ones knew that they were not ready yet. They built there fleet and army size. After three decades of peace they had built there population up to nearly 2 billion. They have 20 Hat'aks (modified) 30 Alkeshs, 40 Spartan battleships, 10 Spartan carriers(100 fighters each) , 60 Spartan cruisers, 2000 Spartan fighters, an army size of 400 million (20% of the population), and a thousand super soldiers. Now that the Aschen attacked Tim'at the time was right to meet the Tauri for the first time and help them in there fight against the hated Aschen.


      The people of New Sparta had two philosophies Science and War. They put all of there resources into building there army and advancing into the stars. The people of New Sparta's technology was still behind the Ashcen slightly but still could hold there own against the Goa'uld. They excel at plasma based weapons.New Sparta also were more advanced in the field of genetics then the Aschen or Tollan. They have gotten rid of all known diseases to in the universe (they didn't have a smaple to try and beat the Ori Plague). Also the life expectancy of the people of new Sparta is 139 Earth Years. The main reaon why New Sparta was looking in to genetics to make a Super Soldier formula. The super soldier formula that New Sparta has been trying to devolp at first had little to no results. After years and years they devopled a forumla (Earth Year 1991) that enables there "super solders" to be able to have perfect senses (20/10 vision, enhacced hearing, and smell) a healing factor of two times the normal of a human, and it enables the soldier to grow stronger then a normal human by about 10%. Also the formula must be given before age 12 or it could kill the child. Only 6/10 canidates actually are enhanced while the others die. New Spartan scientist have no idea why it works for some and not others. One of the main beliefs is that the formula is only for the strong. They looked at all the technology that the Goa'uld had left behind and improved on it. There ships use Hat'ak cannons as the primary weapon (Twelve Cannons are on the Spartan Battleships). . The Hyperdrive on all of the Goa'uld vessels had been destroyed by Deimus so that the people were still stranded on the planet in case he ever came back, so all of the Spartans hyperdrive systems are based of Goa'uld designs even though they were destroyed by Demius.The shields however are based on Asgard designs giving them very powerful Shields. There shield strength is equal to 85% of a Beliskner Class vessel. Subspace communication and sensors are based off Asgard designs. There soldiers Armour is original design. The left arm uses a shield generator based on Goa'uld designs. The shield can deflect 6 staff weapon shots before buring out and have to be replaced. The right Arm is a plasma cannon. The cannon fires a three shot burst. The cannon is similar to the Kull warriors weapon. The soldiers also carry a Trinium tipped spear in case they ever face down a kull warrior or any warrior of its power. The Trinium spear is also a sign of respect to the ancestors before them who fought to keep New Sparta safe.

      I'm keeping the Name Sparta
      Last edited by fugiman; 16 February 2007, 02:12 PM.
      Vote Anubis for President in 2012
      A Face you Can Trust
      So whats the worst that could happen?
      Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
      It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


        Originally posted by fugiman View Post
        I've made some changes to New Sparta
        I've made the Super Soldiers less powerful
        I've tried to downgrade there technolgy as much as possilbe and still make them powerful.



        New Sparta (417-2004)

        Roman General Thatus had 10 parties made up to send through the stargate. These parties included Scholars, soldiers, and other roman citizens. One of the groups that went through the gate also brought several hundred slaves with them on this expedition. One of these groups were slaves from Greece including Spartans and Athenians. The Greece slaves were treated worst then African-Slaves in Americas history. They were beaten, raped, given little to no food, little shelter and other vital supplies. Over time the slave population rebelled against there Roman oppressors. They slaughtered the Romans on there planet with out mercy. After a 10 year of conflict with the Romans, the Greeks had there own space colony. The Athenians and Spartans disagreed on lots of different things but did agree to live in a peaceful understanding. The understanding being that Spartans would control the military and the Athenians would control the civic and science aspects pf civilization. The political government that was set up was a simple one based on compromise. The Spartans wanted a king to rule while the Athenians wanted a republic to be built. So like the aspects of civilization a compromise was made. The government had a King and a Senate. The King would control the Military and enforce laws and be able to veto one law that he disagreed with each year. The law would have no chance of ever being passed until a new king was to the rule New Sparta. The King was also able to use any scientific advance he wanted for the purpsose of a the military. The senate would control making laws and scientific development outside of war. The planet name was New Sparta after a compromise was made between the Senate and the King. The compromise was that the planets name would be New Sparta and the Senate would get an increase of 5% each year to put into civic and scientific development. Over the next 100 years New Sparta's civilization spread across the planet. In a hundred years New Sparta controlled half the planet.

        New Sparta introduced the Greek Gods to the planet. The two main Gods that they worshiped were Athena and Ares. They erected huge monuments to the two these gods. The planet was rich in both Trinium and Naquadah so around 600 A.D. A Goa'uld came to the planet. He called himself Deimus, which is the Greek God of Fear. The people of New Sparta thought this Goa'uld to be a true god. However the ruling class of New Sparta knew this God to be a fake. They had to keep this secret for 100 years. The Senate and the King had lost lots of influence with the people. However they did keep a minority of people under the influence. As time went on the people slowly started to realize that Deimus was not truly a God after he tore down the the monuments to Athena and Ares. Finally after 200 years of planning the people of New Sparta overthrew Deimus. In the rush to leave the planet Deimus left several caches of staff weapons and Zats. Also he left three Al'keshs and five teltaks. The grand prize was an unfinished ha'tak that had to be left behind in Deimus's rush. The King and Senate were returned to there former glory. Also the people of New Sparta buried there stargate in a hope that no more Goa'uld would come to the planet. After Deimus left New Sparta planet had a new prosperity never seen before on the planet.

        Over the next century's the planet was completely controlled by New Sparta. The Gods Ares and Athena were once again praised. Trinium and Naquadah were both being mined. Technology was getting more and more sophicated. Then one day (Earth Year 1834) a Beliskner class warship of the Asgard crashed landed on the surface of the planet. New Sparta was used to technology of the Goa'uld level. None of the Asgard lived after the crash. New Sparta salvaged what was left of the craft. They were able to obtain shield technology to certain degree (never able to fully reproduce it), sensors, and subspace communications off of the Asgard vessels. With the technology of the Asgard and Goa'uld along with there own technology the Spartans were able to create new and grand technology. They reopened there stargate and traveled to many new planets. They met the Nox, Tollan, Aschen, Tok'ra, Jaffa, Goa'uld, and numerous other civilizations. The Spartans got to know the universe. They settled there own solar system being one other planet and three moons that they were able to colonize. They didn't expand beyond there own solar system. They weren't afraid to expand they just didn't have the forces to defend there borders. As time went on they began to build a fleet of there ships but thought that ships were not as equal to the power of the army controlling the ships. So with this belief Sparta put more effort into making there soldiers strong and faster. The Aschen came one day (Earth 1978) to New Sparta in hopes of conquering a new planet. However the Spartans have a long memory and remembered the Ashcen as there former slave masters and killed the Aschen that stepped forth on there planet. The Aschen tried to use Bio-weapons against the Spartans and sucseeded. They killed several thousand people. Afterwards the Spartans Scinetist found a way make the citizens immune. The Spartans tried to attack the Aschen but the Aschen launched the bio-weapon from a desserted planet. The Ashcen didn't bother the Spartans again for a time. Then years later a trader came from the outside universe and he told of the Tauri a new people who fought the Goa'uld. The Spartans soon respected the Tauri for being a warrior race as they themselves were. The Spartans were thinking of a way to approach the Tauri but Anubis attacked there solar system. Two of there moons and there there colony planet were wiped out by the kull warriors and Anubis advanced ships. Finally Anubis sent his Kull warriors to Sparta the Capitol City of there empire. The kull warriors were defeated by the Super Soldiers of Sparta. The super soldiers used Trinium tipped spears to kill the kull warriors. Then when Omla had fought Anubis and the Kulls were worthless the Spartans finally defeated there fleet and retook there planets and moons. Sparta's population had been 3.7 billion before the fight with Anubis, but after they were only 1.8 billion. Losing more then half there population, Sparta's Senate agreed that the time to meet the Tauri was not now. Now was the time for rebuilding. They buried there stargate again and rebuilt.

        New Sparta (2004 - 2043)

        After Anubis armies were defeated New Sparta realized that a fleet would be necessary to defend there homes as well as powerful soldiers. They put effort into building orbital defenses and ships to protect there little section of the galaxy. They had met many species when they had traveled across the galaxy. They had come to a a degree of respect towards other races and species in the universe. They had met the Nox and found them to be to pacif and could not respect there beliefs. They met the Tollan and the fact that they had no military to protect made the Spartans laugh at them. The met the Tok'ra but hated how they tried to defeat the Goa'uld by using espionage and not a direct attack. They hated the Goa'uld because one had previously ruled them. They respected the Jaffa for being true warriors but also pittyed them for believing in false gods. New Sparta didn't hate the Asgard but disliked them for the fact that they had the power to stop the Goa'uld but did not. The Spartans respected the Tauri with the up most respect, even though they had never met them but only heard of there exploits. They hated the Aschen for no other reason then they were Aschen. During the Time of the Ori the Spartans were attacked by one battalion of ori soldiers but defeated them easily. They were luckily that no other Ori soldiers or priors entered there solar system. The Spartans did learn that the Universe might need them to help defend it. The king wanted to send there troops into the universe and push back the Ori threat that they thought they could beat so easily. The Senate however was smarter and refused the King and told him they needed to build ships and numbers. The King listened to the reason of the Sneate. Sparta then built for the next three decades. They did not fight the Ori or the Wraith. Many of the citizen wanted to fight but the smart ones knew that they were not ready yet. They built there fleet and army size. After three decades of peace they had built there population up to nearly 2 billion. They have 20 Hat'aks (modified) 30 Alkeshs, 40 Spartan battleships, 10 Spartan carriers(100 fighters each) , 60 Spartan cruisers, 2000 Spartan fighters, an army size of 400 million (20% of the population), and a thousand super soldiers. Now that the Aschen attacked Tim'at the time was right to meet the Tauri for the first time and help them in there fight against the hated Aschen.


        The people of New Sparta had two philosophies Science and War. They put all of there resources into building there army and advancing into the stars. The people of New Sparta's technology was still hundred years behind that of the Ashcen but still could hold there own against the Goa'uld. They excel at plasma based weapons.New Sparta also were more advanced in the field of genetics then the Aschen or Tollan. They have gotten rid of all known diseases to in the universe (they didn't have a smaple to try and beat the Ori Plague). Also the life expectancy of the people of new Sparta is 139 Earth Years. The main reaon why New Sparta was looking in to genetics to make a Super Soldier formula. The super soldier formula that New Sparta has been trying to devolp at first had little to no results. After years and years they devopled a forumla (Earth Year 1991) that enables there "super solders" to be able to have perfect senses (20/10 vision, enhacced hearing, and smell) a healing factor of two times the normal of a human, and it enables the soldier to grow stronger then a normal human by about 10%. Also the formula must be given before age 12 or it could kill the child. Only 6/10 canidates actually are enhanced while the others die. New Spartan scientist have no idea why it works for some and not others. One of the main beliefs is that the formula is only for the strong. They looked at all the technology that the Goa'uld had left behind and improved on it. There ships use Hat'ak cannons as the primary weapon (Twelve Cannons are on the Spartan Battleships). . The Hyperdrive on all of the Goa'uld vessels had been destroyed by Deimus so that the people were still stranded on the planet in case he ever came back, so all of the Spartans hyperdrive systems are based of Goa'uld designs even though they were destroyed by Demius.The shields however are based on Asgard designs giving them very powerful Shields. There shield strength is equal to 85% of a Beliskner Class vessel. Subspace communication and sensors are based off Asgard designs. There soldiers Armour is original design. The left arm uses a shield generator based on Goa'uld designs. The shield can deflect 6 staff weapon shots before buring out and have to be replaced. The right Arm is a plasma cannon. The cannon fires a three shot burst. The cannon is similar to the Kull warriors weapon. The soldiers also carry a Trinium tipped spear in case they ever face down a kull warrior or any warrior of its power. The Trinium spear is also a sign of respect to the ancestors before them who fought to keep New Sparta safe.

        Not bad.
        Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


          xD! It was just a test.


            Cool i cant wait to see something longer and hopefully coherent i got dizzy watching it but it looks great as a test or something bigger
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              haha that sucked ass !!!


                Well its fast I'll say that and for a test its pretty good. I can't wait to see the final version of it
                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                A Face you Can Trust
                So whats the worst that could happen?
                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                  Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                  Well its fast I'll say that and for a test its pretty good. I can't wait to see the final version of it
                  There won't be a final version..I just had it jump around the screen really fast as a test. o_o


                    Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
                    What for? I might be able too.
                    add it to the beam...i don't want the beam to be so straight i want it to be more chaotic
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                      add it to the beam...i don't want the beam to be so straight i want it to be more chaotic
                      o_0 Er..can't do that.


                        Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
                        o_0 Er..can't do that.
                        ok don't worry then, it looks good as it is...i meant to send that before i went out hours ago lol...erm i don't want another enemy yet, at least not till after the current enemies our dealt with. The Karn can happen after, heck they can fighter the Swarm if you want seeing as people are complaining they're too powerful...
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          I know that everyone is probably sick unto death of my pitiful attempts at making an energy weapon design but I like to torture people sometimes.

                          Anyway here is the last gun that I made with some modifications, I will be making a base to go with this but I like to hear people rag on my work. This one will be able to go either the width or the length of the ship on a rail as it is swiveling, I think this system will make it more flexible so that I can fewer stronger railguns capable of covering a larger area.

                          Edit: the double barreled one is for medium to large ships that have power to spare while the other one is meant to be a bit more economical.


                          So what do you think?


                            cool weapon, personally I do not mind you posting your designs, It shows how much you are improving.

                            Right I though I have a go at channeler weapons, so here it is.

                            So what do you guys think. it was just something I did quickly. Needs improvements. But if you like the basic idea I will improve it and change the color to what ever you want it to be.

                            Edit: Yeah I know the texture on the Spawn vessel is coming out wrong, it seemed I am probably going to have to re texture them or do something anyway.
                            Last edited by knowles2; 03 May 2007, 03:46 PM.


                              Cool lightening effect, can you also do two intertwining energy beams?

                              Anyway here is a couple shots with the gun on its base, neither are finished but I think they look alright.


                              What do you think?


                                An update on my carrier, I'm renaming it the Dragon-class carrier (now you have a clue as to what my ship names are).

                                Dragon class carrier

                                ~Designation: DSFC
                                ~Type: Deep Space Fleet Carrier
                                ~Role: fighter and troop transport,
                                ~Users: Tauri
                                ~Technology Base: Tauri, Asgard
                                ~Builders: Tauri

                                Length: 1096m
                                Beam: 370m
                                Draft: 85m
                                Displacement: tons normal Earth gravity


                                Crew: 1000
                                -Minimum: 100
                                -Pilots: 800
                                -Support Crew: 2800
                                -Troops: 5000
                                -Maximum Capacity: 25000

                                ~Powerplant: 2 Mark 5 generators

                                2 Large drives
                                4 Medium drives
                                Asgard Hyperdrive
                                ~Other craft:
                                Fighters: 500
                                Tel’Teks or Puddle Jumpers: 50
                                A.T.S. Drop ships: 100
                                Alkesh: 4

                                2 600mm triple barreled coil-gun turrets
                                200 nuclear weapons of various yields
                                2 forward firing electromagnetic launchers
                                8 300mm rail guns
                                Asgard shields
                                100 doubled-barreled point-defense coil guns
                                ~Additional Technology:
                                Electromagnetic catapults
                                Advanced environmental systems

                                Operational life span: 75+ years

                                Production Run: 10
                                1.The Chrysophylax (finished 2038)
                                2.Cawthorne (finished 2044)
                                3.Drachenstein (finished 2046)
                                4.Ancalagon (the Black) (finished 2048)
                                5.Glaurung (finished 2050)\
                                6.Tintaglia (finished 2052)
                                7.Icefyre (finished 2054)
                                8.Uwibami (finished 2056)
                                9.Nithhogr (finished 2058)
                                10.Sirrush (finished 2060)

                                ~Technical and Historical Notes~
                                The Dragons are the Tauri’s most important ships; capable of bringing everything needed for war to anywhere in the galaxy. One Dragon contains enough troops, support, and supplies to conquer planets. With its vast swarms of fighters, it provides essential support to any fleet engagement.

                                The Dragon was designed primarily for carrying vast numbers of fighters in the war with the wraith. With the war over, the designed grew to acuminate troops. All the people needed to run the ship and fly the fighters would over tax any environmental system currently in use. So a new system was created that could create oxygen at a phenomenal rate, but at a cost. The system was so power hungry that there was little power left for weapons. The benefit, the ship could support up to 25000 people.

                                Do to the power drain; the Dragon has only a couple of offensive weapons. To make that up, over a 100 point-defense coil-guns are placed around the ship, creating a near impenetrable grid. The 600mm guns can fire 3 different round types; high explosive, flak-burst, and armor-piercing-high-explosive. The high-explosive rounds each have a 200mt k-naq warhead. Flak-burst explode and release thousands of tiny 1 kt k-naq bombs. Armor-piercing-high-explosive, or APHE, rounds have trinium tips. On contact, the tips dig into the armor, followed by a stream of plasma, allowing the 100mt war head to detonate farther into the ship.

                                The ship has 14 launch bays; 6 for fighters, located along the hangers; 4 for drop ships, located beneath the ship; and 4 for other crafts including space for 4 Alkesh (though the ships aren’t carried standard), located on top of the ship. Each one is equipped with electromagnetic launchers and breaks. This allows for quick launching: just 14 minutes to launch all fighters. In the case of the drop ships, the launchers can catapult them out in less then a minute. The launchers are also used to slow down docking ships, allowing them to fly in at full speed if need be.

                                The ship’s 200 nuclear weapons are designed to be fired in a number of ways. The first way is the tradition missile, the second way is launched by the forward launchers, and the third way is by small craft.

                                Construction of the first Dragon, the Chrysophylax had started in 2031, but production shut down during the Wraith attack on Earth. Improvements were added to the design before construction restarted in 2036. The Chrysophylax was finished in 2038. The second one, The Cawthorne was finished 6 years later. Since then, a new Carrier was finished every two years, each taking 5 years to make. Each new ship had minor improvements and design changes.

                                Dragon carriers never operate alone; they are at all time flanked by at leas 5 ships during peace time and 10 ships during war, though in battle, more are used.

                                In an early battle in the Aschen war, the Chrysophylax with 5 Arcturus, 3 Thor-class starship, and 2 Phoenixes captured an Ashen controlled planet guarded by 6 Virtus-carriers and 20 Peramen battlecruisers. (Battle coming soon)


                                As you can see from the pictures, the Dragon is nowhere near complete, I haven't even startedt the other side. It is also covered in guns from when the design was a battle ship.

