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Why O'neill don't request the asgard to ...

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    Originally posted by Taonas
    *****Spoilers for Rising*****

    Daniel... or Mckay, not to sure, but one of them specifically said that Pegasus is a galaxy in our local group.
    I believe it was Daniel.


      Originally posted by Taonas
      *****Spoilers for Rising*****

      Daniel... or Mckay, not to sure, but one of them specifically said that Pegasus is a galaxy in our local group.
      Then I wonder why TPTB choose Pegasus. The only galaxy in local group with that name is Pegasus Dwarf (DDO 216). However, it is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy that consists only of old stars and is probably incapable of supporting human life.

      Of course, Pegasus Dwarf is also called Andromeda IV, since it orbits Andomeda. It is possible that the Atlantis is in
      Andromeda or Triangulum today; for the Ancients, it was in it was in Pegasus millions of years ago. However, I still say that the Asgard live in one of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies (though perhaps not in one of the Magellanic clouds, as I first thought).


        And the Asgard would magicly know where the thing is Atlantis is located how?


          Originally posted by Xevallah
          And the Asgard would magicly know where the thing is Atlantis is located how?
          No, but we have the gate address. With that, even the Tau'ri have the technology to calculate its position in space and plot a course ("Redemption"). Arguably, our technology may only apply to seven symbol addresses but with sufficient study of O'Neill's calculation from "The Fifth Race", I'm sure we could figure it out. Heck, maybe O'Neill's calculation is the basis for the hyperspace nav technology in the X-302 and X-303. In any case, even if we couldn't crack the 8 sybmol address, I'm sure Thor or an equally gray Asgard could.


            Originally posted by Lord You
            Then I wonder why TPTB choose Pegasus. The only galaxy in local group with that name is Pegasus Dwarf (DDO 216). However, it is a d[font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=2]warf spheroidal galaxy that consists only of old stars and is probably incapable of supporting human life.
            Yeah, but didn't they actually say in 'Rising' that it was a dwarf galaxy? So it would seem to fit...
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              Interesting. Because it is populated by mainly older stars, the galaxy probably is incapible of supporting life. I wonder how the ancients terriformed the place, and why they choose that galaxy. Why not the more interesting Andromeda Galaxy right next door?


                When the ancients moove to that galaxy, nox and Asgard was still ally with them ... They continue talking their trade and exchange ... they know where they go for sure
                - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                - The Nox


                  We don't know when the Allegiance was formed. I'm almost sure it was waaaaaaaaaaay after the Ancients left Earth for Pegasus. I base this on that the Asgard had limited hyperspace capabilities 30,000 years ago.


                    Originally posted by aAnubiSs
                    We don't know when the Allegiance was formed. I'm almost sure it was waaaaaaaaaaay after the Ancients left Earth for Pegasus. I base this on that the Asgard had limited hyperspace capabilities 30,000 years ago.
                    Limited? As in limited to their own galaxy... like the Goa'uld and other advanced races in SG-1


                      Originally posted by po134
                      if u are so much interresting not call the asgard ive an another solution :


                      they ll show u a lot of ancients planet ... damn come on writter think a little bit !
                      We don't know if we can even interface into 'The Chair'.

                      Not to mention the fact that we have no one capable of controlling 'The Chair' on a level specific enough to access it's database, search for worlds with outposts, and then locate one with a viable ZPM.


                        Royal Guard > We just have to tell to asgard for they bring us with them to Atlantis, We take our new gene that we've create (The ancients gene) ... and we watch for other planets sitting in the chair on earth Or just Ask the Asgard if they can give us an ancients planet location
                        Last edited by po134; 07 August 2004, 06:06 PM.
                        - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                        - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                        - The Nox


                          Originally posted by po134
                          Royal Guard > suffish to tell to asgard to go to atlantis, we pick up the new gene that we've create ... and we watch for other planets
                          Can you repeat that? I attempted reading it several times, but couldn't decypher your grammar.


                            Originally posted by rocket4477
                            Where's he gonna get the new ZPM?
                            I think the only place to find a new ZPM is to find another planet that has an outpost on it.

                            "We'll keep the light on for you."

