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Season 5

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    Season 5

    What is your favorite episode in season 5?

    What are some things that bugged you about season 5?

    What are some things you liked about season 5?

    Talk about anything you want on the subject of season 5

    please do not put any spoilers in this thread we are only concerned with what happened up to the point of the ending of season 5

    To be honest I think Season 5 was when SG-1 Peaked their are some fantastic episodes like Ascention, Red sky, Between two fires, 2001, Wormhole X-treme, 48 hours, Menace, and Meridian. How many other seasons of stargate have that many good episodes IMO

    However my best ones are:

    Red Sky
    Between two fires

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      Yes those are all great episodes but what did you think about the 5th man. In my opinion it is extremely underrated.


        I was going to add it to my list but I think its one of the those episodes you love or hate.

        I think it was an ok episode I just wish the alien who appeared in it was shown more afterwards, but the plot was fine showing compasion for someone they just met.
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          Ya thats true but I liked it becuase at first I thought it was one of those alternate reality episodes but then you cant figure out if the sg team is from a different reality or if sg base is a different reality. But then you figure out that it is all the same reality. I love how it was completely unpredictable.


            I really like Season 5. I don't think it's the strongest season, nor the most consistent but it was right at the time when Stargate was in it's stride.

            ENEMIES - Wow. Best action packed episode ever. 10/10

            THRESHOLD - A very fitting conclusion to the previous two episode. It was great to see Teal'c passage to becoming the shol'vah and the photography was amazing in this one. The whole "brainwahsing" thing was handled far better here then in "Family" (an episode I hate). 10/10

            ASCENCION - Don't like it. Very, very boring. 4/10

            THE FIFTH MAN - Love it. It's awesome to see what a great, honourable and couragous soldier O' Neill truly is. The sub-plot was great too. 10/10

            RED SKY - Great episode, pitty about the lousy "maybe God saved them" bit. Wasn't their God the Asgard, so if "God" saved them, wouldn't that mean the Asgard saved them? Bad ending to a great episode. Loved seeing O' Neill losing it and Carter screwing up. 8/10

            RITE OF PASSAGE - Boring, slow and totally uninteresting. 4/10

            BEAST OF BURDEN - I really don't like the Unas stories. Having them behave like humans just dosen't make for good television. 5/10

            THE TOMB - I love it!!! By no means a perfect episode but it's such a great B-Movie type of thing that you goota love it. 10/10

            BETWEEN TWO FIRES - Good enough story but too many little things about this episode annoyed me. Shame because it could've been great. 7/10

            2001 - I didn't like 2010 that much but this one was phenomenal. 10/10

            DESPERATE MEASURES - Excellent episode. Good to see Harry again and a nice sort of conspiratorial flavour to it. It was also good to see a plot picked up here from The Fifth Man. Good writing! 9/10

            PROVING GROUND - Alright, so was there ever a doubt it was all just a test? All the same an enjoyable episode. 7/10

            48 HOURS - Another superb one. The Russians, McKay, idealist Daniel and Major Davis. Top Notch. 10/10

            SUMMIT/LAST STAND - OK, I hate Osirus. Awful, awful character. Part one was excellent but I felt part 2 was just lacking something. 8/10

            FAIL SAFE - Meh. It's good enough I suppose but I don't know, it dosen't really do anything for me. 6/10

            THE WARRIOR - I like this episode for the action. It's an average enough episode. 7/10

            MENACE - Oh yes! Brilliant, brilliant episode. The start of the replicators, so much action and that scene in the gateroom at the end between Jack and Daniel, oh YES! 10/10

            THE SENTINEL - Not too bad. A total filler but enjoyable enough. 6/10

            MERIDIAN - Awesome and very sad. My favourite theing about this show is the relationship between Jack and Daniel and it was so good here. 10/10

            REVELATIONS - Can anybody say "chesse"? I hate this episode. Awful, awful, awful. Simply awful. 3/10
            'Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the end of it too?' - Douglas Adams


              Originally posted by captain jake
              Ya thats true but I liked it becuase at first I thought it was one of those alternate reality episodes but then you cant figure out if the sg team is from a different reality or if sg base is a different reality. But then you figure out that it is all the same reality. I love how it was completely unpredictable.
              Hehehe, The Fifth Man was the second episode I ever watched, the first being There But For The Grace Of God, so I didnt even know he wasnt on the team! For me Meridian, Enemies, Threshold, 2001 and Menace where the best if the season
              Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
              - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                48 Hours
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  Originally posted by PtahTheCreationGod
                  Hehehe, The Fifth Man was the second episode I ever watched, the first being There But For The Grace Of God, so I didnt even know he wasnt on the team! For me Meridian, Enemies, Threshold, 2001 and Menace where the best if the season
                  Haha I bet that was confusing.


                    Considering that this was the first season that I saw, I have a certain sentimental feeling for this season.

                    I loved Enemies. When I saw the Replicators I was like, "Woah! Maybe Stargate isn't so boring after all!"

                    Threshold is OK, but it doesn't grab me like some of Teal'cs other stories have.

                    Ascencion is an episode that I also like to a great degree. This was also my first look at an Ascended being.

                    The Fifth man is kinda "meh." Provided for a great sub-plot for later episodes, but the episode itself is just one of those average episodes for me.

                    Red Sky is a very good episode. My dad started complaining about it after a while, so that affirmed in my mind that this was a good episode (yes, I can be warped sometimes).

                    Rite of Passage was excellent. I liked the whole Hok'tar thing.

                    Beast of Burden, well, let's just say that they've done better. Actually, short of Enemy Mine, I'm not much for aboriginal Unas stories.

                    The Tomb was very cool. Can't watch it too many times or else it can get boring, but it's a good episode to watch, especially during Halloween.

                    Between Two Fires was an awsome, awsome episode. It's really a shame about Narim.

                    2001 is a pretty good episode. SG-1 nearly botches the planet up again, but manages to save the day. Good politics in this episode as well as a good follow-up ep.

                    Desperate Measure is also OK. Simmons is seen again as an even shadier character, we get to see Carter kick some ninja butt, and who can resist Harry's charm?

                    Wormhole X-treme, while chided by many, is an absolute ROTFLOL episode for me.

                    Proving Ground is just an OK ep. It doesn't really grab me, and it is very reminiscent of a certain Star Trek TNG episode, but the beginning was kinda funny.

                    48 Hours was very good. Provided you with several characters that you just wanted to slap across the face (and give one of them a lemon), Teal'c gets his revenge, and more of Harry's wit provides for a very good watch.

                    Summit and Last Stand, well, they were just completely outstanding. Daniel/Osiris action (she makes the perfect Goa'uld), on-the-edge-of-your-seat action, and a great storyline. I love watching this two-parter.

                    Fail Safe, it was funny. It was good. Didn't have an outstanding quality to it, but it is definitely an enjoyable episode to watch, especially with the slight twist they put in it to keep it apart from Armageddon and Deep Impact.

                    The Warrior frankly was an average episode. This was one Jaffa storyline that I think they could have done without. As I've said in other places on this forum, how many times is Teal'c gonna step away from the Tau'ri to be with his fellow brothers before he goes back running to the Tau'ri when he finds he's been misguided or feels betrayed? Please, no more of that.

                    Menace is an amazing episode. The origin of the Replicators, good character moments, this is an outstanding episode.

                    Meridian, do I really need to say anything? Only down side, the Eastern mysticism involved with the idea of Ascencion. Gives me a slight sick feeling in my stomach, but other then that a fitting and fond farewell to our favorite archaeologist.

                    Revalations. How can you not like this ep? We see Thor again, see Anubis himself, finally, and find out why all the Asgard seem to look like each other.

                    So, yeah. I'd say that Season Five was one of SG-1's best.
                    Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                    Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                      Ya but I have to hold season 1 close to my heart it was the first and in my oppinion the best. However I love season 5 because of its significant revealing of asscension.


                        My Best of Season Five:
                        Enemies- love it, love it, love it
                        2001- very cool ending to the "time trilogy"
                        48 Hours- MAYBOURNE! MCKAY! MASTERPIECE!
                        Meridian- *sniff sniff*, love the conversation between Daniel and Jack. *sniff, sniff*
                        Revelations- THOR! HEIMDALL!

                        And I liked a lot of other eps in the season, but those are my favs (there aren't many cringers here- except for parts of Ascension which is saved by the Star Wars scene, and maybe Red Sky)


                          Why didnt you like red sky?


                            Originally posted by captain jake
                            Why didnt you like red sky?
                            It was very dull.....and had a lousy ending.....not a bad episode, but definatly not engaging.


                              O I thought it was pretty exciting.

