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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by spg_1983
    that race is called the oannes
    Well spank me rosey. Learn something new every day.

    "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
    "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
    BAD WOLF!!!


      Originally posted by IMForeman
      Well spank me rosey. Learn something new every day.


      Yeah, but that brings up something else, why haven't we seen anything else on these guys since that first episode? I for one would like to see more from them, since it's evident that they may have been the ones who started the rebellion on Earth then there should be SOMETHING else from these guys in the show at some point. I still think that the furlings are NOT furry and are not cute... I just KNOW that they just couldn't be since the obvious humor that could be had from revealing them as not furry or cute would be fun. For instance Jack could always say something like, "But you're not covered with fur.." and then they could retort with "You call yourself 'earthlings' right? But you're not covered with earth..." which would be just too witty of a joke for an Alien that hasn't been around humans for a while but I just think that's too funny to let go. Anyway, they should NOT be cute cause then it'd be hard to take them seriously as somebody who'd be in a grand alliance of 4 big bad alien races... Think of it the Asgard are really cool and have big weapons, and the ancients have even BIGGER weapons and the Nox are pacifists but are able to convince you that you're your own grandfather if they wish... If the furlings were puppies with hands that'd just be wrong...


        Originally posted by DelTrax1
        I am sure hoping that they are the crystal Skull beings. I mean look.....they are very advanced to be able to react with us from where ever they are. And you can make the asumption that they aren't close. If you remember.....the first skull found was on earth. That we never have seen. The second we find on that planet. So knowing that the first one was on earth means that that is the way the ancients contacted them. I would also assume that the Asgards have one as well and also the Knox. We just wouldn't know because that would require a direct question which probably means that we haven't put two and two together. So it is easy......They are the Furlings.

        Excellent reasoning but it's still not necessarily proven though... See, the Nox and the Asgard also would interact with the Tollen (or at least did till they got wiped out) so those guys could be something other than furlings even if all those other races interacted with them even. Anyway, that's just assuming there's more than just the four original races from that alliance but also many many MANY other races out there in the galaxy...


          Originally posted by American3.141592654
          Excellent reasoning but it's still not necessarily proven though... See, the Nox and the Asgard also would interact with the Tollen (or at least did till they got wiped out) so those guys could be something other than furlings even if all those other races interacted with them even. Anyway, that's just assuming there's more than just the four original races from that alliance but also many many MANY other races out there in the galaxy...
          This was just my theory.....But that doesn't mean that I'm right. I was really just talking about the known four races that we know of. We know that the Asgard, Anceints, Knox, and the Furlings were the four races. I am just assuming that the race in the Crystal Skull were the fourth race the Furlings. Now I'm not sure where you were going with what you were saying. We know that there were only Four races in the Alliance. Fact. Now we would be the fifth race if we could actually get our act together. That is to not say we will be. Like you said there are many other races out there. But it seems to me you kinda were getting off topic. As of right now we know that only the Knox talked with the Tollin. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
          Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


            Originally posted by spg_1983
            the giant aliens are not the furlings, the writers have said several times that they are not and that we havnt seen the furlings yet. we were originally gonna get to see what the furling skeleton looks like in "Paradise Lost" but because of budget, they changed the skeletons to human. for some reason, whatever hteir master plan is, the writers are finding it impossible to work the furlings into the story line, and they have even come out and said we wont see them in season 9 either and will have till wait for ten to see them finally
            Wait, when/where did the writers state this? Last I heard, they were planning to touch on them some more (possibly at least make reference to) in season 9; never heard anything about a "wait 'til 10" comment.



              Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
              Wait, when/where did the writers state this? Last I heard, they were planning to touch on them some more (possibly at least make reference to) in season 9; never heard anything about a "wait 'til 10" comment.

              it was in one of the interviews, i think it may have been with malozzi, i could be wrong though, ill try to find the article i read it in and post a link


                Originally posted by DelTrax1
                This was just my theory.....But that doesn't mean that I'm right. I was really just talking about the known four races that we know of. We know that the Asgard, Anceints, Knox, and the Furlings were the four races. I am just assuming that the race in the Crystal Skull were the fourth race the Furlings. Now I'm not sure where you were going with what you were saying. We know that there were only Four races in the Alliance. Fact. Now we would be the fifth race if we could actually get our act together. That is to not say we will be. Like you said there are many other races out there. But it seems to me you kinda were getting off topic. As of right now we know that only the Knox talked with the Tollin. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
                well the whole "you have taken your first step to becoming the fifth race" was just a dramatic way of saying we have taken a step forward. we may someday become part of a new alliance, but there is no great alliance anymore so we wont be the fifth race of the original alliance. it will take thousands and thousands of years for us to get there anyway. as for the quetzocotal being the furlings, no. they are not the furlings because, the writers have specifically said that they have not shown us the furlings yet, and personally, i think that if they make the quetzocotal the furlings, then that is just a cop out by them and would be exceedingly lazy.


                  Originally posted by spg_1983
                  that race is called the oannes
                  no those are the fish ancinets that got killed by ball years ago on earth when they tried to kill the gould.


                    hey whats this word mean quetzocotal . Never herd of that word.


                      Originally posted by spg_1983
                      well the whole "you have taken your first step to becoming the fifth race" was just a dramatic way of saying we have taken a step forward. we may someday become part of a new alliance, but there is no great alliance anymore so we wont be the fifth race of the original alliance. it will take thousands and thousands of years for us to get there anyway. as for the quetzocotal being the furlings, no. they are not the furlings because, the writers have specifically said that they have not shown us the furlings yet, and personally, i think that if they make the quetzocotal the furlings, then that is just a cop out by them and would be exceedingly lazy.

                      Well, they could also always get away with them being sorta the same species as the mist beings but the mist beings not being the furlings exactly sorta like the humans are not the ancients but still... eh... Also we may not have actually SEEN those creatures from Crystal skull of the "giants" were simply projections instead of actual creatures... Eh... There's far too much wiggle room here to draw a conclusion logically... It's all speculation at this point...


                        We will just have to see how it all plays out.
                        Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


                          Originally posted by admirer
                          hey whats this word mean quetzocotal . Never herd of that word.
                          quetzocotal was an aztec (right or was it mayan? someone correct me if im wrong here, my south american cultures understanding sucks) god and is what the creatures in "Crystal Skull" called themselves


                            Originally posted by admirer
                            no those are the fish ancinets that got killed by ball years ago on earth when they tried to kill the gould.
                            no actually they are they Oannes, go watch the episode or check the omnipedia if you dont believe me


                              Originally posted by spg_1983
                              it was in one of the interviews, i think it may have been with malozzi, i could be wrong though, ill try to find the article i read it in and post a link
                              Well, until then, here's the link where I got the impression that they did have a wish to touch on them:

                              Season 9 MIGHT touch on the Furlings.



                                Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                                Well, until then, here's the link where I got the impression that they did have a wish to touch on them:

                                Season 9 MIGHT touch on the Furlings.


                                Hmmmm... it seems they DO say SOMETHING about it now doesn't it? They said they'd definitely touch on the furlings and they'd like to touch on the mist aliens which may imply that they're not one in the same but eh... This is up to them in the end.

