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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FallenAngelII
    How do we know the Ancients hated it? Besides the weird council in "Before I Sleep".

    I'll concurr. It's a Furling relic!
    Well, they were the ruling party of the Pegasus chapter of the Ancients, so if they hate Time Travel (as did most of the council apparently, since no one spoke up), then I'm guessing they all pretty much regarded it as...well, very very dangerous, which makes perfect sense.


      maybe they'll be tough like wookies


        Im gonna say Furlings, just because of the markings
        Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
        - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


          There was that and the only other attempt was the time looping planet and to me it looked like that was done in desperation to fight the plague.

          'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

          'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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            Originally posted by theStormWeaver
            Hmm... its possible. We know that the Ancients HATE time travel and messing with Alternate Realities/Timelines. Perhaps the Furlings were exiled/annihlated for this?
            thats completely untrue, the ancients created another deivce that did exactly what the mirror does, in sight unseen the device allowed the anceint to view alternate dimentions, just like the mirror (theoretically, if the mirrow was moved throughout the reality).
            however it think you have it wrong, i think the furling built the sight unseen device, because they are cautious and the ancients built the mirrow sothey could go we would like to.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              I really really dont get this ewok or wookiee business with the name furlings.....i can understand where it derives from but......

              Anyway its probable that we just get another history lesson and some artefacts maybe.

              'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

              'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

              Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                i'll agree it ws the furlings


                  Anyone wanna post comparision images? Didnt Danny say it was made out of Naquadha? Which Ancients use?
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    they dont use, they only utilised it twice in their entire history, once in the DHd and once in the stargate.
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard
                      Anyone wanna post comparision images? Didnt Danny say it was made out of Naquadha? Which Ancients use?
                      The galaxy seems to be rich in naquada so it is likely that many species use it
                      Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                      - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                        I agree
                        I'm from Iowa, United States


                          Are you saying that planet's race was the Furlings, or just the mirror was furling made? Cos there is evidence to support the latter, that said race had found that mirror and were cataloguing it, given the labels etc. Yet, why didn't the Goa'uld take it?

                          The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                            I think the goa'uld were just interested in exterminating the (probably human) race that occupied the planet.
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              I believe that the Daleks created the Qauntum mirror, but my reasons are my own and I refuse to share them with you. Although it is a good guess that the Furlings created the device (if you watch the episode where Dr Jackson is flipping through the times on the mirror and switches through a desert-like area), this could possibly suggest just how old the Furlings are - All mere speculation ofcourse...)
                              Last edited by Admiral Mappalazarou; 26 December 2005, 03:47 PM.
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                                Originally posted by PtahTheCreationGod
                                The galaxy seems to be rich in naquada so it is likely that many species use it

                                like asgard. they used a more powerful version called trinium

