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Is it just me that feels like this???

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    Is it just me that feels like this???

    I've been getting sick of the whole we're weedy and can't kill or destroy anything' attitude SG-1 and Atlantis has for a long time, we have too many enemies to fight, not enough ships, which conveniently keep getting destroyed by things, or crippled by other bad guys who we should be owning.

    Promethius - Gone
    Odyssey - Crippled by Lucian Alliance.

    I think its time that we got some kick ass Ancient tech, adapt it, and blow the hell out of the Ori, the Wraith, the Lucian alliance etc etc etc

    I am sick and tired of facing huge odds, in our puny little ships with its puny little weapons and getting destroyed, then going home again, its pathetic. WE DON'T WANT SUSPENSE. WE WANT TO KILL THINGS!!!!!

    Is it just me or not???

    Yeah, well it is about time we show the galaxy what kind of *******s we can be and open up some serious cans of whoopass.
    However that would requiere that the writers let use the tech we have at our disposal to its full extend and not constantly dumping us down or let the characters act braindead.


      Originally posted by Auralis
      Yeah, well it is about time we show the galaxy what kind of *******s we can be and open up some serious cans of whoopass.
      However that would requiere that the writers let use the tech we have at our disposal to its full extend and not constantly dumping us down or let the characters act braindead.
      Or maybe its the fact that if we did that...then we'd have a bull**** show where we do nothing but destroy I think the actual people we follow (SG-1 and Atlantis expedition) actually have these things called morals.

      The Ori...the Ori people are not bad! The Ori are...the people have been indoctrinated from birth, they percieve us as bad, and who are we to tell them were not when are lives have been ravaged with 'holys war' and death/slavery for people who are different...and can I point out that this still happens! So yea, were as bad as they are. (Just not on the same scale)

      The Wraith...well their only hungry, you wanna get your arse kicked for eating? Yea...they seem to enjoy food...wouldnt you be starving for a few hundred years of sleeping. We generally make a noise when we beat someone up, or pick something up...them hand slapping chest action may be the same kind of response.

      There are ALOT more issues than just 'destroy and kick arse'. Yes we could use some technology we've aquired...but who says we fully understand the tech, or even the aftermath it could use. Would the Jaffa or the Asgard want to be our allies if we obliterated mercilessly.

      One was an experiment made to cause destruction in any condition except water, the other was an aquatic expermiment to destroy the world...but in the end...Stitch and Nim: They made an amazing Hula team


        Originally posted by Blitz
        Or maybe its the fact that if we did that...then we'd have a bull**** show where we do nothing but destroy I think the actual people we follow (SG-1 and Atlantis expedition) actually have these things called morals.
        Correct. The whole point of the Stargate franchise has been that we're the underdogs, out numbered, out gunned, and significantly trailing in technology. Over the last eight years, they closed the tech gap, but it took a lot of time. Six years to build just one ship, three more before any more showed up.

        IMO, the SGC was getting a little too strong. That's something I like about the Ori. They've got Earth in their sights, and can take their own sweet time moving on it. Add in the events of 'Ethon' and 'Camelot', and we've got serious problems when the new season begins. As we should.

        a time to mourn


          Originally posted by Hatcheter
          Correct. The whole point of the Stargate franchise has been that we're the underdogs, out numbered, out gunned, and significantly trailing in technology. Over the last eight years, they closed the tech gap, but it took a lot of time. Six years to build just one ship, three more before any more showed up.

          IMO, the SGC was getting a little too strong. That's something I like about the Ori. They've got Earth in their sights, and can take their own sweet time moving on it. Add in the events of 'Ethon' and 'Camelot', and we've got serious problems when the new season begins. As we should.
          Truer words have rarely been spoken. Or typed, as the case may be.


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            Correct. The whole point of the Stargate franchise has been that we're the underdogs, out numbered, out gunned, and significantly trailing in technology. Over the last eight years, they closed the tech gap, but it took a lot of time. Six years to build just one ship, three more before any more showed up.

            IMO, the SGC was getting a little too strong. That's something I like about the Ori. They've got Earth in their sights, and can take their own sweet time moving on it. Add in the events of 'Ethon' and 'Camelot', and we've got serious problems when the new season begins. As we should.
            Well spoken, we are going on ten years now and it is time we kick some butt.

            Landry; We have some new weapons we would like to try out.
            Carter: did they finish them.
            Landry: All of them.
            Daniel; What weapons
            Landry: While SG-1 was out saving the world, SG-4 and 5 was actually procuring Tech.
            Landry: The New D class ship just rolled out with all Earth based Tech.

            Let the butt kicking begin
            *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
            *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
            *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
            *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
            *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
            *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
            *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


              I like the fact that we got our asses handed to us lately. It sets up for a good S10 with us clawing our way back and fighting. Yeah we have some nice tech but the show would suck if it was the usual, oh crap we have a problem la la la, 2 mins till ep end, wait I got it! I was cringing in Crusade when
              Daniel was looking for the San Grael, if he found it and it was oh now we have an Ori weapon it would have sucked
              . Now we have something to at least try and do in S10. I love how the Ori seem unstoppable - it's like the Goa'uld in S1. End of S9 was one of my favorite ways to end a season -
              huge tech gap revealed and no creative way around it (i.e. no SG1 on board the ship, no way to get through the shields, no kamakaze possible, no covert op on the ships (Vala doesn't count), it seems like we're screwed and need to high tail it out of there to save our skins.


                OK, YOU guys go pick up YOUR Ancient weapons and go kick a** in a war in a fictional tv show. But, I am just going to sit here and watch this tv show and talk about how *THEY* should or shouldn't do something.


                  I like that we finally got our butts kicked...

                  In my opinion it was too convient that we kicked major butt (entirity of S7 & 8), even tho again, we hardly did anything...

                  I think this story arc makes great awesomeness!



                    The Ori are the first scary baddies since ever.

                    Camelot's ending made me go yikes woah *shudder* OMG now we're stuffed. That's the first episode that's done that to me since... probably pre-humanform replicators pwned Thor.


                      Originally posted by Hatcheter
                      Correct. The whole point of the Stargate franchise has been that we're the underdogs, out numbered, out gunned, and significantly trailing in technology. Over the last eight years, they closed the tech gap, but it took a lot of time. Six years to build just one ship, three more before any more showed up.

                      IMO, the SGC was getting a little too strong. That's something I like about the Ori. They've got Earth in their sights, and can take their own sweet time moving on it. Add in the events of 'Ethon' and 'Camelot', and we've got serious problems when the new season begins. As we should.
                      This is hands-down the best post I've read all night. I couldn't agree with you more, my friend. I absolutely relish the whole underdog aspect of this show. I always have, really. It makes things that much more gratifying when our side comes out on top eventually. Seeing the difficulty of that struggle is the best entertainment, at least IMO. And right now, SG-1 is definitely locked in one hell of a struggle. Things should be very interesting in season 10, to say the least.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        I agree that stargate always has the odds against them, which is what is appealing about the whole show. That being said I think it might have been a mistake to have both prommie and Odyessey destroyed. Now we're left with the Orion, Deadelus, and Korelev. I hope this doesn't become some kind of pattern where we build a ship and one gets destroyed. Prommie XX Odyessey comes into service. Korelev comes into service and Odyessey XX. Are we allowed only one ship in the MW at a time? I am somewhat encouraged by the rate at which we are making ships. Prommie was finished mid season 6. It was a little over two years later when the Deadelus came into service. (End season 8) A little less than a year later the Odyessey came into service. (3/4 season 9) Now the Korelev was rushed into service. How long it would have taken normaly couldn't have been much more than a few more months. It seems that Earth will be able to pump out 2-4 ships in season 10. What I would like to see is an Earth Mothership. Our ships now are just Battle Cruisers. Actually, I think I'll start a thread for things I'd like to see in season 10. Whatever happens, we're still the underdogs.


                          i think the writers have been excellent in gradually making Earth a 'power', compared to the other alliances/empires. the search and adaption of alien tech has been a steady growth since the initial X bombers, to the promethues and to the daedalus-class ships. i think it highlights a certian realisim that we can't immediately have a massive armada of ships (surely people back on earth would get wind of this - or maybe im wrong about that?) due to resources and money, etc.

                          the destruction of the prometheus was a shock (but made for a great scene) and im hoping the milky-way galaxy based daedalus-class ships aren't totally written off!

                          maybe the ancient ship (arr, was this the orion - i forget?) on atlantis would stand a better chance against orii technology?


                            I noticed a trend as I was watching each season:

                            Seasons 1-5: We were the underdogs, we had to get our butts saved, and we proved to be the most pathetic species in the galaxy. Loved these seasons...

                            Seasons 7&8- We kicked butt, we put up a fight, we were just short of being godlike, and nothing could stop us. I hated these two seasons (Daniel's arc withstanding).

                            To me, it's not human nature (or it shouldn't be) to go terrorizing the galaxy because we have the means to do so. If we go around doing that, we're no better than the Goa'uld.

