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Why do a lot of the "Anti Season 9ers" like Arthur's Mantle?

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    Why do a lot of the "Anti Season 9ers" like Arthur's Mantle?

    I'm curious... it seems they hate season 9 but really like Arthur's Mantle. Now, I'm a big Stargate fan, and I've liked all the seasons, but I HATED Arthur's Mantle, thought it was really not done well.

    So I'm really scratching my head, I like season 9 and hated Arthur's Mantle, felt it was one of the weakest season 9 episodes, yet a lot of the anti season 9 people liked it.

    Go figure lol

    Well.... I had my normal "they can walk through walls but they're standing on the gound" problems with the show.

    To me though.... it happened too quick. The Sodan were introduced a quarter of the way through the season, and now it looks like they've been killed off. Same thing with Merlin's uber-weapons, and the whole Ori invasion. Everything is seeming to be pretty rushed.

    I mean... the Tollan got killed off, but at least it took them five years to do it. They spent two years looking for the "City of the Lost." So-on and so-forth.

    Of course, with ratings dipping the past few seasons and all... I understand why they're rushing things through. Better to get their story out before Sci-Fi gives them the axe, and come up with new crap later, than to have the current story cut short.


      I did enjoy Arthur's Mantle - probably the most enjoyable episode of S9 for me. I wouldn't say that I adored it - compared to previous seasons it was pretty poor. Which I guess says something, once again, about the quality of S9 for me.

      But, yes, I liked it. It had something of the old SG1 about it. Team spirit, some nice humour (note: Mitchell's dumb quips do not constitute clever humour in my book of the kind we've enjoyed in the past). Dr. Lee - always fun to watch. Landry wasn't in it much. Mitchell was less annoying than he's been for me in previous episodes. Plenty for the core characters to do - Sam wasn't relegated to wearing tight leather pants as a Vala clone or spouting scientific gibberish and it was again nice to see Daniel return to being the linguist.

      I guess, thinking about it, it all boils down to nostalgia. It was almost like watching an early season episode if you squinted. It had memories of better days and better times in it.

      Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

      Richard Dean Anderson


        Originally posted by Bragi
        Well.... I had my normal "they can walk through walls but they're standing on the gound" problems with the show.
        So did the Tollan. They could walk through walls but not fall through the floor and make a journey to the center of the Earth.
        I aheva theory to why. The Tollan devices and Merlin's dimension work with 90 degrees dephasing from the gravitational direction. So if the movement is parallel with gravity (0 degrees) passing through solid objects is prevented, but if the movement is horizontal (90 degrees) passing through solid objects is possible. So your possibility of movement is directly dependent of the the angle between direction of gravity and direction of movement.

        0 degrees ---> zero movement through solid objects
        90 degrees ---> full movement through solid objects

        from 0 degrees to 90 degrees ----> partial movement (it is better avoided).
        School is overrated.


          Originally posted by Lord Shiva
          I'm curious... it seems they hate season 9 but really like Arthur's Mantle. Now, I'm a big Stargate fan, and I've liked all the seasons, but I HATED Arthur's Mantle, thought it was really not done well.

          So I'm really scratching my head, I like season 9 and hated Arthur's Mantle, felt it was one of the weakest season 9 episodes, yet a lot of the anti season 9 people liked it.

          Go figure lol
          Oh come on.

          Is it really that shocking that people have different opinions about episodes? Is it that baffling that some fans liked an episode that you didn't like or hated an episode that you loved? Are you really caught off guard that much that such a revelation warranted a new thread to talk, yet again, about poster opinions rather than the show itself?

          I have yet to find this mythological "anti" fan that hates everything - every character, every plotline, every enemy - in season nine. And I doubt anyone else can find such a fan either. Instead, I see fans that disliked certain episodes but liked others, fans who don't like the new characters but still love having the old ones around, fans who are warming up to the new characters, fans who don't like most of the writing or storylines but see a glimmer of what they do like here and there. So it doesn't surprise me in the slightest when fans who have criticisms about season nine like certain episodes. It's not as simple as absolute love or hate, after all.


            I'm Pro Season 9, and I really enjoyed "Arthur's Mantle". For those who are in the "anti" category and happened to enjoy the episode, I say great. Maybe that will motivate some of them to keep watching the show a little longer.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              I think it's dangerous to lump people into a category like this. I liked some of the character interactions in Arthur's Mantle but I also hated other parts of it too.

              Kinda serves as a microcosm for my Season 9 sentiments to date...I've enjoyed bits and pieces from most of the episodes this season but I've also had real problems with huge chunks of this season and no part of it has really stood out to be as stellar as it could have been. It's like a season of missed opportunities and missteps to me...

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                DID they walk through walls?

                They did not....

                They only walked through persons....


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  I have yet to find this mythological "anti" fan that hates everything - every character, every plotline, every enemy - in season nine.
                  Oh, I've seen a few.

                  I wont name them though.


                    Did you take a poll? What does it matter if it were true?

                    I feel like shouting out "I HAVE THE POWER" or "HALLOWED ARE THE ANTI SEASON NINER'S". We must be powerful or so many people would not care about us and our opinions which in itself is great considering we are told over and over that we are a small and insignificant minority.

                    Seriously...What kind of answer did you expect?

                    I live in Canada so we are 2 weeks behind but to stay true to your opinion " I'm sure I will love it."


                      Season 9 RULES!!!!

                      Originally posted by STARGATE7777
                      I live in Canada so we are 2 weeks behind but to stay true to your opinion " I'm sure I will love it."
                      So do I!!! Don't you hate it, but at least it isn't as bad as some places!
                      My name comes from a Greek word that means a supernatural being halfway between a god and a human being (but not a demi-god). Though I am also the master of magic. Therefore... Stargate rules!!!

