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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Even if that doesn't convince you, the Arabs actually came up with a completely unarguable logical reasoning for God's existence, which follows:

    1. Anything that has a beginning has a cause.
    2. The universe had a beginning.
    3. th universe therefore has a cause
    And I can even go further:

    4. The universe is infinite.
    5. Therefore it must have an infinite cause.
    Please the Cosmo argument can be crushed with three words. Who created God. Andi f you say nothing created God, then your defeating your own arguments because if god has no creator then why must the universe.
    None of the philosophical "proofs" of God work, unless you already believe in God. As an independant argument they are worthless. All of them rely on the presumption of belief in a supreme deity. If you already believe then they work in reinforcing that idea. If you dont believe, they are worthless. In either case there is no resolution to either side of the debate, making them practically useless if not philosophically devoid of meaning.

    Now this is a thread about Ship design, the debate about religion ENDS. NOW.
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
    Sanctuary for all |
    11000! green me


      i personally believe in the anthropological landscape: 10^123 [i believe] universes, the second slighly different than the first, the third slightly differend than the second, on and on and on, so you have a range of universes, each different. our universe happens to be capable of sustaining life. this means, alien life existed. i say existed, because of all life sustained, some would die out immediatly, other would live 1000 years and die out, and every second passing makes it less likely we encounter aliens. this means, that humanity is something rare. something unique. scientists like to decentrate from humanity, i like to see us more or less like a chance happening, something unique, cause its so hard to have life exist for millions of years, and the chance we meet annother alien civ is almost zero.

      religion VS science, or science VS science are useless, pointless, and stupid discussions people bring up, cause in the end, evolution m ight have the most proved facts, doesnt mean god[s] doesnt/dont exist. after all, we are humans, and might have misinterpretated god/the gods. saying god is proud of us is a manifestation of arrogance: IMO more human error than proof god doesnt exist, because if he is proud of us, then he's a moron. also, if he exist, and is healthy, and he isnt proud of us, he'd intervened, but hey, hes god[ or they are gods....], and so they wouldnt intervene, leaving divinity to the people who can sense it. and then, we have spirituality and psychic people and all that. even though science has more facts proved, doesnt mean god[s] doesnt/dont exist. IMO, god doesnt exist. gods dont exist. and we come from one-cell organisms. but some people think otherwise, and as long as they dont build fancy weapons and blow us off the face of the earth, cause we think otherwise, i dont care what people think. but i do like to know how people think all was created.

      i am wondering what people think about fighters too. some see it as a waste of resources.

      but make a 302 with ceramic polymer skin, and a heavy cloaked nuclear missile, and we can beat hives

 ship design

        or do I have to get my holy water out and start spraying everyone saying "the power of christ compels you, the power of christ compels you!"
        Visit my Website


          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
          Please the Cosmo argument can be crushed with three words. Who created God. Andi f you say nothing created God, then your defeating your own arguments because if god has no creator then why must the universe.
          I can crush this here and now. The logical reasoning is this:

          1. Anything that has a beginning has a cause.

          That throws your argument out the window. God by definition (Christian/Jewish/Muslim) cannot have a beginning, and therefore needs no cause.

          None of the philosophical "proofs" of God work, unless you already believe in God. As an independant argument they are worthless. All of them rely on the presumption of belief in a supreme deity. If you already believe then they work in reinforcing that idea. If you dont believe, they are worthless. In either case there is no resolution to either side of the debate, making them practically useless if not philosophically devoid of meaning.

          Now this is a thread about Ship design, the debate about religion ENDS. NOW.
          Then stop insulting Christians. tep, I have the utmost respect for you, but you are NOT GOD. You cannot enforce your views, make casual remarks on them, and expect us to follow with our tails between our legs. As long as anyone argues Christianity, I will be here to defend it.

          And I like the new Cylon Raider Mike.
          Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 24 August 2008, 08:12 PM.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            Alright, I'll just ignore y'all and focus on the argument.

            but make a 302 with ceramic polymer skin, and a heavy cloaked nuclear missile, and we can beat hives
            Word it whatever way you want mate.

            And Mike: That's a cylon raider!


              Maniac Mike, i love that

              and tep, please take in accout that, while science has more facts, even if i put mckoy and you on a lone planet with a ton of food, and a dozen of ZPM's and a TDF speeding up time 10^129283742764628427677477472646x then you will still have the same thoughts, ideas, and feelings about it, and you cant change that. if i had to choose the strongest power in the universe, i didnt choose god, i chose faith in god. its something always there, and only the one believing it can change that, not an outsider. its not like, the next prophet comes, and everyone thinks hes here to announce the paradise is coming, and i shoot him, and noone believes in god anymore, cause he's dead. only mckoy can choose wheter he believes or not. thats why religion is so much stronger than science.


                Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                If you want to solve that question, you have :
                1. to wonder why would you need fighters for?
                2. to look if you couldn't replace it by a bigger warship
                3. to look if you couldn't replace it by an unmanned drone or missile

                In the 2nd proposition, it's because whoever attacks you is not interested in your fighters but on your warships than can blow them out of the sky (space...). So maybe a more powerful warship wouldn't be useless. And there would be less space dedicated to storage for the fighters.

                In the 3rd, you will probably launch missile at your enemy. they are going to be destroyed. So what do you prefer? lose a more sophisticated missile that is meant to be lost or lose an advance fighter with its sophisticated weapon and its uber-trained pilot?

                If you solve this riddle, you have gained a significant advantage over enemy ships.
                I think I have an answer to my own questions : use a fighter as a personal spacecraft (just like in Cowboy Bebop, or simply a puddle jumper).

                1. Why do I need it? to travel safely in space.
                Which mean being quite comfortable for a long trip (with or without hyperdrive) and scare the occasional pirates and so on. Howecer, forget about blowing up ships twice your size...

                2. why not use a bigger spaceship? I am alone (hermit mode?) and maybe not as so rich as I wished...
                But with a ship the size of a Tel'tac, I could make a little trade, get some cash, even add some furniture (or more weapons, shields, life supports, fridge and other advanced systems)

                3. why not use a missile? I don't really need to answer, do I?

                So for "poor lonesome cowboys", fighters would be great at first.

                Transform them into unmanned ships and you can even sell them to space pirates since they would be cheap (so use a lot) and expendable (launch a lot of them on cargoships to scare them/occupy their defense system while the main fleet take care of serious issues.)

                Note : they are still not useful on a battleship, unless you use them to attack (really) smaller cargoships. And in that case, your battle ship won't be used at its full potential (making your crew wonder why you bought it).
                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                  Since when does a fridge count as advanced technology?


                    Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                    Since when does a fridge count as advanced technology?
                    Have you ever tried to keep your food good without one?

                    Fav Stargate Quotes

                    Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

                    I like the yellow ones.

                    Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

                    OH CRAP!!!

                    You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


                      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                      Since when does a fridge count as advanced technology?
                      EDIT: For a bigger spaceship :
                      Some classical furnitures: fridge, bed/bunk, toilets,....
                      Some advanced furnitures : weapons, shields, life supports, long-range sensors,...

                      Which make me think : having so much small cheap spacecraft will affect the economy. You have to think about :

                      - how and where to produce ships?
                      I have a fancy for orbiting space station - factories around asteroids. Or directly make them on the surface of a planet.

                      - what about different designs?
                      That would be cool but would it be cost-effective? I don't know.

                      - how to transport those ships once they are sold?
                      Maybe think about surface-orbit transporters and Hyperspace capable transporters. (those last could be used by the new owners to move around the galaxy)

                      - shouldn't every major planet have a neighbour space station so that pilots could easily dock their ship and go for a stroll on the surface?

                      If you are a major space company, you could invest your money on :
                      - production and customer services (General Motors + Space = General Drives)
                      - surface-orbit transporters for small spacecraft (a NASA corporation?)
                      - Hyperdrive capable transporters/freighters (heavily armed or escorted)
                      - Space station (with a set of rings for transport to the neighbour planet)

                      I think I found new idea of designs for the months coming. Stay tuned for the birth of my AstroCompany.
                      La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                      L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                        Then stop insulting Christians. tep, I have the utmost respect for you, but you are NOT GOD. You cannot enforce your views, make casual remarks on them, and expect us to follow with our tails between our legs. As long as anyone argues Christianity, I will be here to defend it.
                        When have i insulted christians? In terms of this thread, me stopping that debate is well within my rights, no im not god, nobody is, but i can say when a relgious debate is so far off the topic of this thread that it needs to stop. Defend Christianity all you like, but not here.
                        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                        Stargate : Genesis |
                        Original Starship DesignThread
                        Sanctuary for all |
                        11000! green me


                          Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                          I believe it was when he insulted anyone who is not an evolutionary follower.

                          Okay, well, that's not true. First problem is that macroevolution is a hypothesis, not a theory. Second problem is that c is not a fact either. Science can't prove anything, by definition. Third is that 1+1=2 is not a natural or scientific exercise; it's math, and math is a mental construct.

                          Okay, man, if I had a quarter for every time I had to say this: Intelligent Design encompasses Creationism...IT IS NOT CREATIONISM UNDER ANOTHER NAME! yes, creationist ideas fall under Intelligent Design, but not all Intelligent Design is Creationism. And, again, contrary to popular belief, INTELLIGENT DESIGN CAME FIRST!

                          Second, by your own definition, Evolution cannot be science either. You can run tests in a lab all day and can never prove that life grew from a single cell etc. Another snag is, that by denying the supernatural, Evolution becomes inherently non-disprovable! And the thing that makes science (according to you) science is that it can be disproved!

                          Thirdly, it is simply not true that you cannot prove that God exists. The reason you believe this is because you do not understand the difference between the scientific method for unrepeatable events, and the scientific method for repeatable events. I cannot prove that Julius Caesar existed in a lab; I can't create him in a test tube, and even if I could, it wouldn't prove that he really existed in the past. And yet, I would be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't believe in him.

                          Now then, compare this to the Bible. The Bible fulfills all the criteria of historical reliability, and does so over ten times better than any other book in history.

                          Even if that doesn't convince you, the Arabs actually came up with a completely unarguable logical reasoning for God's existence, which follows:

                          And I can even go further:

                          4. The universe is infinite.
                          5. Therefore it must have an infinite cause.

                          Okay. Neither does any self-respecting Christian. Now...when did I say that?
                          I'd green you if I could.
                          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                            I know that this thread has been going on for a while & people don't actually comment on others ship designs/specifications much but I thought id post the specs for my new fleet in accordance with the new stargate stories im writing named stargate:altro (set in 2016) I have designed ships for other races (in accordance with the stories) but I'll only post the Tau'ri fleet here.

                            I'm not sure if ill see replies so if you've actually got a comment please pm me




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The F-301.B is a remake of the older F-302 model space fighter craft with an added bomb bay.
                            It is a larger ship at twice the size of an F-302 & the extra space houses more technologies & weapons than its predecessor. The ship was designed in 2012 & mass production was started later that year after general O’Neill was thoroughly impressed by a single test run.


                            [Type] - Small Fighter Craft
                            [Role] - Fighter/Interceptor
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Asgard/Serakkin
                            [Length] - 9 Metres
                            [Beam] – 8 Metres
                            [Draft] - 3 Metres (Without Landing Gear Extended)
                            [Decks] - 1
                            [Displacement] - 0.2040 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium alloy hull MK II
                            [ADP] - 1 Month
                            [AAP] - 140
                            [Crew] - 2
                            [F-301.B Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [Power Systems] - Miniature Asgard Ion Generator x1


                            Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x2
                            Tau’ri Scramjet AeroSpike Engine x2


                            Tau’ri Particle Cannon x2
                            Tau’ri AIM-120.B Air to Air missile x6
                            Tau’ri Bunker Buster Bomb.B x2


                            Miniature Asgard Shield Generator x1

                            Other Technologies:

                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Short Range Sensors
                            Tau’ri Short Range Comms




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The EC-302.B might be considered a Tau’ri version of a puddle jumper as it is a small exploration craft capable of gate travel just like a puddle jumper. Unlike a puddle jumper however, it is equip with better defences & propulsion & less armaments. This ship was designed in late 2012 by members of the Atlantis expedition but wasn’t authorised for mass production until 2013.
                            The EC-302.B Carries a MK II Naquadah Generator as well as it’s main power source, the Naquadah Generator is reserved only for providing the extra power needed to use the Hyperdrive engine.


                            [Type] - Small Exploration Craft
                            [Role] - Exploration/Covert Recon/Covert Retrieval
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Tollan/ Serakkin/Asgard/Nox
                            [Length] - 12 Metres
                            [Beam] - 3 metres
                            [Draft] - 2.5 metres
                            [Decks] - 1
                            [Displacement] -0.1960 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium alloy hull MK II
                            [ADP] - 2 Months
                            [AAP] - 120
                            [Crew] - 10
                            [F-301.b Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [Power Systems] - Miniature Asgard Ion Generator x1/MK II Naquadah Generator x1


                            Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x1
                            Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x4
                            Miniature Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                            Tau’ri Bunker Buster Bomb.B x2
                            Tau’ri AIM-120.B Air to Air missile x4


                            Miniature Asgard Shield Generator x1

                            Other Technologies:

                            Tollan Phase Shift Device
                            nOX Invisibility Cloak
                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Short Range Sensors
                            Tau’ri Short Range Comms




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The BC-303.B is one of the Tau’ri’s largest & most important ships in their fleet. It is also the only ship designed to hold a large fighter squadron & the first to take direct advantage of Ancient technology. The BC-303.B is dwarfed only by the BS-304.B. The ship was designed & a prototype was constructed in early 2013 & it is the backbone of the Tau’ri fleet. Since the BC-303.B uses Ancient drone technology the Captains chair is always an Ancient control chair & naturally the captain must have the ATA gene.


                            [Type] - Large Battlecruiser
                            [Role] - Space Combat
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Ancient/Serakkin/Asgard/Nox /Jaffa/Tollan
                            [Length] - 1,260 Metres
                            [Beam] - 430 Metres
                            [Draft] - 380 Metres
                            [Decks] - 12
                            [Displacement] - 12.5690 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium alloy Hull MK III
                            [ADP] - 10 Months
                            [AAP] - 7
                            [Crew] - 360
                            [F-301.b Capacity] - 80
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 10
                            [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x6


                            Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x6
                            Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x8
                            Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                            Ancient Drone Weapons x10,000
                            Tollan Ion Cannon x4
                            Asgard Plasma Beam Weapon x4
                            Tau’ri Rail Cannon x6
                            Tau’ri Particle Cannon x12
                            Tau’ri AIM-120.B Missile x1,000
                            Tau’ri Bunker Buster Bomb.B x100
                            Tau’ri Mk VII Nuclear Weapon x25


                            Ancient Shield Generator x1

                            Other Technologies:

                            nOX Invisibility Cloak
                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Long Range Sensors
                            Tau’ri Long Range Communications
                            Jaffa Ring Transports
                            Asgard Beam Transport Technology




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The BS-304.B Is purely a combat vessel equip with some of the biggest guns in the Tau’ri armoury. The ship is nearly invincible & can outgun any enemy ship known to man one on one although against large numbers of powerful ships there is a risk to the BS-304.B. This ship is also the largest in the Tau’ri fleet dwarfing the Hat’tak & other capital ships. The ship was designed & produced in 2014 & as with the BC-303.B uses Ancient technology & has an Ancient control chair as the captains chair.


                            [Type] - Large Battleship
                            [Role] - Space Combat/Orbital Bombardment
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Ancient/Serakkin/Asgard /Jaffa/Tollan/Nox
                            [Length] - 1,440 Metres
                            [Beam] - 490 Metres
                            [Draft] - 530 Metres
                            [Decks] - 16
                            [Displacement] - 13.1530 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium alloy Hull MK III
                            [ADP] - 12 Months
                            [AAP] - 6
                            [Crew] - 310
                            [F-301.b Capacity] - 0
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 5
                            [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x8


                            Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x8
                            Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x12
                            Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                            Ancient Drone Weapons x20,000
                            Tollan Ion Cannon x6
                            Asgard Plasma Beam Weapon x6
                            Tau’ri Rail Cannon x10
                            Tau’ri Particle Cannon x16
                            Tau’ri AIM-120.B Missile x3,000
                            Tau’ri Bunker Buster Bomb.B x500
                            Tau’ri Mk VII Nuclear Weapon x60


                            Ancient Shield Generator x2

                            Other Technologies:

                            Nox Invisibility Cloak
                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Long Range Sensors
                            Tau’ri Long Range Communications
                            Jaffa Ring Transports
                            Asgard Beam Transport Technology




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The DS-305.B Is designed as a permanent orbital defensive satellite. It is the size of a small capital ship & due to its small hangar & constant crew it is more of a space station than a satellite. The idea for this satellite came from the Ancient’s le-grange-point satellite & so did one of its weapons. It is the hope of the alliance that soon enough of these satellites will be produced to station one at every inhabited planet incapable of defending it’s self. Although this satellite is recorded as a Tau’ri ship it is in fact a design agreed upon by all races & manufacture & deployment is being undertaken by all races, as such the satellites will be manned by not just the Tau’ri but members of all races, therefore this is truly a project of the Alliance. A single satellite is capable of defending against most threats; however it is possible that a large enough force may be able to overwhelm the satellite. Although the satellite utilises Ancient technology, unlike the 303.B & 304.B models it does not use a control chair for it’s commander, instead ancient control systems are used in the control room.
                            A satellite typically carries 2 F-301.B’s for extra protection & 2 EC-302.B’s for transport to the planet & to act as escape pods in case of emergency. The DS-305.B is the second ship designed by members of the Atlantis expedition. The satellite was designed in 2012 but did not get full approval until 2014.


                            [Type] - Orbital Defence Satellite
                            [Role] - Planetary Defence
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Ancient/Asgard
                            [Length] - 580 Metres
                            [Beam] - 580 Metres
                            [Draft] - 670 Metres
                            [Decks] - 4
                            [Displacement] - 3.8650 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium alloy Hull MK III
                            [ADP] - 8 Months
                            [AAP] - 30
                            [Crew] - 15
                            [F-301.b Capacity] - 2
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 2
                            [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x1/Tau’ri Mk II Naquadah Generator x2


                            Tau’ri Anti Gravity Wave Generator x3


                            Ancient Drone Weapon x10,000
                            Ancient Beam Cannon x1


                            Ancient Shield Generator x1

                            Other Technologies:

                            Asgard Beam Technology
                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Long Range Comms
                            Tau’ri Long Range Sensors




                            Historical & Technical Notes:

                            The Escort Frigate is a small lightly armed & lightly armoured ship designed to fend off enemy fighters in battles. The EF-306.B was designed in late 2014 when it was realised the BC-303.B & BS-304.B models were too large & expensive to send into deep space alone. The EF-306.B has a small crew to reduce any possible losses & typically accompany capital ships into battle or on long voyages at a ratio of 2 to 1.


                            [Type] - Medium Sized Escort Frigate
                            [Role] - Escort
                            [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Asgard/Serakkin/Nox
                            [Length] - 590 Metres
                            [Beam] - 280 Metres
                            [Draft] - 230 Metres
                            [Decks] - 5
                            [Displacement] - 5.4950 MMT
                            [Construction] - Trinium Alloy Hull MK II
                            [ADP] - 6 Months
                            [AAP] - 22
                            [Crew] - 110
                            [F-301.b Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [EC-302.B Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                            [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x2


                            Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x2
                            Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x3
                            Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                            Tau’ri Rail Cannon x8
                            Tau’ri Particle Cannon x12
                            Tau’ri AIM-120.B Missile x1,000
                            Asgard Plasma Beam Weapon x2


                            Asgard Shield Generator x1

                            Other Technologies:

                            Nox Invisibility Cloak
                            Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                            Tau’ri Long Range Sensors
                            Tau’ri Long Range Communications
                            Asgard Beam Transport Technology




                            Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

                            Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

                            I... haven't left yet

                            Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


                            A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

                            Never judge a book by it's cover

                            One mans ceiling is another mans floor

                   with sissors?






                              Historical & Technical Notes:

                              The RR-307.B is a rescue & retrieval ship designed to save injured personnel, help evacuations of planets, or to act as a hospital ship in battles due to it’s massive & well equip infirmary. A RR-307.B’s crew typically consists of some of the best doctors on Earth & some of the best soldiers trained in rescue tactics. Typically the hangar of a RR-307.B holds 10 EC-302.B’s for close encounter retrieval missions but no fighter units.


                              [Type] - Medium Sized Hospital Ship
                              [Role] - Rescue/Retrieval/Battle Aid
                              [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Nox/Serakkin/Asgard
                              [Length] - 630 Metres
                              [Beam] - 310 Metres
                              [Draft] - 270 Metres
                              [Decks] - 6
                              [Displacement] - 5.6840
                              [Construction] - Trinium Alloy Hull MK II
                              [ADP] - 8 Months
                              [AAP] - 3
                              [Crew] - 130
                              [F-301.B Capacity] - 0
                              [EC-302.B Capacity] - 10
                              [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x2


                              Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x2
                              Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x4
                              Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                              Tau’ri Rail Cannon x4
                              Tau’ri Particle Cannon x8


                              Asgard Shield Generator x1

                              Other Technologies:

                              Nox Invisibility Cloak
                              Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                              Tau’ri Long Range Sensors
                              Tau’ri Long Range Communications
                              Asgard Beam Transport Technology




                              Historical & Technical Notes:

                              It was decided after the great alliance was born that if the races & their colonies were going to trade materials & technology for the production of fleets then a method of transporting large amounts of cargo through vast space in short time would be needed. The only other ships suitable were the BC-303.B & the BS-304.B both of which were warships & therefore too important to send on cargo running missions. Also the storage capacity was not acceptable. Therefore the TF-308.B was produced. Not as large as a 303.B OR 304.B, however much of the internal space is for storage & the size makes it smaller & agile, Perfect for transporting materials from mines to shipyards. The 308.B is lightly armed & armoured yet in these times of peace there is no need for heavy weaponry or escort if travel is faster without such burdens. The ship was designed in 2014 but not put into production til 2015.


                              [Type] - Transport Frigate
                              [Role] - Transport
                              [Technology Base] - Tau’ri/Serakkin/Asgard/Nox
                              [Length] - 860 Metres
                              [Beam] - 580 Metres
                              [Draft] - 560 Metres
                              [Decks] - 9
                              [Displacement] - 2.8630 MMT
                              [Construction] - Trinium Alloy Hull MK II
                              [ADP] - 4 Months
                              [AAP] - 6
                              [Crew] - 90
                              [F-301.b Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                              [EC-302.B Capacity] - 0 (No Hangar Bay)
                              [Power Systems] - Asgard Neutrino Ion Generator x2


                              Tau’ri Anti-Gravity Wave Generator x2
                              Serakkin Ion Propulsion Engine x6
                              Asgard Hyperdrive Engine x1


                              Tau’ri Rail Cannon x10
                              Tau’ri Particle Cannon x14
                              Asgard Plasma Beam Weapon x2


                              Asgard Shield Generator x2

                              Other Technologies:

                              NOX Invisibility Cloak
                              Tau’ri Inertial Dampeners
                              Tau’ri Long Range Sensors
                              Tau’ri Long Range Communications
                              Asgard Beam Transport Technology

                              The Intro for my new line of stories can be read here:



                              Darren Storey

                              I invented Stargate:Altro* in late 2008. I had previously written several stories based on Stargate, more specifically the voyages of a Tau’ri built warship named the Klytia. These stories were set in the 9th season of stargate : SG1 & mainly involved conflict with the forces of the god-like Ori & the Goa’uld lord Baal, one of the only remaining Goa’uld with any power. After writing five stories, two of which were two parter’s, I decided to stop writing since conflicts with the real shows were becoming confusing. Therefore in Stargate:Altro the stories are set in 2016, after the 10th season & the two movies Stargate:The Ark Of Truth & Stargate:Continum.

                              Also Stargate:Altro is set in three different galaxies, our galaxy, the Milky Way, The galaxy which Atlantis inhabits, the Pegasus Galaxy & a third galaxy being newly explored by the people of the Tau’ri. The Milky Way is at peace & has found protection in a new great alliance of races, after the fall of the Asgard.

                              Since The Massive new discovery of technologies & due to the new alliance, a decision was made to stop production of F-302, BC-303 & BC-304 class starships as these were designed to fight the Goa’uld with limited technologies, therefore a new line of Tau’ri starships have been constructed using new technologies. The previous F-302 & BC-304 ships have either been given to allies for study or have been slowly scrapped as more new ships have been constructed to take their place.

                              More can be learned by reading my new line of stories & their new reality; Stargate:Altro, I hope you enjoy it.

                              *The name for my stories; Stargate:Altro, came from the word stargate, of the original series, & the Italian word Altro, meaning other, referring to the alternate reality my stories are set in.

                              & The chapters can be read on my fanfiction page as they are written.


                              Thankyou for looking
                              Last edited by .jolinar.; 24 August 2008, 06:14 AM.



                              Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

                              Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

                              I... haven't left yet

                              Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


                              A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

                              Never judge a book by it's cover

                              One mans ceiling is another mans floor

                     with sissors?


                                arent those ships a bit....massive for a refit 302, 303 and 304? rather name em:

                                BC-305, 306, 307, etc.

