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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Alx View Post
    lol merlin indeed why texture when you can greeble
    That's what I meant though. The detail is already looking nice in most areas, and I agree there are still a few spots that could be added to that haven't been done yet. But you can use a simple texture without relying on bump mapping or a complicated image to get the detail since you'll have already greebled it and it'll look better than any texture IMO.


      imo go for a lappy batteries are constant issues but i love my lappy and its good enough for me.
      then we are in agreement more greebles ("so say we all")

      well as promised here is some closeups of the commsection


        Love the swoopiness of the coms-structure

        'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


          trying to Keep the curved theme going
          glad ya like it!


            did you find that info I put on CASF helpful?



              yes i did but id love to have seen a 2d wireframe of it so i could have gotten a clear idea of how you did it as i ended up doing it my way.


                another SUPER high rez of the turtle.


                  Originally posted by Alx View Post
                  another SUPER high rez of the turtle.



                    lol thanks semmer

                    here is a size comparisen with a 500something 304.



                      I've found the back up files...And because I simply don't want to start the headache of the Star drive right this moment and because there was issues with the mating from that version between the Saucer ...I'm now doing the Saucer. I'll save the rudimentary shapes that I made for it and use it to carve out the front of the Star Drive.


                      The Secondary Deflector was very difficult.
                      I designed improperly from the begining. The triangular shape was difficult to achive in three Dimensions but the original surface model was just about getting a surface between two lines.

                      I'm very enthused because this was a step forward. ANd it feels like since I've done the majority of the Star Drive before it should be easier.

                      There are so far no rounded surfaces...I want to wait until the design shape is fully in place.


                      The Rudimentary Main Gun is in place too. It's shape worked out well as well as the Port and Starboard Ablative Armor. These only appear to be one Object but this model is 3 seperate object that can be moved from each other and I won't unite
                      Last edited by Bagpuss; 31 December 2009, 10:00 PM.


                        "Enigma Ventral"

                        Spoiler tagged for width:

                        Incase You were wondering this is what Enigma looks like (surface Model) from underneath.
                        Last edited by Bagpuss; 31 December 2009, 09:58 PM. Reason: Spoilered.:)


                          ventral enigma looks great.
                          but saquist SPOILER TAGS!!! for all pics larger then 600x600 pixls


                            Sorry I forgot.

                            There are things about it I don't care for.
                            The Front Part of the nacelles is bad...just straight up bad. I have a redesign for the under side...drawn up and I'm going to give it a try.

                            Enigma has problem areas like this that need refinement.
                            The deflector is another one.
                            I want to remove the two side dishes on either side of the main dish and let more of the deflector housing show through.

                            And of course this is still on CAD...
                            Sketchup is only 500 dollars so I'll get it after the new computer...but there is no reason not to continue on the Processor killing CAD.


                              the pro version of SU doesnt really add anything special just so you know before spending that much money on it, i recomend you spend that moolah on Lightwave instead and using the free version SU as a modeler like i do


                                I was going to get it to import Enigma when I am done.

