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Original Starship Design Thread

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    ima do some research for teh specs in a sec, it is a major fanwank, only if your considering tauri though, it is made by jaffa, tokra, asgard, and tauri together as a direct answer to the ori warships

    sig made courtesy of M2W



      size: HUGE

      crew:5000...includes jaffa, w.e is left of tok'ra, 50 asgards, and of course some tauri

      Propulsion: Asgard Engines...the fastest they got, top of the line asgard hyperdrives

      Power: primary:2 Advanced Asgard nuetrino reactor(2x power output of ones on beliskner class), secondary: 3 goa'uld hat'ak class power reactors, other secondary: 50 naqudah reactors, mainly to run away

      Weapons: 4 experimentle(sp?) asgard ion cannons for capital to capital ship combat, one high powered beam cannon...using similar technology to the ori toilet class ship weapons, mixture of tuari research, asgard tech, and jaffa research, although not as powrful as they dont exactly know what it is all about, for point defence it is a mixture of technology of goa'uld disruptor cannons and "photon torpedo" cannons...jumbled up in a blendar kinda thingy i guess

      defences: emp, ecm, eccm, highly advanced hybrid of asgard and goa'uld sheilds...HIGHLY advanced, can take up to 16 shots from ori capital ships, other usualy countermeasures, anti prior wave generator...big radius because of more size and power, very limited cloaking abilites, because size of ship, the cloak can last for only 1 hour

      other: stargate in a storage compartment midship
      asgard beaming technology
      30 labs
      5 armories, fully loaded
      10 cell brig, using sheilding tech instead of regular bars...

      fighter capacity: 70 f-302s(added 10 more)

      backstory: given the imnant threat and danger of the ori capital ships, the combined tauri governments, the asgard, jaffa, and a lil bit of help from tok'ra, all these races and put all their forces together to make this sole ship and possibly more of its class, although it took a lot of cooperation given previous relationships, they did manage to get it done in one year, it takes all the races technology from microchips to very advanced sheild's weaponry, and propulsion. to insure equal use of the ship the crew contains mixture of all races and many fail safes to prevent one race from taking over the ship, in order to launch the ship, all races must put in their code, to arm weapons, all races must enter their code, and weapons designed by the asgard to be like all the basic weaponry and equipment for the races have been modified to not be able to fire onboard unless the asgard release the lock which they can do by using their mind interface with the ship...although it seems like the asgard have most control, it was decided by all races that since the asgard are the oldest and the most "mature" they do have majority of the power to operate this heavily advanced peice of tech. in combat situations, it is a formidable opponet, able to take on 2 ori capital ships at a time, all races beleive this is the first step into keeping our galaxy races alive, and a first step to the next galactic alliance, with more and more of these ships, the fleet of the milky wat will be able to hold onto its grip from threats as the ori and wraith. the asgard are the most who hope for this alliance to work as with the combined efforts they will most likely be able to solve their cloning problem and benefit everyone by having equal power and standing in the galaxy. in a sort of honor of all the races ship, the ship model has be name the Odaedakus, a mixture of the o'niel, the daedalus, the hat'ak vessel, and the prometheus(sorta). 2 more Odaedakus class vessel are in production but are not planned to be ready for combat for at least a year, the asgard predict the use of at least 2 to destroy the ori's supergate.

      kk, think of this as the oniel of the milky way/ida galaxies, it is used to stop certain extinction of the races from milky way and ida galaxies haha

      anywho, i hope this certainly doesnt look like a fan wank, this isnt just a tauri vessel, it used ALL the resources of the asgard, free jaffa nation, tok're and tauri all combined, so in my opinion, not a fan wank at all

      it is my baby

      sig made courtesy of M2W


        Originally posted by mburrows

        ima do some research for teh specs in a sec, it is a major fanwank, only if your considering tauri though, it is made by jaffa, tokra, asgard, and tauri together as a direct answer to the ori warships
        Thanks mburrows.

        Best Stargate quote:
        Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
        Green is your friend.


          CS-326: Hypernova
          Hyperdrive: ancient, asgard tansgalactic mix
          Hyperdrive max speed: 46 light years per minute
          Max sublight speed:99.5% the speed of light
          Weapons: drones, railguns: 42, felger's plasma cannon: 10, Mk10 naquadria enriched naquadah enchanced nuclear warheads and missiles.
          Defensive tech: Ancient shields, point defense railguns: 24, titanium, trinium, carbon, naquadah hull
          misc tech: long range sensors: 50 light year range, ancient reactor system, anti-gravity wave generators, inertial dampeners, ring transporters, asgard beaming tech. ZPM modulation system
          width: 476m
          current status: operational
          max crew: 564
          # of decks: 48
          max #of F-302s: 132
          Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


            CS-326: Hypernova
            Hyperdrive: ancient, asgard tansgalactic mix
            Hyperdrive max speed: 46 light years per minute
            Max sublight speed:99.5% the speed of light
            Weapons: drones, railguns: 42, felger's plasma cannon: 10, Mk10 naquadria enriched naquadah enchanced nuclear warheads and missiles.
            Defensive tech: Ancient shields, point defense railguns: 24, titanium, trinium, carbon, naquadah hull
            misc tech: long range sensors: 50 light year range, ancient reactor system, anti-gravity wave generators, inertial dampeners, ring transporters, asgard beaming tech. ZPM modulation system
            width: 476m
            current status: operational
            max crew: 564
            # of decks: 48
            max #of F-302s: 132



            Hyperdrive: ancient, asgard tansgalactic mix, fanwank
            Max sublight speed:99.5% the speed of light, fanwank(i beleive)
            Weapons: drones, railguns: 42, felger's plasma cannon: 10, Mk10 naquadria enriched naquadah enchanced nuclear warheads and missiles., FANWANK!
            Defensive tech: Ancient shields, FANWANK!
            misc tech: long range sensors: 50 light year range, ancient reactor system, anti-gravity wave generators, FANWANK
            ZPM modulation system, wtf is this, if you meen zmps, FANWANK!
            max #of F-302s: 132, eff you-_-

            sig made courtesy of M2W


              Why is it fanwank? What is fanwank? Come on it's reasonable isn't it.
              Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                Erm having Ancinet everything is not even possible,
                FANWANK: The creation of an idea that completely ignores logic; and disregards the ability of the subject matter.
                THis mean that dotn say humans of earth are goign to create a hybrid alteran/asgard hyperdrive. Or put atlantis's shields on our ship, or drones in our weapons bays...These are the ancients most advanced pieces of technology, if it took them 50million years to get to this point, then we will have to wait as well.
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  You forget the ancient database. It has schematics for stuff like shields weapons, hyperdrives, reactor systems, and other stuff. by the way, not all of it is alteran/asgard. there's human stuff in there too. the ancient database could also contain gate addresses for other outposts in this galaxy. I'm sure we've got more translated than the Asgard beause we have Daniel working alot on the ancient database. Carter and other scientists could also attempt to make sense of th translated stuff. More ancient outposts would also be in it. surely more than 5 ancient outposts have been found by now. Please note that it is called the 326 for a reason, We are currently at the 304 so it seems reasonable that the 326 is that advanced. And note: 326.
                  Last edited by Col. Shadow Quinn; 29 June 2006, 01:57 AM.
                  Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                    ok look at it this way. if we sent a schematic for the deadalus back in time to the english or french in 1066 when france invaded england do you think they would have said 'hey we can make that'. no they have absolutly no idea what electricity is for god sakes. that is how far ancient and most asgard tech is infront of us. even tho the plans are there they are still beyond our undertanding.


                      If they really had tons of Ancient superweapons and zillions of mega-powerful ships with invincible shields and uber-hyperdrives the show would be incredibly boring, don't you think?


                      Worldbuilding munchkins are not in the slightest interested in all the things that make up the richness and diversity of a world (real or imagined). They don't care about culture and history, language, geography and astrography, peoples and places, fads and fashions, art and science, philosophy and religion. The only thing they are interested in designing weapons, long endless lists of them, and often the most ridiculous sillytech weapons at that. Munchkin universes tend to consist of things like a giant interstellar empire (the qualities of which are barely described) which has a starfleet consisting of thousands or even millions of baseline-human-crewed imperial battlecrusers, each one of which has hundreds of zillion-watt disintegrator guns and force fields and antimatter torpedos and can travel billions of times the speed of light, and that's about it. Their universes are not only meaningless, they are boring, and more than that they are ugly (i remember them being described once on one forum as "chilling" because of the degree of depersonalisation)
                      So when designing ships, it's good practice to give them strengths and weaknesses, rather than "my ship pwns all", and think up strategems that can be used to defeat them.

                      Juust thinking powerful = good is very wrong

                      Here's an example:

                      The Ubership
                      Weapons: A zillion ultramegadeathbeams that can destory a billion universes a second
                      Hyperdrive: Anywhere-to-anywhere instantaneously
                      Shields: Can withstand a billion big bangs a second
                      Ships: A squillion death-stars the size of a galaxy

                      ^ That is not a good ship



                        do you not remember what thor said

                        "we've extracted small parts of the ancient library of knowledge and after 30,000 years of research wehave barely scratched the surface

                        kinda think of it like this, all our history or w.e is 1 b(byte) the ancients is 5000 tb(tera-bytes...1024 giga bytes in a terra byte)

                        not really but you know, just as a comparision

                        get it?

                        there is no way in hell we can build something like that in about 50 or 60 years, maybe we can operate ancient ships because we understand how they WORK, but we have no clue how to actually make them

                        sig made courtesy of M2W


                          Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn
                          You forget the ancient database. It has schematics for stuff like shields weapons, hyperdrives, reactor systems, and other stuff. by the way, not all of it is alteran/asgard. there's human stuff in there too. the ancient database could also contain gate addresses for other outposts in this galaxy. I'm sure we've got more translated than the Asgard beause we have Daniel working alot on the ancient database. Carter and other scientists could also attempt to make sense of th translated stuff. More ancient outposts would also be in it. surely more than 5 ancient outposts have been found by now. Please note that it is called the 326 for a reason, We are currently at the 304 so it seems reasonable that the 326 is that advanced. And note: 326.
                          Not really, I dont agree with mburrows on a lot but that was complete crap considering the current level of technology. Me and him don't agree mainly and most likely because of the particle cannon idea that I use in my ships.
                          Ok while it's not tech we have now, it's a possibility for the near future as in raising the bar. Lets face it so far, our weapons have been useless against pretty much everything.
                          Lets get out of sci-fi for a minute about the 99.5% ls thing, do you know how much the ship would weigh at that much by the lorentz gamma factor.
                          10 times its own weight. Plus thats a better sublight than the asgard have.
                          Ok, the offensive weapons aren't that fanwankish, we've seen a prototype version of the felger cannon on the show that failed, so that isn't fanwankish. Maybe the quantity is.
                          Ancient shielding, no way. We haven't got to that level of understanding to produce it or even connect it up to our systems.
                          Railguns, again quantity issues, a ship of this size is not going to have a total of 66 railguns in whatever form.
                          Fighters: Way too many there, need to cut that to at least 1/4 of that.
                          Power systems, maybe stick to naquadah generators for now, but have the zpm points in case you get one, (like the one the zpm used to get the atlantis expedition to atlantis).
                          Sensors havent got a clue about.


                            Davidtourniquet, you really need to stop flaming him. Now while I agree that it is a little fanwankish, why not consider the ship as an Ancient designed ship with some Taur'i additions?

                            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                            the 99.5% ls thing, do you know how much the ship would weigh at that much by the lorentz gamma factor.
                            10 times its own weight.
                            Have you heard of inertial dampners?

                            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                            the 99.5% ls thing,
                            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                            thats a better sublight than the asgard have.
                            Do we have the specifications for the Asgard ships? No, I don't think so. There is always that margin for error in assumption.

                            Best Stargate quote:
                            Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                            Green is your friend.


                              actually he has a point dude, that ship is way to advanced for us, making it an ancient ship would be almost impossible to make tauri tech put into it, and people need to start realizing that even teh daedalus only have 4 main rail guns, and we have yet to see any secondary or otherwise, the main offence of the daedalus-class vessels seems to be missiles, although they are ineffective and rail guns are probaly more effective lol

                              tptb does however need to give us a energy weapon, and i have seriously written a letter to them asking to bring back felgar and his "photon torpedo" so that the tuari have a viable offence/deffence

                              i dont know why they dont, so what, the tauri will actually have a chance, is that to hard, make their ships equal to hat'ak vessels so we can at least fight some rogue jaffa or LA guys

                              sig made courtesy of M2W


                                Originally posted by freyr's mother
                                Davidtourniquet, you really need to stop flaming him. Now while I agree that it is a little fanwankish, why not consider the ship as an Ancient designed ship with some Taur'i additions?

                                Have you heard of inertial dampners?

                                Do we have the specifications for the Asgard ships? No, I don't think so. There is always that margin for error in assumption.
                                I have heard of inertial dampners, but they aren't gonna affect relativity. 99.5% LightSpeed (ls) will still increase the ships mass by 10 times thus reducing the acceleration and I assume that the SG universe still adheres to the laws of physics including einsteins special theory of relativity. I always thought that the sublight engines we had were of asgard design, maybe I'm wrong in which case (in terms of the daedulus) it's top sublight speed is 95% LS.
                                Believe me freyr that wasn't flaming him, thats probably the nicest way it could of been put. Instead of just saying it fanwank, actually giving him reasons why it is. I'm not trying to say I am the King of the thread and I'm all for raising the technological bar, but to jump that bar, we would need a trampoline .
                                Forget the Ancient stuff for a moment, then you've got an ok ship except the quantities used, considering the size of the ship, way out of balance.

