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Original Starship Design Thread

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    yeah the thing that seperates fanwank ships and truley decent designs is believability; if you cant see Sg1 flying around in one, doing missions, then dont think it will be built anytime in the next 20years. A good ship should be only good as it purpose dictates, a escourt ship does not need two hyperdrives and 6 shields, 3 ancent drone silos, 5 ZPM's and a dakara weapon pulse needs a shield, decent armour plating, defensive rail guns, a few missiles and something to distract the enemy ( space mines or hologram support craft).
    the description also should not just desribe what a ship can do but why it does it, so having a supership that is 500years in the future designed by the ori and asurians with alteran knowledge is beliveable, but have area 52 create atlantis's out of asgard drydocks on the moon within the next 30 years is pathetic.
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
    Sanctuary for all |
    11000! green me


      ^ Well that one hasn't got 6 shields, 5 zpms, dakara weapon. In fact nothing like that. As I said before all that tech in that ship is possible to be made and used. You cant stick to the current tech, you have to raise the bar slightly.

      Heres a bit of physics for you all about deuterium-tritium fusion reactions.
      Each fused particle gives out 16 MeV (Mega electron-Volts) of energy.
      Say each point particle cannon has 1kg of fused material so thats 6.02x1023 particles. So thats 1.54x1012Joules of energy from 1kg of deuterium-tritium fused material.
      No point to that bit, just something to think about.


        Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
        Heres a bit of physics for you all about deuterium-tritium fusion reactions.
        Each fused particle gives out 16 MeV (Mega electron-Volts) of energy.
        Say each point particle cannon has 1kg of fused material so thats 6.02x1023 particles. So thats 1.54x1012Joules of energy from 1kg of deuterium-tritium fused material.
        No point to that bit, just something to think about.
        I think your chemistry is off, specifically where you go from kg to mols. It may just be me because of been out of the chem loop for about 2 years now.

        Best Stargate quote:
        Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
        Green is your friend.


          why take so much offence, if i made a fanwank, id dumb it down a bit, like, if you want it to be an escort ship, think more like Corellian Corvet, not Star Destroyer lol

          what you might want on an escot ship is this....

          New one from me

          HEX-412 (Longetivity Class)



          Reinforced Trinium Titanium

          4x mk III naq generators

          Defensive weaponry:
          5 point defence rail guns

          Offensive Weaponry:
          2 twin cannon energy weapons(i dont care what kind as long as it isnt uber cannons) 4 high powered rail guns capable of accelerating rounds twice the speed of 1st gen rail guns

          asgard sheilds(there is no difference between oniel and daniel jackson class shields, just it depends on how much power is pumped into them

          16m Ionised Reinforced Trinium Titanium(dont care)


          1x asgard hypser drive, 3x Ion acceleration drive, thrusters for manuvering and w.e else they might need them for

          Other tech:
          Asgard Sensors
          Asgard beaming tech
          Cloak Capability to make it seem that the escort target is alone

          sig made courtesy of M2W


            Ok, I keep forgetting counter-measures and counter-counter measures, but I think there isn't enough weaponry on the ship. I know I shouldn't but I've tried to base it on the defiant class from Trek. Except with an SG design. That is an Heavy Escort.

            Freyr's, I do Nuclear Physics at Uni and we were told to work out how many atoms are in a mass of a substance you multiply the mass by avagadro's number. In terms of units its Mol/kg x kg, so Molkg/kg hence Mol.


              Originally posted by mburrows
              if you dont mind, im going to design a spec sheet for this ship seen a few pages ago:

              Name: Icarus

              type: battle cruiser

              Dimensions: twice size of a dsc-304

              crew: roughly 350 plus 3-5 asgards

              powerplant: lower grade asgard nuetrino reactor(rectangle little bulge in the hull), 3 naqudah reactors for missiles, point defence "felgar cannons" and lights, computers, systems, etc

              engines: asgard ion engines, one asgard inter-galactic hypserdrive

              support craft: 12 f-302s and variants, 2 puddlejumpers, 2 tel'taks for evacuation(recon if pjs are unavailable

              Weapons(defensive): 14 point defence, perfected "felgar cannons"

              Weapons(offensive): 12 naq enhances nuclear missile tubes, 5 Double-Barrel Heavy Felgar Cannons (equal to power of asgard ion cannons)

              sheilds/armor: asgard designed sheilds, powered by the asgard reactor(which the reactor puts most it's power towards), asgard design hull plating

              other tech:rings, asgard teleporter, ecm, eccm, asgard sensors, wider range anti prior wave generator

              yes, mostly fanwank, but it might actually be possible with the help of the asgard...
              So, this is a BC-305? Check out the latest posts of Ship Scaling Sprites Thread. Battera has come up with possible Designs:


              The Vulcan, Illiad, and Aquam were repainted by me. It is supposed to be reverse-engineered Ancient and Asgard technology. It has Beliskner guns. My Icarus has Beliskner guns and Tollan Ion cannon and a reverse engineered less powerful form of the weapon in SGA's Trinity episode.
              Last edited by Cameron Mitchel; 16 June 2006, 03:53 AM.

              Jesus is Lord!


                Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                Freyr's, I do Nuclear Physics at Uni and we were told to work out how many atoms are in a mass of a substance you multiply the mass by avagadro's number. In terms of units its Mol/kg x kg, so Molkg/kg hence Mol.
                Okay dude. As I said, it's been two years since I've taken chem.

                BTW, if you want to quote someone, click the button that says quote at the bottom of the post of the person you want to quote.

                Best Stargate quote:
                Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                Green is your friend.


                  Originally posted by freyr's mother
                  Okay dude. As I said, it's been two years since I've taken chem.

                  BTW, if you want to quote someone, click the button that says quote at the bottom of the post of the person you want to quote.
                  Some ppl just dont understand...

                  Jesus is Lord!


                    Can we rename this thread Original Fanwank Ship Design Thread?

                    Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
                    the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
                    Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

                    And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

                    Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
                    The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


                      yeah i have to say this thread is getting less and less credible...were getting good images and models but the specs are getting, well fanwank as the post count rises.
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        i try my hardest to not fanwank, i dont think i usually do, if you find me making a fanwank, PLEASE tell me lol, i hate fanwanking and i might do it on accident sometime in te future>_<

                        sig made courtesy of M2W


                          hey were all guilty of fanwanking! i invented it for god sake! but there a difference between knowing ure fanwanking because you want have the best ship EVER and out compete other ships and producing a great design that could be implemented in to the show in the near future if the show evolved to the point where it required new sure that if the PTB put a new ship design in to the show that there will be one design on Gw in the various threads that is identical, and that person will be getting green
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            yea i agree this thread is getting alot more fan wanky lately. i think the problem is that when people first design a ship it is complete fan wank and it get barated by everyone on the thread so that person doesnt want to design another ship. if you look back in the thread to my very first ship post it was the biggest fanwank piece of garbage out there but i did a fue more and i dont consider them to be fanwank. I have said it befor and ill say it again 'stay away from big energy weapons!'


                              yeah thats the key, not super weapon, or energy weapon...the only two energy weapon we could plausable get hold of are hatak cannons, hive ship cannons at a push but if you want energy weapons then hatak cannons are the most likely because we have the most access and experience with them...and because they are decent enough to matter in a situation but crap enough for us not to get too much of an advantage from them.
                              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                              Stargate : Genesis |
                              Original Starship DesignThread
                              Sanctuary for all |
                              11000! green me


                                I can see everyone's having a hard time coming up with non-fanwankish ships that are different from everyone elses so why don't we do this: Everyone, post your fanwank ships! This way we can get it off of everyone's chests.

                                BEWARE OF THE LONG POST

                                My Super-duper-Uber Fanwank Ship

                                The DSC-4000 Superbattlecarrier (The Samantha Carter)

                                Body – 8 mi long, 3.5 mi wide, 1 level= 20m high

                                300 Million Metric Tons

                                Arm length
                                ½ mi long, ¼ mi wide

                                The Samantha Carter is powered by 6 zero point modules, as well as several dozen Mark II Naquadah generators for backup. There are also 6 spare ZPM’s.

                                Ancient Intergalactic Hyperdrive Powered by two Zero Point Modules and can reach speeds equivalent to 30,000c

                                ancient much like Atlantis’ shield, with a backup asgard shield
                                10 Sub-light engines: Ancient Sub-light system capable of reaching 185,999 miles/second

                                Docking clamps: can dock 2 Daedalus Class Battle Cruisers.

                                Escape Pods
                                one escape pod can hold 400 people, P-90’s and enough ammo and explosives to wage a small war. Will not leave ship until it is 95% occupied everyone is buckled. If so, escape pod will move to the side for jettisoning through a parallel tube.

                                Quarters- One quarters room on one floor is capable of holding up to 400 people.

                                There are four sections to the bridge, the Primary Control, Defensive Control, Ground Control and the Briefing room. There are several asgard sensors on board to allow the beaming of multiple objects at a time. All positions have double the number of personnel to allow for half of each position to be on duty at any given time and half off duty. The exceptions are the pilots, Armored Divisions and Marines.

                                The Stargate on board has a universal point of origin and SG teams that go on missions through the Stargate have a special receiver that plugs into the DHD and automatically dials The Samantha Carter

                                Chair Weapons Platform
                                240,000 drones are capable of being called upon, 10,000 are stationed at each vent and there are 120,000 in storage

                                Cargo Bay- Split into two sections with a large door that separates the two. Both sections contain tractor beams One section is able to house 1,000 M1 Abrams Battle Tanks and the other section can hold something near the size of a goa’uld mother ship.

                                Fighters bays: The four fighter bays hold a grand total of 450 Puddle jumpers, 400 F-302’s w/VTOL capabilities, 125 Alkesh and 100 cargo ships. There are shelves in the fighter bays that stack the ships above each other. Two M1 Abrams tanks can be attached to one Cargo Ship for deployment along with 200 Marines plus the tank crews inside. Energy shields are placed at the exits of the fighter bays, so no depressurization is necessary.

                                Weapons Control – All weapons control consoles are manned by one person per weapon emplacement, all friendly vessels are programmed into the computer and cannot be locked onto.

                                Armories can be found throughout the ship but are locked under normal conditions with the exception of the Master Armory which is only accessible to SG teams and security officers.

                                Primary Weapons
                                - Satellite Beam Weapon
                                - Tollan Ion Cannon
                                - Drone Weapons

                                Secondary Weapons
                                -Rail guns
                                - Missile Batteries
                                - Mark IX Naquadria Enriched Gate Buster
                                - Mark VIII Tactical Naquadah Enhanced Nuclear Warheads
                                - Mark VII, VI, V, IV, III, II

                                Primary Systems
                                - Shield
                                - Hyperdrive
                                - Sub-light Engines
                                - Primary Weapons Systems
                                - Transport Chambers
                                - Bridge Systems
                                - Stargate

                                Secondary Systems
                                - Docking Clamps
                                - Fighter Bay Shields
                                - Asgard transport array

                                Officers on BC-4000 Responsibilities

                                Lieutenant Generals –2 Commander BC-4000

                                Major Generals – 2 Off-ship Personnel (All Aircraft, Tanks, SGC personnel and Marines)

                                Brigadier Generals – 2 Defensive weapons, Technicians,
                                Security, Mess, and Doctors

                                Bridge Personnel
                                Commander, Radar officer, Helmsman, Primary Weapons officer, Key Systems Operator, Communications officer.

                                - 10,000 Battle Ready Marines
                                - 6,000 Tank Personnel
                                - 250 Alkesh Pilots
                                - 900 Puddle Jumper Pilots
                                - 800 F-302 Pilots
                                - 200 Cargo Ship Pilots

                                Defensive Weapons Crew
                                - 54 Rail gun personnel
                                - 20 Ion Cannon personnel
                                - 8 Missile bay personnel
                                - 2 Chair Weapons Platform Personnel
                                - 2 Satellite Beam Weapon Personnel

                                Parts/Technical Crew
                                - 20 hyperdrive technicians
                                - 40 sub light engine technicians
                                - 30 Shield Generator technicians
                                - 30 Power control technicians
                                - 180 Scientists
                                - 1600 Maintenance/Repair Mechanics

                                -3000 Cooks
                                -60 Medical Doctors
                                -2 Gate Technicians
                                -4000 Security Personnel

                                -SG Teams on Board
                                -SG-1 -SG-10 -SG-19
                                -SG-2 -SG-11 -SG-20
                                -SG-3 -SG-12 -SG-21
                                -SG-4 -SG-13 -SG-22
                                -SG-5 -SG-14 -SG-23
                                -SG-6 -SG-15 -SG-24
                                -SG-7 -SG-16 -SG-25
                                -SG-8 -SG-17
                                -SG-9 -SG-18

                                Grand Total Number of People: 27,422 People


                                S – Stargate
                                H – Hyperdrive
                                Su – sub light engines
                                R – Ring room
                                F – Fighter bay
                                G – Rail Gun
                                IC – Ion Cannon
                                SG – Shield Generator
                                Br – Bridge
                                C – Chair weapons platform
                                M – Missile Battery
                                MD – Medical station
                                D – Docking clamp
                                MA – Master Armory
                                V – Drone Vents
                                Z – Zero Point Module
                                P – Power distribution room
                                CB – Cargo Bay
                                A – Armory
                                Q – Quarters
                                t – Transport Chamber
                                Me – Mess hall
                                Bm – Briefing Room
                                SL – Science Lab
                                – Escape Pod
                                St – Storage room
                                Pr – Brig
                                G - Gym
                                Sa – Satellite Beam weapon
                                stc – Space traffic control
                                W – Weapons room
                                Gc – Ground command

                                Best Stargate quote:
                                Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                                Green is your friend.

