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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Lifepods are a must-have!
    The lifepods must be scattered around in such a way that no matter where you are in the ship you can get to one in a matter of minutes.

    Each lifepod will contain supplies of food for a few months, communication equipment including a distress beacon (which can be disabled in necessary), and a variety of weapons and tools.

    Also, on my ship, sections should be able to be sealed off in the event of a hull breach or boarding action. Sealed sections should also be able to have the atmosphere vented/pumped from them.

    There should be multiple ways to get from A to B. If one route is blocked then there should be at least five other ways to get to where you're going.

    Cameras and sensors that cannot be easily disabled should be placed in all major and minor hallways.

    I will fit all control panels with surge protectors.

    My crew will be trained in how to move and fight in zero-gravity environments (in case artificial gravity fails)

    All my crew will be trained in what to do in cases of emergency (so they don't just run around panicing)

    Fire extinguishers are also a must-have

    All non-trusted personel on board will be restricted from acessing armouries and maintenence sections.

    It should not be possible to crawl through air vents to get to restricted sections of the ship.


      Originally posted by Wraith Scientist
      Well, I can live with the Deadalus as long as it's hyperdrives and Asgard teleporters are removed, and it is used for recon, generally sneaking round Pegasus and exploration rather than engaging enemy motherships
      How do you expect it to sneak around pegasus when it wont have a hyperdrive?

      Best Stargate quote:
      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
      Green is your friend.


        Originally posted by freyr's mother
        How do you expect it to sneak around pegasus when it wont have a hyperdrive?
        Sorry, I meant the intergalactic hyperdrive
        ... maybe Atlantis would be better off if it were cut off from Earth Again?

        I don't mind the actual ship, in fact it looks rather cool, it's just the Asgard tech that comes with them that gives them too much of an advantage IMO

        The Deadalus should be used as a kind of second base for recon and deep penetration.


          Originally posted by Wraith Scientist
          Sorry, I meant the intergalactic hyperdrive
          ... maybe Atlantis would be better off if it were cut off from Earth Again?

          I don't mind the actual ship, in fact it looks rather cool, it's just the Asgard tech that comes with them that gives them too much of an advantage IMO

          The Deadalus should be used as a kind of second base for recon and deep penetration.
          How do you expect the Daedalus to re-arm and be repaired. They certianly don't have the stuff necessary for that on atlantis.

          Best Stargate quote:
          Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
          Green is your friend.


            Originally posted by mburrows
            that has to be the dumbest idea i have ever heard of, limit it down to 2 rail guns not 6 it'll be fine.....
            I'm going to be very blunt: Rail Guns are useless! You could stick 30 of them on a ship and it won't do anything versus the Wraith or the Goa'uld Ha'taks, let alone the Ori "Toliet-Class" ships.
            This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


              Originally posted by freyr's mother
              How do you expect the Daedalus to re-arm and be repaired. They certianly don't have the stuff necessary for that on atlantis.
              OK, OK, you win ... let's get back on topic shall we

              I think the Pillar of Autumn (also from Halo) is a nice design for a ship, wouldn't you agree?

              How about some space-stations?

              Hey, how about a shipyard? Put one in orbit around the Alpha site planet and start churning out various types of ships.

              Originally posted by NoDot
              I'm going to be very blunt: Rail Guns are useless! You could stick 30 of them on a ship and it won't do anything versus the Wraith or the Goa'uld Ha'taks, let alone the Ori "Toliet-Class" ships.
              The Pillar of Autumn had MAC (magnetic accelarator cannon) guns. They were kind of like railguns but slower-firing, faster, and far, far more powerful.

              We need a few of those on our ships


                I really do believe a beam weapon or energy-based weapon of some sort will be a better primary weapon for the earth ships to replace the railgun. Since shields are just basically energy fields and we're firing bullets at it, not gonna work, (in the case of the gaould and toilet-seat ships) in the case of the wraith, imagine if a bullet hit your arm, theres a puncture wound but the rest of you can still operate. The same thing happens with the wraith ships.
                Particle cannons seem a good bet.
                The trouble with using a variant of the POA's primary weapon is that again, it doesn't matter how big or fast the bullet, it will still get absorbed by the ori's shields.
                Saying that why do I put railguns on my ship designs: because they are better at taking enemy fighters out than capital ships.


                  Maybe you could use a highly focused beam of energy. If the beam energy density is so dense that it exceeds the shield energy density it should pass straight through like a knife through water. You could then procede to cut the enemy ship to ribbons with it.

                  A MkIX naquadria-enhanced nuclear missile with a hyperdrive would be good too.

                  Ships are seen to open hyperspace windows a short distance from them. I wonder what would happen if you opened a hyperspace window directly on top of an enemy ship. At the very least wouldn't the air get sucked out?

                  How about an energy weapon that acually fires through hyperspace, with the beam coming out of hyperspace very close to the target?

                  Maybe you could hack in to the Ori ship's computer systems. They sent a text-only message and don't seem to be very good in the computer department. Maybe we could outwit them there?

                  How about using the supergate's kawoosh to destroy them? Bit of a problem since there's toilets guarding it and it's already active but hey, there'll be a way around it


                    I was talking to a friend at uni and he said (joking, he isn't that dumb.....I think) why not beam a nuke onto the Ori ships. Slight problem, the little thing called the shield in the way. Wraith ships its ok because they dont use shields but not ori ships.
                    About the opening hyperspace window above them, something like that happened with
                    Sheppard's F-302 in Allies, where he got dragged into hyperspace when the hive ships went to hyperspace

                    However that didn't happen to the wraith hiveship, when the daedulus opened one right above it.

                    On the Mark IX Nuke, thats either one big missile or a very small hyperspace generator. Your talking about accelerating a missile to what at least twice the speed of light in a very small fraction of a second.

                    The timing on the swoosh would have to be down to a fraction of a second to get the toilets to move in front of it and, notice in camelot they hardly moved.
                    As I said I feel beam weapons are our only way to go at the moment. Which is all the Ori are using.


                      Originally posted by HirogenGater
                      Very well thought out.
                      I liked the idea about food storage that makes a lot of sense.

                      I always wondered if it would be possible to have a backup layer of shielding on a vessel, in essence have two shield generators. When one layer of shielding is depleted by 100% the other generator kicks in.
                      Very good point but I will expand this idea one further. Now granted most of these of assumptions but they might be something worth looking into.

                      Good idea about the multi shields but why not have them both activated at the same time operating on different polarities. Now assuming the Ori weapons does some thing special to get through the shields and not go through them through blunt force then two layersof shields will throw off any shield modulation or similar devices thus blocking the Ori beam weapons. Of course if the Ori beams just go through the ship using blunt force then having them both powered up seperatley might be a good idea. Or at least if the shield modifications do not toatallyprevent the attempts on the shields failing and the beam cutting through then hopefully they will prevent the beams to getting into the hull.


                        If anyone is interested about food storage underway... Submarines put a layer of #10 cans (overgrown coffee can size) of food over every deck on the ship (except for engineering and bridge) and put the packages of sheet metal can (flattened) on top to make a walking surface. You basically eat you stores up and one section of hallway is culled to replace those cans in storage. It sounds kooky but this a very efficient means of safely (and quietly) storing cans on ships that can see +/- 30 deg roll and pitch. Using this method an incredible amount of non-perishable food can be taken underway. We never had a lot of dry stuff like ramen noodles or irradiated meats but these too could be stored this way without refrigeration.


                          since when do we care about food storage?can we just get the asgard to give us one of those things that can make anything, program it to make food and only food...make us food, BOOM...

                          WORLD HUNGER!?!?!?!SOLVED!
                          PROBS WITH NO FOOD ON LONG JOURNEYS?!?!?SOLVED!

                          sig made courtesy of M2W


                            Originally posted by mburrows
                            since when do we care about food storage?can we just get the asgard to give us one of those things that can make anything, program it to make food and only food...make us food, BOOM...

                            WORLD HUNGER!?!?!?!SOLVED!
                            PROBS WITH NO FOOD ON LONG JOURNEYS?!?!?SOLVED!
                            No they probably won't give us anything like that. Besides we have enough trouble understanding how to move an object from one place to another much less creating an entirely new object(I don't even know if we have enough energy production capability for it even).


                              Cos we could use it to make weapons easy as pie.

                              Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
                              the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
                              Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

                              And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

                              Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
                              The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


                                I'd rather just make pie
                                "I'm not crazy. I just have another consciousness in my brain."

                                Firefly/Serenity Fans checkout:
                                Click ME >>>> My 3d Models" <<<<Click ME

