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Original Starship Design Thread

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    All of these ships, and backstories for the ships, are fantastic work. I just wanted to say that, been lurking on this thread for a few weeks now thought a cheery 'hello' and 'well done' was appropriate

    Maybe I'll post one of my own one day when I have the time/inclination. But it's all great fan stuff anyways, just wanted to say, keep up the good work!



      I thought the part of my earlier post that was the best was the UCAV's. I was wondering your opinions on the Shadow Drones (UCAV's) idea I had with my little proposition. In the real world UCAV's are becoming a more and more likely addition to military arsenals. As I said in that earlier post, a mere 3 people (with their 3 drones each) could make up an entire squadron of fighters. It would allow one to field a much greater military force than ones number of military personnel might otherwise allow for. Given the secrecy of the Stargate program and the shere number of potential adversaries, it seems to me the idea of more fully employing UCAV's would be a very useful and even likely scenario. It would afford each individual pilot with more protection and options in combat. Why send a valuable pilot to do a job, when you could send a semi-autonomous drone to do it for you? It may get destroyed, but it can be replaced easily. In the process you've avoided getting a valuable pilot killed. It also saves on the amount of man-power that might be necessary for outer-space combat otherwise. Why send a dozen people to potentially get killed, when you can just send three to do the same job just as effectively? As I said in my earlier post, if your concerned about the drone getting hacked, or the A.I. somehow becoming hostile, each drone would be built with an entirely seperate "Loyalty Circuit" that would automatically self-destruct the drone if it locks onto friendly targets. Since it would be seperate from the A.I. and not being attached to a transciever, it would be impossible for an enemy to seize control. If the drone even locks onto a friendly target once... BOOM..! No second chances.

      The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

      To all the 'Sci & Tech' forum users: If you are searching for a thread about your topic of interest, please come visit our Concordance Thread. If you have any questions, we will attempt to help you.

      Feel free to pass the green..!

      My Website...
      My Blog @
      Amazing Literary Works of Fel...

      Also, visit my webpage at... Sadly, this page is gone with the website that supported it, but I'll keep the link up in memorial.


        UCAV:s controlled from a cloaked Tel'Tak is much better

        I guess the biggest problem is: Are the Wraith capable of jamming the signal. I can't remember if we've seen any "subspace communication jamming" capability from the Wraith.

        If you wanna use pilots feel free to use some Eurondan inspired control chair. The Eurondan version caused brain damage, or something, but we on Earth can limit this. We use the Chairs from Gamekeeper and Avatar to train our pilots in how to use the chair(O'Neill didn't need any training) and only use the Eurochair in combat situations.

        If I were to design a UCAV for use against the Wraith(Let's be honest. The only species fighters are useful against are the Goa'uld and Wraith) I'd do something like this:
        1. No wings. This allows them to be much more compact, allowing for alot more of them in a hangar. Also allows for them to go through the gate. The shape would be something like the Needle Threader, but a little bit longer. Guess one could call it a mix between a NT and a PJ.
        2. Port&starboard mounted internal missile bays. Each carries four AMRAAM:s.
        3. Able to carry four 19-round 2.75" rocket pods. Hydras has naquadah explosives used for strike rounds against Hive ships.
        4. Ventral mounted turreted railgun. Shorter barrel than the CIWS ones. Meant to procted the UCAV:s composite behind. 360 x-axis, 180 y-axis capability.
        5. Dorsal mounted turreted railgun. 180 x-axis, 45 y-axis capability.
        6. Inertial engines. No silly newtonian ones that need regular fuel. One naquadah reactor providing power to railguns, engines and sensors.
        Last edited by aAnubiSs; 30 April 2006, 11:38 AM.


          This is an idea for a Scout/Recon ship.

          Scout/Recon PJ Variant

          Shape: Same general shape as a standard pj with the exception of 6" wider on each side as well as 4' longer on each end.

          The weapons pods have been taken out to maximize space.

          - 1 Railgun on a rotating ball type thingy like from Trinity mounted on the bottom of the jumper and stowes away inside a pod.
          - 50 Times more battery(power) life
          - Bathroom
          - Cloak/Shield
          - Standard Neural Interfacing

          Crew: 2

          - Small hyperdrive: The hyperdrive is only used on missions when they have to travel to a planet that doesn't have a stargate. They go through the nearest stargate and proceed through hyperspace to their destination.

          There is no space for support personnel. This was made into a long narrow corridor to accomodate the hyperdrive and bathroom.

          Best Stargate quote:
          Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
          Green is your friend.


            Flashback, sorta, to my 305 design. See post 297 for the main specs.

            Combat equiped 305.
            Weapons pod specs:

            Large calibur rail gun. Equivilant to main guns on a 304.
            Minimal shield generator. Capable of defense against small ship weapons i.e. fighters, al'kesh, wraith transports. Ineffective against capital ship weapons.
            Naquada power generator, used almost exclusivelly to power shields.
            Missle/bomb bay. capable of holding up to 30,000lbs of ordinance.


              Originally posted by cooky
              Flashback, sorta, to my 305 design. See post 297 for the main specs.

              Combat equiped 305.
              Weapons pod specs:

              Large calibur rail gun. Equivilant to main guns on a 304.
              Minimal shield generator. Capable of defense against small ship weapons i.e. fighters, al'kesh, wraith transports. Ineffective against capital ship weapons.
              Naquada power generator, used almost exclusivelly to power shields.
              Missle/bomb bay. capable of holding up to 30,000lbs of ordinance.

              Very nice cooky!


                Originally posted by aAnubiSs
                UCAV:s controlled from a cloaked Tel'Tak is much better

                I guess the biggest problem is: Are the Wraith capable of jamming the signal. I can't remember if we've seen any "subspace communication jamming" capability from the Wraith.

                If you wanna use pilots feel free to use some Eurondan inspired control chair. The Eurondan version caused brain damage, or something, but we on Earth can limit this. We use the Chairs from Gamekeeper and Avatar to train our pilots in how to use the chair(O'Neill didn't need any training) and only use the Eurochair in combat situations.

                If I were to design a UCAV for use against the Wraith(Let's be honest. The only species fighters are useful against are the Goa'uld and Wraith) I'd do something like this:
                1. No wings. This allows them to be much more compact, allowing for alot more of them in a hangar. Also allows for them to go through the gate. The shape would be something like the Needle Threader, but a little bit longer. Guess one could call it a mix between a NT and a PJ.
                2. Port&starboard mounted internal missile bays. Each carries four AMRAAM:s.
                3. Able to carry four 19-round 2.75" rocket pods. Hydras has naquadah explosives used for strike rounds against Hive ships.
                4. Ventral mounted turreted railgun. Shorter barrel than the CIWS ones. Meant to procted the UCAV:s composite behind. 360 x-axis, 180 y-axis capability.
                5. Dorsal mounted turreted railgun. 180 x-axis, 45 y-axis capability.
                6. Inertial engines. No silly newtonian ones that need regular fuel. One naquadah reactor providing power to railguns, engines and sensors.

                Well, as far as jamming goes, that is why it is good for UCAV's to be semi-autonomous. The onboard A.I. can take over, based on pre-known target data. If the Wraith attempted to use their own Virus-AI, they still wouldn't be able to use it against anyone, because of the seperate "Loyalty Circuit" built into the UCAV's. It would have only to target a friendly only once, and the UCAV would be self-destructed. The Virus-AI would be unable to prevent it because there would be no connection between the main UCAV AI computer systems, and the Loyalty Circuit. It would be like a computer virus on my PC trying to infect my watch. It can't, because there is no connection between them. Even if I have my watch glued to my PC.

                Point being, UCAV's (drones???) would be great in many, many instances. They wouldn't necessarily have to be military in nature either. They could be used to gather information in potentially dangerous (or incredibly boring) situations. They could also be used as an automated defense perimeter. Guard dogs as it were... They use the small UCAV at the SGC often enough, for Search & Rescue and Long Range Recon. Speaking of Recon, they could build Hyperdrive Capable Probes, that would go from system to system, exploring and looking for resources. They could send hyper-transmissions back to the Earth of their findings, and just continue on to their next stop after finishing. No need to waste time and man-power doing routine check-ups. If the probes find anything of real interest, then Earth could send a ship with a full team of experts to do further research.

                In short, Drones (of whatever type... aerial, marine, space, etc.) would be the best bet for all types of uses. Honestly, I'm suprised people aren't using such machines in more of their proposals. In real life, people are using and proposing semi-autonomous devices all the time. Heck, I just saw a bit on the Science Discovery channel about unmanned boat vehicles used for research, security, and other uses. Everything that has been proposed so far, has been for the most part manned. I don't have a problem with that, but keeping in line with reality, just think that Unmanned vehicles should play a much bigger part than they have so far.
                The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

                To all the 'Sci & Tech' forum users: If you are searching for a thread about your topic of interest, please come visit our Concordance Thread. If you have any questions, we will attempt to help you.

                Feel free to pass the green..!

                My Website...
                My Blog @
                Amazing Literary Works of Fel...

                Also, visit my webpage at... Sadly, this page is gone with the website that supported it, but I'll keep the link up in memorial.


                  Heres a new one from me
                  Tourniquet-Class (DSSDX-405, deep space science destroyer prototype)

                  Length: 200m
                  Width: 85m
                  height: 50m


                  Defensive weaponry:
                  2 side laser cannons
                  6 mark VIII Naquadah enhanced Nuclear Torpedoes from 1 forward launcher.
                  1 aft point-particle cannon

                  Offensive weaponry:
                  2 Deuterium-Fusion-based Particle cannons (2 forward)
                  12 mark VIII Naquadah enhanced Nuclear Torpedoes from 1 forward and 1 aft launcher.
                  2 railguns

                  1x Asgard shield generator

                  6m of IRTT

                  2x Asgard hyperdrive generators
                  3x sublight engines
                  3x fusion thrusters
                  2x manuvering thrusters.

                  1x Mark IX naquadah generator
                  3x Mark VIII naquadah generators

                  Stealth material and active camo.

                  12 F-302cs or 4 FIX-403s


                  Asgard beaming tech

                  Science Lab complete with asgard and Jaffa/Gaould technology.

                  History of the DSSX-405

                  The International Council decided it was time to recall the daedulus home to help with the Ori and to begin upgrades for the new version of the BC304.
                  So a purpose built scout ship was built before the recall.
                  Still able to defend atlantis from the wraith, the Tourniquet's mission is not just to defend atlantis, but to explore the pegasus galaxy. Looking for anything to help fight the wraith or the Ori.
                  The Tourniquet is the first ship to use the new point-particle cannon. Instead of sending out a beam of highly-charged particles, the point-particle cannon sends out a pulse. The point-particle cannon has a better accuracy arc than the beam-particle cannon. Hence why it is being used a defensive weapon at this time. While beam-cannons are good for capital ship say the Ori "Toilet-seat class" or a wraith hiveship. The point-cannon is good for fighters such as darts.
                  The 2 asgard hyperdrive generators mean that the travel time between the pegasus galaxy and Earth is down to 10 days.
                  The science lab on the ship is an achievement for the asgard, taure and Jaffa. Combining all 3 races technological expertise, here everything from information on space anomaly, to medical research is done. It takes up about 8000m^3 of space in the ship, making it the 4th largest facility on the ship, after the bridge, engineering and the hangar bays.

                  Price for the ship is rumoured to be around £245 million.
                  Completion date is looking end of 2006 - mid 2007
                  Only one is being built so far in the Highland Shipyard in Scotland, UK, named the Tourniquet.
                  Last edited by Davidtourniquet; 04 May 2006, 11:10 AM.


                    are you sure that is a scout ship?when i think scout ship i think tel'tak...not uber battleship with fighters...

                    take out fighters, make it more like how the tel'tak, barely armed, if armed at all, change its purpose, etc etc etc etc

                    sig made courtesy of M2W


                      It is a scout ship, just a heavily armed one


                        ^^^that is not a scout ship it is a HEAVY FRIGATE or a DESTROYER it is too heavily armed to be a armed scout...


                          a Scout should have:
                          advanced scanners,
                          light sheilding,
                          no weapons (or really crap defence one),
                          usually a cloak,
                          quite very manueverable and fast

                          No heavy weapons or super sceine labs, that is a propper good vessel up there, im not saying i dont like it, but its 100% not a scout ship. Destroyer or Warship maybe, or a frigate yes but scout ship, never.
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            Fine I'll change it too a science destroyer.


                              Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                              Fine I'll change it too a science destroyer.
                              There is no such designation.

                              Best Stargate quote:
                              Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                              Green is your friend.


                                well theres no where that says I can't call it that

