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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Well sorry the site seem to be back up, it was gone last to some weird page but it seem to be working now and back to normal


      Sorry for doubting you RJB, didnt mean any offense by it, i hope you do continue posting here, have you checked out the fleets atall?
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
        Sorry for doubting you RJB, didnt mean any offense by it, i hope you do continue posting here, have you checked out the fleets atall?
        i pointed them out to him, i tried to recruit him to do modeling for us lol
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
          Sorry for doubting you RJB, didnt mean any offense by it, i hope you do continue posting here, have you checked out the fleets atall?
          No offense taken and I'll be sticking around.

          Yeah I have looked at the fleet and let a few members use some of my ships in it but right now I'm more working on a "what I feel like at the time" system of modeling. Work has just been keeping me over busy so it's hard to start any new projects.

          "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
          Feel free to visit my Art Work.


            Here is yet another sub-par ship by me, my experiments with smooth edges are going slowly.




              looks like a modified alkesh.

              more views of the ship might help too. Looks good so far.
              Visit my Website


                Name: F315 "Cobra"
                Type: Stargate compatible fighter (it can travel through a stargate)

                Technology base: Tau'ri / Asgaurd

                Length: 6.25m
                Width: 2.6m Wings folded / 5.8m wings extended
                Height: 1.9m
                Crew: 1
                Decks: 1

                Propulsion: 1 rocket motor, 1 omni-directional anti-gravity generator.
                Powerplant: 1 mk1 naqauda reactor.

                Offensive systems-
                4 centraly mounted hard-points, 2 wingtip hardpoints

                Defensive systems-
                light armor plating

                Other systems-
                Folding wings

                The F-315 was originally developed for the atlantis expedition but has found widespread use in other area. Due to its small size, more can be carried abored a ship than F302s, and, uniquely among tau'ri fighters, it can travel through a stargate.

                The F-315 is seeing widespread use as a tactical reconisinse aircraft, and as a spotter aircraft, being deployed to find/contact missing teams and engage targets, and generally clear the way for a rescue team. Its VTOL abilitys and anti-grav generator means that it can be deployed in the same way as a PJ, within a complex such as atlantis or SGC without harming personnel with its rocket motor.

                Can't think of any more at the moment...need to eat first
                Last edited by titan_hq; 23 July 2007, 12:34 AM.
                Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!



                  I redesigned the F-315, added fixed wings instead of folding ones, and added missle hard-points to it. Also has a different engine, maybe a small ion-based engine. may also add 20mm cannons in but that will be called F-316, not X-316.

                  click spoiler for pics.

                  What do you think???
                  Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!



                    Cool Fighter(s) I can't wait to see what is next.

                    Here, by singular request, are more snapshots of my dagger class



                      Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                      Cool Fighter(s) I can't wait to see what is next.

                      Here, by singular request, are more snapshots of my dagger class


                      i like it, cool. could you post some diffenrent shots of it?
                      Last edited by titan_hq; 29 April 2007, 10:37 AM. Reason: im stupid...
                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!



                        there is already a dager clase ship its a fighter and i created it. ill post the desgin in a bit


                          I haven't posted a design here in ages, i'm going to be posting a Wraith ship complete with model in the next few days
                          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                            Originally posted by Aroura-Gate View Post
                            there is already a dager clase ship its a fighter and i created it. ill post the desgin in a bit
                            First off this is a Dagger not a Dager and secondly your fighter will never meet my, whatever its going to be, in space or in concept because this ship will never fly in the stargate 'verse.

                            I would have called it Kris but the name just didn't fit and I had no desire to call it the Arrowhead class because it just seemed too cheap.


                              sorry im dislexic and i cant spell very well sorry. but why would you say that i got the idea from a WWII plane concept for the early flying wing


                                Let me first of all say that most of the successful engagement fought by the Tori via ships have been hit and run battles -- ship design should reflect tactics. I suggest a smaller ship then the 303 or 304 design that is built of sections which can be transported via the stargate and assembled on the other side at a Tori' base such as Atlantis, the Alpha Site, etc. The ship will be designed to opperate from that base with a minimal crew -- minor maintence and repair can be completed by the ships crew but any major problems require repair at the base. Therefore, there must be a good deal of redundency in the ships systems. I propose the following design:

                                Kodiak Class Light-Attack Ship:

                                As you can plainly see the main body of the ship is made up of four tubes designed to fit through the Stargate (in short lengths of course) The two outer tubes house the hyper drive, Naquadria generators (one in each pod), sheild emitters, and cloak emitters. Both the two inner pods contain sublight drive engines in the rear portion. The left inner pod (looking down from top) containes the crew quarters and controls in the forward section. The right inner pod contains a Tori' built reverse engineering of the Atlantian Satalight beam weapon. There are two immiters, two buffers, and two naquada generators for power. Thus there is a double redundency. The cloak and sheild systems are seperated but almost identical and each can be easily do the job of the other, again a double redundency. There are two seperate sublight engines one each in the back of each of the central pods; double redundency. The weapons targeting system and navagations system are seperate yet very similar allowing each to the others job if neccessary. Hyperdrive system consists of two sections one each in the outer two pods -- when working together the ship is capable of extremely high speeds and is even faster then either the 303 or 304 class but cannot travel near as far. If one hyper-space engine is damaged the ship is capable of using the other to "limp" back to base at a much slower speed.

                                Crew: 5 -- Pilot/Comander, Co-Pilot/Second-in-Command, Weapons-Officer, Engineer, Navigator

                                Hyper-Drive: Entirely Earth built using knowledge gained from all available sources -- High Speed but limited Range

                                Sub-light Drive: Smaller version of 303 and 304 class sublight drive

                                Sheild: Asgard designed, built from earth materials -- can be converted to serve as cloak

                                Cloak: Reverse-engineered from ancient technology -- can serve as a sheild but not as strong as main sheild

                                Primary Weapon: Double Side-by-Side beam weapon reverse engineered from ancient defense satelight scematics (The Seigh Part 1). Earth version generates approximatly only 3/4 the power of ancient design (Work to Improve Design Continues at Area 51)

                                Secondary Weapons: 7 - rail gun turrents. Gun caliber is smaller and only preduce 1/2 the impact energy as larger versions used on 304 class ships. This was done because they are primarly defensive (Darts, Gliders, Missles) and weight must be minimized to allow manuverability and speed.

                                Armor: Light armor shell, thicker in critical areas. Allows sheild to be down when not in combat to conserve power but offers only minimal protection.

                                I believe the design as outlined could show up very soon -- entirely within present Tori' capabilities. Ship is designed for seak and destroy / hit and run missions. Target is approached while cloaked -- decloak, raise sheilds, fire one or two shots from main weapon then head for hyper-space while the weapon buffers recharge.

                                P.S. This is my first post and I spent most of the time on the picture please excuse the spelling and other errors.
                                Last edited by turbo1889; 20 May 2007, 03:26 PM.

