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Original Starship Design Thread

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    well the graphics designers design the ships, not the PTB so actually hes the one who makes the call on the size of his word isnt guideline, its fact..
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
    Sanctuary for all |
    11000! green me


      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
      well the graphics designers design the ships, not the PTB so actually hes the one who makes the call on the size of his word isnt guideline, its fact..
      Yes, but it isn't canon. If the words of the designer contradict on skreen evidence, then the designer, not the screen is wrong. Unless there are grave inconsistencies about the sizes.

      My estimate using those icons was 5.5 kilometers with the Daedalus at 400m.
      I am going to scale the Daedalus in flight against a hive if I can find a good image.

      After scaling it against the Daedalus in no man's land, I got about 8km with about a 2km upper margin for error and a 2km lower.
      This seems to give credit to the icons being wrong, and the Hives being 11KM long.

      I will post my images in a moment.

      you can use these scales to determine an approxomate length for the Hives, based on whatever length for the Daedalus you want to use.
      Last edited by An-Alteran; 12 November 2006, 09:31 PM.


        Unfortunately in the pictures from "No Man's Land" we don't know how far away from the camera either ship is. If they're the same distance from our perspective, than you'd be accurate, but if they're not your calculations wouldn't be correct. That's the problem with attempting to determine the scale of things from pictures when you're unsure of distance. Either way, hives are really really big.
        All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

        The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

        Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


          Here's the first ship designed and modeled for Entropy:

          Concept / design by Yayap_the_Grunt
          Model by BOBTHEGREATII

          It's the Trafalgar, named for a battle off the southern coast of Spain.
          It's about a mile long, give or take, still have to mess with the scale for the game itself.
          Primary engines are ion propulsion drives powered by a nuclear reactor.
          Secondary engines are liquid rocket fuel, for emergencies.
          It'll be loaded with rail guns soon. Possibly going to have energy shields, depends on whether they fit into the universe or not, so far I've made no mention to it having any type of shielding.
          Hull is made of titanium meshed with steel to keep the overall weight down.
          It carries over a hundred drop ships and about 50 small fighters.
          This ship has Faster Than Light capabilities.
          If you think I should "stargatize" it, let me know, I can make it fit better in the Gate universe. As it is, it'll be manufactured by rebels at a base on a planet called Sodom in the year 2331 and be in service past the year 2357 (the year the game will take place during)
          Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


            Well I like the design, it bit different other stargate vessels but yeah turn into a stargate ship


              I'm presently working on the German Paradigm Battleship/whatever else I called it. All I've got so far is the very basic shape but I decided to upload it anyway.




                Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                Unfortunately in the pictures from "No Man's Land" we don't know how far away from the camera either ship is. If they're the same distance from our perspective, than you'd be accurate, but if they're not your calculations wouldn't be correct. That's the problem with attempting to determine the scale of things from pictures when you're unsure of distance. Either way, hives are really really big.
                I know that. That is why there is such a huge margin for error.
                I think in the episode it was behind the Hive as it appears.
                Further, the missile pattern flowers out in a way that seems to indicate it is close to directly behind.
                If someone could find me a clip tof the sequence to help me better determine the margin for error, that would help settle the issue. From that image alone, I am willing to deduce that indeed the icons are wrong and 11k is right. Werein which I will somewhat rewrite my ships and repost them.
                After that I will need to size the Cruisers.
                They could be anywhere between 1 and 3km long.

                Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                I'm presently working on the German Paradigm Battleship/whatever else I called it. All I've got so far is the very basic shape but I decided to upload it anyway.


                Recomendation: Study German naval ships and their design, and Naval planes and their designs, and German Tanks and their designs. That might give you ideas.
                Just a random suggestion. Not sure if it helps.


                  Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                  Recomendation: Study German naval ships and their design, and Naval planes and their designs, and German Tanks and their designs. That might give you ideas.
                  Just a random suggestion. Not sure if it helps.
                  Most modern naval vessels are the same, or at least very similar, in shape. That being said I made something that was similar in respect to the ships built by Earth up to this point.

                  If you have more specific advise on the design I'll try it out to see how it would actually work.


                    Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                    Most modern naval vessels are the same, or at least very similar, in shape. That being said I made something that was similar in respect to the ships built by Earth up to this point.

                    If you have more specific advise on the design I'll try it out to see how it would actually work.
                    Well, I meant it like this:
                    Specific style progression.
                    Style of structure.
                    The Daedalus resembles an American Aircraft carrier.

                    What types of ships do the German's seem to build most.
                    What philosophy drives them.
                    Do they focus on armour, or weapons or speed, sheer technology, size.
                    Do they design new things often or infrequesntly.
                    Do they often inovate, or simply improve upon good ideas.
                    How do they tend to structure their tanks and other main military things.

                    I think I have had to much caffiene and am over thinking this...


                      Well this thread died..erm anyone got any new designs? models? anything...
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                        Well this thread died..erm anyone got any new designs? models? anything...
                        i do, i'm currently working on three projects

                        Edit: ok this is the cruiser i'm currently working on with specs...

                        picture - no where near done

                        specs - soon to be revised slightly
                        Name: Pegasus class HC - 456

                        ~Type: Heavy Cruiser
                        ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard/Ancient

                        ~Length: 210 metres
                        ~Height: 30 metres
                        ~Width: 110 metres



                        ~ 4x Heavy Hebridan Ion drives
                        ~ 6x Small Hebridan Ion drives
                        ~ 1x Asgard hyperdrive

                        Power sources:

                        Mark VI - Large scale experimental Naquadriah reactor (first ship to use it)

                        ~ Standard Asgard shields ( 2 generators reduce strain duing large fire fights)
                        ~Ablative 10cm thick trinium/titanium armour

                        ~ 8x Coil guns 100mm Calibre (10,000 rounds each)
                        ~ 2x Coil guns 250mm Calibre (5,000 rounds each)
                        ~ 1x Coil gun Heavy rotational double barrel 700mm Calibre (2,000 rounds per barrel)
                        ~ 1/2x VLT with space for 20 anti ship nukes
                        ~ 1x Horizen platform (look at spoilers for First Strike)

                        Fighter complement:
                        ~ space for up to 8 fighters, 4 in each hanger

                        Most advanced Tau'ri equipment
                        Asgard transporters


                        The Pegasus class first went onto the drawing boards in 2017, with the Wraith building up their fleets and armed with new defences and weapons it was decided that a new ship able to combat them had to be developed. This ship was the Pegasus, the Wraith shields meant rail guns and coil guns would have limited affect against the new breed of Wraith warships to counter this the Pegasus was armed with the largerest double barrel coil gun ever concieved.

                        The coil gun was to fire rounds 40% larger than any other at speeds 200% greater than any other coil gun. The rounds have a huge kinetic impact enough to penetrate 30m of Wraith armor and fast enough to faze through primative shielding aka goa'uld.

                        Unfortunately the ship suffered several drawbacks, the main one was the huge coil gun which had a massive recoil which caused severe damage to the ship when fired, this forced the ship to be selved untill the technology needed to fix the problem could be developed and so R&D could focus on war related tasks.

                        After the war with the Wraith Earths space program found itself with a small and limited fleet following the devastating surprise attack on Earth. While studying wreckage from the Wraith fleet one off the scientists discovered that the Wraith used a special organic metalic alloy to almost completely eliminate recoil damage from their own weapons. After years of study the egg heads at area 51 found a way to replicate small quantities of the material. The material is specially designed by the Wraith to absorb huge amounts of kinetic energy making it the perfect component for the Heavy coil guns, though it isn't hard enough to be used as armor.

                        Finally in 2037 the prototype was launched, the new alloy meant that the Heavy coil guns could be fired with out risk to the ship although the substance is prone to wear and tear, to limit wear the guns are only fired in short bursts. The ships is also powered by the experimental mark VI naquadah generator, this generator modified for ship use is the most powerful ship board generator ever created by the Tau'ri able to power every system to it's full potential. The ship also carries a small number of fighters as it's weapons are designed for anti capital ship roles, this means that it normally works with carriers where both ships can benifit each other.

                        Although produced too late to fight the Wraith the ship was a front line fighter in the Aschen wars and mass production began in 2039.

                        In 2041 the ships were refitted for the war against the Aschen, needing away to speed up deployment of nukes an extra VLT was added allowing it to devaste Aschen capital ships. The ship design remained unchanged for the rest of it's life and served in the fleet for 50 years.

                        i'm planning to add one ship to ship tau'ri ion canon to the ship in the spirit of the gateworld fleet.2...
                        Last edited by Buba uognarf; 14 November 2006, 10:25 AM.
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                          Well, I meant it like this:
                          Specific style progression.
                          Style of structure.
                          The Daedalus resembles an American Aircraft carrier.

                          What types of ships do the German's seem to build most.
                          What philosophy drives them.
                          Do they focus on armour, or weapons or speed, sheer technology, size.
                          Do they design new things often or infrequesntly.
                          Do they often inovate, or simply improve upon good ideas.
                          How do they tend to structure their tanks and other main military things.

                          I think I have had to much caffiene and am over thinking this...
                          I have no clue as to their present military philosophy since I have never spoken with anyone from their military.

                          They have concentrated on all of those things at one point or another.

                          Well they would need to design something new since this is a space ship and not an naval ship.

                          I don't know at present, but I'm assuming that if somthing exists and it is a solid design they will probably copy it as closely as possible.

                          Again I don't know, I haven't kept up with their military hardware structures.

                          I'll start looking into German naval vessel construction, eventually.


                            Repost, edited SAC-308 with specs and new pics.

                            Henry H. Arnold Class Cruiser
                            SAC-308 Cruiser (Stellar Assault Cruiser)

                            Length 149m
                            Width 90m
                            Hight 28m

                            FTL: 304 class hyper drive/main generator.
                            Defenses: Modified 304 class defense shield.
                            Capital ship weapons: 18 vertical launch missile silos. 3 250mm (~10 inch) Rail Guns
                            Point defense weapons: 6 Twin barrel 50mm (~2 inch) automated gun batteries. 6 Single barrel 50mm automated gun batteries. 2 24 cell SLAMR (Ship Launched Advanced Missile Rack) each armed with 24 AIM-120 AMRAAM “Slammer” missiles.
                            Crew: 52

                            The 308 class cruiser was designed in '08-'09. Intended primarily to serve as an anti-fighter gunship, the 308 class vessels were the first capital star ships to incorporate a modified AEGIS class weapons control system, specially designed for use in space warfare. This gives the 308 class cruiser a powerful anti-fighter capability. The addition of 3 250mm rail gun turrets and 18 vertical launch missile silos give the 308 a potent anti-capital ship capability as well.

                            The first 308, named after Air Force General Henry H. Arnold was commissioned in January 2010. It first saw combat two months later when it engaged two wraith hive ships in the Pegasus Galaxy along with the Daedalus class ship Triton. Post battle analysis of the sensor records credited the Arnold with 1 wraith cruiser kill, 36 Dart kills, and 7 partial kills. It was deemed a tremendous success and the Air Force requested they go into full production immediately. Future ships in the class would be named for other Air Force Generals, giving the 308's the nickname "The General's Ships."


                            Weapons Package:


                              Originally posted by cooky View Post
                              Repost, edited SAC-308 with specs and new pics.

                              Henry H. Arnold Class Cruiser
                              SAC-308 Cruiser (Stellar Assault Cruiser)

                              Length 149m
                              Width 90m
                              Hight 28m

                              FTL: 304 class hyper drive/main generator.
                              Defenses: Modified 304 class defense shield.
                              Capital ship weapons: 18 vertical launch missile silos. 3 250mm (~10 inch) Rail Guns
                              Point defense weapons: 6 Twin barrel 50mm (~2 inch) automated gun batteries. 6 Single barrel 50mm automated gun batteries. 2 24 cell SLAMR (Ship Launched Advanced Missile Rack) each armed with 24 AIM-120 AMRAAM “Slammer” missiles.
                              Crew: 52

                              The 308 class cruiser was designed in '08-'09. Intended primarily to serve as an anti-fighter gunship, the 308 class vessels were the first capital star ships to incorporate a modified AEGIS class weapons control system, specially designed for use in space warfare. This gives the 308 class cruiser a powerful anti-fighter capability. The addition of 3 250mm rail gun turrets and 18 vertical launch missile silos give the 308 a potent anti-capital ship capability as well.

                              The first 308, named after Air Force General Henry H. Arnold was commissioned in January 2010. It first saw combat two months later when it engaged two wraith hive ships in the Pegasus Galaxy along with the Daedalus class ship Triton. Post battle analysis of the sensor records credited the Arnold with 1 wraith cruiser kill, 36 Dart kills, and 7 partial kills. It was deemed a tremendous success and the Air Force requested they go into full production immediately. Future ships in the class would be named for other Air Force Generals, giving the 308's the nickname "The General's Ships."


                              Weapons Package:

                              Very nice, cooky, ever considered a no-pay job in 3d modeling for a first person shooter?
                              Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                                Originally posted by WTFOwned View Post
                                Very nice, cooky, ever considered a no-pay job in 3d modeling for a first person shooter?
                                I've thought of it, but I haven't really looked into it. Did you have something specific in mind?

