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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by cooky View Post
    It'd be close. Maybe drop the number to 50-60 planes, with room to hold extra for a short period. Remember, you also have to have room for the additional crew needed to mainain the airwing. Nearly half of a Nimitz's crew (~2500 personel) are involved in flight support for its 80 or so aircraft. On the Dauntless, some additional automation would reduce the number of people needed for flight support.
    Got it , maybe 60 fighters ( with folding wings), 120 ground crew


      Name: Slither

      Type: Short range, strike fighter

      Technology base: Unknown
      Operators: Humans

      Naval Classification: Fighter

      Hull: The hull is one 30cm meters thick consisting of a Naquada/Trinium alloy.

      Decks:There is only one deck.

      Dimensions: The ship is 4 meters high with a beam of 12 meters and a length of 14 meters.

      Displacement: Unknown

      Crew: The fighter is crewed by one or two people.

      Power plant: The ship is powered by a small rechargable power module.

      Engines: The Slither is equipped with ion drives and anti-gravity engines.

      The Slither is equipped with;
      >> Two rapid-fire pulse cannons located at the front of the crafts wings enhanced by nanite technology.
      >> Four Advanced Drones (modified with nanites) launched from front of craft.

      The Slither is equipped with a shield generator allowing a greater defensive capability.

      Other Technology:
      The Slither is equipped with nanite enhanced systems, including tactical messaging allowing fighters to simultaneously seek targets acting as a single attack.

      Technical and Historical Notes:
      The Slither was designed as a strike fighter against Wraith and Ori threats. A single fighter is capable enough to destroy enemy fighters, but working together a squadron can cause sever damage to a Wraith ship and cause secondary damage to Ori shields.
      Last edited by fallen_arbiter; 05 November 2006, 09:24 AM.
      Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


        i think everyones gone a bit loopy with ancient ship designs...and i doubt a squadran could cause severe damage to wraith ships (e.g hive ships) unless a squadran is couple of hundred...when is this fighter set?
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          i know there been about 10 design i the last week..someone create a nice simple ship...non ancient design
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
            i think everyones gone a bit loopy with ancient ship designs...and i doubt a squadran could cause severe damage to wraith ships (e.g hive ships) unless a squadran is couple of hundred...when is this fighter set?
            Ok there are roughly 100 fighters to a squadron all fireing 1 drone, right that is 100 drones to a hive ship, i think that would cause sever damage.
            Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


              Originally posted by fallen_arbiter View Post
              Ok there are roughly 100 fighters to a squadron all fireing 1 drone, right that is 100 drones to a hive ship, i think that would cause sever damage.
              yeah it could, but remember pilots have to highly trained! and i don't think the ancients are going to have the time for training and have the numbers to employ them effectively against the thousands of darts
              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                My new ship, The Rapier

                Name: Rapier

                Type: Prototype Organic “Bio-mechanoid Ship” ; long range, hyperspace capable, tactical assault ship.

                Technology base: Unknown

                Operators: Humans

                Naval Classification: Has none

                Hull: The hull is one fifty meters thick consisting of a genetically engineered metal organic (Nanites with integrated biological-organic component) made of a Naquada/Trinium alloy. In theory the ship is a living metal organism, with the ability to integrate with mechanical technology. The ship has the ability to “heal” itself much like that of a Wraith ship.

                Decks:There are 25 decks, with the bottom four decks larger in height than the others.

                Dimensions: The decks are three meters high with ventilation areas running between decks, , except for the bottom decks which are eight meters in height. The overall height of the ship is 195 meters, with a beam of 560 the overall length is 920 meters.

                Displacement: 3,500,000 metric tons

                Crew: The ship has a crew of 900 men and women

                Craft: The Rapier carries 100 Slither fighters in its two hanger bays with space for maintenance.

                Vehicles: None

                Power plant: The ship is powered by two Beta Modules.

                Engines: The Rapier is equipped with an advanced hyperdrive capable of interstellar travel along with sublight propulsion, Anti-Gravity engines and Ion Drives.

                The Rapier is equipped with an array of different weapons to combat its enemies.
                >> Multiple rotating rapid-fire pulse cannons line the ship allowing point defence and offensive capability.
                >> Ten beam energy weapon allays are used as the primary weapon, five arrays at the front of the ship and five array lined for the rear of the ship. This allowed the whole ship to be protected from all angles allowing maximum range.
                >> The Rapier is also equipped with a vast number of Advanced Drones. Fired from three launchers, one located at the front of the ship, and the others at the rear.
                All weapons systems can be controlled by the crew and also controlled by the ship.

                Defences: The Rapier is equipped with advanced defences, these consist of;
                >> Three Advanced shield generators. Two shields are produced which overlap, this allows neither shield to feel a greater energy strain than the other allowing faster recharge rates and a longer damage capacity and the final shield acts as a backup in case of previous failure.
                >> Each nanite produces a small shield around itself, these acts as a secondary buffer to damage increasing the defensive capability of the ship.
                >> Nanite hull. As described in hull.

                Other Technology:
                The Rapier is equipped with;
                >> Status Pods
                >> Four Ring Transporters (located in cargo and hanger bays)
                >> Phased Cloak
                >> Tractor Beam tech

                Technical and Historical Notes:

                Technical Notes:
                All technology on the Rapier is enhanced by Nanite technology allowing repair and enhancements to happen automatically.

                Beta Module;
                The Rapier is equipped with a brand new power supply. The power supply (named Beta Module) is a more compact version of the Ancient ZPM. It produces a different frequency of energy allowing the ship to feed off of it. The beta module resonates at a different frequency meaning it cannot be used as a ZPM replacement.

                The Rapier:
                The Rapier is a living ship; it is a bio-mechanoid constructed of nanites which have been integrated with an organic sub-system allowing the nanites to interact as human cells do in the body. This allows the ship to live, it has a vast intelligence able to interact with others especially those with a bio-mech link. Due to the nature of the nanites it can adapt and evolve allow repair and growth of systems.

                Bio-mech link
                The ship can be only be used by those with the ATA gene (a design for safety). This allows the crew to interact with the controls of the ship, allowing it to be used as a normal ship. There is a problem however, due to the fact that the ship is living it may choose not to follow orders and instead act alone. As a precaution the captain of the ship is injected with bio-mech nanites, this allows the captain to interact with the ship as one, sitting at a control chair using the ATA gene for telepathic commands and then his “bond” he can control the ship as a extension of his own body. This is rarely done.


                The ship is the product of bio-engineering nanites to act as cells of a organic body, the research and develop took many generations of manipulation. (more to be added)
                Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                  I must admit at the risk of sounding negative, i'm getting abit fed up with all these ancient designs people keep churning out...they're so uninteresting it's almost fanwank people just make them so they put ever they want into their ships
                  Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                    thats the problem, sure the back stories with ancient ships can be imaginative, but with that imagination come the overbearing lure of fanwank. Firstly any ship built by the anceints will not be designed to fight the ori, as far as the ancietn were concerned up until thier ascension the Ori were not a threat.
                    Im with Buba, i just dont like ancient designs...even though i did my own the other week, i still think that mine was ok because i didnt actually use anything new. I used 1 drone launcher, not 4. I used fusion reactors( a technology we could implement), not super ZPM's and i used PJ's instead of new fighters. Although im not totally agaisnt the new fighter tbh.
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      So every one getting fed up with ancient designs well here a new earth vessel. Launch date 201O.

                      HMS Endeavour

                      Class: Long range shuttle/ scout vessel.

                      Technology Base: Earth built tech apart from Asguard transporters and hyperdrive.

                      crew: Five crew men with ten passengers

                      Engines: 4 ion drives and a Asguard hyperdrive

                      Weapons: 2 rail guns turrets, with two guns each. Soon to be updated with four plasma cannons, base on Felger early work, is currently being perfected by Samantha carter.

                      Shields: One earth made shield. This shield is a prototype for earth base shield tech. The shields were base of Gould tech which was obtained from reverse engineering of their cargo ships, partially improved by suggestions of Asguard engineers. These can be built using earth base materials.

                      Reactors: Two mark two reactors.

                      Other equipment:

                      A earth base sensor package, subspace sensors, heat sensors, Sound sensors and many more.

                      Subspace Communications


                      It was first dreamed up be Samantha carter. She wanted to explore a strange nebula but was not unable to because all earth vessels were engage in operations. She came to relies that they needed to design and build a small craft capable of such missions and also of ferrying troops to planet and exploring planets with no Stargate on them. These operations often do not take place simple because vessels are not available.

                      The basic hull was inspired by the NASA space shuttle designs, with slight modifications.

                      Unfortunately congress refuses to fund the project because they were more interested in building battle ships and larger craft. Carter after spending several months on designing the craft was disappointed.

                      That until the United Kingdom got involve. An agreement in allowing SG1 on British soil to explore Merlin cavern, meant we were given full access to all of Americans research and development programmes. Although Britain had the knowledge and funding to launch their own battle ships they did have not enough materials. Although the agreement provided a certain amount of Naquadah and trinium each year this was only enough to construct 10 fighters per year. United Kingdom currently had thirty in it fleet. They lack the capability of mining the ores themselves.

                      United Kingdom approach Samantha carter, head of research at the time and agree that Britain would and fund and construct the HMS Endeavour to be the United Kingdom first interstellar craft. Although certain congressman objected to the agreement, thy quickly overall by President Hayes who wanted to increase cooperation’s between nations and he was also being pressured into an agreement by the Asguard.

                      This craft was design and built in less than eighteen months. Its first mission was meant to test the hyperdrive engines in a three day mission to an American run out post. Unfortunately they were intercepted by two Lucian alliance cargo ships, equip with weapons. The Endeavour manages to destroy one of the vessels and severely damage the other one. Although the Endeavour it self was severely damage.
                      A race begun between the two vessels fortunately the Endeavour was able to get it hyperdrives online and made run back to earth. The craft showed it was well capable of holding up to in combat.

                      Its second mission was to explore the newly named Samantha carter nebula. This nebula turns out to be rather strange. As it contained several planets independent of stars. Also a strange outpost was discover on one of the planets which turn out to be furling in origin and which contained the strange energy reading which Samantha first discovered and was the reason for her wanting to explore the nebula. The base is still being study today although with very little success. They still have not learned how to operate any of its equipment.

                      It third mission was to a colony one of the other planets inside the nebula. Here they set up Britain first off world colony. It was a massive mining facility. The planet was found to be rather strange as it had both trinium and Naquadah deposits, which is very uncommon to find. This planet allowed Britain to construct and build its first warship named the HMS Excalibur.
                      A new fighter, the RSF Raven, was put into rapid production and sold to the Russians, Chinese and French.

                      The Endeavour was soon joined by six new crafts, the Columbia, Atlantis, Enterprise, Discovery, Challenger and one named after her designer, The Samantha Carter.

                      Okay here some pictures of her, still a long way to go as usual, may be one day I will finished one of my models off, would not hold my breath through.


                        Originally posted by knowles2 View Post

                        I like the idea, but it seems kind of rough around the edges and reminds me of a school bus.
                        Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
                        I shot him...

                        in the leg...
                        I'm invulnerable!
                        Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


                          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                          I used 1 drone launcher, not 4.
                          Just an FYI Atlantis appears to have 3.


                            Originally posted by Dr. Who View Post
                            I like the idea, but it seems kind of rough around the edges and reminds me of a school bus.
                            I know, been busy today. tomorrow I plan one making some modifications.

                            to try to make it look less bus like. I think after the antennas are added above the bridge it should look a bit difference. Also rounding of the nose alt to change the looked to. Infact I am bord of ruby on rails so I might do some rignt now and get back to the tutorials tomorrow.


                              Okay guys, I'm making a light carrier, how many F-302 planes would fit into the following dimensions; a space 170 feet long, 53 feet wide which tapers off at the top to 37 feet.


                                I have been fiddling with the background technical ideas of my ships and their strength.
                                I came up with some interesting hypotheses on the way Orii beam tech works, that shows why they can be defeated in my story.
                                I also have been editing some more and am clarifying just why the number of ships were so large.
                                Here are a few points to interpret my ship design with:

                                Technically it would take the Orii several thousand shots to take down the Atlantis shield with one ZPM. About a minute of direct Wraith fire against a Daedalus class is enough to destroy one. That is equivalent to two direct hits from an Orii cannon. If two hits are equal to one minute of a single Hive’s fire, and 9 Hives would take about two days to deplete Atlantis’ shields, several thousand Orii main cannon shots seem to make the Orii rather weak sounding doesn’t it? So I have assumed that the Orii cannons work without using raw strength, but rather a form of feedback loop and a feedback overload to defeat shields.
                                So the cannons actually “freeze” the shields in place and pump energy into the shield energy causing the generator to overload with its own energy, destroying an Asgard generator (or maybe projectors?) in one or two hits, causing the shields to fail and the beam is powerful enough to just rip through the shields.
                                Thus the Ancient ships in my story have shields that can resist (but not prevent) this effect for a short period of time before the shields fail.
                                I also have created a weaker ship in the Orii fleet that acts as a fast action vessel that can take out any normal Earth/Asgard/Goa’uld ships in small numbers, but are rather weaker than the Alteran ships. Basically if four of the cruisers came through in Camelot, they would have destroyed a bunch of Hat’taks, and possibly an earth ship or two, but would have been defeated rather quickly. These make up the majority of the fleets of Orii ships, that’s why the number of ships looks so crazy.
                                There is a more powerful warship in the Orii fleet that is not a carrier so it is smaller, but is more heavily armed than the toilets.
                                The cruisers are like Wraith Hive ships in power essentially. The warships are very powerful, but nowhere near as powerful as the Veris-Pileama because their main weapon are not as effective at overloading the shield matrix. And the Ancient weapons have been designed to defeat shields on a more core practical level: They catch a pocket of the enemy’s shields in a flux (like stunning the shields with a punch to the temple) and deplete a section, and then continue through and hit the ship, usually destroying it. They don't trick the shields into depleting themselves.
                                But at most four blasts can be fired in any direction.
                                So the Ships are not designed to fight the Orii. They were designed to be powerful and the pinnacle of Ancient potential glory and power. They had certain developments that gave them a large advantage over the Orii ships.

                                What do you all think?

                                I have an idea for an earth ship. Rough concept. May post tomarrow.
                                Here are outlines.

                                Medium sized ship slighlty smaller than Daedalus, but with no fighters, just an emergency landing bay.
                                Asgard shield.
                                Coilguns with fussion detonation devices. (Each 'bullet' is a passive naquada/nuclear warhead. Essentially it is designed that when it hits a shield, the naquada is rapidly forced into compression from impact to cause a nuclear fussion detonation. What do you all think?)
                                And a few other surprises.

                                Originally posted by Sam fisher View Post
                                Okay guys, I'm making a light carrier, how many F-302 planes would fit into the following dimensions; a space 170 feet long, 53 feet wide which tapers off at the top to 37 feet.
                                Not many. A dozen at most.
                                37 feet is about 6 times the height of an average person. That is about the height of maybe the hanger on the Daedalus at best.
                                So bassically your ship would be the size of one of Daedalus' hangars.
                                I recomend doubling all your dimensions except length. Increase length to around 220ft. That would be more reasonable.
                                Last edited by An-Alteran; 05 November 2006, 03:52 PM.

