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Puddle Jumpers in the Milky Way - Possible Spoilers

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    Well, in response to the PJ doesn't have hyperdrive. If you pay attention to SGA, you see in several episodes that there are PJ on the Daedalus for recon. So yes, whoever that person that said that they are transported via Daedalus, props to you.

    I seriously doubt there would be an ancient warship. Mind you, this isn't SGA, where we find the wonders of the Ancient tech. Its only it several epsiodes that SG1 finds anything awesome left from the ancient, and though they are amazing discoveries, only one episode had to do with a ship, (anything else doesn't seem to impress me too much).

    I COULD think it may be the supergate, but in Beachhead, did those objects that made the supergate had any crystal tech like that on the PJ (shown in pic). If so, then you could be right. It would probably make sense that the supergate is being tampered with so that it would limit the amount of Ori ships in our galaxy anyways.
    Subspace Energy Technology Thread


      Originally posted by McSwift
      Is it me or is that a puddle jumper being repaired. I remember that the puddle jumper that we had from season 8 was used to go back in time and recover a ZPM. However when they fixed the timeline, did they have a puddle jumper?
      I thought about this when I saw the episodes and came to the following conclusion; since they fixed the timeline back to it's original state, the only difference being a ZPM was discovered along with the stargate thanks to their actions, all following actions should remain the same.
      Therefore Ares should still be about to attempt to take over the planet that Harry Maybourne was made king on, and they should still go there to retrieve him in order to save him from certain torture and extraction of information, he would inform them that he had been expecting them and show them the temple ruins, leading to them finding the time machine.

      If this holds true, and for all intents and purposes it should, because they have no reason to use it, it should now be sitting in area 51 with lots of scientists prodding and probing it, and wondering why they can't even get it to fly, just like before, before they realised they could make good use of it.
      Chances are we won't ever see or hear of it again, maybe in passing, but it should be there if the need for it ever arises again.


        Originally posted by McSwift
        I COULD think it may be the supergate, but in Beachhead, did those objects that made the supergate had any crystal tech like that on the PJ (shown in pic). If so, then you could be right. It would probably make sense that the supergate is being tampered with so that it would limit the amount of Ori ships in our galaxy anyways.
        Unknown, they never really got close enough to examine it. Though considering the background in the pic is white and white seems to be one of the Ori's favourite colours well its possible that she works to disable the supergate 'manually'.

        'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

        'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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          doesn't look like a PJ to me. does look like a ancient device though, but it could be anything else.

          if it were a puddle jumper, wouldn't they have it on the SGC or area 51, why would she be on the space repairing it? like someone else said, there's no control crystal outside a PJ.

          i think it's more like a satellite. or the supergate maybe.
          not a pj.
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            yeah i agree if you read all the spoilers joe does talk about sam going eva on that supergate....i think she will be out there when it goes active.
            jake o'niel ".......bite me"

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              Originally posted by DarthNick
              I don't think it's a Puddle Jumper, perhaps something like the defense sattelite from SGA.

              Maybe they find a hidden parkinglot for Alterean ships. They park 'em, and ascend. All free of charge
              Actually, it's fifty cents an hour.

              The reason they ascended was to avoid paying.

              The Ancients are very stingy b*stards.


                OK! My theory of the PJ could either be right or wrong. I'm starting to believe it MAY be the Ancient superweapon at all, and following your guys' intuition that it is the supergate. WHY

                I highly urge you guys NOT to read this unless you want to be revealed of this proof why I think its not the ancient superweapon that kills ascended beings:

                In this episode it says that in season 10 they try to find the ancient superweapon in Atlantis which Daniel and Vala goes out to find out.

                I'm thinking this right now:
                - Yes, several of you guys in other posts are right. The Ancients will come out of no where and meddle with the lower plains in order for us not to use the weapon.

                - The weapon is gone and we hit a dead end in terms of finding an actual weapon. We may find specs, but we will probably not understand it.

                - The weapon is hidden in another dimension, one that the Ancients can't see, and so they're coming back to find where the weapon is hidden.

                Its sketchy, I know, but when I read this, theres alot of spoilers that comes out. We now know the ascended beings WON'T be killed at the end of S9. But left with the cliffhanger of finding where it is for S10.
                Subspace Energy Technology Thread


                  it isn't a puddlejumper and it isn't a supergate watch the episode in sga with the ancient defence satalite rodney was fixing it from the outside the supergate doesn't even look like the one in beachhead


                    Originally posted by Erik Pasternak
                    No, but they could have been sent through the stargate or sent via the Daedalus--if a Pegasus puddle jumper would even work in the MW.
                    Why wouldn't it work here?



                      It'd fly and everything, but it couldn't interface with the Gate.

                      Different DHD's and all.



                        Meh, no big loss since there aren't many space gates here.


                          Cant wait to see the space battle. Asgard ship on a strafing run on an Ori ship while the weapons on the Ori ship hitting it's shields. F-302 and Alkesh and Gliders. Oh Yeah
                          The Edge of the Night; contains love from the heart and soul, outpouring love to one and love one country.

