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Who should lead SG1?(Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Avenger
    I love how people say that Mitchell shouldn't be in command becuse he doesn;t have any experience, but he was the first leader of the first F-302 squadron to see service. If he was just some schmo, he never would have recieved that assisgnment.

    Also, when he was given his choice of assignments, he wasn't going to get a post that would have required a higher rank that he already had, so there's no way he would have been given the Joint Chief position. He would be inserted into a command with his given rank, as he was with the SGC.
    ok. i was of course joking about the joint chief position (well, chief of staff anyway). and as stated previously, mitchell was indeed in command of the F-302 squadron, an air unit, not a field unit.

    air combat does not equal quality and quantity experience on a field unit on an alien planet. carter had 7 years experience on sg-1, prepping her for a leadership position, for which she was ready long before she recieved it, as proven by the fact that in o'neills absense from the team she did a more than adequate job of filling in. she then had a further 1+ year as the leader of the team.

    nobody is saying that mitchell was just some schmo. (well i'm not).
    in fact it has been stated by landry that his record was flawless, and that he was pretty much the perfect officer. i for one would like to know what happened to that guy. he still lacks the off world experience to lead the top team.
    Last edited by stargate barbie; 18 February 2006, 06:32 PM.


      Wow. Looks like Carter's doing fairly well in our little poll.

      Hail Dorothy!

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Wow. Looks like Carter's doing fairly well in our little poll.

        Hail Dorothy!
        i feel sorry for Teal'c and Daniel.


          As a result of her years of excperience, it should be Sam Carter. My husband and I have only seen a few episodes of season 9, but from what we have seen, we quite like Mitchell as a person, but he doesn't really seem to be mature enough to be a Lt Colonel-possibly a major or captain-in our opinion anyway. TPTB appear to have semi-engineered him as another Jack, but without enough experience (character development??) to carry that attitude off.
          always and forever
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            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            ok. i was of course joking about the joint chief position. and as stated previously, Mitchell was indeed in command of the F-302 squadron, an air unit, not a field unit.
            air combat does not equal quality and quantity experience on a field unit on an alien planet. carter had 7 years experience on sg-1, prepping her for a leadership position, for which she was ready long before she received it, as proven by the fact that in O’Neill’s absence from the team she did a more than adequate job of filling in. she then had a further 1+ year as the leader of the team.
            nobody is saying that mitchell was just some schmo. (well i'm not).
            in fact it has been stated by landry that his record was flawless, and that he was pretty much the perfect officer. i for one would like to know what happened to that guy. he still lacks the off world experience to lead the top team.
            He lacks experience to lead ANY off world--any ground--team. Hell, if we hadn't been told directly, I'd say he's a full-of-himself captain with two ribbons on his chest (training and organizational excellence. maybe a small arms expert) and a senior pilot badge.
            But we know better than that. Even so, no one in the position to do so would give ANY officer, no matter their qualifications, the choice of ANY post. That was horrible writing from TPTB. especially considering the difference between flying and ground work (not to mention OFF WORLD ground work). I'm talking HUGE difference in instruction, decision making, control, tactics, observation, training (of your people), everything, the list goes on. just talk to a Ex-R or pilot for 5 seconds and you'll see it. You cannot walk out of a cockpit and through the Stargate. i don't care how amazing or an officer you are, you just don't do it.
            But lets pretend its not bad writing. The president and joint chiefs authorize an officer to chose ANY position (ok, that fits his rank), that he wants. He could go anywhere: ground, air, med corps, meteorology, C&C, astronaut, historian, engineer, parachute, ANYTHING. But lets say they know Mitchell and rule out everything but parachute, pilot, navigator, and space/missile, and maybe a few others. Those still takes a lot of qualifications that are well outside the qualifications it took for the job he's being rewarded for. So he has other qualifications. He was a PJ. a damn good one. better than Jack, because he'd have to be. And that's completely possible. He has 2 duty badges on in Avalon. Now, there's NO resolution on the pic i have of him, but the 2nd badge (the first obviously being pilot wings) doesn't look near big enough to be a Master, so lets call it a Senior. But that's a problem, Jack's a Master. So either Mitchell isn't as good as Jack, or he didn't get promoted right. Lets call it the latter. But now we're left with another problem, there's only 2 badges. No room for space missile command. No room for navigator even. You see the problem. It just can’t happen (I know this feels like an exaggeration, but its true. The men upstairs just don’t hand out stuff like that). Did they know he was going to pick SG-1? Was he the leader of SG-## for 6 years before he jumped in the cockpit again? Why isn't he acting like it? Why haven't we heard of it? That's all I really want, to hear about it. ::begs TPTB::

            EDIT: read the Avalon part 1 also says he has "great leadership skills". anyone want to point out where those are? (serious. sorry, ignore the snark angle)
            Last edited by ParadoxRealities; 18 February 2006, 07:29 PM.
            "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
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              Upon further thought and reflection I have come to a different conclusion: Haley should lead.


                Originally posted by Mattathias2.0


                I believe Mitchell should get a Promotion within the next few years after something he does... as a way to end this co-leadership thing.

                Carter or Mitchell? Mitchell

                Please note when I use SG1 in the following, I mean SG1 of Seasons 1 to 8

                Arrrgggghhhh - NO WAY!! Give the promotion to Carter - How many times did SG1 save the world and their allies and not get any recognition for it?? I think Carter and O'Neill got the Air Medal way back in the beginning, poor Daniel and Teal'c have gotten zilch recognition. How many times did SG1 get seriously injured or died (Daniel holds the record for this) in combat situations?????

                They gave Mitchell the Medal of Honor (which I totally disagree with) for taking a hit in Lost City but it was actually SG1 who saved the day, and what did they get? NADA.

                Actually this lack of recognition is something that has bugged me for a while.

                On second thought, giving either one a promotion to end the supposed co-leadership thing is just going to P*** off the fans more.


                  The Job was given to mitchell so he should lead them,
                  General Landry speaking to Cameron Mitchell

                  "Your not here to join SG1, your here to lead SG1"

                  Carter has previously said she does not want to lead SG1 but that was a few seasons ago


                    Originally posted by sindicate
                    The Job was given to mitchell so he should lead them,
                    General Landry speaking to Cameron Mitchell

                    "Your not here to join SG1, your here to lead SG1"

                    Carter has previously said she does not want to lead SG1 but that was a few seasons ago
                    Even Hammond said in 4th Horsemen, Pt 2, I see you got the band back together.

                    With what sindicate said and what I said, to me, confirms that Mitchell is leader of SG-1.


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      Shades of Grey?! When she was a newly-promoted Major? When she said, "They'll probably go with someone higher than Major"?
                      Yes I believe that was the one, when Colonel Makepeace (lol) took over when Oneill was pretending to be rogue. She never outright refused, but she never stood up for herself or objected

                      Mitchell never came to the SGC thinking he was going to be the leader even though Oneill promised him any command he wanted, he came in the hopes of Joining SG1 with O'neill, Carter, Jackson, and Teal'c, it was later on that General Landey breaks the news to him that everyone has gone their seperate ways and when Landry says

                      "Your not here to join SG1, your here to lead SG1"
                      Last edited by sindicate; 18 February 2006, 08:24 PM.


                        Originally posted by MacGyver`
                        Sam, it'd be interesting to see what she's like in command, at least for a few episodes. I think that it's only right because she's been around longer than Mitchell.
                        she actually has lead several missions in Season 8
                        A Symbiote


                          Originally posted by chocdoc
                          There was no SG-1 team for the first five episodes. Mitchell just led himself. So when Carter returned, she could have just as easily been asked by Landry to lead SG-1 again and have Mitchell on her team. Mitchell wanted to learn from the best---Carter, Teal'c and Daniel. When he arrived at SGC, he expected to serve under Carter.

                          Sam has my vote.
                          A Symbiote


                            Originally posted by Sela
                            Why TPTB were dead set against putting Carter in total command mystifies and disapoints me. All of the lame explanations in the world cannot cover up the fact that they prefered to have a man in charge of the SGC 's flagship team for no other reason than he was a man. Shame on them.
                            Haven't you notice? TPTB are all male! There hasn't even be a female writer for the show since season 5
                            In Season 6, there were two female "Story By" credits:
                            Kathyrn Powers (who wrote really good scripts in the past for the show) and the actress who
                            played Nerti - yeah - the one where she gets killed.

                            Also I believe AT has been the only female director through the history of SG-1.

                            Gentlemen: please stop reminiscing of your 7th grade youth, break up the "Boys Only" club, and get back to work in the 21st century.
                            Last edited by Mesenet; 19 February 2006, 08:47 AM.
                            A Symbiote


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              i feel sorry for Teal'c and Daniel.
                              Bet ya their voting for Sam -
                              A Symbiote


                                Originally posted by RealmOfX

                                They gave Mitchell the Medal of Honor (which I totally disagree with) for taking a hit in Lost City
                                After which he kept going and kept fighting instead of ditching. That's what the medal was for IMHO.

                                but it was actually SG1 who saved the day, and what did they get? NADA.
                                Except, of course, that Jack got promoted to Brigadier General, and Carter got promoted to Lt. Colonel.

