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Would the Stargate universe have been better...

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    Originally posted by NakedJehutyV2
    the closest replicator that could possibly ascend is a hunman form one
    No because human form replicators are not organic life forms. Therefore they cannot ascend either way.
    Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

    Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


      What you need to ascend is sentience. Only a sentient being can ascend, because it's the sentience itself that ascends.

      Originally posted by Macilnar
      "REPLICATOR CARTER: Destroying the weapon that can destroy me is one thing. A good thing for me, but there is more. There is a way to kill Anubis in your mind, and so much more. I am not done, Daniel Jackson. Far from it. In fact, we have only just begun." Reckoning Part 2
      My impression of that was a way to get Daniel to cooperate, to a degree, not that RepliCarter was actually searching for a way to destroy Anubis herself.
      This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


        Originally posted by NoDot
        My impression of that was a way to get Daniel to cooperate, to a degree, not that RepliCarter was actually searching for a way to destroy Anubis herself.
        No, she didn't need him to cooperate, ok there is only one way to settle this. Here is everything they said:

        REPLICATOR CARTER: Unfortunately, to get what I need, we're going to have to dig a little deeper.
        DANIEL: There's a way to defeat the Replicators hidden somewhere within my memories, isn't there?
        OMA(Really REPLICATOR CARTER): You need only to open your mind to it.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: The ruins of an Ancient monument on a planet now called Dakara. Within it is the one weapon in this galaxy capable of destroying me.
        DANIEL: So now what? We done? You got what you wanted. Don't suppose you want to just drop me off at the nearest Stargate?
        REPLICATOR CARTER: It is true, I learned the location of the weapon that could be a threat to me and my brethren, but I also saw the extent of knowledge your subconscious mind contains.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You have no idea, do you?
        DANIEL: No. No, I don't.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You've tried accessing it but it's always just out of reach, isn't it? I could help you. We could unlock the knowledge of the Ancients, the secrets of the universe, together.
        DANIEL: I have to admit it does sound interesting.
        DANIEL: On the other hand, you're an evil killing machine, so no, I'll pass.
        Replicator Carter's smile fades. Suddenly, Daniel frowns and grimaces as though in pain.]
        [Ascended Daniel attempts to destroy Anubis (Full Circle 6.22) Daniel raises his hands and directs the energy at Anubis. The energy is blown back as Anubis raises his hand to defend himself.]
        DANIEL: No, don't do this!
        End Flashback
        [Daniel glares at Replicator Carter, shocked at the sudden memory.]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You had the power. You were about to strike but she stopped you.
        DANIEL: No, I don't believe you. You can make me see whatever you want, that's just a trick.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You know it's true.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Destroying the weapon that can destroy me is one thing. A good thing for me, but there is more. There is a way to kill Anubis in your mind, and so much more. I am not done, Daniel Jackson. Far from it. In fact, we have only just begun.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: It would be much easier on both of us if you did not resist.
        DANIEL: Why, why, why, why, in the wide world of all things rational and sane, would I help you?
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Because deep down you also want the knowledge I seek.
        DANIEL: Yes, but the problem is, anything I learn I won't be able to put to much use because right after I'm done, you're going to kill me.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: What if I promised not to?
        DANIEL(laughing): Yeah.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Do you really think I am that different from Samantha Carter?
        DANIEL: In that you're a Replicator, bent on galactic domination at the expense of all living things…
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Her thoughts, her memories, even her emotions, they are not meaningless to me. I do not wish to harm you or destroy Earth, for that matter. I could have done that already if I so desired.
        DANIEL: You're saying you'll leave Earth untouched?
        REPLICATOR CARTER: I promise you that. And your life.
        [Daniel looks at Replicator Carter, obviously thinking.]
        DANIEL: No. No, not going to help you. But obviously I can't do anything to stop you so… give it your best shot.
        [Replicator Carter is accessing Daniel's mind. She opens her eyes in amazement.]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: It's incredible, yet you still resist me.
        [Daniel is frowning, breathing quickly.]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Do you not care? Are you not amazed by what you are seeing?
        DANIEL: I don't understand it. It's more than any human can begin to comprehend.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: I am not human.
        DANIEL: Oh, believe me, I know. There must be a limit to how much your mind can process, how much information you can store.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: I am sharing what I learn with my brethren. The extent of knowledge we can absorb is only limited by our numbers. As we speak, those numbers are growing faster than you can imagine.
        [Replicator Carter is still reading Daniel's subconscious. Daniel, frowning, suddenly opens his eyes. Replicator Carter also opens her eyes, seemingly surprised and confused. Daniel stares at her.]
        DANIEL: You can't handle it, can you?
        REPLICATOR CARTER: I can. I just need time to process, share it with the others.
        DANIEL: Like the universe, it's infinite. It's not just knowledge and information, it's understanding on a level that you will never reach.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: Why do you think that?
        DANIEL: Because you're a machine.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: So are you. Just of weaker construction.
        DANIEL: And that's where you're wrong.
        [Replicator Carter smirks at Daniel.]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: We'll see.
        [Daniel returns the smirk.]
        [Replicator Carter is again reading Daniel's mind. They look at each, surprised.]
        DANIEL: You lied to me.
        DANIEL: You promised you'd leave Earth alone. There's Replicators infiltrating the SGC right now.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: How can you know that?
        [Daniel simply looks at her.]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: While I was in your mind, you were inside mine.
        DANIEL: Took a while to figure out. Fortunately, you were too distracted to notice. Some of the Ancient knowledge really helped too, thank you.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You tricked me.
        DANIEL: You tricked me first.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: You should never have told me.
        DANIEL: Too late. For you that is.
        [She raises her hand to hit him, but he grabs her wrist.]
        DANIEL: Trying to leave? Sorry. A little more time in Danny's world.
        REPLICATOR CARTER: My brethren will not stop. You cannot control them.
        DANIEL: Not yet, but I'm learning.
        [Daniel is holding Replicator Carter's wrist tightly. His eyes are closed, but they suddenly open and he looks triumphantly at Replicator Carter, who also opens her eyes in surprise.]
        DANIEL: Got you now!
        [Replicator Carter stares at Daniel, trying to free her wrist.]
        [Daniel is struggling to keep the Replicators frozen and Replicator Carter smiles at him grimly]
        REPLICATOR CARTER: There are so many, aren't there? Too many for your mind to handle. It's taking all of your concentration just to control them.
        [Replicator Carter pulls her wrist from Daniel's hold. The tent suddenly changes to the inside of the Replicator ship.]
        Jackson: Oh Please! Teal’c’s like one of the deepest people I know. He’s so deep. Come on! Tell em how deep you are. You’ll be lucky if you understand this.
        Teal’c: My depth is immaterial to this conversation.
        Jackson: (Excited) Oh!! See?
        O’Neill: No more beer for you.

        "Nu ani Anquietas"
        We are the Ancients

