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What's Wrong with Landry?

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    Bottom line is that he's not tough. It's a completly seperate issue from the fact that he's a new character. No amount of time will make Landry THAT differant. I guarantee that NO ONE would have any problems in the slightest if the new head of the SGC was Commander Adama from BSG. Why?? Because he's tough as nails and ooozes authority throughout every fiber of his body. It's possible to be tough and NOT be Hammond.
    Last edited by Crichton; 24 September 2005, 01:15 PM.


      I think he's tough when he needs to be. With Vala when she first tricked Daniel with the bracelets, with the goa'uld from "Beachhead" when they found out he was working for the Ori, and with Woolsey in "Prototype". I'm sure there has been more, but those three really pop out at me. He just seems to be the type who is pleasant as much as possible.
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        Actually, I think its more of a sugarcoated tough, unless he gets really annoyed. He makes sharp decisions but goes about expressing them in a calm manner.


          my problem with him is i bet he wouldn't let me date his daughter


            I agree with you. What's with the jacket is it winter? He does not carry himself like a general. I also think that epi.where he is telling the sst.he does not want to attend meetings anymore. What was that all about . I have been in the miliary and that is all Generals do is attend briefings so they do know what is going on. I would like more background on him and a story not involving Lam cause I don't like her either too mean. His last couple of episodes have been better but overall he needs more training in the miliary way.
            Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture

