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Opinions on Mitchell - good or bad

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    Opinions on Mitchell - good or bad

    Now that we've finally had an episode that gave Mitchell more to do, I'm curious to hear everyone's opinions on him and whether or not your opinion changed after this ep. In particular, I want to know:

    - Do you like Mitchell? Why or why not?

    - Is he believable as a leader yet?

    - Is he doing better than Jonas?

    And any other comments you want to make, like say, how hot he looked with his shirt off.

    I've heard some criticisms, ie, bland, not a leader. But personally, I'm really liking him. I like his gentle, self-deprecating manner and understated humor, and I think he's been as much of a leader as he can be from the tiny bits that have been written for him in which he can lead. I've also heard people say he's too much like Jack, but I don't see that at all. So, what do you think?

    Yes - because he is down to earth and funny
    No the whole first scene was a shambles
    I think so

    I think Sam should be leader but thats a different discussion
    He isnt like Jack and I dont think he ever can be
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri


      I gotta admit i had my doubts about him but after 'Babylon' I really like him, showed sum real character in that ep.


        yah ill be honest.. im alil fustrated with all the haters out there saying SG-1 is crap now and michell is nothing compared to oniell i mean I totally agree michell isnt as good as oniell but... from what I’ve seen so far.. I must say I totally think he is gunna become a fav. among the fans as time goes on. He is true hearted doesn’t give up ever and I believe his skills will come under serious use in the future.. and for all those haters.. GET OVER YOURSELFS. if you seriously don’t like sg-1 anymore than stop watching it every friday and than coming on the forums and spreading your negativity to everyone here. we don’t need that crap! Mitchell is really awesome.... and a lot younger than Jack I think he will be seriously loved in the next few seasons.

        See Jaffa are Crazy! (pic of a Tia food place in the US of A )


          Originally posted by tony
          and for all those haters.. GET OVER YOURSELFS. if you seriously don’t like sg-1 anymore than stop watching it every friday and than coming on the forums and spreading your negativity to everyone here. we don’t need that crap!
          I agree - well said tony
          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
          love Torri


            I like Mitchell, he's not Jack and he's not trying to be. The writers aren't giving Mitchell any of Jack one liners. I was more suprised with Daniel telling the Sodan Jaffa, Oh but it is, that was a pure Jack line but I guess after 8 years of working with someone so closely, personality traits are bound to wear off on one another.

            I can't really comment on Mitchell's leadership ability because we havn't seen him in a lot of command situations yet. He seemed to be pretty descisive the times that he did take charge though, which I like. So far so good! I do like the fact that he has the never give up attitude, something I think is good quality in leader.

            I think he is doing better than Jonas. Jonas was sort of forced down our thoats, don't get me wrong I liked Jonas but I like how Mitchell was gradually introduced, not like 1 episode where he memorized all the sg-1 missions and the 2nd episode he's a memeber of the team. I guess I see Mitchell as more of a natural replacement for Jack, where as I saw Jonas as sort of a forced replacement for Daniel.


              Originally posted by Arative
              I think he is doing better than Jonas. Jonas was sort of forced down our thoats, don't get me wrong I liked Jonas but I like how Mitchell was gradually introduced, not like 1 episode where he memorized all the sg-1 missions and the 2nd episode he's a memeber of the team. I guess I see Mitchell as more of a natural replacement for Jack, where as I saw Jonas as sort of a forced replacement for Daniel.
              My feelings exactly.

              I like Mitchell - he's not Jack - thankfully because that'd just be toe-cringingly and eye-squeezingly bad to watch an attempt to emulate another character, but he's a good, strong character, got a downkeyed humor and a personality that's both forceful, but not in your face all the time. It's all pretty cliche for a leader I guess - but it works, and he plays it well.

              Believable as a leader - I certainly think he's getting there quick. He's not there quite yet, but he is still being built up, and I've no doubt he'll be able to fill those shoes handsomely by the end of this season.

              Better than Jonas - absolutely for the reasons Arative gave.


                Originally posted by Erin
                He kinda reminds me of Sheppard.
                why is that?
                gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                love Torri


                  He kinda reminds me of Sheppard.


                    I think with sheppard its as if they thrown all the great aspects of Jack and Sheppard but a cool backstory to the character and voila we have one great character.
                    Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                    Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                      Originally posted by Busterfan
                      Now that we've finally had an episode that gave Mitchell more to do, I'm curious to hear everyone's opinions on him and whether or not your opinion changed after this ep. In particular, I want to know:

                      - Do you like Mitchell? Why or why not?
                      Yes, because he's determined yet modest.

                      Originally posted by Busterfan
                      - Is he believable as a leader yet?

                      Originally posted by Busterfan
                      - Is he doing better than Jonas?
                      Can't really say, because they are two different characters with different approaches. I hope Mitchell has more success, but is able to give AT and CJ good acting opportunities as Jonas did in Season 6.

                      Originally posted by Busterfan
                      And any other comments you want to make, like say, how hot he looked with his shirt off.
                      Sorry, I don't think of him as "hot". LOL!

                      Originally posted by Busterfan
                      I've heard some criticisms, ie, bland, not a leader. But personally, I'm really liking him. I like his gentle, self-deprecating manner and understated humor, and I think he's been as much of a leader as he can be from the tiny bits that have been written for him in which he can lead. I've also heard people say he's too much like Jack, but I don't see that at all. So, what do you think?
                      After reviewing the season so far, he has made some good contributions and been a good team player. Once this awkward period of earning Teal'C's respect is over, the show will be much closer to its roots.


                        Originally posted by Busterfan
                        Now that we've finally had an episode that gave Mitchell more to do, I'm curious to hear everyone's opinions on him and whether or not your opinion changed after this ep. In particular, I want to know:

                        - Do you like Mitchell? Why or why not?

                        - Is he believable as a leader yet?

                        - Is he doing better than Jonas?

                        And any other comments you want to make, like say, how hot he looked with his shirt off.

                        I've heard some criticisms, ie, bland, not a leader. But personally, I'm really liking him. I like his gentle, self-deprecating manner and understated humor, and I think he's been as much of a leader as he can be from the tiny bits that have been written for him in which he can lead. I've also heard people say he's too much like Jack, but I don't see that at all. So, what do you think?
                        -- I do like him. He seems like a good guy and seems intelligent and eager to learn everything about the SGC and the ongoings of the MW galaxy.

                        -- I think he probably was a good squadron leader when he was a pilot. He is not yet beleiveable as the leader of a ground team. Especially considering everyone has more experience then he is. I accept the fact that TPTB have made him the leader, now I want them to show me why he is the leader. So far I dont see it, in fact to me its almost like TPTB are purposefully writing him "green" which is disturbing to me for the leader of the flagship team.

                        -- I like him better then Jonas so far (sorry Jonas fans). I always got the feeling they tried too hard with Jonas. He was coming up with every solution and was too impressive and too perfect. Its ironic that they havent made Mitchell impressive enough for me.... mind you I dont want him to be perfect or come up with every solution I just want to see him as a strong, competent, experienced leader who knows what hes doing in the field, I am no seeing that so far.

                        I dont think hes anything like O'neill. I dont think Jack would say many of the jokes Mitchell has said. I dont think hes anything like Sheppard either. I definetly think he is his own character and I like him but to me, so far, he seems like a Ford, someone who should be following a long and learning from the other team members, not leading them.... but TPTB have made up their minds, now I want to see it on screen or the show will cease to be believable.
                        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                          Originally posted by AGateFan
                          like TPTB are purposefully writing him "green" which is disturbing to me for the leader of the flagship team.
                          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                          love Torri


                            Well said.


                     far,a little dull but he might grow on me. I didn't think much of this weeks episode, I think Mitchell is much better as a background character not up front, he just isn't lead material i.m.o.

                              Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.

