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Your opinions on the introduction of Mitchell

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    Originally posted by Maxum
    Frankly, we know more about Mitchell than we do about Landry, Dr. Lam, or Vala. It's only the seventh episode, still have 14 more to go. Don't worry, the next episode will feature Mitchell's character. It looks good.
    I completely disagree. We learned a ton about Vala. She's a thief, former Gould host. We saw a whole bevy of people she ripped off and learned something about her from every encounter. We learned that she pretended to be a god. We learned about how much she liked Daniel and what kinds of things motivate her. We saw her moved by the deaths of her former subjects. Vala was featured in 5+ episodes where she was the central characters. That's a LOT.

    I'll grant you that we probably know as much about Mitchell as we do Landry, but with Landry, we've been learning stuff all along. With Mitchell, it was restricted to the first ep. Since then, zip. And I agree that Dr. Lam hasn't been developed very much, but she has a minor role.

    The thing to remember about Mitchell is that he is the lead. The lead. Not a supporting character like Landry. Nor a guest character like Lam or Vala. He's the lead, and he's been woefully underused, imo.


      Mitchell. Mitchell. Mitchell.

      Where to start. I seriously considered posting my opinions on Cam after the first episode. But that post, full of anger, vitriol, and grandiose accusations of betryal by Glassner and company, would have done no one any good. Suffice it to say, the episode made all the self-insertion, new character saves SG1 and they're in awe of him, fanfics ever written seem like Shakespeare by comparison. Look, kids, it's Cam Mitchell! He saved SG1, singlehandedly making all their greatest accomplishments possible. He was practically the fifth member! (Wouldn't be surprised if later eps revealed exactly this. Mitchell stepping in in key moments in SG1's history to save all their asses. Odd, because didn't he just get shot down in that battle without accomplishing anything of substance?) And all those sickening scenes of "Oh, Cam, you saved us!" "Oh, Cam, you're our hero!" "Oh, Cam, let me make love to you!" --And that was just Daniel!

      And Mitchell's attitude--what a whiny brat! "Come on guys, I know you're getting on with your lives after having saved the planet hundreds of times, but I really wanna pppppllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!" The new guy wants SG1 to put their lives on hold for him! Jeez!

      And how about all that melodrama? Cam got hurt and his spirit and guts allowed him to overcome his injury and walk again. It's the feel good story of the year (or it would be if I weren't busy clutching the porcelain god and heaving up all the lunches I've ingested since RDA left the show).

      A terrible first episode for a series -- focusing on the new guy!

      But after watching the rest of the season thus far, and seeing how little Mitchell actually does, it makes sense that they had to focus heavily on him early on. They'd be accused of poor character development, otherwise. As it is, I doubt we'll see much in the way of character development for Mitchell before the tenth season (assuming there is one).

      Two things are bothering me, however.

      (1) Cam Mitchell as head of SG1. With the return of a higher ranking much more experienced Col. Samantha Carter, why would Cam Mitchell be left in charge. It would seem to be an insult to Carter's service and sex. Is she being excluded because she's a woman? Also, doesn't SG1 serve a dual purpose, being both a first-rate military squad and a living symbol of the best and brightest the Stargate program has to offer? Wouldn't the SGC handpick and carefully assemble the team? Giving the new guy carte blanche access to pick who he wants--that seems, frankly, stupid.

      (2) Ben Browder with top billing. This is definitely an insult. Shanks, Tapping and Judge have all been on the show eight years, and suddenly the new guy gets top billing. Bull$#1t.

      I'm sure I had a point when I started writing, but I started writing about half an hour ago and I've forgotten what it was.

      Anyway, bring back Vala!

      Gotta go!


        gee i guess you haven't been paying too much attention to the opening credits. Michael gets "SPECIAL" billing. as for the others--- Ben has been kicking around the entertainment world alot longer then they have. he actually got into the business when he was a small child. that is why he gets top billing. Bridges didn't really do anything without his father or brother for quite awhile. if you don't like the show---stop watching it!!!!


          replying to Koinekid - I too was surprised to see Ben get a credit ahead of Amanda and Chris. I do understand that the show is a business, and the whole issue of who gets what and appears where in the credits comes down to how it is negotiated with the actors and their agents. But for me personally, it just seems wrong - it should have been Amanda, Chris then Ben. Michael's credit doesn't count here as the whole 'and' thing in the business has a high status even if it doesn't seem that way to us fans.


            Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
            I completely disagree. We learned a ton about Vala. She's a thief, former Gould host. We saw a whole bevy of people she ripped off and learned something about her from every encounter. We learned that she pretended to be a god. We learned about how much she liked Daniel and what kinds of things motivate her. We saw her moved by the deaths of her former subjects. Vala was featured in 5+ episodes where she was the central characters. That's a LOT.

            I'll grant you that we probably know as much about Mitchell as we do Landry, but with Landry, we've been learning stuff all along. With Mitchell, it was restricted to the first ep. Since then, zip. And I agree that Dr. Lam hasn't been developed very much, but she has a minor role.

            The thing to remember about Mitchell is that he is the lead. The lead. Not a supporting character like Landry. Nor a guest character like Lam or Vala. He's the lead, and he's been woefully underused, imo.
            What I meant about knowing more about Mitchell than Vala is that with Vala, everthing is a lie. Yes, we know she's a thief and a con-artist, but what do you really know about her personally? The only thing that motivates Vala is money and things, but WHY is she like this? Did she really have a fiance or was that BS? How was the symbiote expelled? All I know about Vala is that she travels the universe stealing and conning people. As for her deep, inner-self -- I know nothing.

            Mitchell: I know he's an Air Force Colonel who lead the attack on Antartica that saved SG-1's life; I know that he has a mother; I know that he apparently has a previous platonic relationship with Sam Carter and probably Jack O'Neill; I know that he was severely injured during the crash during the fight in Antartica; I know that he is a man who doesn't like to give up (The scene in Avalon 2 and his recovery scenes). Is there more I need to learn about Mitchell? ABSOLUTELY. But I'm comfortable with what I know so far, and at least what I know about Mitchell is real and genuine, not a smoke screen for something else.


              Originally posted by Maxum
              It's only the seventh episode, still have 14 more to go.
              *Only* the seventh episode?????

              You are joking right?


                I thought it was a given that Mitchell's sole purpose is to stand around and look pretty. Oh, and to crack jokes. He's not supposed to do anything, that's what the "real" Sg-1 is for!

                Pardon my sarcasm.

                As for "it's only the seventh episode..." New series' have been killed a lot quicker than seven eps for failing to be properly engaging. Seven is more than enough time to establish all kinds of things and to set the tone for the rest of the season. If people don't like what they see... *shrug*

                Personally, I'm not a fan of the "mess around and waste half a season, then wow them with the back half" mentality SG seems to be adopting. Mitch will probably get something to do AFTER the mid-season break.


                  They definitely needed a Mitchell-centric episode earlier in the season. Like, maybe, instead of having an episode about Vala chasing down crap that she's pawned off on suckers, they could've actually developed Mitchell a bit more. Right now, I keep seeing faint glimmers of tactical knowledge and other valuable assets for SG-1 in him, but I still don't really know a whole lot about him. Having an empty shell as a protagonist isn't exactly the best idea I can think of for a show...
                  Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                  Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                  Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                  Jack: ... They're lying.


                    Hopefully we can finally have a better sense of just who CM is and what he can bring to the table after "Babylon". Personally, I haven't minded how they've brought him along so far. But for those that do, hopefully two weeks from now, you'll be at least slightly appeased a little. Better late than never, I guess.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      I agree with you BIG MISTAKE.
                      As for Ben Browder (lFarscape) sorry dude, didn't think much of that program


                        He is one of the most highly decorated officers in Russian military history, and he has over 20 years flight experience.

                        And exactly no years in offworld travel. I'm not going to risk the lives of anyone under my command on a slick resumé.
                        'Nuff said. Standards apparently were forgotten after Season 8.

