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Will TMN (The Movie Network) buy SG1 like Atlantis?

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    Will TMN (The Movie Network) buy SG1 like Atlantis?

    When I first heard that Atlantis was coming out, and It was only avaliable on the sci fi channel i thought; hey this is great, i'll call my digital cable company and just activate the channel!. No such luck. SCI FI is foolishly only avaliable in the states. I was frantically searching tv station websites that might have it, no luck agian! I was watching a movie on TMN, and i saw a commerical for it I almost freaked.

    Now, I have to get SG1 by means of.. well, illegal means. I feel wrong doing this, but it is simply the only way I get to watch my favorite show of all time. I was wondering if anyone has ever heard if TMN will be buying SG1 like it does Atlantis, and show it on the monday after SCI shows it. So I don't have to feel bad about... getting it through...other means.

    Just a side note, SCIFI would make a hell of a lot more money if they made the channel avaliable to Canada.

    If they are smart they will. Why wouldn't they want a quality show like sg-1?
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Thats what I said to them, I just emailed them asking for some information on whether or not they would buy it and start showing it now, then next year buy season 10 with atlantis season 3

      It just doesn't make any sense.. why would they buy Atlantis and not SG1?..


        They also need to broadcast in HD. Stargate in HD would kick butt.

        Say hello to my little friend!!


          yes! that would be awsome!


            Well they do broadcast stargate in HD on sky one HD here in the UK

