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SPOILER ALERT - the hair hissy

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    I dislike the hair for Teal'c. It's too... un-Teal'c. The goatee was a likeable stretch, but the hair is giong to annoy me.

    And as for Sam's hair... I liked it when her double had long hair in PoV, but as for "our" Sam, the longish hair in s4 was good.

    And I'm sorry, but Movie Daniel's hair was the best. (James Spader was a great Daniel... )


      Originally posted by Iskandra
      There don't seem to be strict rules anyway - if you look at Hailey, she's got looong hair....what I don't like about Sam's shorter hair is the bleached looks *so* 80s....
      long hair is fine in the military as long as it's kept up - the regs are something like: must be off face, and no longer than an inch above the collar

      so with long hair it must always be in a bun or a tucked up plait or something.

      and i (in theory) love the idea of teal'c getting hair. its just yet another big change for SG-1. and this seems to be the season for changes.. yay


        Originally posted by AbydosTraveller
        I dislike the hair for Teal'c. It's too... un-Teal'c. The goatee was a likeable stretch, but the hair is giong to annoy me.

        And as for Sam's hair... I liked it when her double had long hair in PoV, but as for "our" Sam, the longish hair in s4 was good.

        And I'm sorry, but Movie Daniel's hair was the best. (James Spader was a great Daniel... )
        Yah, i still haven't made up my mind about Teal'c s new hair, but i think i like it

        Sam, her hair is good in any way she does it, but thats my opinion, but i did like her with long hair.

        And the part about Daniel's hair, i rather have his hair short, i wasn't a fan of his long hair, i was glad it was cut, but hey if u like it, i'm not bashing
        Amanda, "Wallow Central."


          I like the idea of Teal'c with hair although
          it will take time to get used to it.
          It's good that tptb are so willing to change
          things it's good imho for a show to change
          and evolve.
          I did'nt like Sam's hair in s7, to me it looked
          straw like, i liked it when Amanda had it cut
          Daniel looked better in the first seasons when
          it made him more befuddald
          As for Jack, well it's never been the hair that
          made me sit and take notice it's his eyes!


            Whats so bad about Daniel's current hair?
            Amanda, "Wallow Central."


              Maybe having hair will help Teal'c loosen up? I'm not entirely certain yet, but I think I like it.

              Having a shaved head couldn't be part of being first prime as other first primes have hair. Teal'c has been without Junior for some time now, could that be why it's okay to have hair now?


                It used to be part of first prime, but once teal'c left he decided that hair was the reason teal'c left... Yah... that's right.

                I like haired teal'c


                  YAY for hair!


                    Well before I say yay or nay. I am going on a small rant and show you a IM conversation I had with a friend of mine discussing about Teal'c and the new hair, it may make a few people here chuckle:

                    Me: Teal'c is going to have hair in Season 8
                    My Friend: O_O
                    Me: What?
                    My Friend: His power will increase ten fold!
                    Me: LOL

                    I show him the pic of Teal'c with hair.

                    My Friend: O_O
                    Me: What?
                    My Friend: Teal'c with SCAREY!!!

                    Now do not get us wrong, we are huge Teal'c fans; we love the character, but after watching Window of Opportunity for the first time, we have always though Teal'c would one day snap and go on a neck snapping rampage on the SGC. For some of you, this kind of though of Teal'c going on a rampage has runned across some of your minds...or maybe we are both just insane. OK rant done.

                    I have to say YAY on the hair, its a nice character image change on Teal'c and helps him fit in more with the people of Earth. But I will say one thing, Jack is going to say something to Teal'c about the hair somewhere in season 8.
                    Oma: The universe is vast and we are so small. There is only one thing we can truly control.
                    Daniel: What's that?
                    Oma: Whether we are good or evil.

                    -Meridian (521)


                      Teal'c with hair is kinda ok. At least he looks like a human as compared to before where in he wore makeup (goa'uld related?), had a finger of hair and thicker hair-based eyebrows.

                      Teal'c doesn't look like Teal'c of yore.


                        i didn't like it at first, but it grows on you. change is good i suppose. Hey, at least he hasn't dyed it blond or red or*looks around* forget i said that.


                          Whoa old thread.

                          HAve you noticed how Teal'c doesnt ..pronounce his jaw like he used too in the early seasons ?
                          The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father


                            It took a bit of getting used to, but now I like his hair fine. Not spelling out why he grew his hair leaves it open to fan interpretation. I'm inclined to think it's part of his becoming more comfortable on earth.


                              It doesn't matter to me if he has hair or not. He continues to be my favorite person on SG-1 with his monotone voice, and Jaffa fighting skillz!

