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Daniel's residence in S9 (minor spoiler)

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    Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
    Aren't "apartments" on military bases called quarters?
    But Daniel isn't military. Sure, he's been there long enough to have picked up on the terminology, but you can also fanwank that he hasn't bothered. It makes more sense your way, but...


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      Perhaps the house in Chimera was just a rental and after the incident with Osiris he was politely asked to vacate? It's probably a b*tch to explain fire fights and exploding trucks in the front yard as well as laser holes in the walls to pesky land lords.
      Nothing that complex, I fear. The homeowners association probably had him evicted for failure to pay his monthly dues. He should have used easy-pay...


        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
        You know, I like this idea the best. He seemed pretty quick to hand over his keys to a stranger. Yes, the man was a hero, but, frankly, what if he's a slob? And he's living in your house/apartment with all of your things.

        If it's the SGC apt, I would imagine that most of the stuff he didn't pack belonged to the government anyway, so no problem giving him your space. If the room sizes are different, Daniel would probably have one of the larger ones, so it would be a treat for Mitchell to get it.

        However, if it really is Daniel's private home, then he would be giving him access to all his personal belongings, including some possibly irreplaceable artifacts that Daniel has no idea that Mitchell would recognize and protect. Mitchell could throw away some old bone while tidying up that Daniel left out after examing the night before. Or, Mitchell could be a slob. Daniel could come home to garbage and roaches and leaky plumbing that ruined the floor and who knows what.

        Maybe guys are different, but I cringe when I think of someone else living in my home and I'm not there to keep an eye on things.
        I got the impression that Danny-boy was heading to Atlantis for the long-term and thus take everything of value with him. Meaning he wouldn't really ever be coming back. Look at it from his perspective: This is a Manhattan-sized city of one of the most advanced and anthropologically intriguing people in the history of the universe. I could certainly see him happily living out the rest of his days on Atlantis while he unlocks all of its secrets. If anything, I'd expect him to return to Earth for brief stints to see Jack, Sam, Teal'c, and other family and friends, in which case he could stay at the SGC or in a hotel on the SGC's money.
        Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
        Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
        Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
        Jack: ... They're lying.


          Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
          Yep, I just checked the DVD. Daniel definitely lives in a house in "Chimera." In season 3's "Forever In a Day," however, I'm pretty sure they showed Daniel moving out of an apartment after Sha're died; so it's possible that Daniel could've just kept his apartment from season 3 for whatever reason and moved into a house later. I don't have the season 3 DVD to check, though. Still, we obviously don't see everything that goes on in SG-1's personal life, since I'm pretty sure we never saw Jack with a motorcycle before he mentioned it in "Avalon."

          I noticed the motorcycle, too, but figured that was reasonable. The man does seem to own a fair amount of leather.


            Originally posted by Kelso
            Well, he has been begging to relocate to Atlantis for more than a year... it would be more practical to sell the house and sign short apartment leases.

            Good point!


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Perhaps the house in Chimera was just a rental and after the incident with Osiris he was politely asked to vacate? It's probably a b*tch to explain fire fights and exploding trucks in the front yard as well as laser holes in the walls to pesky land lords.

              More good points!


                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                Okay, it was bound to come eventually. Here it is:

                Daniel Jackson has multiple personalities.

                He keeps all his guns and commando equipment in one residence and all his archeological paraphenalia in the other. We'll discuss his third residence and its "decor" at another time.

                Let's just say that Vala would fit in just perfectly at the third residence with that black leather outfit.


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                  Let's just say that Vala would fit in just perfectly at the third residence with that black leather outfit.
                  HA! Sounds like the secret is out!

                  and... Yikes!

