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    For goodness sake, everyone seems to think I'm asking why they were advanced. The Tollan were more advanced because they didn't have the dark ages...that's about eight hundred years of extra advancement. Problem is...No Goa'uld had found Earth 11,000 years ago...and the fact that they had the ability to transfer a consciousness into a robot back then seems amazing. So how did they even get there in the first place? Throughout the show, I've never heard of any humans not originating from Earth. They said countless times that they all originated from Earth. How else would they know whether or not a race was taken by Goa'uld or just developed from the Ancients? The plague I believe killed off all of those other human worlds long ago...they used the weapon Dakara to finish them off and end the plague. Humans redeveloped on Earth and the Goa'uld later spread them throughout our galaxy.

    I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


      Now this is my 1st time posting on the forums but i read them often, thought ide make this thread the 1st 1 i post on, 4 no particular reason just the 1st 1 i came 2! just read the last post that has been dne where hungrytrash say "For goodness sake, everyone seems to think I'm asking why they were advanced." and i was wonderin if he actualy read the posts before he typed his reply, because i there seems 2 b atleast 3 other posts saying that the Ancients seeded other worlds with human life! and i swear that in the 1st ep when you get to see the new home world of the tollan that daniel says that he carnt find any evidence that would connect the tollan civilisation with any of ancient Earth(im not 2 sure bout that so some1 may need 2 help me out)!and now we get 2 the subject of the weapon on Dakara, a device that when it was created by the Ancients all those years ago it was never meant 2 be a weapon, and it never said in that ep that it was used 2 kill off all the remaining people who had the plague, i think that would hve been a little 2 extreeme 4 a people like the Ancients, it actualy says that they used the device 2 repoplulate the galaxy with life after the plague had swept through it, then the Ancients gathered up the remainder of there people and shuttled off in Atlantis to do the same thing in pegasus, remember the Ancient recording in Riseing said that they seeded planets with life and life evolved in there form over time, so if they did it in pegasus which was almost completely lifeless then it is more than likely that they would do it in a galaxy thats life was wiped out by a plague!
      Stargate: Genesis - Genesis Home - Genesis Forum


        Originally posted by Mr Prophet
        If humans on Earth are a re-evolution of the Ancients, the same thing could happen anywhere that they seeded. Being biologically human would therefore not imply descent from the Tau'ri.
        Exactly. Humans are biologically identical to ancients, according to Dr. Fraiser in the episode Frozen, so any seeded planet could evolve human-like beings if conditions are correct.
        The interesting question then is; what happens if mammals aren't the dominant species on the planet when the ancients seed it? You could end up with something like the Unas or Serrakin or Wraith.

        Originally posted by Mr Prophet
        The Altairans could also have been a less advanced offshoot of the Ancients.
        Doubtful. The ancients were supposedly a civilization from another galaxy prior to their colonizing the Milky Way. Why would you find a lesser evolved ancient in this galaxy prior to the plague?

        Originally posted by hungrytrash
        So how did they even get there in the first place? Throughout the show, I've never heard of any humans not originating from Earth.
        I made a list (which is above), but I probably forgot a race or two.

        Originally posted by hungrytrash
        They said countless times that they all originated from Earth.
        Yep, countless times they've said that humans on a specific world were taken as slaves from Earth. But they haven't said that every time they met an advanced human race on another world.
        All those races in my list were never mentioned to originally be from Earth, which is why they're on the list.

        Originally posted by hungrytrash
        The plague I believe killed off all of those other human worlds long ago...they used the weapon Dakara to finish them off and end the plague. Humans redeveloped on Earth and the Goa'uld later spread them throughout our galaxy.
        I don't think there were humans prior to the plague. Afterall, the ancients were supposedly a galactic civilization that originated in another galaxy before the plague struck, why would there be lesser-evolved humans in the Milky Way at this point in time?

        After the plague struck, the surviving ancients had thousands of worlds with cities, technology, and gates on them, with nobody around to populate them. The ancients didn't seed the Milky Way until after the plague, and they definately wouldn't seed only one planet (Earth). That would be a huge waste of real estate.
        Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

        1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


          Originally posted by ThePope
          Now this is my 1st time posting on the forums but i read them often, thought ide make this thread the 1st 1 i post on, 4 no particular reason just the 1st 1 i came 2! just read the last post that has been dne where hungrytrash say "For goodness sake, everyone seems to think I'm asking why they were advanced." and i was wonderin if he actualy read the posts before he typed his reply, because i there seems 2 b atleast 3 other posts saying that the Ancients seeded other worlds with human life! and i swear that in the 1st ep when you get to see the new home world of the tollan that daniel says that he carnt find any evidence that would connect the tollan civilisation with any of ancient Earth(im not 2 sure bout that so some1 may need 2 help me out)!and now we get 2 the subject of the weapon on Dakara, a device that when it was created by the Ancients all those years ago it was never meant 2 be a weapon, and it never said in that ep that it was used 2 kill off all the remaining people who had the plague, i think that would hve been a little 2 extreeme 4 a people like the Ancients, it actualy says that they used the device 2 repoplulate the galaxy with life after the plague had swept through it, then the Ancients gathered up the remainder of there people and shuttled off in Atlantis to do the same thing in pegasus, remember the Ancient recording in Riseing said that they seeded planets with life and life evolved in there form over time, so if they did it in pegasus which was almost completely lifeless then it is more than likely that they would do it in a galaxy thats life was wiped out by a plague!
          "The Altairans could have pulled the same trick as the Tollan, who were human (at least, according to Fraiser they were)." I was mainly saying that in response to the post like his. As for your post about the Tollan not having any connection to Earth? That was made-up :-x. Daniel explained how they were related to Earth...they were just confused on how they several hundred years of advancement past Earth if they came from here. It was explained by our dark ages. Now I agree that the Ancients seeded life in the galaxy, but why is it that it was never once mentioned that there was other human life in the Milky Way that wasn't spread throughout it by the Goa'uld? In Pegasus, they put human life on each world where they put stargates as they put them there. In the Milky Way, they recreated life, but couldn't be there to spread humans around. Life developed in it's own way, humans developing on Earth like they did originally. Carter also stated that the odds of life evolving in the same way as we did were astronomical. With all of that and the fact that no one once mentioned the Ancients making human life on other planets, then how can you explain it?

          I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


            Originally posted by Jarnin
            Exactly. Humans are biologically identical to ancients, according to Dr. Fraiser in the episode Frozen, so any seeded planet could evolve human-like beings if conditions are correct.
            The interesting question then is; what happens if mammals aren't the dominant species on the planet when the ancients seed it? You could end up with something like the Unas or Serrakin or Wraith.

            Doubtful. The ancients were supposedly a civilization from another galaxy prior to their colonizing the Milky Way. Why would you find a lesser evolved ancient in this galaxy prior to the plague?

            I made a list (which is above), but I probably forgot a race or two.

            Yep, countless times they've said that humans on a specific world were taken as slaves from Earth. But they haven't said that every time they met an advanced human race on another world.
            All those races in my list were never mentioned to originally be from Earth, which is why they're on the list.

            I don't think there were humans prior to the plague. Afterall, the ancients were supposedly a galactic civilization that originated in another galaxy before the plague struck, why would there be lesser-evolved humans in the Milky Way at this point in time?

            After the plague struck, the surviving ancients had thousands of worlds with cities, technology, and gates on them, with nobody around to populate them. The ancients didn't seed the Milky Way until after the plague, and they definately wouldn't seed only one planet (Earth). That would be a huge waste of real estate.
   Threads Anubis says that they used the "weapon" on Dakara to REcreate life in the Milky Way. Plus the races you mentioned were never once said to be sent there by the Ancients...and several of them WERE said to be from Earth. Most of those were races that were there for one episode where we didn't even see how they met the race. Show me more proof keeping in mind what I just said...I want to the answer to this...but it has to make some sense .

            I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


              Originally posted by hungrytrash
     Threads Anubis says that they used the "weapon" on Dakara to REcreate life in the Milky Way.
              The actual quote was:
              Originally posted by Anubis
              That device was originally used by the Ancients to create life in the Milky Way ... well, recreate it after the whole plague thing.
              This in no way contradicts what I said.

              Originally posted by hungrytrash
              Plus the races you mentioned were never once said to be sent there by the Ancients...and several of them WERE said to be from Earth.
              I never said the ancients sent them there. I said they were seeded worlds just like Earth, and just like all the worlds in the Pegasus galaxy.
              Also, in that list above there isn't a single species listed that said "these guys originated on Earth". If you can find a reference, I'd sure like to see it.

              Originally posted by hunrgytrash
              Most of those were races that were there for one episode where we didn't even see how they met the race.
              Does that mean they don't exist? Those races were in the series, and they were never explained by the "Goa'uld brought them here" story.

              Originally posted by hunrgytrash
              Show me more proof keeping in mind what I just said...I want to the answer to this...but it has to make some sense .
              I'm sorry, but I don't see why I should search for more proof backing up what I said, since you've provided zero evidence that would support the contrary. You just made a couple statements with no references and left it at that. If you want to prove me wrong, then prove me wrong with evidence that supports your argument.
              Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

              1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


       yourself did that NOT contradict you...don't act pridefully, but honestly explain yourself. You said humans weren't prior to the plague...I just proved they were. They weren't explained by the "Brought by the Goa'uld" because it's been said countless times over and over that humans are from Earth alone. It didn't show wow we met many of those races which is usually where it is mentioned. They see the homeworld...and Daniel makes a reference about something that he sees...happened in like a billion episodes. I'm searching for more proof that the Goa'uld spread human life in most of the worlds...but like I said...most of them are episodes where we already knew a race and it doesn't explain how we met them. Here is one for starters though. On Euronda in The Other Side, the people were fighting a civil war that forced them to live underground due to them poisoning their atmosphere. They dialed Earth and called them their ancestors.

                I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


                  Originally posted by hungrytrash
                  You said humans weren't prior to the plague...I just proved they were.
                  I don't see it. You said something about the Dakara weapon, but then I corrected your omission that the ancients recreated life after the plague.

                  Originally posted by hungrytrash
                  They weren't explained by the "Brought by the Goa'uld" because it's been said countless times over and over that humans are from Earth alone.
                  No it hasn't. How do you explain the humans in Pegasus? The ancients seeded those worlds and humans evolved there. That's what happened on Earth as well, but it didn't happen ONLY here.

                  Originally posted by hungrytrash
                  It didn't show wow we met many of those races which is usually where it is mentioned. They see the homeworld...and Daniel makes a reference about something that he sees...happened in like a billion episodes.
                  Right, but in some episodes they never explained it. Like Harlan's race the Altairans. They were already robots before Ra ever discovered Earth.

                  Originally posted by hungrytrash
                  I'm searching for more proof that the Goa'uld spread human life in most of the worlds...but like I said...most of them are episodes where we already knew a race and it doesn't explain how we met them.
                  Well, you're right in this case. Most of the human populated worlds in the Milky Way are inhabited by former Goa'uld slaves that originate from Earth. However, not all of the human inhabited worlds must fall into this catagory.

                  Originally posted by hungrytrash
                  Here is one for starters though. On Euronda in The Other Side, the people were fighting a civil war that forced them to live underground due to them poisoning their atmosphere. They dialed Earth and called them their ancestors.
                  After rewatching that episode today, I see what you're talking about. They never said right out that they were brought there by the Goa'uld, but they said they got the address to Earth from stones their gate was found underneath. It was probably coverstones sealing the gate after they rebelled against the Goa'uld on their planet.

                  So that still leaves the other 8 or so civilizations that don't fall under "the goa'uld brought them" theory.

                  And we can add the Aschen to the list.
                  Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

                  1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


                    I get your point...I suppose they could've though never directly mentioned. It just seems weird, because you always think of them finding human worlds, showing them how their religons are wrong and how their Gods were Goa'uld..but it makes sense how some weren't taken from Earth.

                    I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


                      Originally posted by oragans
                      What was the trick that the tollans pulled - they were only more advanced than us because they most probably did not go through the Dark Ages.
                      I'm sorry, I made a mistake with the numbers. I thought it was 1100 years. I was wrong, it's happened once or twice before.
                      Last edited by KorbenDirewolf; 06 July 2005, 06:17 PM.
                      The opinions of KorbenDirewolf do not necessrily represent the opinions of other male U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 25.


                        Ahhh.... I asked Joe Malozzi this question and he said "If I answered all of your questions, there wouldn't be any reason to watch season 9," or something along the lines of you think he was saying that the answer could be in season 9? =-o. I hope anyway...I am so often wrong with things like this though. Crap...I think he thought I was talking about the other Alteirans or however they are spelled. The ones who supposedly shielded Daniel from the Ori. Gosh dang it.
                        Last edited by hungrytrash; 07 July 2005, 06:48 AM.

                        I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


                          Not all world were populated by humans from the Goa'uld. Some worlds (that they had never been to ie worlds on the ancient repository) were populated with the device on Dakarra so Harlen's world is most likely one of those. Side note: I believe that Earth was one of these worlds aswell and just happend to be the first world the Goa'uld stumbled across with humans on it.



                            Actually that was in season 1. All of the addresses in season 1 were from the Abydos cartouche. This was a known Goa'uld world...

                            I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*

