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Encountering humans from Starcraft or Halo?

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    Encountering humans from Starcraft or Halo?

    Just a thought-

    Wouldnt it be cool if the SGC came across humans similar to the humans from Starcraft or Halo?

    hey that would be awesome, i love halo and starcraft. If we encountered humans that advanced that would be a great advantage for us and also cool for us fans. I would chose a human like encounter with halo like.
    sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama


      I have just developed a storyline-

      For those that play Starcraft, we know that there are basically 3 races that fight for galactic domination and survival: the Zerg, Protoss, and Terran(humans). Since the zerg are so numerous in numbers, the terran and protoss and worked together on several occasions to defeat the zerg.

      And for those that play Halo, we all know that its basically humans vs covenants and the covenants are trying to erradicate humanity while humanitys trying to save itself. The covenants are basically an community of multiple species where the stronger spiecies rule over the weaker and less intelligent. One of these species called the Elites. Physically they look almost identical to the protoss and some weapons are similar.

      In the starcraft storyline, there were some protoss that refused to join the Khala and where banished to the planet Shakuras. What is some of those protoss wanted revenge and join the ranks of the covenants to do so? Since the protoss and terrans and kind of allies and of course the halo humans will join its long lost cousins and earth will too and there would be a new alliance of 4 races against the covenants and the zerg.

      I just thought it might be cool if the SGC was actually in an alliance that helps them and had multiple enemies. The alliance will still struggle because the covenants are VERY advanced (possibly equal to the goa'uld) and according to Halo story line, humans dont stand a chance against them if it werent for the spartans( theyr basically like super soildiers that have personal shields, *they are the only soildiers with shields* and there are only about 50 of them. Both humans of Starcraft and halo do not have ships equipped with shields which makes their tech even inferior to the X303. The protoss is a very advanced race but their numbers have been deminished by the zerg so they wont be helping much.

      So the bottom line is that its gonna be Earth, SC humans, Halo humans, protoss, azgard(if they're ever gonna help), maybe the new jaffa nation vs the covenants, zerg, ori and w/e the writers have planned.


        Originally posted by VironX
        I have just developed a storyline-

        For those that play Starcraft, we know that there are basically 3 races that fight for galactic domination and survival: the Zerg, Protoss, and Terran(humans). Since the zerg are so numerous in numbers, the terran and protoss and worked together on several occasions to defeat the zerg.

        And for those that play Halo, we all know that its basically humans vs covenants and the covenants are trying to erradicate humanity while humanitys trying to save itself. The covenants are basically an community of multiple species where the stronger spiecies rule over the weaker and less intelligent. One of these species called the Elites. Physically they look almost identical to the protoss and some weapons are similar.

        In the starcraft storyline, there were some protoss that refused to join the Khala and where banished to the planet Shakuras. What is some of those protoss wanted revenge and join the ranks of the covenants to do so? Since the protoss and terrans and kind of allies and of course the halo humans will join its long lost cousins and earth will too and there would be a new alliance of 4 races against the covenants and the zerg.

        I just thought it might be cool if the SGC was actually in an alliance that helps them and had multiple enemies. The alliance will still struggle because the covenants are VERY advanced (possibly equal to the goa'uld) and according to Halo story line, humans dont stand a chance against them if it werent for the spartans( theyr basically like super soildiers that have personal shields, *they are the only soildiers with shields* and there are only about 50 of them. Both humans of Starcraft and halo do not have ships equipped with shields which makes their tech even inferior to the X303. The protoss is a very advanced race but their numbers have been deminished by the zerg so they wont be helping much.

        So the bottom line is that its gonna be Earth, SC humans, Halo humans, protoss, azgard(if they're ever gonna help), maybe the new jaffa nation vs the covenants, zerg, ori and w/e the writers have planned.
        ok the first topic was cool because it was supposed humans not the same as the series as halo or starcraft, now you took it to a next level. It would be cool but lets say the covenant or zerg could be the new enemy like,wraith=covenant,zerg=ori.
        Halo humans=some advanced humans, maybe the new advanced humans we find in atlantis that shoot down a pj, from what i read they rivaled our tech and they have better nukes but not nececeraly in power since now we have those space mines. But they have a new kind of power. From what i remember there nukes show 0 em, and if u guys remember in the siege part 2 our nukes had almost 0 em but the wraith still detected them and sent asteroids. If we had that power we could put space mines with 0 em so the wraith couldnt detect them untill they were right on them and they are obliviated. So they could be the humans. Starcraft humans maybe another human race that we find in the pegasus galaxy, ronon's race would of been good since from a couple of pictures they looked pritty advanced but there is only a couple of scavengers left througout the pegasus galaxy.
        sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama


          yea, i get what ur sayin, and your right cuz we cant bring in a whole other storyline so just ignore what i posted before. But i 1st thought of the idea because i just had this vision of like 100 SC marines marchin to a genni bunker and blowing it up and crap. I dont even care if it has anything to do with my story, i just want humans with those type of armor. You know what i mean? those armors are awsome!


            It sure would be nice to have a terran battlecruiser, or the cloaking ability a ghost or wraith (a small death glider like fighter) has from starcraft.


              Halo is very compatable with Stargate

              *spoilers for those who want the plot of Halo & Halo 2 to remain a Mystery*

              Themes- Stargate= Mythology, Halo= Biblical -
              effectively the same thing anyone who thinks Noah's ark is literal is, well nevermind

              Pre-Human Origins- In Stargate the Ancients "created humanity" though not confirmed in Halo most of the players are convinced that the Forerunner were human. As plot devices go both serve the same purpose, they are dead and their technology is cool.

              Main Enemies- Stargate= Goa'uld, Halo= Covenant -
              only really defeatable by elite teams (SG1/Spartan 2s) both have a clear heirarchy Elites rebellion in Halo Jaffa rebellion in Stargate.

              Secondry Enemies- Stargate= Replicators, Halo= The Flood
              both are the opposite of the main enemies being much less human and both Repicate.

              Super Weapons- Stargate= Ancient Weapon on Dakara, Halo= the Halos themselves
              Dakara weapon used to destroy the Repilicators while Halo was designed to kill the Flood.

              Base Concept- both game and TV show are based on a large ring! True the Halo is much bigger but does size matter here?
              This is an appeal by evil in distress, please click here to help Bastet defeat her enemies - Stargate online wargame


                The Covenant technology is so far beyond the Goa'uld :s. Other than cloaking, which they would have, but the writers wanted to make it fair for us primitive humans . The covenant have a giant space city called High Charity, which is about the size of California, guarded by hundreds of capital ships. Their capital ships shoot powerful streams of plasma that blow up a ship after one shot, while Goa'uld use small blasts which take a many shots to defeat a rival ship. The Covenant would make a great enemy for Earth. The Covenant would defeat the Asgard at their best through great numbers, and superior war vessels. Long live the Covenant! P.S. Flood vs Replicators...who wins? P.S. The Forerunner seem to be nearing Ancient technology after a mear few hundred thousand years of advancement. I think the Ancients are underdone...they would never die to a plague, or lose to the Wraith, as they could make unlimited ZPMs, and with them, have great shields and blast Wraith ships out of the "space." Bla Bla Bla. Bla Bla Bla Bla. Bla Bla. Bla Bla Bla.

                I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


                  well not actually, the goa'ulds personnel shields are really ingenious. The covenant shields makes like a barrier, consuming massive amounts of energy, but the goa'uld shields actually use the kenetic energy within the matter thats hitting the shields to deflect it. Its really ingenious, i mean, that shield will only use up like only couple AA batteries for every impact.


                    Oh no fan battles please!

                    The Covenant are in a computer game and thus designed to be formidable while the Goa'uld are only supposed to look dangerous. Hence why we have such things as Jaffa fodder that die like red shirts.

                    If the Covenant showed up in Stargate the rules of television would no compel them to be mowed down in a similar fashion simply because they are the enemies of the main characters.

                    While on the other hand I imagine some of the Goa’uld forces in SG1 Alliance will be tougher than any seen in the series.
                    This is an appeal by evil in distress, please click here to help Bastet defeat her enemies - Stargate online wargame


                      actually now that i think about it the covenant would be excellent for the show since now the gould are pritty much dead and dont posses a real threat to earth. But the covenant would bring back the show and would be awesome because the covenant have hundreds and hundreds of motherships. The ori sound pritty cool but not so much because they are half ancients so its worse because its like hundreds of anubis but covenants would be cool because we can actually fight with them like a big war. I think that is what the show needs a big war we have gotten little wars and when anubis attacked earth in lost city it was ok but we need a war. The siege part 3 will be awesome a mini war but one day we should have a really big war like in space and in land with hundreds of soldiers that would be awesome and im probably guessing for next season since the sgc is going to build more daedalus class ships we can have a fleet by next season and like imagine hundreds or thousands of SGC soldiers marines in atlantis or somewhere in the milkyway that would be cool.
                      sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama


                        Yea, the covenants would make a really good enemy, mainly because of their government and social order.


                          I would like to see how the Goa'uld would deal with High Charity. Their space city is awesome .

                          I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*

