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Episode 10 (110)

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  • lightsyder
    Ra was supposed to be busy keeping the other System Lords in line and fighting with the Asgard.

    I think Wasif and the other guy are the first of his human guards, not necessarily the ones from the movie though

    The mission files cover some of this

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  • Major_Griff
    1. Why wouldn't Ra - with the knowledge that the Tau'ri have reopened their stargate - send an army though the gate to retake Earth? Or why wouldn't he send a couple of mother ships to Earth to wipe them out? Opening the gate shows humanity is becoming a threat. Why wouldn't Ra do something about it?

    2. This episode is the prime example of why prequels aren't good. It spends most of its run time lazily and sloppily trying to justify everything with continuity and connect things to the movie and it feels so completely forced. Also Catherine having her mind wiped during the climax is bad writing straight up. Making your main character completely passive during the climax is not something you want to do.

    3. Are we to believe that Wasif and the other guy become Anubis and whatshisname from the movie? Lol, okay.

    4. What a waste of time. I hate to be so negative here, but there's nothing really for me to like about this. It's poorly written, poorly made, and it was made with little regard to established continuity. The mind wipe doesn't even solve the continuity issues completely as I pointed with Ra knowing Earth's gate is open but does nothing about it.

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  • Ian-S
    Yeah I thought that too, doesn't mean the baby didn't survive though.

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  • lightsyder
    Aset’s Bodyguard shot her before Ra showed up I think.

    Pretty sure the baby was in the temple with Aset with Ra nuked it too

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  • Ian-S
    Well slightly predictable, but I'm still glad to watch new Stargate even if it did feel like watching fan fiction.

    Is that the first f bomb in Stargate history too? Seems to be the in thing nowadays, take these family type shows, turn them really dark and throw in an f bomb or two to keep in with the kool kids. Maybe the baby is for a future storyline should the show be renewed, but continuous mind wipes to keep continuity is going to get old pretty quick.

    What happened to the Nazi women film maker, did she cop it too off screen?

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  • sci-fi fanatic
    I'll agree with the group that the brainwashing was predictable and the easiest way out of the corner to save continuity. I also was stunned at how dark the finale was for everyone, including the Langfords. I still feel like the show would have been better without the Nazis at all; I was relieved when all were finally dead. Origins was an interesting experiment and had its moments, but I'm hoping for a lot more if we get another series at some point in the future. Still, it did get us all talking about Stargate again!

    I also wrote a review of the last three episodes on my blog (plus a little bit on #StargateRising) in case you're interested:

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  • jerem
    Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
    I think we were all hoping for something better than a mind wipe....

    Also, given how light heated and comedic this show was in tone - most of the characters ended up with pretty dark fates.
    Very true, the contrast is pretty shocking actually. It's like everything was wrapped-up in a hurry after slowing down the narrative in episodes 3-7.

    Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
    An one wonder why RA, knowing the earth is out there, heavily populated with billions of people and have clearly advance technology would just leave it alone to further advance.
    Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
    The mission files have something to say about Ra not ever returning to Earth. Essentially he had a fear about returning to the place of his greatest defeat/embarrassment. Though "publicly" the reason was that it wasn't worth the man power for a planet with no naquadah
    Yeah, although a big "shaky" for an explanation, I believe everything resides on the fact he doesn't know Earth's population. Had he known we were 2 billions, I'm sure he would have shifted his priorities a little bit. We would have turned out to be worthy of his interest.

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  • thekillman
    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
    I It's pretty much the ending I was expecting, but I was still floored by how lazily they did it.
    I liked certain aspects of it, though the convenient brainwashing is very convenient. I was afraid they were going to go with that.

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  • Jedi_Master_Bra'tac
    I always thought that the PPT was older than that, but I don't think we ever knew for sure.

    The mission files have something to say about Ra not ever returning to Earth. Essentially he had a fear about returning to the place of his greatest defeat/embarrassment. Though "publicly" the reason was that it wasn't worth the man power for a planet with no naquadah

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  • Supergater
    Speaking of Asgard-Goa'uld war, here's a theory. Since we don't know the extend or duration of war, one way to connect so know points in history is:

    1. Ra leads the System Lords in war all the way up until the movie.
    2. In between SGO but closer to the movie, in trying to bolster war efforts, the Asgards find the Replicators, thus beginning the Asgard Replicator war (the wars overlap at the ends)
    3. Meanwhile as their non-existent butts get handed to them, the collective System Lords wants to negotiate but only Ra wants to fight. Since he is the Supreme System Lord with the bulk of the fleet, the war continues.
    4. Then Ra gets killed out of the blue on Abydos by O'Neill and Jackson, the Supreme System Lord goes to Lord Yu/Apophis and begin negotiating with the Asgard.
    5. The Asgard, now secretly having to fight a losing war in their home galaxy while committing resources in our galaxy, bluffs an excuse (something like we don't want to exterminate you..) and signs the Protected Planets Treaty to end the war.
    6. System Lords honor the treaty, not knowing of the plague of the Replicators, and with their regular squabbles, lead up to SG-1 pilot. The Asgard, like the Ancient in Pegasus, dedicated more and more resources to the war until Replicators were strong enough to attack Othala in "Small Victories"

    What do you think? Plausible history filler between SGO and Stargate movie?

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  • Supergater
    Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
    This show was all over the place. I kinda hope it works better as one film, we shall see. But there just seem to be a huge amount missing from this film to tell a cohesive story.

    Also found it strange that are already transferring it to the US, keeping it as a British project at the end of the film would have more sense. We know it gets transferred to America eventually but the war hasn't started yet, so the Brits have no need to trade the stargate for war materials.

    An one wonder why RA, knowing the earth is out there, heavily populated with billions of people and have clearly advance technology would just leave it alone to further advance.
    To be fair, only the Langfords "own" the stargate. No one was funding them anymore, hence no sponsors can claim the stargate. Possible reason the British were involved was because the government funded the original dig ten years ago and pulled funding as the war closes in and/or the only facility in Cairo large enough to house the stargate is an airplane hanger (British hanger since the former sponsors..). Therefore the Langfords can choose to ship the Stargate to US via old man Mitchell, LOL. (Remember the political and social tension in Europe was already very high and unsafe and therefore logically safer to continue research in US)

    I too agree that maybe the British official were a bit cavalier talking about German cables in public. As for Ra, it is questionable as to why Ra would ignore us, although I doubt he knows Earth has billions of people but the guns are obvious signs for advance tech of Earthlings. Maybe the alluded Goa'uld-Asgard war means his focus is elsewhere or lack disposable resource to subjugate Earth?

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  • knowles2
    This show was all over the place. I kinda hope it works better as one film, we shall see. But there just seem to be a huge amount missing from this film to tell a cohesive story.

    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
    One minor thing that gave me pause: was the term “AWOL” common parlance in the 30s? I mean, it very well may have been—it just struck me as odd, that it would’ve been more believable if the guy had said something like “deserter.”
    It a American term as well, you wouldn't think that a British official with a very british accent would be using that terminology.

    Also found it strange that are already transferring it to the US, keeping it as a British project at the end of the film would have more sense. We know it gets transferred to America eventually but the war hasn't started yet, so the Brits have no need to trade the stargate for war materials.

    A mention of the wound on the German being like nothing they have ever seen and what ever cause it could aid their coming war with Hitler. With London ordering that every effort be made to find out what cause would have made more sense. Her dad sending her off to America to keep her safe, with scenes of British soldiers securing the site, would set it up nicely for her being denied access to the stargate and the mind wipe and reprogramming explain nicely why she fought so hard to regain access.

    Plus no British official would be talking about being able to intercept and decoding cables from Germany in such a public place either. It should have been phase differently, a friend in berlin for example or London just inform me that sources say that Germany are interested in capturing this object.

    An one wonder why RA, knowing the earth is out there, heavily populated with billions of people and have clearly advance technology would just leave it alone to further advance.
    Last edited by knowles2; 10 March 2018, 02:22 AM.

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  • DigiFluid
    One minor thing that gave me pause: was the term “AWOL” common parlance in the 30s? I mean, it very well may have been—it just struck me as odd, that it would’ve been more believable if the guy had said something like “deserter.”
    Last edited by DigiFluid; 09 March 2018, 02:29 PM.

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  • Jedi_Master_Bra'tac
    I think we were all hoping for something better than a mind wipe....

    Also, given how light heated and comedic this show was in tone - most of the characters ended up with pretty dark fates.

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  • lightsyder
    Oh yeah, very true. Just serves as another reason for Ra to take her out and her bodyguard to betray her I guess

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