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Battle of the 'Ships

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    ROUND 17

    1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

    2. Jack/Laira

    3. John/Rodney

    4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

    5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

    6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

    7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

    8. Daniel/Sha're

    9. Teal'c/Ishta

    10. John/Larrin

    11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak vs Cameron/Vala - abstain

    12. Carson/Laura

    13. John/Elizabeth

    14. Daniel/Vala

    15. Teyla/Ronon

    16. Daniel/Hathor


      ROUND 17

      1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

      2. Daniel/Janet

      3. John/Rodney

      4. Sam/Thor

      5. Jack/Sara

      6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

      7. Daniel/Sam vs Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're Abstain

      8. Daniel/Sha're

      9. Jack/Sam

      10. Ronon/Amelia

      11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak vs Cameron/Vala Abstain

      12. Carson/Laura

      13. John/Elizabeth

      14. Daniel/Vala

      15. Teyla/Ronon

      16. John/Teyla


        ROUND 17

        1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

        2. Jack/Laira

        3. John/Rodney

        4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

        5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

        6. Daniel/Cameron

        7. Daniel/Sam

        8. Daniel/Sha're

        9. Jack/Sam

        10. Ronon/Amelia

        11. Cameron/Vala

        12. Sam/Cameron

        13. John/Elizabeth

        14. Ronon/Jennifer

        15. Teyla/Ronon

        16. John/Teyla


          ROUND 17

          1. Rodney/Jennifer

          2. Daniel/Janet

          3. Daniel/Anise-Freya

          4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

          5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

          6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

          7. Daniel/Sam

          8. Daniel/Sha're

          9. Teal'c/Ishta

          10. Ronon/Amelia

          11. Cameron/Vala

          12. Carson/Laura

          13. John/Elizabeth

          14. Daniel/Vala

          15. Teyla/Ronon

          16. John/Teyla


            ROUND 17

            1. Teal'c/Shau'nac
            2. Daniel/Janet
            3. John/Rodney
            4. Sam/Thor
            5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar
            6. Daniel/Cameron
            7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're
            8. Daniel/Sha're
            9. Jack/Sam
            10. John/Larrin
            11. Cameron/Vala
            12. Carson/Laura
            13. John/Elizabeth
            14. Ronon/Jennifer
            15. Kanan/Shayla
            16. John/Teyla


              ROUND 17

              1. Rodney/Jennifer

              2. Daniel/Janet

              3. John/Rodney

              4. Sam/Thor

              5. ABSTAIN

              6. Daniel/Cameron

              7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

              8. ABSTAIN

              9. Jack/Sam

              10. Ronon/Amelia

              11. Cameron/Vala

              12. Carson/Laura

              13. John/Elizabeth

              14. Ronon/Jennifer

              15. Teyla/Ronon

              16. ABSTAIN

              (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                ROUND 17

                1. Rodney/Jennifer
                2. Daniel/Janet
                3. Daniel/Anise-Freya
                4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash
                5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar
                6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash
                7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're
                8. Daniel/Sha're
                9. Jack/Sam
                10. John/Larrin
                11. Cameron/Vala
                12. Carson/Laura
                13. John/Elizabeth
                14. Daniel/Vala (Oh that as tough!)
                15. Teyla/Ronon
                16. John/Teyla


                  1. Rodney/Jennifer
                  2. Daniel/Janet
                  3. Daniel/Anise-Freya
                  4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash
                  5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar
                  6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash
                  7. Daniel/Sam
                  8. Daniel/Sha're
                  9. Jack/Sam
                  10. Ronon/Amelia
                  11. Cameron/Vala
                  12. Sam/Cameron
                  13. Vala/Tomin
                  14. Daniel/Vala
                  15. Kanan/Shayla
                  16. John/Teyla
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    ROUND 17

                    1. Rodney/Jennifer

                    2. Daniel/Janet

                    3. John/Rodney

                    4. Sam/Thor

                    5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

                    6. Daniel/Cameron

                    7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

                    8. Daniel/Sha're

                    9. Jack/Sam

                    10. John/Larrin

                    11. Cameron/Vala

                    12. Carson/Laura

                    13. Vala/Tomin

                    14. Ronon/Jennifer

                    15. Teyla/Ronon

                    16. John/Teyla


                      ROUND 17

                      1. Rodney/Jennifer

                      2. Jack/Laira

                      3. Daniel/Anise-Freya

                      4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

                      5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

                      6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

                      7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

                      8. Cameron/Carolyn

                      9. Jack/Sam

                      10. Ronon/Amelia

                      11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak

                      12. Carson/Laura

                      13. Vala/Tomin

                      14. Daniel/Vala

                      15. Kanan/Shayla

                      16. John/Teyla


                        1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

                        2. Daniel/Janet

                        3. John/Rodney

                        4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

                        5. Jack/Sara

                        6. Daniel/Cameron

                        7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

                        8. Cameron/Carolyn

                        9. Jack/Sam

                        10. John/Larrin

                        11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak

                        12. Sam/Cameron

                        13. John/Elizabeth

                        14. Ronon/Jennifer

                        15. Teyla/Ronon

                        16. John/Teyla


                          1. -abstain-
                          2. Daniel/Janet
                          3. John/Rodney
                          4. -abstrain-
                          5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar
                          6. -abstain-
                          7. Daniel/Sam
                          8. Daniel/Sha're
                          9. -abstain-
                          10. -abstain-
                          11. -abstain-
                          12. Sam/Cameron
                          13. John/Elizabeth
                          14. Daniel/Vala
                          15. Teyla/Ronon
                          16. -abstain-


                            1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

                            2. Daniel/Janet

                            3. Daniel/Anise-Freya

                            4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

                            5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

                            6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

                            7. Daniel/Sam

                            8. Daniel/Sha're

                            9. Jack/Sam

                            10. Ronon/Amelia

                            11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak

                            12. Sam/Cameron

                            13. John/Elizabeth

                            14. Daniel/Vala

                            15. Kanan/Shayla

                            16. Daniel/Hathor
                            My ships: sigpic
                            (Sam/Jack, Sam/Rodney, Sam/Martouf/Lantash, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet)

                            Sam/Jack, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet, and Sam/Rodney smilies made by the talented zuz - THANKS. Smilies merged into one sig by the awesome Nolamom - THANKS!


                              ROUND 17

                              1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

                              2. Jack/Laira

                              3. Daniel/Anise-Freya

                              4. Sam/Martouf-Lantash

                              5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

                              6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

                              7. Daniel/Sam

                              8. Daniel/Sha're

                              9. Teal'c/Ishta

                              10. Ronon/Amelia

                              11. Cameron/Vala

                              12. Carson/Laura

                              13. John/Elizabeth

                              14. Ronon/Jennifer

                              15. Kanan/Shayla

                              16. Daniel/Hathor
                              Jaffa, kree!


                                ROUND 17

                                1. Teal'c/Shau'nac

                                2. Daniel/Janet

                                3. Daniel/Anise-Freya

                                4. Sam/Thor

                                5. Martouf-Lantash/Rosha-Jolinar

                                6. Sam-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash

                                7. Daniel/Amaunet-Sha're

                                8. Daniel/Sha're

                                9. Teal'c/Ishta

                                10. Ronon/Amelia

                                11. Janet/Jacob-Selmak

                                12. Carson/Laura

                                13. John/Elizabeth

                                14. Ronon/Jennifer

                                15. Kanan/Shayla

                                16. John/Teyla

