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ALL TIME Favourite Stargate Pairing

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  • kali1
    Great game girlie!!!!

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  • Irish Eyes
    Nice job, Reiko!

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  • BlueMushroom
    So, a winner is found. Congratz to Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash. Thanx for running this, Reiko

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  • Skadi
    Congratulations to Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash and a big THANK YOU to Reiko for setting up and running the game

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  • Hathor_girl
    I believe the missing pairing is "Kate Heightmeyer, John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir". They lost 11-6 to "Ba'al and Vala/Qetesh" in the first stage.

    Congratulations to Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash for winning!

    Reiko, thanks for running this game - it must have been a huge job!

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  • Reiko
    No, you can't vote twice (I let it run on longer as it was the last round) but cutietux's vote decides the winner.

    For the final rankings, first divided by what stage they made it to then split up by percentage of possible points awarded (including from the round they were eliminated in.)

    And I seem to be missing one. Tell me if you know what it is, there should be 128.

    1. Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash

    2. Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet

    STAGE 6
    3. Carson Beckett and Laura Cadman (574)
    4. Carson Beckett and Teyla Emmagan (517)

    STAGE 5
    5. Carson Beckett and Kate Heightmeyer (577)
    6. John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir (550)
    7. Teyla Emmagan and Evan Lorne (541)
    8. Teyla Emmagan and John Sheppard (519)

    STAGE 4
    9. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran (659)
    10. Rosha/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (627)
    11. Rya’c and Kar’yn (622)
    12. Daniel Jackson and Elizabeth Weir (610)
    13. Steven Caldwell and Elizabeth Weir (597)
    14. Samantha Carter and Martouf/Lantash (574)
    15. Chuck and Amelia (550)
    16. Apophis and Amaunet (525)

    STAGE 3
    17. Daniel Jackson and Sarah/Osiris (637)
    18. Carson Beckett and Janet Frasier (625)
    19. Kate Heightmeyer and Evan Lorne (614)
    20. Ronon Dex and Melena (594)
    21. Carson Beckett and Elizabeth Weir (580)
    22. Teal’c and Ishta (578)
    .... Daniel Jackson and Carolyn Lam (578)
    24. Jeannie Miller and Kaleb Miller (573)
    25. Rodney McKay and Elizabeth Weir (553)
    26. Samantha Carter and Malek (548)
    27. Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne (545)
    28. Elizabeth Weir and Radek Zelenka (532)
    29. Teyla Emmagan and Kanaan (529)
    30. Samantha Carter and Aldwin (520)
    31. Baal and Vala/Qetesh (506)
    32. Teyla Emmagan and Aldwin (447)

    STAGE 2
    33. Jonas Quinn and Kianna’s Gou’ald (636)
    34. Daniel Jackson and Sha’re (619)
    35. Teal’c and Sahunac (613)
    36. Kate Heightmeyer and Radek Zelenka (593)
    37. Ronon Dex and Elizabeth Weir (531)
    38. Teal’c and Drey’auc (523)
    39. Kate Heightmeyer and Elizabeth Weir (500)
    .... Carson Beckett, Teyla Emmagan, and Kate Heightmeyer (500)
    41. John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, and Rodney McKay (489)
    42. Vala Mal Doran and Tomin (488)
    43. Carson Beckett and Perna (485)
    44. Teyla Emmagan and Radek Zelenka (484)
    45. Samantha Carter and Jonas Quinn (472)
    46. Jennifer Keller and Rodney McKay (466)
    47. Daniel Jackson and Anise/Freya (465)
    48. Kanan and Sheyla (463)
    49. Vala Mal Doran and John Sheppard (450)
    50. Kate Heightmeyer and Jennifer Keller (447)
    51. Janet Frasier and Jack O’Neill (446)
    52. Carson Beckett and Rodney McKay (441)
    53. Jack O’Neill and Laira (439)
    54. Baal and Anise/Freya (428)
    55. Jack O’Neill and Sara (410)
    56. Teal’c and Zarin (404)
    57. Daniel Jackson and Hathor (393)
    58. Kate Heightmeyer and John Sheppard (350)
    59. Samantha Carter and Janet Frasier (333)
    60. Hank Landry and Kim (322)
    61. Jack O’Neill and Jalen (317)
    62. Carson Beckett and Vala Mal Doran (292)
    63. Samantha Carter and Khalek (250)
    64. Samantha Carter and Osiris (241)

    STAGE 1
    65. Katie Brown and Rodney McKay (480)
    .... Janet Frasier and Daniel Jackson (480)
    .... Jacob/Selmak and Yosuuf/Garshaw (480)
    .... Per’sus and Zarin (480)
    69. Jack O’Neill and Hathor (476)
    70. Samantha Carter and Jack O’Neill (470)
    .... John Sheppard and Larrin (470)
    .... Samantha Carter and Ba’al (470)
    73. Carolyn Lam and Cameron Mitchell (466)
    74. Samantha Carter, Martouf/Lantash, and Malek (461)
    75. Janet Frasier and Apophis (458)
    76. Vala Mal Doran and Cameron Mitchell (454)
    .... Teyla Emmagan and Malek (454)
    78. Teyla Emmagan and Kate Heightmeyer (428)
    .... Teyla Emmagan, Kate Heightmeyer and Elizabeth Weir (428)
    .... Teyla Emmagan and Teal’c (428)
    81. Carson Beckett and Ronon Dex (416)
    .... Ronon Dex and Jennifer Keller (416)
    83. Teyla Emmagan and Rodney McKay (409)
    .... Samantha Carter and Hathor (409)
    85. Teyla Emmagan and Halling (400)
    .... Janet Frasier and Per’sus (400)
    87. Teyla Emmagan and Chuck (384)
    88. Samantha Carter and Klorel (380)
    89. Laura Cadman and Rodney McKay (375)
    .... Samantha Carter and Apophis (375)
    91. Elizabeth Weir and Jacob/Selmak (368)
    92. Jalen and Tanith (363)
    93. Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson (357)
    .... Vala Mal Doran and Jonas Quinn (357)
    .... Adria and Ba’al (357)
    96. Samantha Carter and Thor (350)
    .... Jack O’Neill and Zarin (350)
    98. Rodney McKay and John Sheppard (333)
    .... Samantha Carter and Teal’c (333)
    .... Daniel Jackson and Ra (333)
    .... Samantha Carter and Imhotep (333)
    102. Ronon Dex and Teyla Emmagan (318)
    103. Janet Frasier and Hathor (312)
    104. Jennifer Keller and Kiryk (307)
    .... Jack O’Neill and Anise/Freya (307)
    106. Samantha Carter and Anise/Freya (300)
    107. Vala Mal Doran and Teal’c (277)
    108. Jack O’Neill and Elizabeth Weir (272)
    109. Jennifer Keller and John Sheppard (230)
    .... Aldwin and Malek (230)
    111. Jennifer Keller and Richard Woolsey (214)
    .... Dusty Mehra and Allison Porter (214)
    113. Rodney McKay and Radek Zelenka (200)
    .... Jennifer Keller and Todd (200)
    115. Janet Frasier and Jacob/Selmak (200)
    116. John Sheppard and Radek Zelenka (181)
    117. Cameron Mitchell and John Sheppard (176)
    118. Richard Woolsey and Todd (166)
    119. Teyla Emmagan and Elizabeth Weir (153)
    120. Janet Frasier and Malek (136)
    121. Ronon Dex and Radek Zelenka (130)
    122. Samantha Carter and Cameron Mitchell (125)
    123. Teyla Emmagan and Michael Kenmore (71)
    .... Janet Frasier and Vala Mal Doran (71)
    .... Jack O’Neill and Malek (71)
    126. Bra’tac and Garshaw/Yosuuf (66)
    127. Jack O’Neill are Garshaw/Yosuuf (62)

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  • cutietux
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (15)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (17)

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  • Snotr
    Can we vote again in the same round? OK

    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (15)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (16)

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  • kali1
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (15)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (15)

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  • GeneralSelmak
    Both are cute...

    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (14)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (15)

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  • Ilerya82
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (14)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (14)

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  • Krissie678
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (13)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (14)

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  • aquagirl
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (12)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (14)

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  • LtKatia
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (12)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (13)

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  • kali1
    Daniel Jackson and Sha're/Amaunet -VS- Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash
    Daniel and Sha're/Amaunet (12)
    Sam/Jolinar and Martouf/Lantash (12)

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