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Favorite Jack / Teal'c moments (all seasons)

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    1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
    2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
    3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
    4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
    5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
    6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
    7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
    8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
    9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
    10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
    11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
    12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
    13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
    14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
    15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
    16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
    17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
    18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
    19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
    20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
    21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
    22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
    23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
    24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
    25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
    26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
    27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
    28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
    29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
    30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
    31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
    32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
    33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
    34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
    35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
    36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
    37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
    38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
    39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
    40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
    41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
    42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
    43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
    44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
    45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
    46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
    47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
    48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
    49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
    50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
    51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
    52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
    53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

    Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (38)


      1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
      2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
      3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
      4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
      5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
      6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
      7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
      8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
      9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
      10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
      11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
      12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
      13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
      14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
      15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
      16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
      17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
      18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
      19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
      20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
      21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
      22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
      23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
      24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
      25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
      26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
      27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
      28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
      29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
      30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
      31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
      32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
      33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
      34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
      35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
      36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
      37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
      38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
      39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
      40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
      41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
      42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
      43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
      44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
      45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
      46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
      47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
      48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
      49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
      50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
      51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
      52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
      53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

      Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (38)


        1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
        2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
        3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
        4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
        5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
        6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
        7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
        8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
        9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
        10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
        11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
        12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
        13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
        14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
        15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
        16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
        17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
        18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
        19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
        20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
        21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
        22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
        23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
        24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
        25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
        26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
        27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
        28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
        29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
        30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
        31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
        32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
        33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
        34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
        35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
        36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
        37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
        38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
        39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
        40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
        41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
        42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
        43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
        44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
        45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
        46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
        47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
        48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
        49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
        50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
        51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
        52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
        53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

        Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (39)
        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
        Nina: Everything else was taken.


          1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
          2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
          3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
          4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
          5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
          6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
          7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
          8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
          9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
          10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
          11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
          12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
          13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
          14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
          15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
          16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
          17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
          18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
          19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
          20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
          21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
          22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
          23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
          24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
          25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
          26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
          27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
          28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
          29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
          30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
          31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
          32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
          33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
          34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
          35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
          36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
          37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
          38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
          39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
          40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
          41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
          42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
          43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
          44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
          45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
          46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
          47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
          48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
          49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
          50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
          51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
          52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
          53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

          Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (40)


            1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
            2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
            3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
            4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
            5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
            6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
            7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
            8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
            9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
            10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
            11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
            12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
            13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
            14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
            15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
            16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
            17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
            18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
            19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
            20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
            21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
            22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
            23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
            24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
            25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
            26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
            27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
            28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
            29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
            30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
            31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
            32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
            33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
            34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
            35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
            36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
            37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
            38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
            39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
            40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
            41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
            42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
            43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
            44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
            45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
            46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
            47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
            48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
            49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
            50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
            51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
            52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
            53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

            Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (41)


              1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
              2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
              3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
              4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
              5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
              6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
              7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
              8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
              9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
              10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
              11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
              12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
              13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
              14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
              15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
              16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
              17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
              18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
              19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
              20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
              21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
              22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
              23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
              24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
              25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
              26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
              27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
              28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
              29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
              30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
              31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
              32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
              33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
              34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
              35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
              36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
              37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
              38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
              39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
              40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
              41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
              42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
              43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
              44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
              45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
              46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
              47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
              48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
              49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
              50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
              51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
              52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
              53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

              Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (42)
              Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
              Nina: Everything else was taken.


                1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (43)


                  1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                  2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                  3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                  4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                  5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                  6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                  7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                  8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                  9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                  10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                  11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                  12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                  13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                  14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                  15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                  16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                  17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                  18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                  19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                  20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                  21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                  22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                  23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                  24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                  25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                  26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                  27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                  28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                  29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                  30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                  31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                  32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                  33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                  34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                  35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                  36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                  37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                  38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                  39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                  40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                  41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                  42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                  43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                  44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                  45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                  46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                  47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                  48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                  49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                  50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                  51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                  52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                  53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                  Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (44)


                    1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                    2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                    3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                    4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                    5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                    6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                    7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                    8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                    9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                    10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                    11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                    12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                    13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                    14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                    15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                    16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                    17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                    18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                    19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                    20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                    21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                    22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                    23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                    24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                    25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                    26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                    27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                    28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                    29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                    30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                    31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                    32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                    33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                    34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                    35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                    36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                    37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                    38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                    39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                    40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                    41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                    42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                    43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                    44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                    45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                    46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                    47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                    48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                    49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                    50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                    51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                    52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                    53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                    Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (45)
                    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                    Nina: Everything else was taken.


                      1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                      2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                      3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                      4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                      5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                      6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                      7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                      8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                      9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                      10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                      11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                      12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                      13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                      14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                      15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                      16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                      17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                      18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                      19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                      20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                      21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                      22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                      23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                      24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                      25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                      26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                      27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                      28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                      29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                      30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                      31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                      32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                      33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                      34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                      35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                      36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                      37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                      38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                      39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                      40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                      41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                      42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                      43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                      44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                      45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                      46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                      47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                      48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                      49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                      50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                      51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                      52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                      53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                      Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (46)


                        1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                        2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                        3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                        4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                        5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                        6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                        7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                        8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                        9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                        10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                        11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                        12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                        13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                        14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                        15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                        16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                        17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                        18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                        19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                        20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                        21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                        22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                        23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                        24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                        25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                        26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                        27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                        28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                        29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                        30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                        31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                        32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                        33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                        34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                        35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                        36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                        37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                        38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                        39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                        40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                        41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                        42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                        43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                        44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                        45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                        46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                        47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                        48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                        49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                        50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                        51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                        52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                        53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                        Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (47)


                          1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                          2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                          3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                          4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                          5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                          6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                          7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                          8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                          9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                          10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                          11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                          12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                          13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                          14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                          15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                          16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                          17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                          18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                          19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                          20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                          21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                          22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                          23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                          24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                          25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                          26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                          27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                          28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                          29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                          30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                          31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                          32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                          33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                          34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                          35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                          36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                          37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                          38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                          39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                          40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                          41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                          42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                          43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                          44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                          45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                          46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                          47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                          48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                          49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                          50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                          51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                          52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                          53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                          Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (48)
                          Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                          Nina: Everything else was taken.


                            1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                            2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                            3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                            4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                            5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                            6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                            7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                            8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                            9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                            10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                            11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                            12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                            13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                            14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                            15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                            16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                            17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                            18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                            19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                            20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                            21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                            22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                            23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                            24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                            25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                            26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                            27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                            28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                            29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                            30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                            31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                            32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                            33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                            34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                            35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                            36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                            37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                            38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                            39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                            40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                            41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                            42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                            43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                            44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                            45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                            46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                            47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                            48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                            49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                            50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                            51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                            52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                            53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)

                            Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (49)


                              1st place: Jack convinces Teal'c to help him save the prisoners in Children of the Gods (50)
                              2nd place: Wild Horses scene in the gateroom in Message in a Bottle (50)
                              3rd place: Jack and Teal'c test pilot the modified glider in 'Tangent' (50)
                              4th place: Teal'c picks up Jack from the infirmary floor in Crystal Skull. (50)
                              5th place: Jack:"Hi Lucy, I'm hooome! /Teal'c: I am not Lucy" in Broca Divide (50)
                              6th place: Practicing their golf swings through the gate. "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                              7th place: Jack & Teal'c body swapping in Holiday (50)
                              8th place: Jack and Teal'c in the cargo bay in Lost City 2 (50)
                              9th place: Jack says to Teal'c "what's with the hair?" 'New Order' (50)
                              10th place: Teal'c calling Jack "Underling" when they reviewed Apophis' young troops in the secret military camp in Rules Of Engagement (50)
                              11th place: Jack teaching Teal'c the art of boxing, "C'mon Teal'c, you've got to bend your cozars" "The Fifth Race" (50)
                              12th place: The ping-pong game in Sacrifices (50)
                              13th place: Invisible!Jack and Teal'c."You are quite transparent, O'Neill" in 200 (50)
                              14th place: Jack: We've been in worse situations than this. Teal'c: Not to my knowledge. The Serpent's Lair (50)
                              15th place: Jack tries to explain black holes to Teal'c in Singularity (50)
                              16th place: Jack on Teal'c digging himself out to get to Jack: "Teal'c, you are one stubborn sob!" - A Hundred Days (50)
                              17th place: Jack: "Say something..." Teal'c: "One small step for Jaffa..." Jack: "Very nice." - Nemesis Part 1 (50)
                              18th place: Jack and Teal'c juggling in "Window of Opportunity" (50)
                              19th place: Teal'c getting a little possessive over his B&J ice cream when Jack wanted to swap pots in Unnatural Selection (50)
                              20th place: Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello." Jack: (Throwing the phone to Teal'c) "Call Daniel." Ascension. (50)
                              21st place: Jack and Teal'c must hold hands to walk through the wall in Between Two Fires (50)
                              22nd place: Jack giving "Murray" his spare pocket change to keep the ripple bed going in Point Of No Return (50)
                              23rd place: Teal'c: "There is little to say, O'Neill. We have fought and won many battles together. It has been an honour to serve the Tau'ri by your side. We are brothers." in Tangent (50)
                              24th place: Jack: "Sweet. Pass 'em out. What do you call it?" Teal'c: "Zat'nik'tel." Jack: "Right. Let's call it a Zat Gun." in Within the Serpent's Grasp (50)
                              25th place: Jack refuses to leave Teal'c in the cave in Thor's Hammer (50)
                              26th place: Jack: Way to go, Junior! as Teal'c raises from the dead in Demons (50)
                              27th place: Jack: "Can we focus on this one case for now, please?" Teal'c: "This case represents the many." in Cor-Ai. (50)
                              28th place: Jack keeps Teal'c from being sucked into space and fixing his jacket afterwards in Prometheus. (50)
                              29th place: Jack tells Teal'c he was saved from the gate by a Goa'uld at the end of 48 hours (50)
                              30th place: The scene in Foothold where Jack goes to rescue Teal'c. O'NEILL: "You will come with me." TEAL'C: "I will submit to no further experiments." O'NEILL: "Oh but you will." Teal'c looks up and Jack raises an eyebrow. (50)
                              31st place: Nemesis: When Carter transports Teal'c back into Thor's ship after his oxygen tank is ruptured, Jack orders him to breathe and when Teal'c does, Jack says that's following orders. (50)
                              32nd place: The death glider scene in Exodus where Jack and Teal'c go after Tanith down to the planet. (50)
                              33rd place: The scene in Foothold after Jack rescues Teal'c and they go after the aliens: JACK: "Sure you're up to this?" TEAL'C: "As always." O'NEILL: "You're an animal." (50)
                              34th place - In Space Race when O'Neill says to Teal'c "How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys." (50)
                              35th place - The whole commissary scene in Redemption, Part 1 where Jack and Teal'c talk about the possibility of Jonas joining SG-1. Teal'c (while eating a HUGE plate of food): "Have you considered Jonas Quinn?" Jack: "Now I know you have been practicing, but I still can't that a joke?" (50)
                              36th place - The scene in Within the Serpent's Grasp when Teal'c tries to warn O'Neill about extreme deceleration and fails (50)
                              37th place - TEAL'C: "This does not seem wise, O'Neill!" JACK: "I said it was easy... not wise!" exchange before they jump from the plane in "Watergate" (50)
                              38th place - TEAL'C Forgive me, O'Neill. I should have—O'NEILL (Interrupts) No, there's nothing to forgive. You're still twice as strong as I'll ever be and you've got two good knees. TEAL'C-Then the answer to your question is no. I do not feel that I am fit for duty. O'NEILL-Okay. I can accept that—for now. - Orpheus (50)
                              39th place - The goodbye scene in Lost City Part 1-Jack: "So T, if I don't see you again..." Teal'c: "I will see you soon O'Neill." Jack: "You know something I don't?" Teal'c: "In fact it is you who knows something I do not." Jack: "I hope you're right." (Teal’c holds out his hand to do a Jaffa hand shake, Jack pulls him into a hug) (50)
                              40th place - The scene in Window of Opportunity: O'NEILL: You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time. TEAL'C: You are not the only one who must endure some discomfort, O'Neill. And then it shows Teal'c getting knocked by the airman with the door. (50)
                              41st place The scene in The Other Guys where Jack and Teal'c discuss hockey and lunch (50)
                              42nd place - Urgo - In the briefing room when Jack has poured coffee for himself and Daniel and puts the carafe of coffee on the table and Teal'c picks it up and drinks the entire jug of extremely hot coffee. (50)
                              43rd place - Teal'c: Old stories say Unas had great regenerative powers. But those are tales told to frighten children. It is a myth. Jack: Ah. Teal'c: It was dead. Jack: That's good. Teal'c: I believe. Jack: You believe? Teal'c: I am certain. Jack: Positive? Teal'c: I am. Jack: Just a myth. Teal'c: A myth. Jack: Good. - Thor's Hammer (50)
                              44th place - Allegiance: The scene where Teal'c is choking Malek after Bra'tac is lost and Jack half-heartedly says "Teal'c stop." (50)
                              45th place - Grace - The locker room scene after they've come back from the umpteenth trip looking for Sam and the Prometheus, and Teal'c tells Jack that Sam had similar "feelings" of despair when Jack had been lost in "Paradise Lost". (50)
                              46th place - Fragile Balance - TEAL'C: "You have been cloned, O'Neill! (50)
                              47th place - Upgrades - Jack punches Teal'c knocks him out. When they're in the infirmary, Frasier asks him if he's ok and Jack say's he's 'sorry'. Teal'c responds with 'You are not'. (50)
                              48th place - Avatar - Teal'c's heart stops after too many repeats in the VR machine and the doctor plunges a needle (adrenaline?) right into his heart while Jack watches. Jack is horrified and says "I didn't want to see that!" (50)
                              49th place - (2.07 Message in a Bottle) - Teal'c refusing to leave Jack's side as the virus in his system gets worse. (50)
                              50th Place - The Curse - Jack fishing while Teal'c looks on in dismay (and smooshing mosquitos) (50)
                              51st Place - (1.11 - Torment of Tantalus) After the DHD drops into the ocean. O'NEILL: Okay, what to we have and what do we need? TEAL'C: We need the dial home device. O'NEILL: Thank you Teal'c. (50)
                              52nd Place - Crossroads - Jack continually bemoaning, after Shaun'ac tells him that is how she knows of him, that he's Teal'c's 'apprentice' and Teal'c's answering expressions. (50)
                              53nd Place - Deadman Switch - Teal'c warns Jack that the cave is protected by a "Tak". Jack "Tak'ni'katel?" Teal'c "Takunitagaminituron" (pause and shrug) "Tak". (50)
                              54th Place - Cor-Ai - O'NEILL: Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead. TEAL'C: You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That is why you asked me not to speak. (50)

