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Favorite Jack / Daniel moment (all seasons)

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    1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
    2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
    3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
    4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
    5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
    6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
    7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
    8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
    9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
    10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
    11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
    12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
    13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
    14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
    15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
    16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
    17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
    18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
    19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
    20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
    21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
    22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
    23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
    24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
    25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
    26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
    27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
    28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
    29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
    30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
    31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
    32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
    33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
    34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
    35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
    36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
    37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
    38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
    39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
    40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
    41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
    42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
    43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
    44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
    45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
    46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
    47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
    48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
    49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
    50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
    51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
    52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
    53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
    54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
    55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
    56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
    57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
    58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
    59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
    60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
    61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
    62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
    63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
    64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
    65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
    66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
    67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
    68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
    69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
    70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

    (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (41)


      1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
      2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
      3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
      4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
      5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
      6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
      7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
      8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
      9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
      10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
      11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
      12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
      13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
      14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
      15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
      16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
      17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
      18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
      19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
      20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
      21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
      22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
      23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
      24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
      25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
      26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
      27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
      28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
      29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
      30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
      31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
      32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
      33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
      34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
      35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
      36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
      37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
      38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
      39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
      40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
      41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
      42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
      43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
      44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
      45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
      46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
      47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
      48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
      49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
      50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
      51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
      52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
      53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
      54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
      55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
      56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
      57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
      58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
      59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
      60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
      61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
      62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
      63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
      64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
      65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
      66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
      67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
      68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
      69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
      70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

      (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (42)


        1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
        2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
        3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
        4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
        5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
        6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
        7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
        8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
        9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
        10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
        11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
        12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
        13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
        14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
        15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
        16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
        17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
        18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
        19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
        20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
        21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
        22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
        23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
        24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
        25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
        26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
        27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
        28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
        29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
        30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
        31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
        32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
        33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
        34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
        35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
        36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
        37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
        38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
        39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
        40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
        41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
        42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
        43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
        44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
        45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
        46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
        47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
        48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
        49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
        50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
        51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
        52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
        53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
        54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
        55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
        56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
        57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
        58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
        59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
        60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
        61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
        62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
        63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
        64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
        65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
        66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
        67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
        68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
        69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
        70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

        (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (43)
        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
        Nina: Everything else was taken.


          1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
          2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
          3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
          4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
          5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
          6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
          7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
          8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
          9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
          10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
          11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
          12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
          13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
          14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
          15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
          16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
          17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
          18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
          19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
          20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
          21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
          22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
          23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
          24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
          25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
          26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
          27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
          28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
          29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
          30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
          31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
          32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
          33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
          34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
          35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
          36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
          37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
          38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
          39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
          40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
          41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
          42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
          43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
          44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
          45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
          46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
          47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
          48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
          49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
          50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
          51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
          52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
          53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
          54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
          55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
          56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
          57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
          58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
          59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
          60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
          61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
          62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
          63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
          64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
          65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
          66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
          67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
          68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
          69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
          70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

          (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (44)


            1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
            2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
            3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
            4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
            5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
            6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
            7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
            8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
            9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
            10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
            11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
            12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
            13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
            14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
            15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
            16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
            17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
            18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
            19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
            20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
            21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
            22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
            23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
            24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
            25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
            26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
            27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
            28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
            29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
            30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
            31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
            32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
            33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
            34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
            35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
            36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
            37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
            38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
            39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
            40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
            41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
            42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
            43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
            44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
            45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
            46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
            47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
            48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
            49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
            50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
            51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
            52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
            53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
            54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
            55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
            56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
            57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
            58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
            59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
            60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
            61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
            62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
            63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
            64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
            65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
            66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
            67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
            68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
            69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
            70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

            (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (45)


              1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
              2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
              3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
              4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
              5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
              6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
              7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
              8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
              9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
              10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
              11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
              12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
              13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
              14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
              15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
              16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
              17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
              18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
              19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
              20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
              21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
              22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
              23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
              24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
              25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
              26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
              27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
              28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
              29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
              30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
              31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
              32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
              33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
              34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
              35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
              36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
              37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
              38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
              39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
              40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
              41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
              42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
              43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
              44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
              45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
              46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
              47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
              48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
              49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
              50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
              51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
              52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
              53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
              54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
              55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
              56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
              57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
              58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
              59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
              60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
              61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
              62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
              63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
              64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
              65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
              66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
              67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
              68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
              69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
              70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

              (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (46)
              Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
              Nina: Everything else was taken.


                1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
                2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
                3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
                4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
                5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
                6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
                7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
                8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
                10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
                11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
                12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
                13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
                14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
                15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
                16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
                17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
                19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
                20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
                21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
                22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
                23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
                24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
                25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
                26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
                27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
                28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
                29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
                30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
                31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
                32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
                33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
                34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
                35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
                36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
                37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
                38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
                39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
                40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
                41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
                42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
                43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
                44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
                45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
                46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
                47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
                48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
                49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
                50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
                51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
                52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
                53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
                54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
                55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
                56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
                57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
                58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
                59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
                60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
                61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
                62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
                63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
                64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
                65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
                66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
                67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
                68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
                69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
                70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

                (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (47)


                  1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
                  2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
                  3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
                  4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
                  5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
                  6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
                  7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
                  8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                  9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
                  10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
                  11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
                  12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
                  13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
                  14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
                  15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
                  16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
                  17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                  18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
                  19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
                  20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
                  21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
                  22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
                  23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
                  24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
                  25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
                  26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
                  27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
                  28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
                  29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
                  30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
                  31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
                  32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
                  33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
                  34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
                  35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
                  36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
                  37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
                  38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
                  39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
                  40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
                  41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
                  42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
                  43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
                  44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
                  45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
                  46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
                  47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
                  48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
                  49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
                  50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
                  51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
                  52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
                  53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
                  54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
                  55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
                  56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
                  57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
                  58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
                  59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
                  60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
                  61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
                  62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
                  63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
                  64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
                  65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
                  66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
                  67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
                  68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
                  69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
                  70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

                  (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (48)


                    1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
                    2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
                    3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
                    4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
                    5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
                    6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
                    7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
                    8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                    9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
                    10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
                    11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
                    12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
                    13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
                    14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
                    15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
                    16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
                    17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                    18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
                    19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
                    20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
                    21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
                    22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
                    23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
                    24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
                    25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
                    26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
                    27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
                    28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
                    29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
                    30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
                    31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
                    32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
                    33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
                    34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
                    35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
                    36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
                    37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
                    38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
                    39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
                    40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
                    41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
                    42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
                    43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
                    44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
                    45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
                    46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
                    47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
                    48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
                    49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
                    50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
                    51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
                    52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
                    53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
                    54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
                    55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
                    56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
                    57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
                    58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
                    59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
                    60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
                    61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
                    62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
                    63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
                    64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
                    65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
                    66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
                    67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
                    68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)
                    69th Place: (3.06 Point of View) - Daniel and Jack discussing the meaning of 'Kree'. (50)
                    70th Place: (1.11) - DANIEL: There's no conclusion to the file. There's no summary; no notes. No reason to explain why they gave up. O'NEILL: Well, whole boxes of material could be missing. DANIEL: No, the Pentagon said this was everything. O'NEILL: Oh, please. The Pentagon's lost entire countries. (50)

                    (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (49)


                      1st Place: The scene from Abyss where Jack and Daniel argue and Daniel says he can ascend and Jack says that's where you are wrong. (50)
                      2nd Place: Jack sends the box of Tissues through the stargate letting Daniel know it's him trying to make contact, Children of the Gods (50)
                      3rd Place: Daniel trying to convince Jack it's still him "When have I ever let you down, scratch that when have I ever let you down when it really matters" Scene from 'The Shroud' (50)
                      4th Place: Storage-room scene and hug between them, near the end of Need (50)
                      5th Place: Their argument ending with Daniel's tantrum dance in One False Step (50)
                      6th Place: The infirmary scene at the end of Abyss (50)
                      7th Place: Balcony scene at Daniel's apartment in The Light (50)
                      8th Place: The "Spacemonkey" hug in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                      9th Place: Farewell scene in Meridian (50)
                      10th Place: Daniel (in exasperation): Jack, don't be an ass. Nick(repeats): Jack, don't be an ass. Jack (looking around the room): Daniel? - Crystal Skull (50)
                      11th Place: Jack "What does Kree mean?" Daniel "Many things, pay attention, concentrate" Jack "Yoohoo?" Daniel "Kind of", Point of View (50)
                      12th Place: Daniel returns naked in Threads, Jack helps with flag (50)
                      13th Place: The confrontation at the end of Menace (50)
                      14th Place: Jack: Alright. Describe for me the dress your sister wore last week when I took her out. Daniel: I don't have a sister Jack. And if I did, I wouldn't let you near her. - Holiday (50)
                      15th Place: The scene were Daniel asks 'who shot me?' Jacks shrug and Daniel's hurt expression in "Lockdown" (50)
                      16th Place: The entire elevator scene in "Full Circle" (50)
                      17th Place: Jack has to leave Daniel behind in The Serpent's Lair (50)
                      18th Place: Jack takes Daniel back to his house when he doesn't have anywhere to go in Children of the Gods (50)
                      19th Place: Jack keeps Daniel company and plays chess with him while Daniel slowly goes crazy in 'Legacy'. (50)
                      20th Place: At the briefing room when Jack started speaking ancient and Daniel insists that Jack did say "Cruvus". Daniel: Yes, you Did, Jack: Cruvus, what is that? - "The Fifth Race" (50)
                      21st Place: Jack and Daniel argue about Daniel wanting to go to Atlantis in 'Prometheus Unbound' - "Why don't you just hold your breath. You haven't done that in a while." (50)
                      22nd Place: When in answer to Daniels comment 'I just couldn't get Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at, soâ?¦' Jack, quite deliberately, pushes Daniel's glasses back up his nose with two fingers in Serpent's Venom (50)
                      23rd Place: 'No no no no no!' Jack prevents Daniel from taking the ancients download in Lost City pt1 (50)
                      24th Place: Shades of Grey: Jack reassuring Daniel that their whole friendship thing is solid, and how he appreciated the visit (50)
                      25th Place: When Jack removes Daniel's glasses for him in Prisoners (50)
                      26th Place: Daniel refuses to leave Jack - 'The Fifth Race' (50)
                      27th Place: Jack bounding up the ramp and saying "You did good Daniel!" after Lya leaves with the Tollan in Enigma (50)
                      28th Place: Daniel: "Where are we going?" Jack: "Back through the 'gate to show them what their planet looks like... in our memories... before the virtual reality... leave me alone." The Gamekeeper. (50)
                      29th Place: Jack and Daniel find something to do by tossing a ball to each other on the Ha'tak. - Enemies (50)
                      30th place: Jack tells Daniel "You never cease to amaze me with all your talents" after Daniel delivers the baby in Brief Candle (50)
                      31st place: Jack tells Daniel to "go to his happy place" - Enemy Mine (50)
                      32nd place: Daniel and Jack's talk about memory, Daniel: What did you do in the mines? Jack: I mined. - Beneath The Surface (50)
                      33rd place: Jack puts his face in his hands and suddenly looks up and angrily tells Sam "Find it" about radio signals to reach Daniel - Icon (50)
                      34th place: The Jack's bathroom/Daniel's office telephone call at the beginning of Full Circle (50)
                      35th place: Daniel: "Anyway I'm sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Jack: "Ask me tomorrow." - Window of Opportunity (50)
                      36th place - "Bomb ?" Bomb!" exchange in "Seth" (50)
                      37th place - O'Neill: "You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died." Daniel: "I'm dead?" O'Neill: "Obviously not..." - Fallen (50)
                      38th place - O'Neill speaking to Daniel - "Daniel PLEASE tell me you aren't on that ship!" Daniel - "Okay..I'm not on the ship" from Scorched Earth (50)
                      39th place - O'Neill speaking to Jonas: "I'm not gonna let you tarnish his (Daniel's) name. See, I don't care what that stuff is worth, to anyone. My government will admit Daniel is guilty over my dead body." - Meridian (50)
                      40th place - Their conversation in the infirmary after Daniel has his appendix out - Nemesis (50)
                      41st place- Jack's apology to Daniel and telling him to "ask questions" in The Other Side (50)
                      42nd place - The argument between Jack and Daniel about giving technology to Alar's people in The Other Side (50)
                      43rd place - In Absolute Power, when Jack tries to shoot Daniel and can't because of a force field. DANIEL: Don't you think it was strange you got through security with a loaded gun? JACK: A little. DANIEL: You never were that bright. JACK: No. (50)
                      44th place- The opening scene in Sacrifices where Daniel is prattling on and Jack looks confused, Jack asks what was my question and Daniel replies how's it going? (50)
                      45th place- The scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack tells Daniel that Anise/Freya made a pass at him and that the snake likes Daniel (while Jack plays with a yo-yo) (50)
                      46th place - The tunnel scene in Seth that ends with Seth drugging them with nishta and ends with Jack saying "so help me if I end up singing soprano" (50)
                      47th place - The telephone conversation in Proving Ground (with WoO theme in the background)-DANIEL: "Hello."JACK: "Have fun Daniel." DANIEL: "Yeah, you did tell them to take me prisoner this time and not shoot me, right? Right?" Jack just puts the phone down. DANIEL: "Hello?" (50)
                      48th place - The cafeteria scene in the beginning of Lost City, part 2 (50)
                      49th place - Full Circle - O'Neill: Are you going to kick his ass. Daniel: If I have to. O'Neill: Can you? Daniel: We'll see. (50)
                      50th place - The hallway scene in Window of Opportunity where Daniel keeps getting run into by Siler...and Jack lets it happen. (50)
                      51st place - At the beginning of Small Victories when Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c arrive through the new stargate, Daniel reaches out to touch Teal'cs little goatee and Jack says "don't touch that" (50)
                      52nd place - Spirits in the infirmary. O'NEILL: How do I know you're really Daniel? DANIEL: Because. O'NEILL: Yeah, OK. (50)
                      53rd place - 1969: In the cell when Daniel answers the security guard's questions in Russian and Jack just looks at him and says "Nyet" as he is taken from the cell for interrogation. (50)
                      54th place - Upgrades: Jack picks up a book and reads it in a matter of seconds. Daniel stares at him amazed. DANIEL: Did you just read that? O'NEILL: I guess. I don't suppose there's another book around that explains this book. DANIEL: What reason did Hobbs give for the fall of the civilization? O'NEILL: Failing agricultural infrastructure. DANIEL: Jack, that's unbelievable! O'NEILL: Hey, it's just theory. [Daniel attempts to read a book fast but is unable. He becomes frustrated and stops] O'NEILL: Want me to read it to you? (50)
                      55th place - In Moebius 1: Jack is in the briefing room, very bored, listening to Ballinsky talk about the properties of rocks spread out on the table; Daniel comes running in to interrupt about something he found in Catherine's personal effects, and Jack jumps up, grabs Daniel and insists he "MUST" interrupt! (50)
                      56th place - In Icon, after Daniel argues and begs to be allowed to go back to the planet: O’NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly... DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.) O’NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a finger.) Squirly. DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly. (50)
                      57th place - Hathor: Daniel: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity, and music." Jack: "Sex, drugs, and Rock 'N Roll?" (50)
                      58th place - In Small Victories: When O'Neill tells Daniel to blow the sub before he gets eaten alive by replicators and Daniel hesitates (50)
                      59th place - Emancipation: DANIEL: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario? O'NEILL: I practice. (50)
                      60th place - Moebius 1 - Catherine's belongings have been delivered to Daniel at the SGC and Jack is watching stuff being carted into Daniel's lab when Daniel shows up and Jack asks if he's been doing a little online shopping, and Daniel's reaction when he sees what's been delivered is "Holy Buckets!" (50)
                      61th place - Lost City - Jack is shaving when Daniel calls; they talk and are about to hang up when Jack asks him for a word for his crossword puzzle. Daniel says he promised Sam he wouldn't help Jack, and Jack says "well, then this will be the one thing she doesn't know"! (50)
                      62nd place - Space Race: Jack and Daniel talking to the receptionist when they go looking for a missing Teal'c. (50)
                      63rd place - Homecoming: Daniel is stuck in Anubis' ship above Kelowna. Jack contacts him from the planet. Daniel: "I've just got a...couple of problems." Jack: "Like what?" Daniel: I'm a little lost at the moment. And I've only got three hours left before I'm visible to the ship's sensors." Jack: "So, business as usual then, huh?" Daniel: "I don't know. Is it?" Jack: "Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time." (50)
                      64th place - In Proving Ground in the first scene where Daniel is pretending to be a Goa'uld for the training scenario. DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Aren't you being a little hard on 'em?" JACK: "Would you turn that thing off?" DANIEL(in Goa'uld voice): "Sorry." (50)
                      65th place -Thor's Chariot - SG1 has been taken prisoner by the Jaffa and are walking down the path toward the pyramid, and Daniel is talking about how some cultures think "this would be a good day to die", and Jack turns around and smacks him on the shoulder at the notion. (50)
                      66th place- Broca Divide - When Jack is telling Daniel that Sam attacked him. DANIEL- What, she start a fight with you like Johnson did with Teal'c? O'NEILL- No, she uh, she tried to seduce me. DANIEL - Oh. You poor man. (50)
                      67th place -Children of the Gods - The conversation Jack and Daniel had about Sara- JACK: "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn't forget." DANIEL: "And what about you?" JACK:" I'm the opposite. I'll never forgive myself. But sometimes I can forget. Sometimes." (50)
                      68th place - Maternal Instinct - O'NEILL- Is the boy here or not? DANIEL- I think so. O'NEILL- 'Cause every minute we stay here we're risking our necks. DANIEL -I know that. O'NEILL- So please understand I'm on the verge of ordering a complete search of this place with or without his co-operation. DANIEL-You can't do that. O'NEILL-You're confused Daniel, I can. So far, I haven't. (50)

                      71st Place: (Serpents Lair 2.01) - O'NEILL: Daniel! Oh, dammit! DANIEL: I'll be dead anyway. Just get out of here! O'NEILL: I am not leaving you here, Daniel. DANIEL: Get out of here! You're just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make? Go! Just go! I'll stay—and watch your back. O'Neill gently touches Daniel's cheek, then leaves. (50)

