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Stargate SG-1 - The Ultimate Tournament

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    ok make your pick I am willing to trade Fifth Man for New Order 2 make your argument cuz the other 3 I love so make it good cuz I will edit and change my vote.
    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


      Group 6

      New Order, part 2
      Ripple Effect
      The Fifth Man
      There But For the Grace of God



        Group 6

        New Order, Part 2
        Ripple Effect
        There But For the Grace of God
        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


          Group 6

          New Order, part 2
          Ripple Effect
          There But For the Grace of God

          The center of Khlysty surrounds me


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

            Group 6

            New Order, part 2 <- begging for this one, the creation of RepliCarter... come on we all know we like her
            I'm voting it for : "Who's your daddy !!! " and the slight wiggle he did
   : lilferret


              New Order, part 2 - 16
              There But For the Grace of God - 15
              Ripple Effect - 14
              Singularity - 13

              The Fifth Man - 11
              Urgo - 8
              Pretense - 3

              Group 7

              Absolute Power
              Children of the Gods, part 2
              Divide and Conquer
              Fail Safe
              Heroes, part 1
              Last Stand
              Message in a Bottle

              My votes:

              Absolute Power
              Children of the Gods, part 2
              Divide and Conquer
              Last Stand

              Get voting!

              Stargate SG-1 Survivor - Season 2

              Gateworld's Next Top Artist (NEW!)

              B'elanna: This ship will not survive the formation of the cosmos...


                Group 7

                Absolute Power
                Children of the Gods, part 2
                Fail Safe
                Heroes, part 1
                IMO always implied.


                  Group 7

                  Absolute Power
                  Children of the Gods, part 2
                  Heroes, part 1
                  Last Stand

                  I need help. I need to choose between Divide and Conquer and Heroes, Part 1

                  Edit Heroes, part 1 got more support
                  Last edited by poundpuppy29; 25 October 2007, 06:45 AM.
                  My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                  poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                    Group 7

                    Absolute Power
                    Children of the Gods, part 2
                    Divide and Conquer
                    Heroes, part 1
                    Last Stand

                    I need help. I need to choose between Divide and Conquer and Heroes, Part 1
                    Well, one of those is my all time most hated episode. I think maybe I better keep my mouth shut as to which one. (Not that you won't be able to figure it out in a second )


                    Absolute Power
                    Fail Safe
                    Heroes, part 1
                    Last Stand


                      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                      I need help. I need to choose between Divide and Conquer and Heroes, Part 1
                      Well that's a pretty easy choice on my part - go with D & C.

                      LJade - thanks for the poke , but i feel back down to earth with the last 2 rounds.

                      Once again Celsius throws in all fairly good eps for this round. I wouldn't have a problem with any of them getting in but since only 4 can, then Heroes is getting thrown out and D & C is getting voted for. Now I just have to pick 3 out of the remaining 5.

                      To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                      From the wonderful XKCD site


                        Group 7

                        Absolute Power
                        Children of the Gods, part 2
                        Heroes, part 1
                        Message in a Bottle
                        Where it all began.


                        "It’s not DOOR to HEAVEN. The proper translation is…STARGATE." Daniel Jackson

                        "What the hell is that?" Daniel Jackson

                        "Your “Star Gate.” " Catherine Langford

                        Stargate (Movie)


                          Yay! Urgo is gone! Boo! So is The Fifth Man....

                          Group 7

                          Fail Safe
                          Heroes, part 1
                          Last Stand
                          Message in a Bottle

                          Hands down, Heroes Part 1. Here's why (spoilered for space):

                          BALINSKY: The malp showed no indication of any recent Goa'uld activity on this planet.

                          DIXON: Yeah, well -- I don't see any indication of anything here.

                          BALINSKY: Take the usual bet on that sir.

                          DIXON: Sure. Wells?

                          WELLS: Ah ... abandoned naquada mine.

                          DIXON: Boring. Good odds. Bosworth?

                          BOSWORTH: I'm going to put my money on trees sir.

                          DIXON: Bosworth's disqualified for being a smartass. I'll go with two headed aliens.

                          WELLS: Hostile or friendly sir?

                          DIXON: One head good, one head bad. Balinsky?

                          BALINSKY: Oh ... ruins of an ancient city.

                          DIXON: Yeah, you wish.

                          SCENE: Still offworld, SG-13 walk by some trees.

                          DIXON: Yeah, all night screaming, projectile vomiting, nuclear diapers. You have no idea. The reason they make them so damn cute is so you won't smother them in their sleep.

                          WELLS: Sir, you have four kids.

                          DIXON: Yeah, why do you think I love my job so much? Don't get me wrong I love the little buggers to death but trust me, having four kids makes going through the Stargate and facing off alien bad guys look like nothing. This is relaxing.

                          WELLS: Then why'd you have four?

                          DIXON: Well, ones pretty bad but you figure you got to have two so the little guy can have a brother or sister right? Then you have two boys and the wife says she wants a girl, so you figure hell three can't be much worse than two right? But you don't relise your brain is fried because you haven't slept and after three, four is no big deal so then you're so deep in that nothing seems to matter anymore. Its chaos. You just try to make it through each day alive. In the end you spend all the energy you have left trying to get them into bed, only to lay awake praying they don't get hooked on drugs, hurt, or worse, wind up dead in an alley some where.

                          WELLS: Can't wait, sir.

                          DIXON: Ah miracle of birth my ass, I'll tell you what a miracle is birth control that works.

                          SCENE: SG-13 walk into a clearing.

                          DIXON: Well, I'll be damned. *we get a shot of an ancient city*

                          BALINSKY: I win.


                          Balinsky is looking at the writing and making notes, Dixon walks up behind.

                          DIXON: How long?

                          BALINSKY: I don't know. why we just got here ...

                          DIXON: An hour ago.

                          BALINSKY: Well, I need more time, look at this place, I mean it's incredible.

                          DIXON: Yeah, you seen one crumbled city ...

                          BALINSKY: Sir. This place was built by the ancients.

                          DIXON: You sure?

                          BALINSKY: Yes these markings, this stone and architecture ... oh Dr. Jackson is going to die when he sees this.

                          DIXON: What, again?

                          BALINSKY: Funny. Oh *grabs his stuff runs off.*

                          DIXON: Don't go far.

                          Dixon heads over to the other guys who are sat on the floor, Bosworth's looking at a scan of Wells' unborn child.

                          BOSWORTH: It looks like an alien.

                          WELLS: Shut up.

                          BOSWORTH: Yeah, remember that thing we ran into on P2X-787?

                          WELLS: Get lost.

                          BOSWORTH: Yeah ... See that thing was easy on the eyes by comparison.

                          DIXON: *grabs pic* Let me see, that's pretty scary wells.

                          WELLS: That's my unborn son sir.

                          DIXON: How can you tell? *Wells points at image* I don't know Wells; I wouldn't paint the room blue just yet.
                          Last edited by warmbeachbrat; 24 October 2007, 08:59 PM.

                          I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                          Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                            Round 3, Group 7

                            Absolute Power
                            Children of the Gods, part 2
                            Heroes, part 1
                            Message in a Bottle


                              Those part are funny WBB, but I can never forgive them for killing Janet

                              Group 7

                              Divide and Conquer
                              Fail Safe
                              Last Stand
                              Message in a Bottle
                     : lilferret


                                That's in Heroes Part 2....

                                I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                                Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:

