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Oh My God, They Killed Daniel!

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    ok i'll try

    *alien temple*
    this is really fascanating, i mean the dialect is a varient of....
    ahhhh, danial stop, really, i'll leave you to it, have fun
    *jack goes and sits by carter*
    daniels having fun
    hmmm whats this *picks up alien artefact)
    jack you shouldn't really touch anything,
    whats the worst that can happen, *presses button on artefact*
    *danial silently implodes behind them*
    *shakes artefact, oblivious to what happened* i think its broken
    *daniel descends*
    *pressed button again*
    not again *implodes*
    see sam, nothing happenned
    *danial descends*
    *jack presses button*
    *turns around* o mg your repeatedly killing danial
    you bas***d
    really, cool, it does work


      Originally posted by Planetary_Alliance
      but we dont know whats funny
      For crying out loud, stop being such a drama queen and have fun! That's what this thread is for!

      Jesserella, that's hilarious. ^__^ Good job!


        * are having a fight*
        im the bestest
        no i am
        i am
        i am
        no i am

        you ba*s*Ard*
        you killed daniel



          Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
          For crying out loud, stop being such a drama queen and have fun! That's what this thread is for!

          Jesserella, that's hilarious. ^__^ Good job!
          I am just kidding



            Originally posted by Planetary_Alliance
            * are having a fight*
            im the bestest
            no i am
            i am
            i am
            no i am

            you ba*s*Ard*
            you killed daniel
            See? That's funny. Good work. Keep it up!


              hey guys i know its a bit sudden but i've decided on a career change, i'm joining the circus, i hope you'll all come to my first performance
              uh, ok dan

              *at the circus*
              *daniel swings on the trapize, slips, but lands safely*
              omg the trapeze almost killed daniel
              *daniel fends off a lion with a chair, he drops the chair, but the lion decides its not hungry*
              omg that lion almost killed daniel
              what exactly is the point of a circus
              who invited you?

              *at the end of the circus they all walk out and congradulate daniel
              i think i've finally found my calling
              * daniel trips on a peg and the whole circus callapses on top of him*
              omg the circus finally killed daniel
              (to daniel) you broke the circus you bar****d


                Nice jess

                GWRPG CHARACTERS


                  LOL, indeed.


                    i quit
                    ok but you know we cant let you leave with what you know
                    i know what to do
                    *dream sequecne*
                    we send him throught the stargateto the wraith
                    you didnt kill daniel
                    no i killed you
                    you B*s*a*d
                    you killed rodney
                    i go it
                    you bas**rd
                    you killed daniel

                    GWRPG CHARACTERS


                      OK so its not my best ever

                      GWRPG CHARACTERS


                        i still like it, lol, its getting harder to think of ones


                          * steve the wraith was minding his own buisness, just feeding of a few humans when suddenly the stargate activates
                          what a suprise
                          well lets kick there buts

                          * steve managed to get away but ronan singed his jacket and we all know how much steve likes his jacket, so now steve is mad*
                          i'm a genius. go on you can say it, i made a ship that can get to earth in one day
                          * steve hides abourd ship, finds nice quarters filled with old boreing artefacts*
                          hey is someone there
                          exelent a snack for the journey
                          honestly i don't taste very good
                          *wraith feeds on daniel*
                          omg steve the wraith killed daniel, does any of this seem familiar to anyone
                          ask the writers there bar****s

                          so not my best, but oh well


                            i'm sorry i have to bring back the ducks

                            * there once was an ugly duckling, it swam sadly down the river just wanting to be loved*

                            wow (pointing) look at that ugly duck
                            all creatures are beautiful daniel jackson, (teal'c takes the duck home and loves it as though it were his own duck)

                            * three days later a wonderful thing happens, the ugly duck transformes into a beautiful swan, teal'c brings it to the sgc to show everyone*

                            wow teal'c what happened to your duck
                            *duck* call me ugly * duck attackes daniel and pecks him to death*

                            (proudly) omg it killed daniel, its all growed up,
                            it really is a beautiful duck, daniel was a ba****d to call it ugly


                              : i know everything there is to know now
                              : ok then daniel how did the dinusaurs die?
                              : the earth plunged into an ice age
                              : you cant possibly know everything
                              : i know sam played "twister" with jack last season
                              i did not!
                              : yes you did i even have footage
                              : lier *shoots daniel*
                              : crap *dies*
                              : but now we dont know where the evidence is
                              : yeah but now he cant tell anyone

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                *comes in wearing dorothy wig and dress* morning happy campers
                                : *walks in wearing lion suit*morning jack
                                : *comes in covered in tinfoil* indeed
                                : teal'c what are you suppost to be?!
                                : in the spirit of your movie the wizard of oz i am the tinman
                                oh ok then
                                :*walks in with a green face*
                                : *shoots daniel dead*
                                : omg! jack you killed daniel you b*s*ard!
                                : o'neill why did you do that?!
                                : hes the wicked with that tries to kill me so i thaught id get him first
                                : actually guys i think he was just sick
                                : oh well

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

