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Stargate Atlantis Quest

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    It turns out they don't have blue jello, but instead they have green. You're not sure if green jello will cure Dr. Weir and Teyla. Do you:

    A) Take a chance and buy it all
    B) Buy ingredients to make blue jello
    C) Buy a bottle that says "cure for fish with big honkin' teeth bites"
    D) Ignore Dr. Weir and Teyla and go skinny dipping yourself
    E) Trade green jello for a cure to the Wraith
    Gone Fission
    "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day."

    Sig by Chlex


      E. You return to the wraith and sadly tell them that you do not have blue jello, only the green. The wraith take the news rather badly, not only do they destroy the cure but they begin shooting up the place, a stunner hits a crate of green jell owhich explodes throwing Jello everywhere. Some of it goes in the wraith queens mouth, what happens next?

      A. She has a sever allergic reaction and explodes.
      B. She announces that it is better than blue jello and offers you a new deal.
      C. Nothing.



        the Wraith get so upset they decide to eat Teyla and Elizabeth. Do you:

        A. offer Cavanaugh instead
        B. stun them and let them die of hunger unless they come up with a cure
        C. let them


          Definitley A!!!

          The Wraith have better taste than that so as a compromise you offer them:

          A. All the Blue jelly/jello you have plus all the chocolate chip cookies
          B. All the coffee in Atlantis (which upsets Rodney)
          C. All of Rodney's underwear and his stash of sugar!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping



            the coffe makes it so not a single Wraith has to sleep so now they decide to cull every planet in Pegasus. Is their first planet:

            A. Genii homeworld
            B. planet guarded by that ascended woman
            C. planet serving as a refugee camp for those wishing to ascend
            D. Atlantis
            E. Earth



              The first Genii to be eaten/drained is Kolya and he tastes so bad the Wraith start getting sick. It turns out that when one Wriath gets sick they all follow...kinda telepathic. Upon discovering this, do you:

              A. Poison Kavanuagh and feed him to the Wraith so they all get sick
              B. Stand back and watch as they continue devour the Genii and get sicker
              C. Grab a Wraith and try to figure out how it works
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping



                it turns out that one of the Genii is a hok'tau so all the Wraith display weird, hok'tauish powers. Do they use them to:

                A. raid Atlantis
                B. assist the Ori to destroy the Alterans
                C. ascend to a higher plane of existance



                  They try to use their Hoktauish powers to ascend but the Others don't like them very much cos they smell like mouldy socks! The Wraith descend back to the real world and are more hungry than ever before.
                  Do you:

                  A. Cook them a roast for dinner
                  B. Take them out to KFC
                  C. Introduce McDonalds to their diet
                  D. Run away very fast before they eat you!!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping



                    As you look for a mcdonald's it suddently dawns on you that there isn't a mcdonald's in the pegasus galaxy anywhere. But you do spy a mom-n-pop diner up ahead. Do you:

                    A) Take the wraith to the Mom-n-Pop Diner
                    B) Take the wraith to the train station
                    C) Pretend the ship broke down and ask the wraith to go get help
                    D) Have a temper tantrum in the middle of the highway
                    E) Go hind somwone to kiss



                      it turns out the Wraith like this diner, because there's a lot of people here to feed on. Is the first victim:

                      A. the cook
                      B. the waitress
                      C. a customer
                      D. Cavanaugh



                        And thank goodness for that coz he keeps burning the toast!!
                        With no cook, you encourage the Wraith to run the diner..teaching them how to serve, cook food (not people!!) and wait on tables and...clean up.
                        They find this most enjoyable and decide to open up a franchise of Wraith diners. The new diners are known in the Pegasus galaxy as:

                        A. Wraith Diners (very plain and boring!!)
                        B. McWraiths
                        C. PFW...Pegasus Fried Wraith
                        C. Hungry Wraiths
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Erm since there are two Cs...

                          C2. 'Hungry Wraiths' becomes an overnight branch of food places and soon everyone across the galaxy are coming to eat there. Obviously you want a share of the money.

                          Do you:

                          A. Get shares within the company.
                          B. Take over the business and send them packing.
                          C. Kill the Wraith because that would be totally unexpected.



                            the Wraith threaten that if they don't have full control over the company then they'll cull Earth. Do you:

                            A. continue on and hope they're bluffing
                            B. buy stock instead
                            C. blow up the nearest hive ship



                              You continue in the hope the Wraith are bluffing but...they are not!!
                              The Wraith begin their journey to Earth to start culling the population.
                              Before they leave the Pegasus galaxy Sheppard plants some c4 on all the hive ships. They are timed to go off as soon as the ships jump into hyperspace. As Sheppard leaves the last hive ship he finds an ancient device that gives him magical powers that enable him to:

                              A. Become invisible
                              B. See through everything
                              C. Manipulate peoples minds through thought
                              D. Move faster than the speed of sound
                              E. All of the above
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping



                                theirs one problem, it also encases him in a force sheild that's stuck on the hive. Do you:

                                A. try to rescue him even though you can't find him
                                B. let the c4 detonate
                                C. deactivate the c4 and risk the hive making it to Earth

