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things you would not want to hear on the Atlantis intercom

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    Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran
    zelenka: mcay's porn had a virus that crashed the ancient data base.
    McKay (to Zelenka): Your mom's porn had a virus that crashed the antient database...

    (Not intended to offend anyone in any way, shape, or form. I'm just being random. This thread seems to be a good place for that!! )
    My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

    Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


      Zelenka (to his mom): Don't worry Mama... I made a back up, I'll load it onto your laptop right now... *pause* Is that William Shatner? Mama?!? How could you look at such a thing? Ah! Get it away! Away!

      To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


        Originally posted by Ayan
        omg!! roflmao!!!!! you get green for that!
        Thanks! I didn't think it was that great, I was just being random and honestly had no idea what I was typing!
        I love Stargate SG-1!

        The BSG song! LOL. (inside joke-ish)



          your welcome SG147... i actually fell out of my chair laughing....

          Random Wraith: Hello citizens of Atlantis. I am Lucy the Wraith. Yes, I know, I have a girl's name, but it's short for Lucifer. Atleast it's not as bad as McKay. His first name is-
          McKay: -bursts down the door- Stop right there you evil, vial creature, and die!!!! -empties a clip of P-90 into wraith-
          Shep: So yeah. We have a new secret weapon. McKay on rampage. If you happen to learn what his real name is, keep it to yourself, or you'll end up like this poor, defenseless wraith.
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by Ayan
            your welcome SG147... i actually fell out of my chair laughing....

            Random Wraith: Hello citizens of Atlantis. I am Lucy the Wraith. Yes, I know, I have a girl's name, but it's short for Lucifer. Atleast it's not as bad as McKay. His first name is-
            McKay: -bursts down the door- Stop right there you evil, vial creature, and die!!!! -empties a clip of P-90 into wraith-
            Shep: So yeah. We have a new secret weapon. McKay on rampage. If you happen to learn what his real name is, keep it to yourself, or you'll end up like this poor, defenseless wraith.
            LOL thanks!!!
            you shoulda seen my play on other Atlantis eps and some Trekkie stuff! FOCLH! (falling off chair laughing help) I made that up like last week or two weeks ago I don't know, but it suits you! lol.

            and OMG yours is insanely funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I love the fact that McKay's real name is Meredith!
            *glances up from computer*
            No please!
            No no no no!!
            I meant it in a good way!!!
            I love Stargate SG-1!

            The BSG song! LOL. (inside joke-ish)



              Originally posted by chyron
              William Shatner and Teyla singing the Greatest Disco Hits of the 70's Acapella as they take a shower together....."If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on baby let me know..."
              Originally posted by chyron
              Dr. Weir and Bill Clinton singing the greatest duets of Klingon Opera as they take a bubble bath in whip cream... while sitting next them, Rodney clips his toenails
              *Chokes on fish patties and apple sauce from reading these two posts within a minute* ACK!


                Originally posted by Ayan
                Random Wraith: Hello citizens of Atlantis. I am Lucy the Wraith. Yes, I know, I have a girl's name, but it's short for Lucifer. Atleast it's not as bad as McKay. His first name is-
                Sort of a random statement here... but my friend's sister once accused me of being Lucifer.

                To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                  Mcay: Elizibeth can we have a PJ go back so i can grab more cat food?
                  Wier: i dont think your gonna need that...
                  Mcay: why?
                  Wier: Col. Sheppard report to my office.
                  Shep (lower left pier): *to him self* Damn its about the cat I ran over isnt it?
                  Wier: its about the cat you ran over with your skateboard...
                  Mcay: FLUFFY!
                  Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                    Originally posted by Elles View Post
                    Sort of a random statement here... but my friend's sister once accused me of being Lucifer.
                    haha!! that's nothing... at my school my best friend/[( not legaly adopted )] brother is Satan and i'm Lilith, or L for short
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      McKay: Hello this is your captain speaking. Is this thing on? Is this thing on? Mr. Database, warp speed! Top warp! Weapons at maximum! Shields up! Oh my G** this is so cool! the enemy is coming! We are being taken over! To the transporter! Beam me up, Scotty-boy!

                      Beckett: The name's Carson and I'm a doctor not a bloody ship pilot!

                      McKay: Whatever- can't you see I'm trying to have fun here?
                      Ah! My shirt!
                      *gets new one*
                      Ha ha ha I'm invulnerable!!!!
                      Oh cr@p.
                      that was my making fun of Star Trek/other Atlantis episodes one!

                      LOL, I even wrote it into my notebook!
                      I love Stargate SG-1!

                      The BSG song! LOL. (inside joke-ish)



                        when you consider worshipping the Ori, or the Go'auld....


                          Mcays voice: this is the song that never ends... (in the back ground) i've got it on a loop, it'll repeat for ever.
                          Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                            Weir: Who ordered 25 gallons of automotive paint on the program's budget?!
                            Shep: Uh... that would be me....
                            McKay: Why do you need 25 gallons of automotive paint?
                            Shep: I thought I'd do pin stripes on the puddle jumpers....
                            Weir: I so need to give you more missions.....
                            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                              Wier: We have received a message from earth saying their last shipment of spinach was infected with ecoli. But dont be alarmed Mcay will find a cure...
                              Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                                "All personell will report at 1900 hours to the cafeteria for a viewing of the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL...failure to do so will result in sever punishment, not excluding being confined in a small space with Rodney..."
                                "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                                I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.

