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"Heal or hurt" SGA ONLY characters game

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    Originally posted by Wraith Scientist

    Otherwise, rules seem to be nonexistent

    If you feel that it is unfair then I will stop

    The moral of this story is: be clear with what is and isn't allowed when you a game
    There's no point in you stopping now - everyone else is doing it too. My point is the creator if the thread is incrediably inconsistent with the rules, seemingly depending on whether or not it suits her. The same thing happened on the other game, and that one ended up closing down.

    I want a clear set of rules, and an explanation as to why the original set of rules was changed. Until she gives one, i will question her integrity. I have even PM'd her with my concerns, and that has been ignored. I'm also quite sure i'm now on her ignore list for daring to question her.

    EDIT - ok,so this was all wrong. FH wasn't being inconsistent,cos she did the same things in earlier days. She provided an answer, and my own research indicated she was right. I'd like to apologise to her for suggesting her integrity was compromised.
    Last edited by jonno; 08 May 2006, 02:31 PM.
    I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


      Originally posted by jonno
      I want a clear set of rules, and an explanation as to why the original set of rules was changed. Until she gives one, i will question her integrity. I have even PM'd her with my concerns, and that has been ignored. I'm also quite sure i'm now on her ignore list for daring to question her.
      Has she herself voted?
      I wonder if she ditched this game as well? I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt ... I guess.

      If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
      It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

      My LibraryThing.


        Heal : Ronon Dex
        Hurt : Michael Kenmore

        Heal : Dr Kate Heightmeyer
        Hurt : Major Lorne
        sigpic : lilferret


          heal: Rodney McKay
          hurt: Teyla

          heal: Hermiod
          Hurt: Cadman
          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


            In the first post it's said: 2 votes per day allowed. How you use these votes, it's completely up to you, whether to heal two different or the same characters, whether to hurt two different or the same characters. In the other game where there was at the beginning definitely TOO MANY healing and hurting votes for the same characters from certain group of people, another people suggested change of rules. It's not necessary here.


              Day 18 vote 2:

              Heal: Hermiod
              Hurt: hm... Lorne?


                Originally posted by Formerhost
                In the first post it's said: 2 votes per day allowed. How you use these votes, it's completely up to you, whether to heal two different or the same characters, whether to hurt two different or the same characters. In the other game where there was at the beginning definitely TOO MANY healing and hurting votes for the same characters from certain group of people, another people suggested change of rules. It's not necessary here.
                Only because I, and i bet most people were playing by the old rules. I reckon now that finally we've finally been told we were playing from the wrong hymn sheet, there'll be a lot of healing and hurting for the same characters again, and so the old, and in my opinion, fairer rules will need to be brought back in.

                However, i'm not too big to admit when i've been unfair to someone, and made a mistake. Having gone back and reviewed all your votes, i realised that you were voting for the same characters in both votes earlier in in the competition (before i joined in), and then they weren't Lorne, meaning that my accusations were based on false assumptions. For which i'm very sorry.

                Man, don't I look like a fool right now.

                I still hold however that the other system is fairer, and that the rules, such as they are, should have been clarified much better in the first post.

                Anyways, as i said many apologies. *Goes to hide in a corner*
                I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                  Originally posted by jonno
                  Anyways, as i said many apologies. *Goes to hide in a corner*
                  Bad Jonno! Bad! Bad!

                  If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                  It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                  My LibraryThing.


                    Vote 1
                    Heal: Ford
                    Hurt: McKay

                    Vote 2
                    Heal: Ford
                    Hurt: Kenmore
                    Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                    Live within the moment. There is only now, ENJOY.

                    Proud F.O.R.D. Member My LiveJournal Rainbow/Aiden Ford Thunk Thread


                      Day 18

                      Vote 1
                      HEAL: Major Lorne
                      HURT: Dr. Heightmeyer

                      Vote 2
                      HEAL: Major Lorne
                      HURT: Dr. Heightmeyer
                      IMO always implied.


                        Heal: Zelenka
                        Hurt" Heightmeyer

                        Heal: Zelenka
                        Hurt: Caldwell



                          Vote 1
                          Heal Lorne
                          Hurt McKay

                          Vote 2
                          Heal Lorne
                          Hurt Weir


                            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                            I don't think this goes by the same rules as the SG-1 game.


                            Day 18:
                            Heal: Michael Kenmore
                            Hurt: Steven Caldwell
                            Blue Banrigh, PM me a correction to your voting. 'cause it's quite obvious to me now that saying "2 votes per day allowed" is not clear to everybody. In fact it should be "2 rounds of votes per day allowed".


                              Current results:

                              Major Lorne 53 (+)
                              Rodney McKay 49 (+)
                              Hermiod 48 (+)
                              Radek Zelenka 45 (+)
                              Carson Beckett 40 (+)
                              Dr Elizabeth Weir 37 (+)
                              Teyla Emagan 30 (+)
                              Lt. Laura Cadman 25 (+)
                              Dr Peter Grodin 22 (+)
                              Aidan Ford 21 (+)
                              John Sheppard 12 (-)
                              Dr Kate Heightmeyer 9 (-)
                              Ronon Dex 7 (-)
                              Michael Kenmore 6 (-)
                              Colonel Caldwell 4 (-)


                                Day 19 vote 1:

                                Heal: Hermiod
                                Hurt: Lorne

