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Season 1 - 8 Worst Episode Tournament

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    Round 67:

    Fire and Water
    Message in a Bottle
    Into the Fire
    The Light
    "Yeah Sir, we can't call it the Enterprise."
    "Why not?"
    "The codename for the project is Prometheus. What's wrong with that?"


      Round 67:

      01. 112 - Fire and Water
      02. 116 - Enigma
      03. 204 - The Gamekeeper
      04. 213 - Spirits
      05. 218 - Holiday
      06. 219 - One False Step
      07. 507 - Beast of Burden
      08. 707 - Enemy Mine

      Fail Safe was the episode that had Sam explaining to Jack how to diffuse a bomb, because it's not like he had ever done that before or anything. (eep!) It's also the one where a meteor was coming to Earth, Daniel got to sleep while everyone was fixing the ship, and then they realized that one of the system lords had sent the meteor to Earth. I think they did a hyperspace jump to end up on the other side of Earth, so they actually went through Earth rather than crashing into it. Or something like that.

      I think it was one of the more boring episodes in a rather lackluster season. *g* Apparently others don't agree.
      My Top 40 SG-1 Episodes

      My Ranking of All Season 9 Episodes

      It's Daniel Jackson's world; I just live in it.


        Round 67:
        Citizen Joe [8.15]
        Grace [7.13]
        Nightwalkers [6.5]
        The Other Guys [6.8]
        Cure [6.10]
        Wormhole X-treme! [5.12]
        Show and Tell [2.20]
        Message in a Bottle [2.07]

        I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

        Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:



          Descent-- a fun ep that deserves consideration -- “until something goes horribly wrong!” (smirk, smirk).
          The Other Guys
          Desperate Measures
          Cold Lazarus
          Evolution Pt2

          Originally posted by warmbeachbrat

          And I also really enjoyed The Other Guys.
          It was just a fun ep!!! No need to be serious all the time --

          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
          I love Felger too.
          He was so crazy -- but -- well when Jack calls him a “nit” lol -- and the way he kept touching Jack and Jack would brush him off!!

          Originally posted by Katerine
          But please, please, please, don't let The Other Guys get saved!

          I was impressed with much of S6, actually (not just the Daniel eps, either) - there was a lot of intrigue and excitement in that season, and I was generally pleased with the quality of the writing. Jonas got on my nerves, because I didn't care for the way CN played him, but I enjoyed him in "Shadow Play" and I was pleased with S6 in general. It wasn't my favorite season by a long shot, but it beat seasons 7 and 8 hands-down.

          Please don't let The Other Guys go out yet. It was thoroughly unbelievable from beginning to end, and the attempts at humor were painful.

          And to the person who said Hammond's actions in PU made no sense... that's a very good point. It's one of many things in PU that make no sense. Add to the list Daniel's behavior, which was entirely out of character. I also have a difficult time understanding TPTB's strange impression a) that Daniel fans would enjoy seeing him behave like a Stooge.
          Sorry TOG was sooo painful for you - for me it was just a good guffaw!! I enjoyed Jonas -- He was no Daniel but I liked the parts he played mostly. PU could have been good (Vala was fun at first) but as you say it was an insult to Daniel’s character which just carried over in S9 for me. Daniel is such a great character -- why take him down that path.

          Originally posted by Angelique
          And I liked most of season 6... It's actually one of my favorite seasons. [/COLOR]
          I know -- I love Ba’al and I thought the guest appearances of Daniel added a great twist -- and the Jack lines just kept coming ------ and then I do love Melbourne (with Jack lol).

          Originally posted by aizjanika

          I really loved the first two seasons best because I loved the chemistry between the team and the interactions and the emotional content--how they were all so loyal to each other and not afraid to discuss things. That began to go away in season 3 and seemed to disappear entirely in seasons 4 & 5. The show was never about special effects or blowing stuff up to me, and I don't enjoy having to imagine that all the very best character stuff happens off screen. *g*

          I'm in the camp of not looking forward to season 10--especially once I heard that RDA was coming back. I love him to death and love Jack, but I was relieved when he left because I hoped that would mean an end to the ship forever. If they bring back that ship now, that ruins the show for me--all the way from season 1. It would mean that the show I was watching in seasons 1 & 2 wasn't the show I thought it was. I'm tired of worrying about whether TPTB are going to ruin the show with the ship. *g* I'd like to know that when they say it's over, it's really over and gone and done forever. I hope it's never mentioned or hinted at again.
          I agree with you on two points --1) I love the show for the character stuff more than the special effects and things blowing up -- not that they aren't fun too. 2) I too hope they don't focus on "the ship" - not that it would ruin all that came before for me - but it just would not be the direction i would prefer to see -- However - the return of Jack is what makes S10 desirable for me -- lets just hope that tptb don't mess it up -- hopefully RDA will stick to his integrity and what brought the Jack character to what it is today and refuse to do anything shabby!

          OK, I was gone all weekend and got a little carried away - I will settle down -- really can’t miss a couple of rounds. Thanks for letting me get this all out!
          The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


            Beast of Burden – 9
            Grace - 8
            Message in a Bottle – 7
            The Tok'ra, part 1 – 7
            Into the Fire - 7
            Deadman's Switch - 7
            Pretense – 7
            Nightwalkers - 7
            Summit – 6
            Descent - 6
            Frozen - 6
            The Light – 5
            Ascension - 5
            Rite of Passage – 5
            Wormhole X-Treme – 5
            The Other Guys – 5
            Homecoming – 5
            Lockdown - 5
            Citizen Joe - 5
            Fire and Water – 4
            Show and Tell – 4
            The Tomb – 4
            Redemption, part 1 – 4
            Fallen - 4
            Orpheus – 4
            Space Race – 4
            Gemini - 4
            Prometheus Unbound - 4
            Hathor – 3
            Enigma – 3
            Holiday - 3
            One False Step – 3
            Fair Game – 3
            Prometheus – 3
            Evolution, part 2 - 3
            Emancipation - 2
            Cold Lazarus - 2
            The Gamekeeper – 2
            Touchstone – 2
            Seth – 2
            Prodigy – 2
            Desperate Measures – 2
            The Warrior – 2
            Endgame - 2
            Thor's Hammer - 1
            Spirits - 1
            Out of Mind - 1
            A Hundred Days - 1
            Point of No Return - 1
            Threshold - 1
            Proving Ground - 1
            The Sentinel - 1
            Cure - 1
            Metamorphosis - 1
            Prophecy - 1
            Revisions - 1
            Enemy Mine - 1
            Avenger 2.0 - 1
            Resurrection - 1
            Sacrifices - 1

            Beast of Burden is gone!

            Remaining episodes found here:

            Round 68

            My votes:

            The Light
            Rite of Passage

            Get voting!

            Thought I'd explain my votes since it's good when we've got more of a discussion going

            Enigma - The Tollen were very interesting I felt, especially in their initial introduction. I also loved Maybourne's attempts to capture them and the ethical questions surrounding that. Lya's little gate opening stunt at the end was also great!
            Pretense - I enjoyed the moral questions this episode posed; the Goa'uld are still living creatures even if they are evil. And there was a good climax with the battle.
            The Light - Great acting from MS, and all round really, I hope this goes soon
            Rite of Passage - Janet at her best; I think this episode showed the level of evil Nirrti is capable of, and I love that she is kinda disturbing even by Goa'uld standards.
            Frozen - Interesting interactions between all of the characters, and at last a true continuation of the Antarctica storyline.
            Revisions - One of the most interesting standalone episodes, dealing with a quite disturbing system.
            Grace - I know a lot of people found it boring, but I enjoyed Sam's different encounters, and the dilemmas she faced.
            Resurrection - This episode is in my Top 10, as I love the ethical problems that Sekhmet/Anna produced. I thought MS and AT both did amazing jobs here, I'm disappointed I'm the only one voting for it

            Stargate SG-1 Survivor - Season 2

            Gateworld's Next Top Artist (NEW!)

            B'elanna: This ship will not survive the formation of the cosmos...


              Round 68:

              Thor's Hammer
              Show and Tell
              Into the Fire
              Rite of Passage
              Redemption, part 1
              Prometheus Unbound


                Yay for Beast of Burden!!

                Next up for The Technique: Pretense. I would explain why, but I'm late for work.

                (2.04) The Gamekeeper
                (3.03) Fair Game
                (3.15) Pretense
                (5.15) Summit
                (7.04) Orpheus
                (8.03) Lockdown
                (8.10) Endgame
                (8.15) Citizen Joe

                Many thanks to blingaway for the sig pic.


                  Round 68

                  The Tok'Ra Part 1
                  Redemption Part I

                  Still all the same. Quite a lot of my 'mushy middle' episodes are going. My votes at the moment include probably the last 7 i wouldn't place into that category.

                  On a sidenote ... someone needs to teach Jonas how to do breaststroke legs ... he has a horrible screw-kick in Descent. And an interestingly large lung capacity. I've tried to hold my breath all the way through that sequence. I find it impossible.
                  I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                    Originally posted by Celsius
                    And Sprinkles you still have Last Stand in your list btw.
                    Thanks for the heads up Celsius , I keep missing rounds but its great when one of your episodes have gone and you don't relaise!

                    Round 65

                    Fire and Water
                    One False Step
                    The Light
                    Enemy Mine
                    Prometheus Unbound


                      Round 68

                      Fire and Water
                      The Tok'ra, part 1
                      Space Race


                        Round 68:
                        Citizen Joe [8.15]
                        Grace [7.13]
                        Nightwalkers [6.5]
                        The Other Guys [6.8]
                        Cure [6.10]
                        Wormhole X-treme! [5.12]
                        Show and Tell [2.20]
                        Message in a Bottle [2.07]

                        Celsius: I, too, really enjoyed Revisions. You're right, it was disturbing and I was a bit surprised the implications of the episode weren't touched on. I was appalled that it went out so early in the last tourney. I also thought Resurrection was a great ep--but it's not quite on my list yet. That smoking scientist (doctor, whatever)--what a creep (massive understatement, I know)!

                        I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                        Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                          Round 68

                          1. Message in a Bottle
                          2. Out of Mind
                          3. Into the Fire
                          4. Point of No Return
                          5. The Light
                          6. Nightwalkers
                          7. Metamorphosis
                          8. Sacrifices


                            Round 68:

                            Cold Lazarus
                            Message in a Bottle
                            Show and Tell
                            Into the Fire
                            The Warrior
                            The Sentinel
                            The Tomb

                            Woohoo for Beast of Burden!


                              Space Race

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Round 68:

                                Enigma (S1)
                                The Tok’ra Part 1 (S2)
                                Into the Fire (S3) Not bad as Out of mind, and You heard me, I said Kree!
                                Pretense (S3)
                                Proving Ground (S5)
                                The Other Guys (S6)
                                Prometheus (S6)
                                Fallen (S7)
                                Courses that I would most definitively take at the Stargate University:

                                Ascension, Descension and the importance of flags, by Dr. Daniel Jackson
                                (Thanks to Merentha for proposing it!)

