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Two new fics! SGA/SG1: "Revelations" and SGA "Exile"

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    Two new fics! SGA/SG1: "Revelations" and SGA "Exile"

    Hello there!

    I've recently started uploading two stories I've been working on!

    The first is an SG1/Atlantis Crossover called Revelations:
    Revelations is a series of standalone chapters that deal with how the main characters of SG1 and Atlantis feel shortly after they find out about the Stargate. You can either read the entire thing, or just read the chapters about your favourite characters! (AO3 Link Here)

    The second is an Atlantis fic called Exile:
    "Three years after 'Enemy at the Gate' the team find themselves back together again and battling enemies old and new. But with many of the relationships that held them all together on Atlantis now fractured and broken, do they still have what it takes to save Earth?" Please note that in those three years, one of the major characters has been killed off. If you're worried, I can only say it's not a member of Sheppard's team. (AO3 Link Here)

    It's been a while since I wrote any fic, and even longer since it was Stargate fanfic, so I'd love to know what you think of them!

    Many thanks
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

    Revelations has just been updated with chapter 7 - Janet Fraiser's chapter!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Exile has been updated, and if I do say so myself, it's a doozy for McKay and Sheppard!

      Also, will Earth ever be the same?
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Bra'tac's chapter of Revelations is now up!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          And if anyone's reading, Exile's been updated, with Earth in the middle of a Wraith Invasion!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            *digs up thread*

            So I've had a bit of a crud year, and only just managed an update, so here's chapter 4 -

            Next lot of chapters are already written, so updates will be regular from now on...Feedback greatly appreciated
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Also, both fics now have covers:

              82605_300.jpg 83280_300.jpg
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Chapter 5 - Turning the Tide - is now up!


                "Dave didn't think he'd ever get used to being beamed. What the hell had his brother been up to? This was like Star Trek or Star Wars or something! He'd been beamed into what sounded like a coastal cave as he could hear the ocean nearby. He couldn't see his hand in front of his face for what felt like forever until slowly a tiny amount of moonlight filtered in from the direction of the sea. The cave bottom was uneven, and some water lapped around the lower levels. The walls were crumbling, bits coming away in his hand as he felt his way along. Not feeling confident standing on the uneven floor of the cave, he wasted no time sitting in the chair as soon as his foot came into contact with the smooth surface of the pedestal. He took a deep breath as the chair immediately came to life, it's light illuminating the entire chamber."

                Read at or
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  And nobody here's reading, but nevermind!

                  Chapter 6 - Broadcast - is now up!


                  "Sheppard! Can you please get me out of this cave!" Rodney's mind called out.

                  "In a minute McKay!"

                  Sheppard and Markov were busy retrieving the operators from their various locations. So far they'd gotten Esposito, Lam, Lorne, and Miko back to Russia.

                  "It's pitch black and it's been stinking of fish since I got here and now there's seals waddling towards me...I'm in a cove with nowhere to go...I don't want to be eaten!"

                  "They won't eat you McKay!" John shouted.

                  Sheppard looked towards Markov who, having not been privy to his and Rodney's conversation gave him a very strange look before inputting some commands to the tablet. Seconds later Rodney appeared in the room.

                  Read at or
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    *watches tumblewood roll by*

                    Anyhoo - chapter 7 - Disclosure - now up!


                    "I'll let the others know," Sam responded, enveloping Teyla in a hug.

                    "I do not believe there is much that Athos can do to assist you," Halling said timidly.

                    "Your friendship is more than enough," Sam smiled sadly, "It will do Earth good to know we have friends out here as well as enemies."

                    "Are all our friends from Atlantis safe?"

                    "I'm sorry Teyla, I really don't know...I wish I did...I don't even know if my brother and his kids are safe yet."

                    Teyla frowned and looked to the ground, "My vision showed widespread destruction on Earth on a level not far off that of a Great Cull such as the one our own ancestors endured five generations ago."

                    "Teal'c didn't tell me very much, but I get the impression it's bad...I'll not lie – I'm worried sick."

                    Read at or

                    Feedback very much appreciated!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Chapter 8 - The Rebuild Begins - now up!


                      "It still amazed Sam how quick travel could be between one galaxy and another these days. It had taken her all of five minutes to get from Athos to Earth. She'd simply said goodbye to Teyla, returned to the ZPM rigged gate, given Marks his orders to get her ship back to Earth, and then she stepped right through to the SGC. A lengthy hug from Teal'c and a direct beam to Washington later and before she knew it she was walking the corridors of power, still in her Hammond jumpsuit.
                      Jack was waiting for her a short way from her beam-in site, and she'd never seen him look so haggard, so done.

                      "Oh Jack," she sighed, embracing her husband in the tightest hug she could, not caring who was looking at them.

                      "Hey," he said quietly holding her close, "how are you doing?""

                      Read at or
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Chapter 9 - Siblings - now up!


                        "Prime Minister Day's going to be really mad," Ronon agreed, "We've been keeping Sateda's repopulation as quiet as possible...Don't want the Wraith to show up to a free banquet."

                        Teyla nodded in agreement, knowing the security of their worlds would have to be their first priority before any loyalty to their friends on Earth. She wished she could talk more to Ronon, but she was uncomfortably aware of the Satedan Honour Guards in position around Sateda's fortified Stargate Control complex, and was even more aware of the presence of a few of the new Satedan government's top brass who were hanging around, keeping a close eye on her interaction with Ronon.

                        "I'll ask Kaldan to put together a statement for Earth," Ronon said, "I think it's about the most we can do at present."

                        "I will also ensure that I personally pass along the best wishes of Sateda's Strategic Planning Secretary, prior to Prime Minister Kaldan Day's statement," Teyla said, using Ronon's new government title with pride.

                        Ronon allowed himself a smile, but remained silent for a moment.

                        "Wish I could visit 'em. Tell them we're here for them,"

                        "Believe me they already know, otherwise Sam would not have asked me to pass on news of the attack to you."

                        "I guess."

                        Read at or
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Chapter 10 - Loss - now up!

                          Beware - references to the death of a regular in this chapter!

                          "That seems a nonsense...Why not just beam there?"

                          "Well that was discussed while you were sleeping," Daniel allowed himself a small grin, "It was considered, but beaming technology hasn't been revealed to the world yet, plus the President needs an early photo opportunity for morale's sake apparently, so there'll be some film crews on the lawn."

                          "Oh, wonderful," Carson muttered, "Does my government know about this?"

                          "Yes. As far as I know both the British Prime Minister and the Scottish First Minister are well aware of your involvement."

                          After a few minutes of walking, the small group left the confines of the White House and walked the short distance to where Marine One and Marine Two were waiting.

                          "The Vice President arrived a short while ago, he'd been at the Pentagon when the attack started," Daniel explained.

                          Carson became very self-conscious when he saw the small media crew that were standing to the side of the helicopters.

                          "How bad do I look?" he whispered to Daniel as he fixed a neutral expression on his face.

                          "Not too bad," Daniel lied.

                          Read at or
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Chapter 11 - Politics - Now up!


                            ""You have too much faith in your fellow man Dr. Jackson," Richard responded dryly, "Living among the Washington wolves for so long has taught me to never be surprised by politicians and bureaucrats' levels of self-interest...I used to be very much like them."

                            "I remember," Daniel said quietly, thinking back to the dark days after Janet Fraiser's senseless death, and SG1's subsequent grilling at the hands of Senator Kinsey's office.

                            "What are they proposing so far?"

                            "The plan at the moment is for the IOA to become absorbed into the UN, and for each UN member state to have its own IOA representative. For the chair locations, they're thinking along the lines of how we already deal with Antarctica, but that could require each chair-holding nation to cede a small area of their country to UN/IOA control to provide a secure buffer zone...Some countries are also wanting to table a motion that will see screening for the ATA Gene to be carried out worldwide, though this information will likely not make it into the public sphere just yet.

                            "As for Atlantis? The UN is not happy leaving it in San Francisco Bay where it can and likely will cause problems – the city is so advanced that they're not happy with it being within the boundaries of a single nation state."

                            "So what? Are they're going to tow it out to sea or something?"

                            "The IOA are thinking a little more drastically than that – they're ready to table a motion to take the fight back to Wraith – they want Atlantis back in Pegasus."

                            Read at or
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Chapter 13 - United Nations - now up!


                              "The chair operators filed into the press room silently, flanked by Under-Secretary-Generals and representatives of the Permanent Five. They were put into order, with Jeannie, Carolyn, Miko and Rafaela in the centre of the group. When Jeannie realised she'd be right behind the Secretary-General during his speech, she flashed Rodney a worried look, but he flashed her an equally worried look in return.
                              With the the Secretary-General's 'backdrop' in place, the group's stomach's collectively began to churn as the media pack were allowed in.

                              John kept a close eye on the media, taking in their appearances. There were reporters from all over the world (one reporter per country he'd overheard), and while some were neat and polished, complete with dictaphones and tablets, others were dishevelled, wearing crumpled clothes and holding tatty notebooks. Some sported injuries either from reporting on the attack, or from simply being caught in the carnage. Some of the reporters had figured out who the assembled group were, giving them small smiles, others were blank. But worryingly John noticed some reporters glaring in their direction.

                              "Members of the Press, Secretary-General Park Hyun-Woo will be here momentarily. We would like to ask for complete silence. As you know Mr Park will not be taking questions so we would ask you to keep questions for later briefings. Mr Park's address will be brief." Advised Under-Secretary-General Battle.

                              There was a moment of silence, and then Secretary-General Park Hyun-Woo appeared from the side to a flurry of camera flashes."

                              Read at or

                              As always, any and all feedback is very much appreciated!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

